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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-07 01:17:46

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

i have to say, i am pretty bad

& that i spawned before the apocalypse near or in a settlement decent or even well running, stuffed with all sorts of goods, didn't help to sharpen my basic survival skills

now, if i spawn as kid, then i am just running away to die because i didn't manage so far a single family as Eve, still just trying

my main goal for now is to be good enough, efficient & quick enough to survive as Eve & to keep at least one daughter alive to have grandchildren

the last time, mildly successful i died alone, because i just couldn't manage to support a child, let alone children, i was barely staying alive & i was settled not bad at all

i had prairies nearby with rabbits & carrots
settled near a juniper tree & managed for the second time since i play the game, to make fire, this time even actually not burning the rabbit but producing finally lots of needles

downwards there were quite a lot of berry bushes, so the minimal survival was guarrantied

there were no bears, no wolfs & i met briefly only one snake nearby

milkweed was little short & on the way to that place where i finally settled, at the edge of prairie, i was able to make a basket & gather the two stones

above the prairie to west was swamp, where i could have get water, if i would have been quicker, i managed only to water the first carrot field & the first domestic berry bush

then i died at age of 58 in the prairie

i hope one day i will do better

all my other attempts were rather catastrophic, the most sad part is when the child is better than me & when the child still a kid, survives me as a mother, still young with 25 years


#2 2018-04-07 01:23:35

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

I almost never die as an Eve. However, my children often do die. Usually I can raise them until they can fend for themselves, and they want to go off and do stuff and when they do that they die. Even if I watch them and bring food around and stuff, they still end up getting killed fairly often.


#3 2018-04-07 02:18:56

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Here's a little trick I use when I'm an eve with kids. If you put a baby on the edge of a desert biome, they will stay pretty close to perfect temperature. They will starve slower and you won't need a fire.

Last edited by Baker (2018-04-07 02:19:46)

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#4 2018-04-07 02:30:54

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

that's a good trick. I only just now thought to use sharp stones on firewood so it can be carried back to camp in baskets lol.

anyway, I often do pretty well. In the game I just played unfortunately all of my kids ended up starving, some as adults. I almost starved multiple times when I had to fan out to get berries. I at least left a small camp the next eve can survive. In this situation in the future i'm going to remember to designate a berry grabber, because running off to grab berries and barely stay alive was a big use of time. I ultimately started doing that when I still had a son alive, but I didn't see him again. It's possibly one of my children took off instead of dying, I only really saw the bones of a a couple of babies that weren't kept.

at the very least any half talented even can survive at my basic camp, as i left it with 4 planted berry bushes (and there were quite a few wild ones), fire making materials, and water containers. 0

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#5 2018-04-07 02:56:25

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Running around finding berries isn't that difficult when in dire straits but I think a lot of people underestimate the time it takes to find a bush. If you wait until you are already starving it is too late, unless you know exactly where one is.


#6 2018-04-07 03:10:45

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

More than once I've spawned in places where I can't find any berry bushes at all, and starve to death looking.
At this early stage, with barely any settlements going, I consider myself successful if I manage to raise one girl, and help gather some basics, before I die.


#7 2018-04-07 04:50:12

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

stickyflypaper wrote:

More than once I've spawned in places where I can't find any berry bushes at all, and starve to death looking.
At this early stage, with barely any settlements going, I consider myself successful if I manage to raise one girl, and help gather some basics, before I die.

It can happen some times(especially if someone ate all the berries first). Though what you want to do is look for the forest areas, and there is a sort of pattern you can run to increase your odds of finding them. Like running along the edge of the terrain type.


#8 2018-04-07 05:11:49

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 107

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

The trick is to always be on the lookout for a bush and wait until you have a berry in-hand, on a full stomach, before exploring again. The primary goal for an Eve is to make a basket as soon as possible to better carry the berries and to then improve on that.


#9 2018-04-07 06:38:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

yesterday on many restarted runs i was pretty annoyed at the end, usually my mom kept all children, they die, had a mom once, she was pretty good, managed to make a furnace and an oven, a farm she couldnt water, then converted to berries, my brothers and sisters often die early or ask stupid questions like "where is the pouch?". make one you spoiled bastard. one run after apocalipse, all my family vanished, but later i found them. also found water and some farm tiles, empty, watered them amde a farm, went back to starting location, told them i got a farm and water supply, my brother told me that "i worked hard, i dont leave, we got water too"
in the middle of a green biome, sure. a lady came over asked if she can join, then she left with a snare and never seen again. didnt take my furs and made her own snare so was fine.
i adopted an eve and a kid, and we ran the farm, i seen them goofing around but they helped a bit. was good that my legacy wasnt falling apart totally.

the other run, in morning, born in a rich berry farm, hectic child factory, became a hunter , geared up, died in the desert by a rattlesnake near a tree. next up as an eve, wandering around, clubbed a seal, carried my kid, a hunter escorted me back to same city, found my gear had six kids, died in green biome by rattlesnake before i had any fun.

next after few other games, born in same city, went for my gear, somebody just found it, told him was mine he gave me back my pack after i was asking for it. managed to raise six kids, made a new farm in swamp, near the berrybush city, brought a grandson to take care of it. later i born back there and to my surprise the farm was still running and was the most populated on the server, my kid jumped out my hands and everybody running crazy the screen went white.

other run, i and a granma survived from 10 kids and reached old age, one nephew was starting a furnace,  helped on wood, on seeds, geared myself fully, watered farm, we were like 4 constant players and the rest just goofing, at my old age i seen my nephew making the axe and chopped down all annoying swamp trees, i gave him my backpack, pants and hat and died. we barely talked, was a fun run

i can survive on my own, i can raise all kids seeing half of them die and not seeing half of the half anymore, as a guy i adopt an eve sometimes and we make some progress,i can pick a good location to settle down. i cant do much crafting when i get very old, but itry to make something useful for future generations.

i also used the desert trick, once i shoved my mome that, on the horse update day, that some desert tiles are perfect, she choose to die there then i too

dont keep all the kids
dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water
focus on one thing at a time and ration your food, dont risk it
even if you die make something memorable livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2018-04-07 22:05:05

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

i am really annoyed atm

started as Eve, even managed to name myself, which is not usual because survival is more important than names
then immediately kids started popping out, throughot the whole life, one kid after another, i managed even to name them all, some of them seemed knowledgeable enough to stay alive but in the end they didn't, not one of them managed on their own to stay alive & what's more important, not one of them managed to help out, which would have been VITAL

either i live alone & make a life for myself as Eve OR those kids, i waste my life on, help out & we can together build more than i can myself
but with what happened, those kids were nothing but hindrance to a relaxed life on my own

so i then went to die at age 44, because i had enough

between those 7 kids i myself had the time to club 3 seals & even skin 2 of them

one of the kids was idiotic enough to build an oven, what a waste of precious time & food

nothing remains because in the end those kids, namely user are too stupid to stay alive

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2018-04-07 23:57:31)


#11 2018-04-07 22:08:19

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

pein wrote:

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

i'll try now to master next only this one thing

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water


#12 2018-04-07 22:36:34

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

What Eve's really need is instead of being an adult, be one year younger than an adult. So you have at least a full minute before having a baby. So many times I have had a baby the instant I spawned. Like literally, the screen finishes loading and the baby is already there.


#13 2018-04-08 00:00:34

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Lily wrote:

What Eve's really need is instead of being an adult, be one year younger than an adult. So you have at least a full minute before having a baby. So many times I have had a baby the instant I spawned. Like literally, the screen finishes loading and the baby is already there.

yes, so much this

when i spawn as Eve & didn't have any time to even look for food, let alone explore where the main biomes are to settle down properly & then already the first baby spawns, it cannot go well at all
in fact i can't recall a single baby which survived successfully such a constellation
it's nothing but stressful & frustrating to me, the Eve & to the other player as baby as well

when i spawn as baby to an Eve, which looks like she's totally distracted & desoriented then i prefer indeed just to go off & release her from the responsibility

so in the end, why does the baby spawn at all so soon, when there is near to zero chance of success for both ?

at reddit there was a suggestion of pregnancy instead of the baby spawning, because freshly spawned Eve has only two hands, the communication with the baby is hard to ridiculous, Eve has to keep herself alive to be able to keep the baby alive, but with only two hands holding the baby, difficulties to grab food, entanglement between the trees & now even lag kicking in, it's all more of an excercise in patience than parenting, lol

additionally, i don't understand why so many babies spawn, not only one right after another but often already seconds after the first spawns the next while Eve has still difficulties with the first & more agrevating to both, with herself


#14 2018-04-08 00:43:27

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

breezeknight wrote:
pein wrote:

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

i'll try now to master next only this one thing

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

THIS! It aggravates to me to no end when my mum tells me we need to find water for the farm that's already been seeded in the middle of nowhere. Often I'll suicide right off the bat.

About 75% of my children are food leeches. I really think we need a process of identifying good players and bad (perhaps "q" At the current post-apoc meta, food leeches are intolerable.

Also Breeze, the oven child may have been in the process of making a kiln but failed.

Last edited by Alleria (2018-04-08 01:30:25)

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#15 2018-04-08 00:58:02

Registered: 2018-03-26
Posts: 13

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Alleria wrote:
breezeknight wrote:
pein wrote:

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

i'll try now to master next only this one thing

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

THIS! It aggravates to me to no end when my mum tells me we need to find water for the farm that's already been seeded in the middle of nowhere. Often I'll suicide right off the bat.

About 75% of my children are food leeches. I really think we need a process of identifying good players and bad (I suggest saying "q" when born). At the current post-apoc meta, food leeches are intolerable.

Also Breeze, the oven child may have been in the process of making a kiln but failed.


I literally just made a thread suggesting we us Q as code that wr know what we are doing.


#16 2018-04-08 01:29:37

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

FlRugbyChick wrote:
Alleria wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

i'll try now to master next only this one thing

dont move water to the soil, move the soil to the water

THIS! It aggravates to me to no end when my mum tells me we need to find water for the farm that's already been seeded in the middle of nowhere. Often I'll suicide right off the bat.

About 75% of my children are food leeches. I really think we need a process of identifying good players and bad (I suggest saying "q" when born). At the current post-apoc meta, food leeches are intolerable.

Also Breeze, the oven child may have been in the process of making a kiln but failed.


I literally just made a thread suggesting we us Q as code that wr know what we are doing.

I should have cited the thread in retrospect. I didn't mean to steal any credit, just wanted to give it more exposure.

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#17 2018-04-09 17:06:54

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Well, I can survive and build a little settlement, but none of my children ever survive, which, because of how the game works now, means likely no one will find the settlement, which makes this feel pretty pointless.
Got bored with my last life and ended it.

Last edited by stickyflypaper (2018-04-09 17:07:38)


#18 2018-04-09 17:39:14

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

stickyflypaper wrote:

Well, I can survive and build a little settlement, but none of my children ever survive, which, because of how the game works now, means likely no one will find the settlement, which makes this feel pretty pointless.
Got bored with my last life and ended it.

even if the kids survive it's pointless because there is no family tree

i still didn't learn properly pottery & surely no smithing, but even if i would, what for ?

would there be art & design, then the design itself would be reward, same as people build towns to design, it's a creative process, rewarding in itself
to make stuff just to learn it in game, maybe use it doesn't make much sense, now i understand griefers, the shovel finally makes sense tongue

OHOL atm has little perspective, made harder to survive makes the sessions only shorter & more hectic, it's not really more engaging


#19 2018-04-09 17:45:07

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

stickyflypaper wrote:

Well, I can survive and build a little settlement, but none of my children ever survive, which, because of how the game works now, means likely no one will find the settlement, which makes this feel pretty pointless.
Got bored with my last life and ended it.

I will be seconds away from having a fully ready camp, and my kid will suicide, leaving me old and alone.


#20 2018-04-09 17:57:43

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve


Alleria wrote:

About 75% of my children are food leeches. I really think we need a process of identifying good players and bad (perhaps "q" At the current post-apoc meta, food leeches are intolerable.


i made a suggestion of guilds

if there were guilds, as in many mmos usual, then we could find people that suit the atmosphere of the guild

i imagine this could be quite fun, even with the limited content we now have

a guild could specialize, on farming, or pottery or guarding, if there was trade additionally & treaties, a farming guild could make a treaty with a guarding guild to get protection from griefers/murderers

if one day there would be a market feature, a farming guild could sell carrots & whatnot & buy pottery & tools

this game would become dynamic

but meantime i doubt Jason is interested in such a game, same as the players now find it enough to build until the storage of goods is full, every tool multiplied, every bear, wolf & snake in the surroundings killed & then the players don't log in anymore, because what for ?
maybe with some luck a griefer finds his way there to add some destruction to the stagnant monstroCity & maybe some day someone rebuilds the berry bushes again but that's it

my sessions as Eve & baby are atm short, ca 15 min, then i die, are they interesting ? nope
even if i manage to die with 60, not something to look forward to, most kids are useless, 90% dies anyway, leaving only bones

- - -


#21 2018-04-09 20:29:00

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 25

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

If only we could died at 60 and leave a legacy to the world...
but I have the feeling that, every time I build a sucess-camp and fatally everyones died after me, nobody will never seen my legacy (few ovens, farm) and the world culling will destroy that...

maybye it's the post-apo state of the game for now and this will change... but I haven't could try some advanced-tech for days (forge, construction, breeding)... and it's miss me...
for now, it's me starting as a Eve, find a good location, fast running to have a bowl or some water-pouch, abandonne every child until that, try to get a GIRL  after that for having some grand childrens... and die hoping someone can survive...

Civilisations are like the "mayonnaise"... We must go beyond a certain critic-mass to perform... I have the feeling the 24h world culling was good before the apocalyspe, but now it don't allow us to restart a civilisation...

but maybye in few day, some village will be successful... and my point will be useless... I hope so, because I masterize the start but the forge miss me...

Last edited by Lucky-San (2018-04-09 20:45:49)

sorry for my english, but you know, not everyone is british or american... I'm french by the way (the best country in the world!) wink


#22 2018-04-09 20:39:54

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Lucky-San wrote:

If only we could died at 60 and leave a legacy to the world...
but I have the feeling that, every time I build a sucess-camp and fatally everyones died after me, nobody will never seen my legacy (few ovens, farm) and the world culling will destroy that...

maybye it's the post-apo state of the game for now and this will change... but I haven't could try some advanced-tech for days (forge, construction, breeding)... and it's miss me...

I sure hope it changes. I'm tired of repeatedly struggling to start a settlement for nothing (because of reasons out of my control).


#23 2018-04-09 21:57:35

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

today i died surely around 30 times as baby & 10 times as Eva

baby starving simulator

civilization ? not so


#24 2018-04-09 23:03:57

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 116

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

Starving was the human pass time for 90000+ years

Be strong.
Mother loves you.


#25 2018-04-09 23:36:02

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 25

Re: let's talk about how often you die building settlement & family as Eve

breezeknight wrote:

today i died surely around 30 times as baby & 10 times as Eva

As an Eve, I manage to survive without any problem (I have been very skilled for now...) but I have to admit a lot of abortions in the process... always if it's a boy (and it's a problem, but this is the mechanism of the game for now)

As a girl, I often check the state of the campement (food), and if it's not good, I run before everybody dies...

All your children you didn't see anymore are not all dead!!! especially, if some basket has disappear without explication... wink

Last edited by Lucky-San (2018-04-09 23:38:18)

sorry for my english, but you know, not everyone is british or american... I'm french by the way (the best country in the world!) wink


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