One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-08-13 18:24:08

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

I didnt hate the rift.

I think the rift was an interesting idea which was executed poorly. But it did force players to work harder and faster for there villages survival. I think once the Diesel Mining pick gets fixed, the rift will be a habitable and fun to play in. I also understand why it was made so the plane was unable to leave the rift, But once the tests are over, I think they add a great way of progression in this game, because its like prestigiing. Starting a new in a bigger, better area with unlimited resources at your disposal but it requires a lot of cooperation and teamwork from your village to get to that phase. The plane made the rift work because it gave an incentive to climb up the tech tree and prevented stagnation. I think once the plane works, the Newcomen blocking gets fixed, and the diesel mining pick becomes perm, I think the  game is going in the right direction more specifically the rift.


#2 2019-08-14 01:49:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

kind of broken and powerful to have unlimited iron
maybe we need more use of iron
like cages, plates, bowls, etc.  like set of 4 of each with some extra attributes
but they would get stolen easily if they cant be like private or family owned

also a better way of iron usage to limit it by era and use than to limit it by tool making and using

right now people are a bit dumb on how to progress
an iron engine should be first and stay there, it could provide enough iron for the whole rift, not just the nearby town

installing engine on well without kerosene already made is the dumbest choice
but kinda udnerstandable when water is needed and stealing engines is quite easy, it's just felt so wrong that the city had no iron for tools and who knows how long the engien was on the well and the collapsed mine was there nearby livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2019-08-14 05:30:19

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

The only thing I liked about the rift was the 500x500 shit show, and escaping the rift.

That was HILARIOUS. It was such a mess.

Everything else was horrible and I hated it.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#4 2019-08-14 15:54:56

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

I agree! I didn't hate it, and actually hado some interesting stories from them. The idea was great imo and it stopped us from running away from our problems...however some players never stopped chasing us and in the 7-8 day it was unbearable.
Honestly it was pretty sad after going from corner to corner and not seeing one juniper, which was an underrated tree.
I think one day we could return to the rift (once we have matured a bit) and enjoy its presence

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#5 2019-08-14 16:56:42

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

I didn't hate the rift either.  I think there are some interesting ways Jason can go forward from the Rift, and I don't think the Rift per se was a terrible mid-point.

I hated the way the players responded to the rift.

I hate that we can expect this in the future:  1) Jason does something experimental, that on initial drop makes everyone a bit angry and frustrated 2) greiferbase grows in response to the general anger and 3) greifers feel like its ok to go around killing and destroying everything they can think of because "Jason made a mistake". 

Jason's gonna make mistakes guys.  He's even going to fall in love with his mistakes and leave them in while tweaking them to something the rest of us can live with (warswords).  That just means we need to "get good" at laying out our problems and discussing how to solve them (like on the "real problem" thread that led to the map structure update).  It does no one any good if we make the game unenjoyable by being nasty to one another.   

I mean, sure we finally got the weird staked berry bush transition to domestic fixed, but did that really need to be a top priority?  Was the pain of going through an arc without even berry bushes worth it?  I sure don't think so.

And at some level, the fact that the Rift update made some of the long-standing issues with the game even worse and more obvious is a FEATURE, not a bug.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#6 2019-08-14 21:02:57

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

Yeah I don't hate the idea of the rift either. It has the potential to add interesting dynamics to the game, though I do worry that playing towards an inevitable failure might be demotivating. The rift definitely highlighted some problems that could lead to growth and improvements, rift or not.

Though I definitely found it refreshing last night being able to venture out into the wilderness and actually find the things I wanted to bring back to town.


#7 2019-08-14 22:41:21

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

Particulary, I'd rather the rift.
As you said, people worked faster and harder.
Also, they were more connected to their families, since others were enemies.
And, the certainty that our work will last longer, is a great incentive. For instance, if I make cow pen or a cool builing (like pein's fortress), I know it will last for days, people you use it a lot (before rift, towns hardly last one day), so I will feel more motivated to make good stuff. And I've seen it a lot in rift, people were working really hard.

The only problem is griefing. Locking buildings, killing all geese, waking all bears and chopping all junipers. Without them, the rift will be a good place.


#8 2019-08-15 20:51:33

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

The limited resources of the rift happens too quickly at low tech levels.  Did Stone Age man really worry about species extinction?  Or using up all the round rocks?  Basic resources, with maybe the exception of potable water, need to be plentiful and renewable both thru map respawn and player intervention.  Only as we progress thru the tech tree should things get rarer.

While in the rift, my gears would grind every time I saw a wasted resource that could have been turned into something more valuable.  Sure some of that was malicious, but I'm sure some of that was by mistake or simple duplication of effort too.



#9 2019-08-15 21:00:23

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

The_Anabaptist wrote:

The limited resources of the rift happens too quickly at low tech levels.  Did Stone Age man really worry about species extinction?  Or using up all the round rocks?  Basic resources, with maybe the exception of potable water, need to be plentiful and renewable both thru map respawn and player intervention.  Only as we progress thru the tech tree should things get rarer.

While in the rift, my gears would grind every time I saw a wasted resource that could have been turned into something more valuable.  Sure some of that was malicious, but I'm sure some of that was by mistake or simple duplication of effort too.


Yes.   This is my feeling too.   We should be able to go outside and find basic things like saplings, rocks, and weeds without worrying that they will "run out" because we are in day 3 of the arc.

We should be able to bootstrap a small abandoned colony without spending twenty minutes hunting for a round rock or feather or piece of string.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-08-15 21:01:49)


#10 2019-08-15 21:26:03

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

I agree that if the wilderness within the rift were more alive and self-regenerating it would have been better.

Couple this with some quality of life updates and loosen the resource requirements to build a functioning society and we're golden. I think we should be able to build, farm, etc with make-do stone tools. The requirement of certain iron tools to perform simple actions from the real world is very silly.


#11 2019-08-16 05:21:52

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

Ye, i can deffinetly see the pros of rift now as we can make these mega citys without any limitations. Rift really has some potential, but its all washed down by the hardcore amount of grieffing and the everlasting "end state".

Biggest problems to me seemed to be:
1. Bears, bears everywhere and only one way to deal with them.
2. Tinder is still easily grieffable
3. Ducks are easily grieffable, for no arrows to encounter bears
4. Warswords are tool off mass genocide
5. The end state lasts waaaay too long.
6. Sheep grieff, kill or let loose towns all sheep, kill every mouflon.

1. Add bear traps for a new way to deal with the huge amount of bears, this would also counter the need of ducks as arrows are mainly needed to kill bears.
2. There could be a really small chance on trees to respawn. Dont need a serious regrowth, but even a small chance would do a lot.
3. Ducks are only needed for bears hunt. Add bear traps
4. Pvp system overhaul, theres lot of ideas already how to rewamp it.
5. Tweak the end conditions in some way. Maybe there could be just a timer and the rift would always last up to certain amount of time and then wipe again. People are so freaking good nowdayes playing this that you have to play in apocalyptic world for ages. Any new end condition is surrpassed somehow and you end up living in waterless, super grieffed world for dayes. Maybe the challenge could be how big city you can build in this time.

Another idea. Have Few rifts going on at the same time on same server. Like grid of four. Maybe add some way to transfr stuff between rifts. Like lets say you could build a traintrack over rift. You could not walk over it, but you could transfer valuables. Also planes would be an option. This would encourage trade.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#12 2019-08-16 06:33:34

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: I didnt hate the rift.

arkajalka wrote:

Another idea. Have Few rifts going on at the same time on same server. Like grid of four. Maybe add some way to transfr stuff between rifts. Like lets say you could build a traintrack over rift. You could not walk over it, but you could transfer valuables. Also planes would be an option. This would encourage trade.

Perhaps there could be one rift only, but mines and wells could only be built inside the rift. Planes could be used to travel outside the rift and get emergency supplies, but towns outside the rift won't last long because the only way to get water there would be ponds.


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