One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-08-25 19:03:33

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Latest adjustment to failure conditions

Last night we ran an arc, and here's what happened:

Eve window:  4 hours
Min families after window closes:  4

Total time:  8 hours, 26 minutes

This is pretty good.  You lasted for four hours after the window closed.

I'm now running the following experiment:

Eve window:  8 hours
Min Fam after window closes: 3

This will ensure that the arc runs for AT LEAST 8 hours, always.  It will also give the three strongest fams more time to take root before the Eve window closes.

Also, note that fams can live through the end of the arc.  The Eve window being open this long makes it unlikely, though, because of baby distribution.  That was one of the advantages of a short Eve window (a family could possibly live forever across many arcs).


#2 2019-08-25 19:34:02

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Latest adjustment to failure conditions

I can't speak for everyone, but I care more about the village than the name of the family.    Families come and go.  It is what I build and the relationships I have that really matter.

The relationships are momentary things and can happen in any family.   The memories are sometimes all I have.   

The projects that I put effort into building are more lasting - like when I build a really nice garden or a well-run bakery.    I like coming back and seeing my work again in a later life.  And if i'm living in a place where I've already made the berry patch look great that means that I can now focus on something else in this life.   Maybe make a loom and become a tailor or work on constructing a neat bakery.    It makes the village seem more like home if I have left my mark on it.      Even if the family name has changed, returning to a familiar village gives me a sense of home.   

In contrast, spawning back into the Jones family leaves me pretty empty.   Could be the same Jones family or a different one.   Doesn't really matter on an emotional level to me.   Maybe it will remind me of a great life that I had as a Jones.   Or a bad life I had.  But more than likely it won't mean anything to me.   Keeping a single line going forever is kind of neat on an abstract level, but doesn't really matter than much to me in the moment.  I'm always trying to keep my village alive and I rarely feel like I have that much agency.    Once I die, they are on their own.

Your mileage may vary.


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