One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-09-03 23:26:34

Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 4

A life with murder and a happy ending

I just had quite the pleasant life, born to the ginger family of Morsell, I was Alana Morsell.

Early in my life I connected with my cousin June Morsell, and argued with the more war-mongering members of my family, June and I shared turkey legs and I proposed marriage, and she accepted, we decided our daughters were siblings. My younger sister continued to be a warmongering, aggressive type, holding a war sword when only six years old, there were a few murders and calls to attack, but overall it was peaceful and full of resources. I managed to make my bride to be a dress, and procure one for myself, then we held the ceremony in our dresses and I got a few lovely screenshots.

And all seemed well, but then the murders started to increase, and two of my daughters were stabbed (only one died, but still), we tried to intervene, but the chaos of everyone standing around made it difficult, and my wife was stabbed. She was quickly patched up, but pads were being used left and right, few left, and June was stabbed again, this time by my own murderous sister. June got healed once more, but was then again stabbed, I thought this was it, but the medic patched her up, and I managed to stab my violent kin to death.

After that things calmed down, I started seeing grandchildren around town, my wife and I were safe, and one of my grandkids even had a dress. I taught my wife June how to make pads, restocking the town supply, and in my last years I left town to look for dyeing materials. I never found them, and returned home at fifty-eight to spend my last song with my wife and kids.

I asked them to dye the dresses we had made, and pass them on, I said my goodbyes, and then passed. I feel really good about the town surviving that big murder fest, and I really like how medic aprons work, they're so good in crisis situations, plus basically no war happened, so good life!

I'm Cali on the forums, your local medic!

Eve Cali, I like to name my daughters Cleo, Isobel, Dany, Katya, Lucia, and Emilia. If you are a son you will be named Thep.


#2 2019-09-04 02:07:05

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

I just lived a life there, it's still going strong. A few murders here and there but for the most part lots of babies being born and lots of busy adults..

You'll be happy to know that the dresses were dyed red! smile

My link:  You have to scroll over, my mother was a birthing machine lol … id=5240995

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-09-04 02:13:04)


#3 2019-09-04 03:31:01

Registered: 2018-09-04
Posts: 11

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

nice! just died off as a morsell in a nice town, I think we're still alive elsewhere but for now it's just the nice' and the morsells. arc will probably end tonight but it was great while it lasted.


#4 2019-09-04 16:40:24

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

Glad you all like that town.

Sorry I … id=5236668 didn't start closer to oil when this arc began, but after the last arc, I noticed some of the really beautiful cities had ancient walls around them instead of simple fences, so, rather than spend my first 20 lives or so working on the X Road connecting the four corners to the monument, I took the opportunity I was given when I was working on the northeast corner of the road in the last arc, and instead decided to box in six springs, a fair amount of soil and an iron mine.

I could have taken another life or two to search the other four corners for 4, 6 or even 9 springs that would include an iron mine, oil, and enough other resources, mostly soil, for a town to get off it's feet and really distinguish itself from the surrounding area. I think I spent about 8 full lives yesterday working on the walls (while doing anything else that I felt necessarily needed to be done) and another 4 working on the flat stone road from the gate towards the center, as well as around the inside.

I just didn't want people to feel as trapped as they did in a 1, 2 or even 4 well sized town, and, having 2 of the 4 sides be the rift, that just means I could make the other two sides twice as big.

Many thanks to Mercury, Venus, Terra, Luna, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, all the other astronomical bodies I have birthed while working there and all the friends, families and Eve's who, didn't just help, but, made it possible. Let me just thank all of you; each and every one of you, for playing this game at all. I also want to apologize, to those of you who cared for me yesterday, who I then ran away from at 3 years old to go work on the walls, roads and gather resources for that growing town. Maybe if you have been born there since, you have enjoyed the fruits of my labors, as I yours.

Things I'd still like to see for that town:
- I'd like steam engines (charcoal fuel) on most of the springs.
- I'd like people farming branches, maybe some nice parks with wood, stone, brick or concrete paths working their way through them, so harvesting and gathering branches for kindling is convenient.
- Any project you'd love to work on.

The place is already so beautiful thanks to all of you, keep up the good work.
Today I'm going to try and work more on the Monument Road Network; the X from corner-to-corner, so that people can once again continue to move, a little more freely, across the map, whenever I am born outside the town. And when I am born inside, I'll mostly be admiring everything, all of you have done, while contributing what I can to your projects, here and there.


I realized the value most of you diesel-engine-focused players put on oil, and I did what I could to get a road to the well near the closest oil patch. I'd decided early I just wanted one main gate for the town, but someone went and made a second one anyhow. ...I wish the walls were only there for looks, and that they didn't serve to host the fence gates or anything else to prevent people from flowing into and out of the town, but... who knows...

Who knows? Jason doesn't care about our happiness or content. He doesn't care what we are interested in, only in the stories he wants people to make for his sake.
He wants epic villains, which create epic heroes, but let's do our best to see he gets neither. I care about all of you. It's too late to not care about all of you. I'll remember all of you, the more you contribute to the game and the forum; the more of your lives you share with me, the more we become a part of one another. I think that's pretty much the goal, of all this. All of your systems. Everything that makes getting resources, and information, around to each other, faster, better, and more efficiently. We're a great being; call it life, call it Earth, call it what you like for now. Maybe, once enough of us have fully realized that, we'll be ready, to turn other worlds, into similar beings, and then, this whole process can begin to occur again, on the next great scale. We're on the cusp of it now. You're all a part of it, simply, by being. It's been a pleasure to love you all, along the way.


Thank you so much, for the screenshots Rheianos, I'd love to see more, in this and other posts, from any, and every one, wanting to share.


#5 2019-09-04 19:07:27

Angel Carrillo
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 242

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

I was a Morsell too. I noticed lots of stone walls and a small amount that were ancient. I was Joel Morsell, if you want to look me up. (My mom was Ward Morsell)


#6 2019-09-04 22:06:27

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

I was your daughter, Cleo Morsell.
You told me that all your kids named Cleo had a good life.
I took a white dress on a dead body and you "borrowed" it for your wedding.
You and June were good people, weren't doing any harm to town, I really liked my lesbian mothers.
I spent my life farming trees north, that town was soooo spacious, but the northern area was empty, so I decided to farm trees there, I farmed more than 100, I had to make a well and when that well dried out, I went to town to get a deep well kit, but when I arrived there, it was a blood bath, my siblings were bleeding, people stabbing each other... Someone stabbed June, I managed to heal her once, but then she got stabbed again, I couldn't find healing supplies, so I decided to kill and curse the murder but ended up stabbing the wrong person. After some minutes things chilled down, all griefers were dead, my siblings were dead as well, but You, June and Me survived, people cleaned up things and people got back to work, some years later more blood bath happened, they killed my daughter, but I didn't know what was happening, so I went north again and avoided stabbing the wrong person again.

At least we lived till sixty and I could finish my tree farm north, today I went there and expanded it even more.

Before you died, I went with my daughter outside (the same daughter who was killed later on), I was getting eggs for her, she called me she was "The Goose Bitch" and it's nice to have some geese for a yum bonus. I met you there, in the mountains, I had a cart full of eggs and you were looking for alum. I got you some alum, but when we arrived in town, you were already dead, I couldn't even find your and June's body to bury in the tree park north, but at least someone used the alum to dye clothes.

Last edited by Villas (2019-09-04 22:16:51)


#7 2019-09-04 22:23:55

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

Morti wrote:

Things I'd still like to see for that town:
- I'd like steam engines (charcoal fuel) on most of the springs.
- I'd like people farming branches, maybe some nice parks with wood, stone, brick or concrete paths working their way through them, so harvesting and gathering branches for kindling is convenient.
- Any project you'd love to work on.

Haha, one of your wishes was fulfilled, because I farmed more than 100 trees north, there are infinite branches there. I made them in a nice shape, today I saw a guy making a Tarr Monument among the trees, he put a sign written Tarr, put some wooden and stone floors. Tonight I'll play a little bit more and I'll try to make a road connecting the tree farm and the town. It's a really nice town, so spacious.


#8 2019-09-08 02:42:50

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: A life with murder and a happy ending

Morti wrote:

Glad you all like that town.

Sorry I … id=5236668 ...

Oops, that wasn't me last arc, this was: … id=5237694

Little details...

Was Just looking at Wondible's map for the last arc and noticed a few of the names of my kids and looked them up.


Little details... sorry so many of you died so early, watching the animation and checking your ages... really hurt.
I'm sorry.


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