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#1 2019-09-23 10:19:25

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

The combat system isn't necessarily in a good place. Zoom-out mods have a huge advantage and killers can potentially do it over and over again if they start by killing the one person that would be able to fight back.

I was thinking in ways to improve the system in a way that would allow for some counter play. Here is what I came with:

  • Growl range should be limited to vanilla Field of Vision.

  • If two growling people meet, they injure each other.

  • A special notification would be sent to you if you were targeted by a growl. It would hopefully give you time to respond in kind.

  • If you are being targeted by a growl and you use a weapon to target yourself, you automatically growl back to whoever is growling at you. Helpful in crowded situations.

  • When you get stabbed or shot, you become "recently injured" and still able to do actions for a few seconds (5 seconds?). After that you become "fully injured". "Recently injured" would allow you to pull out the knife and stab them back. Or if you are medic you could drop apron with pads in hopes someone else could use them to heal you. (you shouldn't be able to self heal)

I think this would allow for a more dynamic combat and, at the same time, make the zoom-out mods not so overwhelming on vanilla players.

Last edited by Thaulos (2019-09-23 11:57:30)


#2 2019-09-23 10:27:12

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Growl range should definitely be moved to classic FoV range (change from 7 to 4) which will allow players to actually see someone who may intend to attack them. Like if you see someone with a loaded bow on your screen that is generally a red flag and you should move otherwise you sort of deserve to get shot vs the current system where you will never see someone attacking you as they'll come from far off screen.

Agreed. I do think two growls should be a tie which leaves both parties injured. The current system of first growl wins only promotes surprise attacks and attacks from off screen which means attacks are less of duels and closer to assassinations. By allowing a draw to occur at the very least it breaks up the one sidedness of the current system.

Also a good idea. Just because you hear someone growling doesn't mean you know its you being attacked. It's entirely possible with the current system to bypass the growl sound by not being loaded anyways due to range which if the attack range is lowered shouldn't be an issue.

Also probably a good idea.

Honestly at this point I would be interested in potentially dropping the "holding" property of stab wounds in general. Bites/gore wounds keep their hold effect so that if injured by an animal you still need help from your family. My only issue though is that a smart player will keep pads + thread on themselves which with five seconds is more than plenty of time to heal yourself.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#3 2019-09-23 10:39:16

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Yeah I don't think people who are injured should be able to self heal. And I think there is value in not being able to perform actions during your injured status making you dependent on your peers.

Maintaining a small window of time (recently injured) where you are able to act upon the aggression before you become "fully injured" would allow for a longer "fully injured" time before death, which I think would be a great addition considering how hard it can be to heal people in time.

A way to temporarily extend the "fully injured" status would also be useful so a more in depth investigation of the causes of the injury could be made. It would be very helping to be able to have time to speak with people to try to figure out if the injured player is worth rescuing at all. But this is a bit outside the preview of actual combat.

Last edited by Thaulos (2019-09-23 10:53:48)


#4 2019-09-23 10:44:51

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

This would be a game-changer if medics cant heal themselves!

Attacking an armed person would be dangerous as it has to be.

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#5 2019-09-23 12:30:54

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Thaulos wrote:
  • If two growling people meet, they injure each other.

  • A special notification would be sent to you if you were targeted by a growl. It would hopefully give you time to respond in kind.

  • If you are being targeted by a growl and you use a weapon to target yourself, you automatically growl back to whoever is growling at you. Helpful in crowded situations.

  • When you get stabbed or shot, you become "recently injured" and still able to do actions for a few seconds (5 seconds?). After that you become "fully injured". "Recently injured" would allow you to pull out the knife and stab them back. Or if you are medic you could drop apron with pads in hopes someone else could use them to heal you. (you shouldn't be able to self heal)

I think these are some very nice ideas and would be a great addition to the game.
A notification for when you get targeted could be a special face expression and or sound you make (fear/scream)

Thaulos wrote:
  • Growl range should be limited to vanilla Field of Vision.

I think the current growl range is 7 tiles, which is inside the vision field of the vanilla client.
Here is a screenshot of one of twisted videos: (
You can see there are 7 tiles to the left.
The vanilla vision field changes depending on your movement.

Last edited by Whatever (2019-09-23 12:40:53)


#6 2019-09-23 12:45:15

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Whatever wrote:

I think the current growl range is 7 tiles, which is inside the vision field of the vanilla client.
Here is a screenshot of one of twisted videos: (
You can see there are 7 tiles to the left.
The vanilla vision field changes depending on your movement.

While this is true you can only see the other person attacking you if you happen to be running directly at them from when they're at max range. Lowering the range will make it so whoever is attempting to attack you will already need to basically be on your screen which should automatically be a red flag if someone is armed with a bow in the middle of town.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#7 2019-09-23 12:53:23

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Honestly if you have the chance to retaliate during the "recently injured" status the initial range of engagement doesn't matter that much.

Last edited by Thaulos (2019-09-23 12:53:38)


#8 2019-09-23 13:12:44

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

fug wrote:

Lowering the range will make it so whoever is attempting to attack you will already need to basically be on your screen which should automatically be a red flag if someone is armed with a bow in the middle of town.

Lets say someone is far away from you, he can see you but you cant see him, can he not just right click on you to walk towards you and then when he is in range just shift right click you in order to attack you?
If he does it correctly you dont gain more time to prepare yourself, since he wont stop on the way towards you.
A lower range could give you a chance to shift right click him before he shift right clicks you (need very quick reactions for that)

But if jason implements what thaulos suggested than you would get a notification as soon as he attacks you, so if he targets you from far away you have more time to prepare yourself and even after he stabs you you can still pull out your knife and stab back (in the 5 second window)


#9 2019-09-23 13:21:29

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

Whatever wrote:

But if jason implements what thaulos suggested than you would get a notification as soon as he attacks you, so if he targets you from far away you have more time to prepare yourself and even after he stabs you you can still pull out your knife and stab back (in the 5 second window)

Hm. Maybe, when you stab someone, the knife or sword should be stuck in the person's body. Then the person can pull it out and retaliate.


#10 2019-09-23 16:42:18

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

I like the idea of being able to counter a growl with your own, resulting in a tie where both get injured. It makes sense and helps balance the situation.


#11 2019-09-24 06:37:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A few ideas for PvP: Recently/fully injured, alarms and retaliations

That just results in duo kills if there is no dodging. That would also mean that people just target others with no weapons and would be essential to carry a weapon. I already hate the fact that people arm every single idiot.

Honestly the original duels were much better

We need a proper duel system where the chances are roughly 50-50

Some simple ones in other games:
The West
You got 5 aim points and dodge options
these need to be preset, and able to set it again when you want it
Squat means you defend 3 points
Not dodging means you get aim bonus
Sides defend head and arms
there are 4 turns then 4 more turns the same way
you need to guess it right and you need to be lucky in same time
head shots worth more but harder to hit, same for shoulder, harder to hi bit higher damage, then hands are high chance to hit
that game had a skill system, where some skills were used in duels and work but mostly were useless
it had mêlée and ranged, aiming and dodge was same. Tactics were defensive skill, appearance was offensive skill. They were increasing/decreasing first few turns for other skills
other than that reflex was decreasing the damage done by bullet, toughness decreased the damage by hits, and if you had like 100-100 both they increased each other to a maximum of 75% reduction (was broken for a while)

the system was balanced cause you could hit anyone on map, you had some advantage, then learning the dodge choices, a buddy could finish them, not all duels resulted in KO, just if you hit them hard many times.

For ohol could be implemented like before life you setup default dodges, then challenging someone to duel would open a pop-up where both players hit and dodge, then the winner gets some bonus the loser goes away damaged.
hp bar is essential. Skill could be limited for like 0-10, training them with work like strength could be from carry stuff, aim from completing recipes (dexterity), then dodge and aim at a training field with practice dummies, rest is not so important, but could be implemented, just each life is short so shouldn't take more than 5 min to max out. This would make having a weapon necessary so some broken glass, bat or slingshot at least.

punch club

trainings on strength, agility and stamina
then a skill tree to choose skills
basic skills are punch, kick, block, dodge
you setup your sequence of skills then each skill compares to other counting the opponent's skill, energy is used for attacks, and you both can be tired before end of turn, so you can skip some attacks, and make higher chance of other attacks to hit, combos hit more

Similarly, to implement we would need hp bar, stamina bar (just for duels but could serve as a work measure)
strength and agility from carry, walk. The basic skills would be given and you could choose the sequence of them before game and before duels.
Duels would be automatic, and would have a time limit to challenge others second time. But they could challenge you back.

We could have an aiming mini game where you just hit darts or arrows into a circle, to increase aim.
Chopping wood maybe could be a strength training (on a stump, and modify trees a bit) or machines later on.

If there are duel skills, where your life is sixty minutes at max, and often not even 20, they should be top capped so people wont waste all life for huge skill level like they do with yum. So like 1-5 range or 1-10, which can be achieved with mini games like target practice, shoot 5 bottles, you got max aim.
The other skills should be either given, passively generated over time with work or something like that. So a player who farmed a lot still packs a punch, but low chance of hitting.

This would mean that you need a setup to train and you can't just be an Eve attacking anyone.
The randomness is good cause you can get surprising wins or losses and makes skills not so relevant, but in same time attackers and defenders are similar i most cases so there is a risk on attacking others.
Also, makes things more fun, and low weapon fighting non deadly but good training.
Duels would be a non-essential thing, you could prepare as a kid, for basic self-defence livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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