One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-03 18:49:14

Registered: 2018-03-03
Posts: 2

Importance of warmth or Cold = Hungry

After a few hours of playing and watching small camps grow, begin building farms, start to multiply, and then inevitably collapse, I've noticed that many of us under appreciate the importance of warmth. Overfeeding of babies and overeating as adults quickly exhausts food supplies, but even the most productyive farms can't support a swarm of naked grown ups who only use fires for occasional cooking. Babies placed near fires get hungry much much more slowly and clothed adults burn fewer calories as well.

My suggestions:
- Babies MUST stay near a fire and should signal when starving. One mother, also standing near the fire and supplied with food can easily feed 4 or 5 or more warm babies.
- Gardens and food baskets should be situated around or near a fire pit to provide warmth to the gardener and workers coming to get food.
- Children should be put to work gathering firewood, making kindling and stoking fires.
- Don't limit your camp to a single cooking fire.
- Make clothing a priority

What other warmth strategies are people using?

Spread the word!


#2 2018-03-03 19:37:44

Registered: 2018-03-03
Posts: 116

Re: Importance of warmth or Cold = Hungry


Since clothing is a luxury, blooming settlement doesn't need that many people running around for food; it's actually more economic for naked people to stay near fire to conserve food instead. Of course, if there are way too many naked around the fire, the settlement would absolutely be in trouble no matter what.

Further, I notice that my moving speed and my hunger rate are improved once I get to ~15; so having a starting-to-grow-hair child to work actually eats up alot more food than we think.


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