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#1 2019-10-12 17:53:36

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

live-dev-changes wrote:

Tarry spot now has 5 random placements on map, only in snowy biome.

I see people were disliking it, but I really like this update big_smile It adds more survival part and is more newbies friendly thanks to newcomen pumps changes.

live-dev-changes wrote:

Reworked usage of newcomen water pumps. Instead of flat 1/20 chance of breaking after each pumping, we have four use states per pump, with a 1/10 chance of transitioning between use states after each pumping. This gives us an estimated 40 pumpings before exhaustion, which much lower variance. This is accomplished by installing a tank in the pump before pumping, which fills up with either 4 or 6 buckets worth of water, and is removed in one go (so the use counter of the pump can track its age and not how many buckets are left after a pumping). In general, this means these pumps last 2x as long, and are much more reliable.

I'm not sure exactly how will it work, but if we can transport that much water in tanks, that means making newcomen pumps in all natural springs around will be worth it. Yes, there are only 5 tarry spots but we will have much more time to make oil if we use 4 or 5 near natural springs to make newcomen pumps. This solution is much more newbies friendly than we had before. Teaching newbies how to build newcomen water pumps and get water from it will be another thing we can do, it's not that hard.

Last edited by Coconut Fruit (2019-10-12 17:57:03)

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#2 2019-10-12 18:35:16

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

I think it will definitely be an interesting one.

Lets see how it goes. Water might be next to infinite now with proper logistics. We can probably still survive for a long time now.


#3 2019-10-12 19:01:50

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Damn there will be war for those spots

Just like murica does it

Last edited by StrongForce (2019-10-12 19:02:04)

Baby dance!!


#4 2019-10-12 20:12:31

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Water logistics are possible with the new water tanks.

However, if you keep making more and more wells, you will eventually run out of rounds stones, right?


#5 2019-10-12 20:16:07

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

All fun and games til someone griefs the few existing tarry spots. It's not hard, and with them being so limited and few, it won't take long for it to happen.

Just gonna be a repeat of the "hurr lets spawn everyone on springs" issue.

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#6 2019-10-12 20:19:38

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Well, that will help us clear up the last remaining exploits for single-spot griefing, right?

What are the permanent ways that people can easily block of tarry spots forever?

And I'm not talking about maintained property fences.  Those will be around tarry spots for sure.


#7 2019-10-12 20:28:19

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

@jason tarr was mentioning the fact that transitions don't "chain" while they are "unseen".

Meaning, you could in theory put fences around objects like tarry spots, spaced in a way that the outer layer wouldn't let people see the inner ones. And have to "manually trigger" each step for each layer separately.

Meaning for each "layer":
0) you make them all shaky and leave.
1) whenever someone comes along, it becomes property fence
2) whenever someone comes along again 1 hour later or more, it becomes rickety.
3) whenever someone comes along again 1 hour later than that it breaks.

Then you move into the next layer and you get the above 1 to 3 again.

If you could check for changes over time "chains" everything would decay in 2 hours no matter how many layers they add in.

Last edited by Thaulos (2019-10-12 20:30:18)


#8 2019-10-12 20:36:58

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Yes, this is true.  Tracking live expiration times for 500,000 map cells (or more) isn't practical, though.

This is somewhat mitigated by the elder fence removal, though there's still a small time delay there.

Also, people are running around fetching 32x32 map chunks, so these "gaps" between layers of fences would have to be pretty big to work.


#9 2019-10-12 20:46:04

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Maybe whenever you get back to the chunk it wouldn't just process the current state, but also any following states that also have a "change over time"?

It would potentially keep the processing only to be done when the chunk is seen again.

No idea on the performance impact of that tho.


#10 2019-10-12 21:00:53

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Why did I know it would be something like that?
Something that will hinder the game and make it less enjoyable?
I am probably a prophet.


#11 2019-10-12 21:06:21

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update


live-dev-changes wrote:

Rift barrier no longer blocks plane flights, and this setting is configurable live, without restarting the server.

This makes planes actually usefull, they could provide a way to transport iron and other needed resources from outside the rift. Idk if that was intended.

And since oil is very limited now, please consider making cars more usefull by lowering the fuel they need to ride. You don't tank cars in real life every two minutes anyway, so it's unrealistic the way it works now. Please make them run for 5 or 10 hours with one tanking.

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#12 2019-10-12 21:22:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

One cistern was blocked by 4 bell bases
maybe limit bell bases to have gaps between? So limit placement to all 8 sides

Dunno about fences, they could be grouped so each connected fence would act as one, track only one and destroy all the rest around it when the timer goes off? livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#13 2019-10-12 21:25:53

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, this is true.  Tracking live expiration times for 500,000 map cells (or more) isn't practical, though.

This is somewhat mitigated by the elder fence removal, though there's still a small time delay there.

Also, people are running around fetching 32x32 map chunks, so these "gaps" between layers of fences would have to be pretty big to work.

Can't we check for some items every hour or so? Is that more viable than live checking, I mean

I like this update, I really want to see how springs/stones/steel are going to be valued now.


#14 2019-10-12 22:07:45

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, that will help us clear up the last remaining exploits for single-spot griefing, right?

What are the permanent ways that people can easily block of tarry spots forever?

And I'm not talking about maintained property fences.  Those will be around tarry spots for sure.

Domestic goose with cut head can be used to make an unremovable wall

If the headless goose has no place to walk it stays on the stump and is permanent.
Only 3 of those bugged stumps can render an oil rig unusable.

Only other ways are belltower base 3h and stonewall 10h which are ok imo

Last edited by StrongForce (2019-10-12 22:16:36)

Baby dance!!


#15 2019-10-13 00:58:17

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, this is true.  Tracking live expiration times for 500,000 map cells (or more) isn't practical, though.

How about that old background map reset code? If that ran timers instead, truly forgotten places would *eventually* decay. -- --
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#16 2019-10-13 01:13:17

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Could we use tanks on cisterns too, pls? A tank would fill as much water as cistern has water in it, but no more than 6 buckets (or 4?).

Maybe they could actually work on engine pumps too?

Last edited by Coconut Fruit (2019-10-13 05:25:10)

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#17 2019-10-13 03:47:58

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Should probably also point out that Mango Trees are currently being used as a path/gate blocker due to the ridiculous fact that you cannot chop it while it has soil, after it's been watered, or while it has mangos on its tree. Might be used to block or at least hinder people in this scenario too.

Basically if you plant a mango sapling and water it, it's there for an hour [can't dig it up] until it grows. Then if you add soil to it, it's there permanently, in a dry fertile state without ability to remove the soil or cut it down. One has to waste a bucket of water on it, wait an hour for the mangos to grow, pick all the mangos, and only THEN can they chop it.

Understandably this can't be easily seen out by a player since it takes a full lifetime to become choppable..

Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-10-13 03:48:13)

-Has ascended to better games-


#18 2019-10-13 04:15:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

goose only works on stumps which got south side blocked
when there is a tree south side of something, it will only work when you block the south of it, it isn't really a thing cause then you would block the next tile anyway

don't tell the mango one grr livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#19 2019-10-13 08:51:18

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

The mango tree is super useful and not permanent
It also takes work and time to set up.
Imo a legitime way to block something up

Baby dance!!


#20 2019-10-13 08:54:35

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

So you can't place 3 of the goose stumps one tile south west and north of the tarry spot to block the oil rig from being able to place or remove the tank?

Baby dance!!


#21 2019-10-13 09:23:23

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

StrongForce wrote:

So you can't place 3 of the goose stumps one tile south west and north of the tarry spot to block the oil rig from being able to place or remove the tank?

Even if you could goose stumps don't block walking, so it would have the exact same effect as planting a berry bush or something similar.


#22 2019-10-13 10:13:59

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

Oh that makes no sense but solves the problem

Baby dance!!


#23 2019-10-14 05:06:12

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Only 5 tarry spots on map in next update

New meta: lots of tiny fenced airports all over the map


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