One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#126 2018-04-04 16:54:25

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Favorite moments

I had an interesting run today.
I was born to an Eve who didn't name me, we found a small farm with a few people running around working. Eventually there were a few murders but the murderers were killed or ran off. Eventually we didn't have enough women or children to continue. I had hidden a bow, and taken the two knives for safe keeping. As I got older and was one of the last remaining, I decided to run off into the wilderness with my dangerbag. I was killed by a wolf.
After 3 consecutive mothers abandoning me, I spawned an Eve with a baby. I named myself Eve Wulff.
We ran around for a while living bush to bush, until we found a camp. It was the camp I was at earlier! We fixed it up and I had several more children and grandchildren. We kept a small farm going and I eventually died of old age, proud of the Wulffs.
I was reborn as a Kim, this town was bigger and busier but my mother didn't name me. No one seemed to care that much there, so when I was old enough I grabbed a basket of carrots and ran away. I stumbled into a camp, it was the same camp! Two of my sons were still there working the farms. I was very happy to see them and I excitedly told them I had found them. They were shocked too. I had some new kids, just as my old kids were dying. The Wulffs had died, but the new Kims were rebuilding and expanding. I had a lot of kids again and we worked on the massive farm one of my sons set up just before he died. It was another good life, then I died proud again of old age.
I was then born as a Kim, my own great grandchild. Only one or two of my kids were still alive, barely. I was so amazed to be here again, and more amazed that the farm was still going so well.
My next life I took over as compost maker for an old man, he was very nice and gave me his gear before he died. I made heaps of compost if you're reading this.
I decided to have one more proper life. I kept spawning to mothers that either didn't want me or neglected me.
My last life I was born to an Eve Black. She named me Blade Black. We wandered around aimlessly while she ate from bushes and carried me. I asked if she was new, and she was. Before I could get a chance to get her to settle so I could teach her some things, we ran into some bears. Luckily I was just old enough to feed myself. She ran off and left me, and I ran after her but we got separated. I struggled to find food for a while, getting awfully close to starving several times. Luckily found a 2 carrot basket which helped me survive long enough to find a camp.
It was the original camp again, but there were only a few Kims left working it. I then saw that there was another family there now too, and they were farming and expanding well. I had several more kids there, and as the last Kim was dying he spoke to me "You Blacks look after the farm, alright?" I then explained that I was his great grandmother reborn, and that I helped build this farm originally, he seemed pleased by that. We said our goodbyes as he clothed my child before dying.
Again I had several more children and they had some as well, it was great.
Though, in all these lives, no one listened to me when I said we need a hunter, so in my last life when I was too old to have more kids, I took it upon myself to make a snare and go hunting. Brought back a cart full of rabbits, and my son found me when I got back, he was very happy I had all these rabbits as he had set up a little area for making clothes. I helped him skin the rabbits before saying my good byes.

It was really weird to live so many lives in the same area, to see the progress of a camp over several hours from the start was something kind of amazing. I'm also really happy with my children, they all seemed pretty nice and helpful. I think I only had a couple of unlucky ones that didn't live all that long. Love you all.


#127 2018-04-05 04:39:43

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Favorite moments

I was born to a bustling village that got completely wiped out by a bear because everybody freaked out and ran around rather than just standing on objects.

I spent my last years pulling carrots and transporting bones.  Then I died.  Yay!

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#128 2018-04-05 04:57:02

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Favorite moments

Heh, I was killed by a bear in a small village I found and was trying to rebuild just before. I died feeding my youngest child a carrot since I was too old to nurse them. Last name started with K, but I forgot it already. If you were one of my kids, I'm glad you survived.
That was a funny life for me. My mother was an Eve roaming about. I was getting frustrated at my inability to type enough letters to get her to stop when I saw graves with clothes or other gear. I grabbed a basket and she had another kid, we ran from a bear and I think they both died of starvation. I took her clothes and the carrots I could carry and found the small abandoned village. I cleaned it up and got the farm ready then had a bunch of kids.
I found a cart full of baskets just south of the village that I wanted to bring back, but every time I got there I had a kid, about 4 or 5 times. So every time I took the kid back.


#129 2018-04-05 06:00:30

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: Favorite moments

Can I give a dishonorable mention to the "Bob" family, I kept getting born to people with that last name over and over again, and they knifed me again and again as a child.



#130 2018-04-05 06:42:39

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Favorite moments

Siolfor the Jackal wrote:

Last name started with K, but I forgot it already. If you were one of my kids, I'm glad you survived.

No, we were Ho (larl, GET IT?!?) but thanks smile

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#131 2018-04-05 11:13:05

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 9

Re: Favorite moments

I was lucky to be born in a prosperous city and spent my youth helping out in the bakery. When I was older, I packed a backpack full of freshly baked pies and took off to pursue my dream of making a snakeskin boot. First I needed a knife to kill the snake, so I wandered around and found an abandoned town with a decent forge setup and, more importantly, a steel file. After eight years of singlehandedly lugging firewood, transferring charcoal, and smithing, I had my knife. I then set out on foot to find a snake, not knowing how hard it would be to locate one. I wandered for twelve years before I found a desert, and finally saw my snake!

I crept up and quickly dispatched it with my knife! Heart racing, snakeskin in hand, I pondered my next move.

Somehow I didn't have a home marker so I was utterly lost. I headed back where I came from to try to find my city again. As the years wore on, I started losing hope. But when my face grew crinkly, I found the abandoned town where I forged my knife. I quickly found some materials to fashion my life-long dream: a snakeskin boot. I heard my ending music and regretted not being able to share my life's work with anyone. As my music drew to a close, I see a naked Eve with a child coming down the path.

"Where's the farm?"

"About to die
Want you to have this
Snakeskin! Very rare"

"Ooh nice!"

"Farm south

Last edited by protein (2018-04-05 11:18:34)


#132 2018-04-05 14:12:12

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 14

Re: Favorite moments

Last night, I had spawned as an "Eve Grief", and raised a small family of productive farmers and trappers in a small village that had seen better days. We were doing well, when I became old and it was time to reincarnate into the next life.

I was born in many other families, running off into the wilderness trying to get back to my family of Griefs, when I was born to a "Hope Doom". I was running off into the wilderness like before, when Mom comes and catches me with one bar of food remaining! I thought "wow, what a mom" so I didn't jump off, and she brought me all the way back to the fire. She named me Dahlia, but unfortunately I died of starvation a few years later. I was born again as a son to her, and managed to make it to adulthood and help the Doom clan out.

In my last game, I was a Ho at the center of a growing empire. The roads spanned all over the place, and it could take a literal over 5 minutes just to walk from one side to the other. Near the end of the game, the center was destroyed by 3 rampaging bears and a religious nut who murdered the survivors, but the Hos lived on. I wonder how they're doing today.


#133 2018-04-07 10:17:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Favorite moments

after a few bad runs, like nobody accepting me, got to a family in desert they had a small farm, i took some carrots explored north, one thread and a milkweed, asking for a snare nobody answer, explored south, made my first snare, headed to forests, eating berries, cactus, geared myself up, didnt wanted a child and most kids accepted it, a girl was just running around didnt even let me to tell her that we got a city. then a boy died after seeing a farm, was the biggest today, so dont understand, after four lost kids wanted someone, but i couldnt anymore, so i went back to south bringing stone for a well, clubbed a seal, made the well, made the seal jacket. the only fertile woman died by a wolf, i took revenge , killing it, no thread to make a hat. my sister died before me telling "kids are useless". a nepfew was makign tools, first was the axe and shovel.
i gave him my seal jacket and the wolf, my sister gave the shoes and pants, one extra backpack.he told me he goes to find a family. i died alone, fully geared with almost nothing accomplished, never talked to anyone other than my sister. my mom fed me 2 carrots as she was too old to feed. and died before i came back with some bunnie meat. they made a lot of progress but the city died.

even more bad moms, one throw me to a rattlesnake.

then a mom was close to making fire, and had a barely functionable carrot farm, she told me that i will be his only son, until more food arrives, had to see my brother die, but was a correct decision. i went exploring bringing thread, she went with a water pouch, never to return again. her last wors: good boy as seen me drop a thread near the camp. i made a farm near a snowy area with 3 laeks, the only place she didnt explored. made my small 8 tile farm, used her furnace to make bowls, found a camp south where somebody died even sooner, got my reed skirt and went to find mom by the water she first found when i was born. she was nowhere to be found, never  returned.
made a few snares, gone back to cook rabbit,  made an adobe wall as monument, left my carrots dry. went back, made a pack and died at 59 years running back in a mix of 4 biomes. lost a lot of time running , eating berries and never had a sister to help me. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#134 2018-04-07 10:22:30

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Favorite moments

pein wrote:

after a few bad runs, like nobody accepting me, got to a family in desert they had a small farm, i took some carrots explored north, one thread and a milkweed, asking for a snare nobody answer, explored south, made my first snare, headed to forests, eating berries, cactus, geared myself up, didnt wanted a child and most kids accepted it, a girl was just running around didnt even let me to tell her that we got a city. then a boy died after seeing a farm, was the biggest today, so dont understand, after four lost kids wanted someone, but i couldnt anymore, so i went back to south bringing stone for a well, clubbed a seal, made the well, made the seal jacket. the only fertile woman died by a wolf, i took revenge , killing it, no thread to make a hat. my sister died before me telling "kids are useless". a nepfew was makign tools, first was the axe and shovel.
i gave him my seal jacket and the wolf, my sister gave the shoes and pants, one extra backpack.he told me he goes to find a family. i died alone, fully geared with almost nothing accomplished, never talked to anyone other than my sister. my mom fed me 2 carrots as she was too old to feed. and died before i came back with some bunnie meat. they made a lot of progress but the city died.

even more bad moms, one throw me to a rattlesnake.

then a mom was close to making fire, and had a barely functionable carrot farm, she told me that i will be his only son, until more food arrives, had to see my brother die, but was a correct decision. i went exploring bringing thread, she went with a water pouch, never to return again. her last wors: good boy as seen me drop a thread near the camp. i made a farm near a snowy area with 3 laeks, the only place she didnt explored. made my small 8 tile farm, used her furnace to make bowls, found a camp south where somebody died even sooner, got my reed skirt and went to find mom by the water she first found when i was born. she was nowhere to be found, never  returned.
made a few snares, gone back to cook rabbit,  made an adobe wall as monument, left my carrots dry. went back, made a pack and died at 59 years running back in a mix of 4 biomes. lost a lot of time running , eating berries and never had a sister to help me.

Since the update, I really feel like people stop talking to each others. I see it is  not only me


#135 2018-04-09 04:18:17

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 29

Re: Favorite moments

I was murdered for the first time ever today. It was kind of hilarious and totally my fault for being dumb.

My mom ran me out into the middle of the woods and abandoned me saying "bye" I managed to run back to the town and stand on the fire with my aunt's baby. She took pity on me and fed me until I had hair. Whe even tried to name me "Mike" even though I was a girl. I was very appreciative and got right to work on the farm. My gramma gave me her backpack when she got too old.

My uncle who was totally a troll making wang jokes, and being generally useless asked for the arrow out of my pack. I asked "Why?" and he said to go hunting.

I was a dumbass and handed it to him saying "Don't murder me." Famous last words... I was 11.

In another life my brother Harry announced himself king and my daughter named herself queen, they made crowns and everything. My daughter named her first son Harry to inherit the kingship, but that had already been promised to another kid. It was decided that he first daughter would inherit her crown as queen. 

All was peaceful for about 2 minutes, the townspeople humored them a bit... Then they turned the town into a baby murder cult because they didn't want competition for the next generation of royals... It was completely bananas. They were eventually justly assasinated, the town nearly went extinct for all the murder.

I somehow managed to make it to old age to see it all from the safety of my carrot farm.

A few lives later I had a granddaughter who I'm almost certain was that queen reincarnated. I told her kids to murder her. I hope they listened to their old crazy granny.


#136 2018-04-09 08:27:50

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Favorite moments

Aname wrote:

by Seth
24.5 hours on record
Posted 2 hours ago
Last Played 7 minutes ago

Tale of the spider god.

I was born into this world and my mom taught me of the spider god, who will bite you and eat your bones.. unless you pray "Spider away! Spider no!" I grew up, and began teaching the spider god's prayer to the children of the town. My mom was reborn and together we continued teaching the ways of our god. Then someone came to town, proclaimed themselves king. When I explained that Spider God was our only ruler, they pulled out a knife. "Spider God protect us!"
I died by knife.

I killed him in that live i was the king. its funny to see this

I made an account just to say that I am indeed the creator of the spider religion and I am so very proud that my children know the wisdom of the spiders (They eat our bones ya know)

Anti spider mom

Last edited by Aurora Aurora (2018-04-09 08:28:27)

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#137 2018-04-09 09:13:38

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Favorite moments

Aurora Aurora wrote:
Aname wrote:

by Seth
24.5 hours on record
Posted 2 hours ago
Last Played 7 minutes ago

Tale of the spider god.

I was born into this world and my mom taught me of the spider god, who will bite you and eat your bones.. unless you pray "Spider away! Spider no!" I grew up, and began teaching the spider god's prayer to the children of the town. My mom was reborn and together we continued teaching the ways of our god. Then someone came to town, proclaimed themselves king. When I explained that Spider God was our only ruler, they pulled out a knife. "Spider God protect us!"
I died by knife.

I killed him in that live i was the king. its funny to see this

I made an account just to say that I am indeed the creator of the spider religion and I am so very proud that my children know the wisdom of the spiders (They eat our bones ya know)

Anti spider mom

Awh shucks, I might aswell tell the story of how the religion came to be now that I'm here.

I was an unamed baby girl (This was way before naming people was a thing, it was even before the family update actually) in a small town. It was me, my mother and my seven siblings and four or five uncles. It was an awful lot of people for such a small town and it showed. Nobody had bothered to farm and the food was running out. People were panicking because we didn't have enough food to last all of us the 5 years it took for crops to grow. Fmine came and people died like flies, I had just turned old enough to eat for myself when my mother died. My food was running out as I frantically looked for something to eat. The farm wasn't ready yet, the baskets were empty and all the berry buskes ahd been picked clean. I ran until my hunger was at the last bar, looking for something to eat. Then I saw it, a berry bush that hadn't been touched. 5 berries just for me, it'd last me until the carrots would grow. I quickly ate a few then I rushed to get a basket to pick the berries to give to one of my siblings or aunts but when I arrived at the village everyone was gone. A row of corpses decorated the tiny little village, the corpses of my family. I stood there looking at it, amazed. Out of 12 people I was the only survivor. There must be a reason for this I thought. And then it came to me, like a vision. It was the Anti-Spider God who had saved me. It all became so clear, the spiders had eaten the crops and then they ate my family! That's why they died! I started praying to the god that had so graciously saved me. So the spiders wouldn't eat my bones, just like it did my mothers.  Time came and went and I prayed every day. Then I got a little baby girl, I taught her everything I knew about our god and she was a good follower and got many children that she taught our wisdom to.

Now I take every chance I get to spread my wisdom to small villages like the one I was saved in.

Denyers shall perish

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#138 2018-04-09 14:05:51

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 13

Re: Favorite moments

I registered to the forum to tell my tale. I'm a new player who knows nothing except for the youtube videos I watched... and even then I never really soaked in the recipes.

So I died a few times... got abandoned a few times... starved to death some more... But I made it to 60 years once. And this is my story of my full life.

I was born a girl to a woman simply named Stalin. We didn't have last names in our village... and me no name at all. Stalin was a horrible neglectful mother. She set me by the village fire and never so much as fed me. My aunt raised me... which I unfortunately don't remember her name. She was a much better mom than my mom.

As I got older I did the only thing I knew how to do. Plant carrots and put them in baskets. That was my entire life. It was a simple life... but that's not what made it interesting. Eventually I got to the childbearing age. I went on to raise 7 children... and one as far as I know died an early death. The little brat didn't tell me he was starving. Anyways, my children's names were Sebastian, Lina, Reina, and Kid (Kidus) 1 through 4. I got lazy with my names ok? Atleast the little turds had names. My mother never gave me one. And Kid the third was the one who starved to death. In any case I made sure to instill our village values into them: "The top row is for seeds."

Sebastian never really talked much, but Reina and Lina argued all the time. One kept going on about her evil sister who stole her hat. Honestly, I don't remember which was which. They were just two bratty children in my eyes. They should be happy they even have clothes. I was naked my whole life. Real women don't need clothes.

Still as the years went on I eventually became a grandma... Honestly I don't remember my grandkids very much, but I always reminded them, "The top row is for seeds." I once promised them I would spoil them if I didn't forget about them. I did forget about them. And all that time... Reina and Lina would still go on and on about that stupid hat. Such bratty kids they were, even as adults.

Ah, once me and my cousin sent a child off to get water, we didn't expect her to actually return. And... I don't think I ever seen her again after that. No matter really.

So... soon my life came to an end... and I regretted my family. Sebastian never spoke with me, Lina and Reina continued to bicker. They even called me old, or mockingly said I looked 18. The turds. And the surviving Kids never named their kids. They were so much like my late mother, neglectful terrible mothers. So I planned to set off on a journey. To see the lands beyond our little carrot farm and die alone away from this terrible family of mine. I said my final words....

"I regret this family. I'm going to go away soon. Goodbye. And don't forget, the top row is for seeds. You horrible people."

And just then I died, never to get to set off on my journey... surrounded by my bratty children.


#139 2018-04-09 14:26:18

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 386

Re: Favorite moments

Aurora Aurora wrote:
Aname wrote:

by Seth
24.5 hours on record
Posted 2 hours ago
Last Played 7 minutes ago

Tale of the spider god.

I was born into this world and my mom taught me of the spider god, who will bite you and eat your bones.. unless you pray "Spider away! Spider no!" I grew up, and began teaching the spider god's prayer to the children of the town. My mom was reborn and together we continued teaching the ways of our god. Then someone came to town, proclaimed themselves king. When I explained that Spider God was our only ruler, they pulled out a knife. "Spider God protect us!"
I died by knife.

I killed him in that live i was the king. its funny to see this

I made an account just to say that I am indeed the creator of the spider religion and I am so very proud that my children know the wisdom of the spiders (They eat our bones ya know)

Anti spider mom

Lol I was the king who killed u.

never regretted that. spider god sucksssss. carrot god is way better

Last edited by Aname (2018-04-09 14:27:20)

Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!

Best Gluck linage so far: … id=4082492


#140 2018-04-09 20:51:28

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 35

Re: Favorite moments

teanah wrote:

I was murdered for the first time ever today. It was kind of hilarious and totally my fault for being dumb.

My mom ran me out into the middle of the woods and abandoned me saying "bye" I managed to run back to the town and stand on the fire with my aunt's baby. She took pity on me and fed me until I had hair. Whe even tried to name me "Mike" even though I was a girl. I was very appreciative and got right to work on the farm. My gramma gave me her backpack when she got too old.

My uncle who was totally a troll making wang jokes, and being generally useless asked for the arrow out of my pack. I asked "Why?" and he said to go hunting.

I was a dumbass and handed it to him saying "Don't murder me." Famous last words... I was 11.

In another life my brother Harry announced himself king and my daughter named herself queen, they made crowns and everything. My daughter named her first son Harry to inherit the kingship, but that had already been promised to another kid. It was decided that he first daughter would inherit her crown as queen. 

All was peaceful for about 2 minutes, the townspeople humored them a bit... Then they turned the town into a baby murder cult because they didn't want competition for the next generation of royals... It was completely bananas. They were eventually justly assasinated, the town nearly went extinct for all the murder.

I somehow managed to make it to old age to see it all from the safety of my carrot farm.

A few lives later I had a granddaughter who I'm almost certain was that queen reincarnated. I told her kids to murder her. I hope they listened to their old crazy granny.

Hey! I was the first King Harry! I wasn’t assaninated but the Queen was. I died of old age, giving the crown to the next king Harry. I’m assuming you’re the one that killed the Queen? Anyways, I’m curious to if the town recovered as there was a daughter of the Queen. Also it wasn’t bananas, the only babies killed were the Queens. Not sure how many murders happened afterwards, and even though the killing of the babies was humorous it shouldn’t had led to everyone killing each other. I wonder what happened to the crown as you died before me. Hopefully Harry ruled like a wolf. lol

Ethical Killing
One Step One Life
One At A Time


#141 2018-04-10 01:36:41

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 3

Re: Favorite moments

I was born a girl, named Arwen.

My mother in a small community with brothers who I rarly spoke to and a sister named Bastion, whom I loved dearly.
We ran west for water, for there was plentiful ponds in the nearby swamp, and may wild carrot seeds to the east. Bastion and I grew up together, learning our way amongst the snakes and dense woods of our home. As we grew up, we had many children.
My first son was Alexander, followed shortly by Ellwaynn, then a daughter, Sunflower, who grew to be a pie maker. Following her  was my boy Franklin, a proud farmer, and then my daughter Rosie, a feirce hunter. After her were my twins, Rain, a lovley girl, and Storm, a handsome young boy.

I tried my best to give each of my children the same lessons of the land my mother gave me (she passed around the time Sunflower was born, it was a hard day) and I was proud of each of them, all of them were such hard workers.
As I aged, and my hair grayed I stuck by the side of my dear sister Bastion. We farmed and joked about our graying hair. Joking right along with us, my neice Carroll, or "Carrotlover" as she had been declared.
As I continued to age, my sister died. It was another horrible day in my little community, and after her death I realized my own mortality, and that of my many children.

My back hunched and I realized none of my girls, barring Rosie who was making snares, had been seen by me or their brothers for a while. My dying wish was to see them again, but unfortunatly I never did.
I did of old age at 60 years old.

Sunflower, Rain I hope you lived long lives and had many children for the community

Rosie, I hope you became the amazing hunter you wanted to be

Boys, you were all wonderful farmers and made me so proud

Carroll, you may not have been my child, but I loved you like a daughter none the less

To all my chiilden, you all made me very proud. I loved our little home, and hope you all lived long, happy lives.

Mom loves you!

Last edited by baibai124 (2018-04-10 01:37:21)


#142 2018-04-10 17:08:45

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Favorite moments

We were all naked in a two and many, like 10. Then remains only me as an old woman, a old man and a young bow. I should have taken this girl on my way back home instead of the seeds.

Anyway we were wondering what happened to the rest of us until far away, I meet my cousins, 4 people, all naked, in a huge grassland biomes. Never seen so much berries. They told me where i could find seeds and I lost them with 2 girls spawning.

It was really funny to meet my people around in this big biome. It was like seeing aliens

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-04-10 17:08:59)


#143 2018-04-11 01:36:35

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Favorite moments

What a great story I got to be part of.

I was born into a sizable family village with no last name. I was named Evelyn. My grandmother was reborn and grew up to give me a gold crown. I'm not a great leader, though. I get overwhelmed in big towns. We seemed to be doing ok, though. But suddenly, I was killed by a bow.
I was reborn as Quentin (meant to be named Queen). I was told I was the villages last girl, so the future was up to me. But no pressure. I didn't want to be queen, though. I just wanted to be a baker, live a simple life, providing pies for the village.

But, sadly, that was not to be. There was a murderer on the loose. He apparently killed everyone, except for me. I ran far away. I had two daughters and explained the situation best I could. I named one of them Savior. We went back. The killer was still there. Heart pounding, I managed to kill him with a knife I had found outside the village. Justice! Or, the closest thing to justice I could get.

The farm was in ruins. Most of the carrots went to seed. I was old now. There was just me and Savior. To be honest, I didn't have much hope left for the future of this village. One of my last daughters born was actually the killer. They said something like "Just another boring village," and then ran away.
I died there assuming I would probably never see that place again.

A while later, I was reborn in the same village again. This time I was named Lilly. It was thriving once more! Savior was still alive, and now she was my grandmother. I excited told her I was her mom. She said to me "Did I do good?" Yes, Savior. You did good. I was so happy the place was still going.
By chance, I guess, I was given the gold crown again. I passed it on to my daughter, Gladis (I named her Glad, game changed it to Gladis).

I tried to tell my children to build outwards, to put little starter villages outside the main town. I thought this would help in the case of future attacks or famines.
I stayed and raised a few children, and eventually left on a positive note.

Last edited by stickyflypaper (2018-04-11 01:37:44)


#144 2018-04-26 21:22:25

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 386

Re: Favorite moments

I just tried vanilla in a long time.

i was born a male in the middle of nowhere there where 2 eves that where getting babys in just 2 seconds there where eventually 6 kids and only cactus fruit. i was called doom but that turned into dora i had a sister and we where pretty cool. just when my sis turned 3 the eves died and all the other kids died too only me and my sis survived. my sis fed me so i didnt die i turned 3 so i could pick things up and eat on my own. my sis and i where trying to find food/farm but we wherent Lucky my sis stood still on desert tile and said she was gonna die. i said no please dont die. then she passed away.

i couldnt give up! so i ran up to to find food and i found many berry bushes then i found a village with just one guy in it he was friendly and took care of me. years passed and we made pies and tools and i made a wolf hat. then i made a baskets and went finding my sis her grave and took it to the little village i found. i told the nice guy the story of my sister. he didnt know what to answer so he said oh. then we went making pies again. finally he was old and he stood still and said im gonna die. and i was high asf on shrooms and yelled nooo please dont die. then he passed away just when i said i will remember you. i made some pies alone. then i talked alot to my sisters grave. the when i got older i went to my sisters grave and waited until death came and took my soul.

died at the age of 60

Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!

Best Gluck linage so far: … id=4082492


#145 2018-05-10 07:18:40

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 31

Re: Favorite moments

It was the only thing my mother ever asked me. She was an Eve, and she had a little plot started but there was little put together of yet. I was her first.
My mother toiled hard, always making sure to pick me up between her tasks so that I never went hungry. Just after my hair sprouted, she returned with my first sister, and she took up my place in the tiny patch of desert beside our homestead.
"YOU ARE RUIN", she told me. Why, I'll never know. It turned to "RUICHEN".
"WHAT NEED," I asked her. "RABBIT", she said. I went about gathering materials for a snare, but she was quicker than I and had returned with a rabbit by the time I was ready to put my own snare together. I took hers and a basket and trundled off into the wilderness.

I dutifully gathered basket after basket of rabbits, until the growing family was able to produce water pouches for the farm. When we had acquired enough furs, I searched for milkweed while giving the rabbits a break to grow their families. String procured, I sewed a backpack together. "MAY I USE THIS?" My mother and sister had already laid out the furs, ready to be shaped into a pack, and I didn't want to just run away with it.
Well, I'd brought all the rabbits in the first place!
"I CAN GATHER RABBITS FASTER WITH IT," I explained, and she consented. True to my word, I brought back more than double the rabbits I had in previous trips, and we were able to fashion a second backpack after my very first run.
My sisters introduced me to my new brother, who'd been born while I was away. Sisters! There were more of them, too!
As my beard sprouted, I saw the most incredible thing: a seal, out in the middle of the savannah! I hurried to find a big enough branch and dispatched it before it could vanish. With some work, it became a fashionable coat unlike anything else in the family's possession. I knew it would be something special to pass along to the next generation. I imagined telling my heir about my find and the quest to create it.
I saw my family rarely. The last time I saw my mother, she had gotten old and gray. My youngest sister was perhaps six or so. Soon, I saw nieces and nephews on my brief visits to deposit new basketfulls of rabbit and other bits and bobs I'd picked up along the way - a piece of cactus fruit here, some carrot seeds there, some string I'd pieced together while waiting for a snare. It was a lonely life at times, but when I ventured into town every few years the wait was worth it; I watched my family's small plot flourish into a farm with not only a patch of carrots, but a place for their own milkweed stock and wheat. They were starting to craft pies, even! It was fulfilling to know that my contributions helped our family sprout and grow.
Before I knew it, I too was old and gray, and the nieces and nephews turned into great nieces and great nephews. I knew the time had come to find and teach my replacement. A great nephew was born before my eyes as I searched in vain - the only other child was a new great niece, and she would already have her own duties ahead of her. Unfortunately my chosen replacement could not speak, and only wriggled when I asked if he would be able to carry my legacy. Hardly a year later, though, his mother birthed a second son. I told him to find me when he was of age, and set out to prepare for his arrival. I put together a new reed basket, so that it would be strong for his whole life. I filled it with food to sustain him while on his long excursions in the savannah; I knew from experience that the lush fields were a long way off for little legs, and keeping a cache of food was vital. I placed my treasures - my snare, a trusty sharp stone, and his basket of gifts - beside a waiting rabbit family hole, carefully chosen for its location beside a desert so that he would get the most out of his first venture. When I was ready, I returned to town to fetch him.
I found him among the milkweed. His mother had aptly named him "HUNT".
"COME ALONG, KIDDO! BRING A CARROT," I told him merrily before we headed south. "WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN!"
I taught him how to catch the rabbits, to only take from those who had families to provide rabbits for the generations which would come after he and I had long gone. I told him the lay of the land as I felt my strength ebbing. Time flies. There was so much more I wished to tell him as I handed off my pack and my precious seal coat, but I knew I would never be able. "Live off the land, bring the family whatever you can when you can bring it, keep your basket with you always, travel far when you need but always bring your spares! It's a solitary life, but your family loves you, I love you, good luck, good bye." So many things I never got to say. I tried, at least, to utter the last two sentiments, but I died with the words still on my lips.

Godspeed, Hunt. I know you'll do me proud.


#146 2018-05-26 18:45:51

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: Favorite moments

i found emerald! i was nearly dead of old age when i headed out to a nearby camp i found a while back when i got lost in my youth. there i found my niece emerald! she had gotten lost as well. i told her to follow me to home but when i turned around she had disappeared. i was alone at the camp and was at about 6 hunger so i decided to leave a trail for her to follow. i took all the stuff at the abandoned camp and started making a trail south (and left my last words as "go south em" just in case she didnt get the point). i was about to just die at 5 hunger when em came back! i managed to lead her home just in time to die by the pies. i hope she does well


#147 2019-01-27 02:44:39

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 2

Re: Favorite moments

I was born to a pretty decent village with 50+ berry bushes and a few rows of carrots. There was a blacksmith, baker, and a few farmers. There were also some people assigned to compost and tending to cattle. Being me, I chose to go farming. Most of my time was spent there tending to the berry bushes and I even got to make a milkweed farm as we didn't have much string or clothes. After a while, I had my first child; Alexander. Unfortunately, he didn't like being a male and kindly asked "Maybe I can go" and I was confused at first but then after running out of my arms, I understood what he meant. I didn't have many children for a while after that. My next set of children were a set of twins, one quickly died and then after naming the other, she ran away. After that I realized I had just given up on raising a child, I'll just raise someone else's that gets abandoned, and so I did. My sister had a child and I named her Lilly. I was holding her near the fire so she would stay warm when a girl with a bow walked up close to us. The guy beside me asked for her to put the bow down before coming near someone because she had already shot someone before. Next thing I know, Lilly had an arrow through her. The guy and me were furious and thats when he pulled out his knife and stabbed her. After that, things went pretty normal. I went back to tending to the farm and at the age of 55, I ran away so I could spend my last minutes in peace and away from our village. My sister had wished me goodbye before leaving and I got pretty far away before dying at age 59 from starvation.


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