One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-01 22:36:28

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 55

How to Be a Baby: A Guide

I thought I'd write up a few tips for people who are newer to the game and are a bit overwhelmed or confused when they're suddenly dropped into the world with no idea what's going on. This just covers how to deal with the beginning stages of the game when you're a baby, but not general interface usage or what to do after you grow up. If people find this useful I might do some more beginners guides, though. Also, feel free to contribute your own tips and experiences, this is just what I've personally learned from my time playing so far.

Tips for Babies:

  • You can't pick things up or feed yourself until you are older, so at the beginning you will have to rely on your mom's breastmilk or someone else feeding you food by hand.

  • Stay close to mom. Even if she runs off, she might be busy, so stay close and she might take care of you when she has the chance. If you lose her but there are other adults or older children around, stay near them and they might help you if they can.

  • When first born you can only type one letter at a time in chat. If mom tells you to use a certain letter when hungry, type that letter to let her know you need to be fed when your food level (in the lower left) gets low. If she doesn't tell you what to say I've seen people use F, H, Z, X and ! to ask for food, so if you're not instructed otherwise one of those will likely be understood. Don't ask too often, but don't wait til the last minute either because she might need time to put things down and pick you up. I usually wait until a little after it drops to two bars, but before it goes to one.

  • Don't run around too much. If you are moving a lot it makes it hard for mom to pick you up and feed you, or she might accidentally pick you up and feed you when she didn't mean to if you run across something she was trying to interact with. Feeding you drains mom's hunger, so you don't want her feeding you more than necessary.

  • Don't stand behind trees. Like above, it makes it hard for mom to pick you up and feed you when there are tree branches blocking her view of you.

  • Don't stand on top of other babies. It makes it difficult for mom to pick the right kid to feed at the right time, and she could end up overfeeding or underfeeding either you or your sibling. If you're the new baby and she's decided not to take care of you, just accept it, don't try to trick her into feeding you. If you're the elder and she decides to take on another burden, that's her choice, don't make it more difficult than it already is.

  • If mom picks you up, don't try to move or you will jump out of her arms. Your mom might want to carry you with her or put you somewhere more convenient for her, so let her put you down when she's ready. Exception is if you're being held and your food level isn't maxed, which means that whoever is holding you is not feeding you. They might be too old, too young, male, or you might be too old to breastfeed anymore and need to move on to feeding yourself.

  • If your mom sets you near a fire, stay near it and try to keep the temperature meter (in the lower right) at around the middle of the bar. You may need to move closer or further depending on how big the fire is. You will get hungry less quickly and make things easier on your mom if you stay in the ideal temperature range.

  • Don't take it personally if you are abandoned or left to die. Sometimes taking care of another baby would just means that everyone would die. Also, sometimes mothers are new to the game and still figuring out what they're doing too. Just keep getting reborn until you end up with someone who can support you, or you spawn as a mother yourself.

  • Once you get old enough that you can pick objects up you are no longer a baby and can feed yourself with solid food. You can tell you're getting older as you will start growing hair, and you can try picking up random objects to see if you're old enough yet. At this point your mom might help you find things to eat, but there is a good chance that she will expect you to be self-reliant now, or even send you out on errands, so good luck!


#2 2018-03-01 22:57:00

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

About when your food bar grows to 8 capacity is when you're old enough to look after yourself.


#3 2018-03-02 05:06:28

Registered: 2018-01-01
Posts: 137

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

- When real hair appears is when you can take objects.

- Only women can breastfeed! I have seen babies asking me food as a male. Older babies can be fed berries by males but that is generally a waste of food (it overfills your food bar)

And yes, babies abandonment is a valid strategies for early days in a settlement!


#4 2018-04-09 02:23:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

say Q when born so they know you read forums

say HI when you can type two bars

communicate later, dont try to type 1 by 1 is annoying to decipher

you can still be fed for 2 minutes, takes  1 bar from mom,  fills you up
carrots refill 6 so you should eat when you got 9 bars at least and wait until drops to 3. if lags then 4 livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-04-09 03:06:48

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

If you're born as a boy - friendly advice - go kill yourself. No, but really. Don't be a parasite that can't extend the lineage.


#6 2018-04-09 14:17:42

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 25

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

Also, don't take Joriom's advice; this is just opinion. Population control is easier with less women around, so boys fill their niche as sterile worker drones, too.


#7 2018-04-09 14:48:15

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 18

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

If your mom gives you a tour, make sure to remember where everything is.  Lately I have been improving my crafting by trying to look at the recipes each item has while still a baby.  Especially if you are new, this is really helpfull.  Just this week I made my first fire on my own after two weeks of gameplay due to the apocalypse.  You have to be a resourceful baby, child and adult.


#8 2018-04-09 14:55:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: How to Be a Baby: A Guide

yea is funny when at 9 year old i just go with full gear and snares xD livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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