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#1 2019-10-28 07:12:52

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

So the arc just ended

I haven't investigated yet (it's late), but anyone have any insights into what happened?

This is the first one that had a more sensible, spread-out 6-well limit, and only 5 tarry spots, I think.  Did any of the oil wells ever run out?


#2 2019-10-28 12:46:25

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: So the arc just ended

Dead: … 1572240858 … 1572240858

Pumping: … 1572240858 … 1572240858

Only four Oil Drilling Tubes appear in the maplog, so the fifth is probably untapped

End wise, looks like the Candys died out due to murders and young deaths (which could have been starvation before succumbing to wounds) … id=2214329 -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#3 2019-10-28 13:54:23

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: So the arc just ended

So murder then?

It's still too easy to 1Vs1 especially with the bow

3 seconds is not enough to run away and the shock face often goes unnoticed or unseen (especially hard to see on black characters) until it's too late.

If someone tries to murder you being terrified and screaming sounds more appropriate than being shocked.

Would be nice if the "!" from someone trying to murder you would be replaced by something more representative since the "!" is already used for other stuff and doesn't really convey the idea that someone is out there to get you.

Maybe the marker from someone trying to murder you could be visible on the screen edge in the direction of the person targeting you at all times until not targeted anymore, so you would know from which direction run from even when you dont see the murderer on screen anymore.

Last edited by Dodge (2019-10-28 13:55:27)


#4 2019-10-28 15:59:11

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

The marker from someone trying to murder you is on the screen edge at all times, as long as they are within some (pretty large) distance.

However, it's not currently distinguished as being YOUR murderer.  All the murderers look the same.  I think if it's your murderer coming, maybe it should be a double (!!)

Though the client doesn't know it's your murderer.  The server is handling all that stuff, so a new message would be necessary.

Regarding the shock face, the server could FORCE some speech along with the shock face.  That would be harder to miss.  Maybe even GASP! or something like that.  Though forcing speech is currently not something that ever happens, so it would be a little weird.  Player might feel, "Hey, I didn't say that!"

The shock emote could be improved to be more visible.


#5 2019-10-28 16:13:42

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: So the arc just ended

Seems weird to be "shocked" when someone tries to murder you, almost like it's a joke and your life is not on the line.

Targetting someone to murder him should be serious business, but at the same time there is no way to disarm someone without killing them.

And killing someone that is targetting usually ends in you being murdered.

So i usually wont chase someone targetting another person unless i'm expecting to die.

Targetting usually ends up not being taken seriously until someone gets killed, then it' murder fest because someone sees bloody weapon and kills, then gets killed because he has bloody weapon and so on, murder chain.

edit: are you sure the ! is visible at all times? i remember running around and not being able to see from where i was targetted.

Last edited by Dodge (2019-10-28 16:14:47)


#6 2019-10-28 16:27:58

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Regarding the previous arc:



#7 2019-10-28 16:30:07

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Murder mouth is an off-screen sound.  The (!) should pulse for all murder-mouths within 32 tiles of you or something like that.

And there were some bugs with "phantom" off-screen (!), which have been fixed, so I'm pretty sure it's working.


#8 2019-10-28 16:34:13

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Yes, Dodge, just tested, and it works as long as they are w/in 32 tiles of you.  Off-screen, pulsing (!) all the way.  32 tiles is pretty far away.


#9 2019-10-28 16:38:07

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Look at the ROHRER family (red) as an example: … id=2208635

Looks like they had "enough" girls, but those girls died out.  Maybe the min number of fertile girls, before you start having boy BB, needs to be raised.

That's currently at 3.  If you have < 3 fertile moms and girls, you will always have girl BB.

Maybe it should be higher?  Like 6?

I'll try that now.

Also, if the (supposedly sexist) suggestion of men having more skill slots was implemented, fams might be motivated to keep enough fertile females alive so that they can eventually start having some boys.


#10 2019-10-28 16:43:12

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: So the arc just ended

Why there is the same icon for whistling and when someone trying to kill?

The arc ends because Candys run out of females. I was one of, I think, three last girls from them and I went with my sister (we wanted the apocalypse happen) to invade the south town (brown family). We died and someone finish the ones in north town.

Last edited by Gogo (2019-10-28 16:46:50)


#11 2019-10-28 16:43:42

Registered: 2019-02-10
Posts: 52

Re: So the arc just ended

There was much much more murder than usual at the end of the arc. In my last life I was born in a new town without a well and built in a swamp at the South rift. It looked like someone's pet project with almost as many tomato bushes as berry bushes. But, there was plenty of compost (six or more piles) and sheep. Some people showed up and said we should move to a town far North if we wanted to live. I was happy with staying but I went North because pretty much the rest of the camp did. Immediately we found a bloodbath in the main building. It was mostly white family people getting stabbed. The single family notification happened and I had to stab a woman with a baby as the map whited out. I wanted to see what would happen. We were all naked and she had a stab wound.

I went to the Northeast corner, Southeast corner, Southwest corner and then encountered Eve Happy and helped them out there.

Might consider resetting tool skills with apocalypse because without a knife, pads, etc many of my skills were useless.


#12 2019-10-28 16:48:56

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Wow, that's a pretty interesting end story there.

Yes, tool skill slots SHOULD reset after the apoc.  I'll make sure that's working correctly.


#13 2019-10-28 18:05:27

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: So the arc just ended

There seems to be some bug with murder targeting, I got killed twice today on stream because I thought they were targeting someone else - here and here. Either it's possible to switch the target with no delay, or the murder mouth doesn't show up in some situations.

Last edited by Twisted (2019-10-28 18:05:39)


#14 2019-10-28 18:15:32

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: So the arc just ended

Twisted wrote:

There seems to be some bug with murder targeting, I got killed twice today on stream because I thought they were targeting someone else - here and here. Either it's possible to switch the target with no delay, or the murder mouth doesn't show up in some situations.


#15 2019-10-28 19:56:13

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: So the arc just ended

I mean there's different levels of issues:

Murder wise:
-You can't actually out run someone who gets in melee range with a bow on slowdown (or it's at least very difficult.) I know I've been shot multiple times because they got too close while I was more focused on being productive rather than the idiot with the bow.

-The quick swap issue mentioned by twisted. You can swap targets after the kill command to instantly attack someone without them getting a notification.

Gameplay wise:

-Late game gets stale. You can see how people even in this thread were specifically trying to reset the world to get back to playing the game fresh. There's not enough refined or good content at the top of the tree like the bottom to keep things interesting. Due to the limited well mechanic after the first out of play you can't even bootstrap a town so you have to go to one of the designated well spots and hope it isn't one of the bad ones.

-Repetitive lives. Combine this with something like the well change and this forces players to live in the same 2/3 places constantly until the map wipes. People played in mega cities before the arc but they weren't there 24/7. No one would have fond memories of all the cool places if you just lived there forever and ever in a week. 

Then of course you have the issue with normal players and trolls alike wanting things to end which eventually just leads to a weak point where everyone stabs each other.

Nothing between early game and late game really changes minus how you get your water and iron. You still eat the same foods generally, still have the same jobs, but the difference is early game you NEED to do things vs late game where you WANT to do things.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#16 2019-10-28 20:26:21

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Yes, will fix that quick-swap issue for sure.


#17 2019-10-28 20:34:10

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Question, fug:

Do you think oil is lasting too long?

Is that "plateau" simply too long?

Here we were at 46 hours, and there were still two oil wells left and one tarry spot completely unused...

Each well gives 20 tanks of crude expected, or 120 units of kero.  Each unit of kero produces 70 bowls of water.  So that's 8400 bowls of water expected per oil well, or 42,000 bowls of water from oil map-wide.

Ignoring water used for compost input, berries (as an example food) produce 35 food per water.  So oil-water produces 1.47 M food.

Naked on green, a person burns one food roughly every 4 seconds, so oil-food is enough for at least 5.88 M seconds.  That's enough for 1633 hours.  With 40 active players, that's enough for 40 hours.

That assumes a bunch of things, such as nakedness, no yum chaining, no more efficient foods than berries, etc.

A perfectly warm person, for example, consumes one food ever 22 seconds.  So that would be enough oil-food for 220 hours, if 40 people were perfectly warm.  More efficient foods and YUM might double it as well, taking us up to 440 hours, or 18 days.

So five tarry spots gets us somewhere between 40 hours and 18 days of arc survival.

After 46 hours, we had used up 2/5 tarry spots, so we're probably more on the 40-hour end of the scale.  My guess is 60 hours.  Which is maybe just too long, especially with the current tech tree (there aren't 60 hours worth of content).

Let me try cutting it in half and see what happens.

So a tarry spot will produce 10 tanks of oil, on average.

But here's the thing:

When oil runs out, what will happen?

Will people just say, "Let's end the arc, we're out of oil?"  Or will they try to scrape by and survive as long as possible?

It seems like there's currently no reason to survive as long as possible in the game... which is itself a huge problem.


#18 2019-10-28 20:44:58

Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 221

Re: So the arc just ended

all community towns..eves were slaughtered without walls long story short.  Three or four cities with wells and the raiders can get there swiftly from where ever they spawn.

edit also as murder increases fitness snowballs getting like 5 or so  tools slots at 10 fitness.

Last edited by Gomez (2019-10-28 21:01:52)


#19 2019-10-28 20:45:58

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: So the arc just ended

I mean if you want the arcs to only last two to three days then yes oil is currently lasting too long. Either reduce the amount of tarry spots thus setting the world spiraling into downfall (less annoying) or make oil be used up faster (the oil grind is generally seen as annoying so this is a more frustrating option.)

You sort of need to have oil run out for the sake of seeing how long people last without it. Oil is probably still a luxury in the game as iirc last arc had a town that just brought water in via horse carts and buckets.

Also, not really the proper thread but can the bugs with skills be focused on before just reducing skill slots? Currently it's more important for players to learn how not to use skills vs deciding on what skills you should take. The easiest one to point out is you learn fishing by using a fishing rod on a worm but the reverse of worm on fishing rod doesn't teach you the skill but allows you to use it.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#20 2019-10-28 20:47:11

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: So the arc just ended

Another arc is just ending.
There are probably only two fertile women left and each has a hundred children.
It works a bit badly.


#21 2019-10-28 20:49:40

Registered: 2018-09-26
Posts: 150

Re: So the arc just ended

This JUST happened like 7 times I tried to spawn

I am Eve Toadvine. I name my kids Alex, Jason, Jake, Holly and Disney characters. Forager and road builder extraordinaire!


#22 2019-10-28 20:53:10

Registered: 2018-09-26
Posts: 150

Re: So the arc just ended

I'm so sick of this crap

I am Eve Toadvine. I name my kids Alex, Jason, Jake, Holly and Disney characters. Forager and road builder extraordinaire!


#23 2019-10-28 21:01:44

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: So the arc just ended

jasonrohrer wrote:

It seems like there's currently no reason to survive as long as possible in the game... which is itself a huge problem.

Because after a certain point surviving is not an issue anymore. Survival should be a constant challenge but require a functioning society especially in late game since you couldn't count on abundant ressources anymore.

Or you could put content behind a goal treshold to give an incentive to reach a given number of years tongue


#24 2019-10-28 21:14:20

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: So the arc just ended

Dodge wrote:

Because after a certain point surviving is not an issue anymore

The last arc ended from water shortage probably. there were only two livable cities and the one of two had no water, no engine, no oil.

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#25 2019-10-28 21:19:17

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: So the arc just ended

Yeah, wow, that's a very short arc.  Hmm...


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