One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-10-29 07:02:40

Registered: 2019-06-23
Posts: 152

How to ruin the Eve experience

-Make spawning as Eve be something that's precipitated by 8-15 baby suicides (/die)
-Add a spawn token system that punishes Eve players by taking away most or all of their tokens for attempting to play as Eve
-Add a score system that hits rock-bottom after a few baby suicides
-Add a limit to the amount of tools that you can use that is based on the aforementioned score system
-Harshly limit the amount of potential camp sites by limiting the amount of wells to the point that they're all taken within 30min of the beginning of a new arc

These changes, along with a few other ones, as well as the ever-declining player base, have largely taken the fun out this game for me, and I find myself playing it less and less. I also know I'm not alone with this sentiment. Hopefully Jason will revert most of these changes or fix the flaws in them, but until then, personally I'll be diverting my attention to great games like The Outer Worlds. Halcyon calls me. wink

Eve Whiskey, i.e. "Whisler".

Add zoom and hotkeys to the base game (see Hetuw mod) to improve the popularity of the game.


#2 2019-10-29 15:16:20

Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 42

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

I agree with you.

Eve Gomez


#3 2019-10-29 15:41:42

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

Being eve is hard and that's good.
coordinating your kids skills is just an extra challange

If you want solo runs play on low pop server.
If you want to play with pros only Form a group

Wells need tweaking tho but I'm sure that will get worked out.

Rift is a bug test bench and temporary

Last edited by StrongForce (2019-10-29 15:42:39)

Baby dance!!


#4 2019-10-29 15:51:35

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

It definitely feels much worse to play Eve now. I don't think most Eve players want to be useless in the sense they basically have to be a baby spawner since limited skills means they can't really do anything but farm without too much trouble. You're basically just the kindling guy which is a pretty feels bad situation compared to what you could do before.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#5 2019-10-29 15:54:17

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

You can't be Eve at all on the main server right now, because the Eve window is closed.

I am in the process of reworking all of this.

In a post-Arc world, there will be a trickle of new Eves, but they will likely be handed players selected by genetic fitness.  So if you take good care of your family, you will be granted the great honor of being Eve.  Thus /die to become Eve will never work.

All that /die stuff is creating an annoying experience for everyone else in the game.  You're treating all those other players (your mothers) like garbage.  For all you know, you were their only hope, and then /die.

This was never meant to be a game where you get to pick your birth situation.  Nowhere is it described, marketed, or advertised that way.  Any tricks used to pick your birth situation were exploits used contrary to the spirit and point of the game.


#6 2019-10-29 16:32:41

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jasonrohrer wrote:

In a post-Arc world, there will be a trickle of new Eves, but they will likely be handed players selected by genetic fitness.  So if you take good care of your family, you will be granted the great honor of being Eve.  Thus /die to become Eve will never work.

Massive cheering!  For me, the answer to "how to ruin the Eve experience" is "make sure that only people who screw over others by abusing /die ever get the chance to do it, and those of us who play by the rules and try to help out wherever we're born never get to have that experience."

Last edited by happynova (2019-10-29 16:33:03)


#7 2019-10-29 18:33:16

Registered: 2019-06-23
Posts: 152

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

StrongForce wrote:

Being eve is hard and that's good.
coordinating your kids skills is just an extra challange

If you want solo runs play on low pop server.
If you want to play with pros only Form a group

I don't see how your post negates any of the points I was trying to make, but as always, there will be those that defend to the last even the obviously bad design choices that devs make.

StrongForce wrote:

Rift is a bug test bench and temporary

Where's that written? AFAIK it's supposed to be more or less permanent.

jasonrohrer wrote:

You can't be Eve at all on the main server right now, because the Eve window is closed.

Not sure how this is relevant.

jasonrohrer wrote:

All that /die stuff is creating an annoying experience for everyone else in the game.  You're treating all those other players (your mothers) like garbage.  For all you know, you were their only hope, and then /die.

This was never meant to be a game where you get to pick your birth situation.  Nowhere is it described, marketed, or advertised that way.  Any tricks used to pick your birth situation were exploits used contrary to the spirit and point of the game.

You make it sound like spamming /die to get to Eve is some obscure little-known exploit that only a few players knew about, when it's been a well-known core mechanic, in practice an outright necessity, to getting to play as Eve for a very long time now, since well before life tokens were added.

If actively punishing Eve players, increasingly more and more over each new major mechanic addition or overhaul the game has seen in the past few months, has indeed been a long string of "accidents", I do wonder, how is that possible? Do you even test your own game? It certainly does not seem so, or at least I can't imagine any other reason a developer more or less solely responsible for everything in the game would design a major part of the game (playing as Eve, in this case) that is so fundamentally flawed, that to even access it requires one to destroy one's own gameplay experience outside that part of the game (no life tokens, near-nill genetic score, restricted access to tools, etc. as a result of playing as Eve, or trying to, as 12 spawns isn't always enough) and to briefly but repeatedly annoy other players, and possibly ruin their families' chances of survival by being the last girl baby/blocking another player from spawning just a tad too long.

Eve Whiskey, i.e. "Whisler".

Add zoom and hotkeys to the base game (see Hetuw mod) to improve the popularity of the game.


#8 2019-10-29 19:34:37

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

FulmenTheFinn wrote:
StrongForce wrote:

Rift is a bug test bench and temporary

Where's that written? AFAIK it's supposed to be more or less permanent.

Right here

jasonrohrer wrote:

The rift is likely a temporary thing.

It allows me to actually MEASURE problems in the game.  How many resources is enough to sustain a population for how long?  Tweaking those values is very difficult on an infinite map, because players can bypass local limits by simply walking further away.

Once I get the game really humming in the rift, that will be a sign that everything is tweaked to perfection.  At that point, I'll be investigating ways to still have necessary resource limitations on an infinite map.

-Has ascended to better games-


#9 2019-10-29 23:24:14

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jasonrohrer wrote:

All that /die stuff is creating an annoying experience for everyone else in the game.  You're treating all those other players (your mothers) like garbage.  For all you know, you were their only hope, and then /die.

Then why have you left it like this for so long? People have asked you to give out Eve tokens for either living to old age multiple times or some other positive way instead of making the only way to Eve be annoying a bunch of players.

The only way to play Eve without using /die constantly during the Eve window is:

1. Be one of the first people on the server after reset.
2. Be banned from all the birth mothers while the Eve window is open (which is likely impossible at the start of the arc when there's like 10+ families.)
3. Be cursed from all the families but not have so many curses that you end up in dt (unlikely.)

You don't get to play Eve if you want to play fair.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#10 2019-10-30 02:31:25

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jokes on you jason, you prevented people from getting back to the same place via lineage, area bans, cause you so like people who go against the flow that one player who said that he is bored of the same place convinced you to force 90% of town to die rather than the 10% who is bored of the town, same as dodge convinced you to ruin pseudo eves cause the original problem of towns having multiple closeby wells

plus is a legit concern that males got no value so they suiciding is kind of normal

a town needs like 10-15 people all the time
now that means that one eve is 10 players per hour
so how can someone convince himself that he is better than anyone else and he deserves to be Eve that day, maybe even multiple times, is beyond me
it feels like everyone who is playing under others name would kinda deserve to have their life tokens for that hour
like you would need to spend 10 tokens to be an eve, and you can't be an eve under that, so all your other lives should be longer than 20 minutes so you won't waste others time in return, at least for a few hours

i guess there are some people who don't want to be eve
and some players who just grief as eve
and some who just do it for the fact to name themselves, not really for the work they need to do. maybe people should be able to choose a family name after a time and instead of families just have tribes, it would still count as same team

meme score is getting to be the primary currency and it's kinda disturbing livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#11 2019-10-30 07:22:06

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 65

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

Can i add the rift to that list. I feel like I'm playing in a prison now compared to how the maps used to be.

You are Pepsi


#12 2019-10-30 16:48:29

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jasonrohrer wrote:

This was never meant to be a game where you get to pick your birth situation.  Nowhere is it described, marketed, or advertised that way.  Any tricks used to pick your birth situation were exploits used contrary to the spirit and point of the game.

The code says otherwise and it's not hidden information.  People have been able to /die and Eve chaining has existed.   /die is not an exploit, nor is Eve chaining.

Also, it's a stupid idea to not be able to pick your birth situations.  Again though, no, your game doesn't work that way and hasn't, so one could be forgiven for believing that you're lying when you say 'this was never meant to be a game where you get to pick your birth situation'.  Games thrive on players having the ability to select their initial conditions.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#13 2019-10-30 16:56:12

Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 336

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

Went off nomading the other day and had two babies /die themselves when born when they saw I wasn't in a village. Why the hell can babies suicide anyways? It should auto-curse the baby from the mother when they /die prior to a certain age, especially since you can't even seem to curse babies in any way if they suicide before you can name them. Wasn't able to curse a baby I had named after they died either


#14 2019-10-31 07:50:14

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jcwilk wrote:

Went off nomading the other day and had two babies /die themselves when born when they saw I wasn't in a village. Why the hell can babies suicide anyways? It should auto-curse the baby from the mother when they /die prior to a certain age, especially since you can't even seem to curse babies in any way if they suicide before you can name them. Wasn't able to curse a baby I had named after they died either

I think, curse my Baby, works

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#15 2019-11-01 01:51:06

Registered: 2019-09-18
Posts: 19

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

jasonrohrer wrote:

In a post-Arc world

Does this mean the rift will stop resetting at some point in the forseeable future?  Or that you'll (heavens please) be getting rid of the rift in its current form (and therefore readjusting how well-tapping works), making it possible to Eve and pseudo-Eve again?


#16 2019-11-01 06:31:09

Registered: 2018-09-26
Posts: 150

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

TitaniaDioxide wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

In a post-Arc world

Does this mean the rift will stop resetting at some point in the forseeable future?  Or that you'll (heavens please) be getting rid of the rift in its current form (and therefore readjusting how well-tapping works), making it possible to Eve and pseudo-Eve again?

Right??? Omg I'd die of happiness! It would seriously feel like Christmas morning! I wouldn't stop playing if my house caught on fire lol

I am Eve Toadvine. I name my kids Alex, Jason, Jake, Holly and Disney characters. Forager and road builder extraordinaire!


#17 2019-11-02 23:29:40

Registered: 2019-10-09
Posts: 156

Re: How to ruin the Eve experience

I agree tremendously. The eve experience has degraded bit by bit for a while now. Once the highlight of the game it has eroded to the point of barely mattering. For a while the momentum of an eve run could make or break a town or bloodline. One of my favorite things about this game was hunting down a viable spot and forging the foundation for future generations. At first i wanted to see my bloodline succeed but grew tired of petty things like that and only care about making the region a powerhouse no matter who is there. Its a beautiful thing to see your influence effect future generations and how it carves a mark on society. These are the reasons i continue to play this game. How i fell in love with eve running goes back to when the server glitched out (everything you built would despawn within five to ten minutes and food was unlimited). What might appear as a hellscape to some was a beautiful opportunity for me. I was still pretty new to the game at the time and it gave me the space and leniency to explore and discover uncharted environments and resources i had never witnessed before. It gave me an understanding of the different biomes and a thirst to explore i had never experience before. The result of this glitch was a rag tag family adventuring through the wastes discovering unknown lands and banding together against any environment. We stuck together conversing and sharing our knowledge and perspective while maintaining a nomadic and perilous existence. We traveled kilometers together, exploring and discovering uncharted lands. I miss these elements of the game more than anything. I used to take pride in the fact i could hunt down a city within half a kilometer in any direction. I dont know how many ghost towns i found back in the day but it felt so good to stumble upon them, no matter how simple. Long story short the old eve runs were something to behold and lately its felt like they have been stripped of their glory. It took skill to build a civilization and it took skill to hunt one down, now it only feels like luck and all ability to make a difference is consumed by this stupid tool slot bs. If effort was put forth to create the same exigency for middle to late game as apposed to subduing early game this game would be charged to a completely different magnitude. Probably one of the most unique and amazing games ive ever played and honestly glory to you Jason. The criticisms come from a place of love, at least from me. You created probably one of the most unique concepts for a game with endless potential. Never give up on it.

Last edited by Toxolotl (2019-11-03 00:06:37)


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