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#1 2018-06-08 20:58:53

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Escaped Horses

I run into issues when riding a horse with a handcart.

Dismounting it leads to immediate escape, when I’m trying to get something from the cart. I think “tame” horses should have at least five-ten seconds before running as this makes it especially hard to utilize. I don’t really see a point of doing this because it’s impossiblr to transport.



#2 2018-06-08 21:06:59

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 120

Re: Escaped Horses

I get your point, its annoying having to hop back on the horse to stop it from running.

I have got into the habit of making hitching posts before I gather, EG I know a spot where there is a bunch of branches, I take a fence and shovel there before handset up a post and then start collecting, it can be done in most cases but not all, such as firewood collecting, this being said, you can just keep moving the hitching post.
I like the way it works at the moment having to plan ahead, then again I am one of these guys who doesn't chop trees down until I need to instead of deforesting a whole area and slowly dragging clearing it with logs, I hate mess and do everything to avoid it. Thus i find making a hitching post next to some trees beforehand, then chopping the trees and transporting then moving the hitching post to the next few trees (bare in mind it only take one and 1/3 of a tree to fill a cart). i know there is other cases where you just want to pop off the horse to eat or pick up something off the ground and it's annoying when the horse runs.

being about to use your bkpk while on the horse would help. or at least allow us to hitch tamed horses to trees.


#3 2018-06-08 21:16:06

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Escaped Horses

I just find it annoying that basically, you don’t have free reign on a horse. You have specific “spots” where you have to park otherwise you will starve. I want to be able to get off a horse, have a snack, grab some of my stuff from the cart, and work without ha omg to worry and stress about it.

It’s understandable with wild horses or even horses not attached to a cart. But tamed, cart-attached horses shouldn’t do this IMO.

Or even just letting them move a tiny bit, not across an entire biome within a minute would be helpful.


#4 2018-06-08 21:33:16

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 120

Re: Escaped Horses

Lotus wrote:

I just find it annoying that basically, you don’t have free reign on a horse. You have specific “spots” where you have to park otherwise you will starve. I want to be able to get off a horse, have a snack, grab some of my stuff from the cart, and work without ha omg to worry and stress about it.

It’s understandable with wild horses or even horses not attached to a cart. But tamed, cart-attached horses shouldn’t do this IMO.

Or even just letting them move a tiny bit, not across an entire biome within a minute would be helpful.

Don't get me wrong I do agree with you, it's annoying. However, I only see this problem occurring when exploring. I only tend to use horses for logistics, EG bringing mutton to the bakery or hauling branches back to base, and most of the time can be done before having to eat food this is I believe the way Jason intended it for.

Hitching to trees would be a great solution to this, preventing horses from running away just destroys the use of hitching posts.

There has to be a downside to riding horses otherwise everyone would always be riding them, atm its nice seeing carts of items being transported around, the moment horses stop running like they used too, everyone will just be riding them.


#5 2018-06-08 22:02:17

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Escaped Horses

Maybe if we can get horses to die of age etc (sheep too) we can have horse babies be more tame or something.

Skittish horses do not at to gameplay atm, it is just annoying to deal with.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#6 2019-11-06 16:00:50

Registered: 2019-11-05
Posts: 7

Re: Escaped Horses

what if hitching the horse to a tree only extended the time before it ran away like 10-20 seconds instead of 7


#7 2019-11-06 17:17:47

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Escaped Horses

Damn this is an old af thread.

Seriously though can horses not run away after 7 seconds

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#8 2019-11-06 17:19:35

Registered: 2019-02-10
Posts: 52

Re: Escaped Horses

I can understand the frustration in the horses running away. Zoom and search mods greatly reduce the frustration of retrieving a horse and so the penalty for allowing the horse to run away. It is my opinion there is no problem though. I like interrupting what I'm doing every seven seconds for a trivial task. There are people like that. Maybe what we're discussing here is that the horse gives greatly increased mobility which is highly desirable but it comes at a cost. You either stay mounted or whatever work you do is disrupted every seven seconds if you want the horse to stay still.

The property could be transferred to backpacks where they fall off your body unless you cinch the strap. Or it could be applied to your hat falling off in the wind in the prairies if you don't touch it periodically. Or, we could add breathing so if you forget to breath your food bar goes down more rapidly. Or if you stand in one place for a while your shoes become untied and you have to tie them before moving again or they fall off. All of these should be in the game in an effort to drive everyone mad. Please jason.


#9 2019-11-06 19:01:19

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Escaped Horses

mensrea wrote:

The property could be transferred to backpacks where they fall off your body unless you cinch the strap. Or it could be applied to your hat falling off in the wind in the prairies if you don't touch it periodically. Or, we could add breathing so if you forget to breath your food bar goes down more rapidly. Or if you stand in one place for a while your shoes become untied and you have to tie them before moving again or they fall off. All of these should be in the game in an effort to drive everyone mad. Please jason.

Press X to breath.   

Definitely needs to be added to improve the realism.   I'm surprised that more survival games don't already have this.   It seems so obvious.


#10 2019-11-07 01:22:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Escaped Horses


See my stew camp? Brown is a swamp pattern for me. Those off tiles are great to stop horses.
They are biome locked, so the smaller the biome, the less they move.
This also includes items, so if the tiles are filled they cannot run away.
I did a lot of times, that I build my rubber shop next to these single tile biomes to stop my horse without a fence.

Last time I checked, horses can move 8 tiles within the biome I any straight direction, like bishops in chess. The way I blocked my horse on this camp was using 3 eggs in a row smile
You can also wall off a tile and it supposed to work, not sure, I got some old memories of horses running out of pens plus if ou already walling, might as well use a fence so that's a bit obsolete, but might be cases where you can get  a block or two and separate a biome for this trick.
I certainly used small biomes to fill it with horses, most was like 12 horses in a small desert, and funniest was 6 horses into a 6 tile jungle near a camp, when I got back, all of them were hitched to fences, so it's a good way to get horses for town, especially now that a lasso is a tool, you can spend a lifetime getting horses from desert and dropping them closer to town. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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