One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-11-07 17:54:11

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Completely bonkers food rework idea

This came up in the other thread, but seemed worthy of making a separate thread.

Completely insane....

What if the food system worked exactly like it worked currently, but adults had infinite stomach capacity?

You eat a berry, that takes up up to 5.  Then you eat a carrot pie, and it takes you up to 12 food.  Then you eat a berry-carrot-rabbit pie, and it takes you up to 32 food.  Then you eat a slice of bread, and it takes you up 40 food.  Then you eat a bean burrito, and it takes you up to 59 food.  Then you eat another one, and it takes you up to 78 food.  Then you eat another one, and it takes you up to 97 food.

This may seem obviously stupid at first blush, but the implications for social organization are pretty deep and complex.  Food becomes a metaphor....


#2 2019-11-07 17:58:02

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

so one person can eat the food of an entire village?


#3 2019-11-07 18:01:01

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

YES!! Enabling another form of griefing seems to be the play here.

Not reducing food value and drain to allow less individual deaths but more important group decisions that's just stupid nonsense.


#4 2019-11-07 18:05:11

Registered: 2019-07-27
Posts: 168

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

New way to grief: Go to bakery and eat all the pies. All of them. They make new pies? Eat them.
Heck, why limit it to pies? They make stew? Eat all of it. Gobble up those eggs. Munch even more berries than before.
Worried about people noticing and killing you? By the time they would, they've all starved.


#5 2019-11-07 18:05:16

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

More seriously "tanking up" would make the game much more interesting, no need to constantly run for food, less individual deaths but more group organization in regards to food reserves. Since less individuals dies it's the whole village that is more at risk of running out, so it becomes a matter of planning and discussing on how to avoid this scenario.

But allowing one adult to eat everything is just bad.


#6 2019-11-07 18:05:37

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Probably shouldn't be unlimited otherwise one person will eat all the towns.

Maybe for every 10-20 pips extra over the original cap you get a negative speed modifier? If you're doing something that doesn't require much movement you reap the benefits of not having to quit working to eat and if you're just eating to troll you won't be able to run. Might also be useful to make players fat or something to visually show someone is eating way too much (though force feeding would be a really nasty troll move.)

My 800 pound ohol wife simulator is a go.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#7 2019-11-07 18:07:10

Registered: 2019-07-27
Posts: 168

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

We want obese sprites!


#8 2019-11-07 18:10:02

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Kaveh wrote:

We want obese sprites!

Don't limit it either. We want our character models to expand as big as the screen.

We can use treadmill buildings to help fat players lose weight by moving. This is clearly the best idea we've had in a long time on the forums.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#9 2019-11-07 18:14:02

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 90

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Honestly if obesity gets added this would be the BEST update ever!

Build bell towers not apocalypse towers


#10 2019-11-07 18:14:37

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

See no possible way this could go wrong .. in fact, it gives me a really brilliant idea.

I'll post it in a separate thread.


#11 2019-11-07 18:18:30

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

I see a lot of fences there ...and no public food.

Every person would have to produce his food.

by the time one carrot batch grows to be eaten, we would have one hour one life zombie mode tongue

we are not ready for so many BPS, storage, and fences.

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#12 2019-11-07 18:21:48

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

miskas wrote:

I see a lot of fences there ...and no public food.

Every person would have to produce his food.

by the time one carrot batch grows to be eaten, we would have one hour one life zombie mode tongue

we are not ready for so many BPS, storage, and fences.

Just tip over one of the thicc players and use them as a battering ram to bust down the fences. I'd say elder note but clearly none of these people are going to make it passed 40 due to heart failure.

Or have fat people produce meat when killed thus letting us fatten up babies for food in times of famine! Think of all the good this update could have instead of all the baaad.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#13 2019-11-07 18:24:09

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Dodge, how would you suggest implementing "tanking up" without allowing one adult to eat all the food?  The original suggestion was just doubling the stomach size.  Could be 2x or 3x or 4x without allowing one adult to eat everything in sight.

On the other hand, the most extreme version (infinite stomach) has the most depth.  Unfortunately, the raw griefing potential is enormous.  One guy running around eating every wild berry, etc.  It's unfortunate that every idea gets hamstrung by griefing.  "No limit" is much deeper than "limit."  But we have to deal with players who are playing sub-optimally on purpose.  I wish there was one giant, super-clean way we could deal with griefing once and for all, so that every design innovation didn't have to tiptoe around it....

It's like with chopping down trees.  The deepest option is to let you pick how many to chop, anywhere from 0 to "all of them," with some middle amount being optimal, and it's up to you to figure that out.  Then along comes a griefer who chops down all of them.  Then I have to insert some arbitrary limit on the upper end....

In Poker, no limit with the deepest possible stacks provides widest skill spectrum.  More possible choices, more gradation, more room for error.  The lowest-skill variant is one-chip poker, where your only decision is whether to go all in or fold.  The great thing about poker is that there's no such thing as griefing.  Poor play is punished by huge financial losses.  Go ahead, try to shove all in on every hand.  That kind of "broken" strategy is easy to beat long-term.  Players who play that way either weed themselves out by running out of money, or keep coming back with more money, which any sensible poker player would welcome.  It's a self-solving problem.

But in OHOL...  there's just no cost to the perpetrator for sub-optimal play, nor no benefit to the others...

Obese sprites would be nice.  But there are a bunch of problems.  First, GPU stretch looks horrible, so they would need to be hand-drawn at different sizes.  And then we have the problem of clothes.  Those would need to be drawn bigger too.  So it's a content nightmare.  Without different clothing sprites, the big body would "hang out" of the small clothes.  This would look horrible.


#14 2019-11-07 18:26:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Fatter you grow, slower you move.   If you eat enough pies, eventually you would be slower than a guy carrying a big rock and wider than a horse cart.

Thin starving people would run inside your property fence and steal all your pies before you could close the gate.   

You'd have to tell your children to feed you pies, because your fat arms are too short to reach your mouth.


#15 2019-11-07 18:28:23

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 90

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

jasonrohrer wrote:

Dodge, how would you suggest implementing "tanking up" without allowing one adult to eat all the food?  The original suggestion was just doubling the stomach size.  Could be 2x or 3x or 4x without allowing one adult to eat everything in sight.

On the other hand, the most extreme version (infinite stomach) has the most depth.  Unfortunately, the raw griefing potential is enormous.  One guy running around eating every wild berry, etc.  It's unfortunate that every idea gets hamstrung by griefing.  "No limit" is much deeper than "limit."  But we have to deal with players who are playing sub-optimally on purpose.  I wish there was one giant, super-clean way we could deal with griefing once and for all, so that every design innovation didn't have to tiptoe around it....

It's like with chopping down trees.  The deepest option is to let you pick how many to chop, anywhere from 0 to "all of them," with some middle amount being optimal, and it's up to you to figure that out.  Then along comes a griefer who chops down all of them.  Then I have to insert some arbitrary limit on the upper end....

Obese sprites would be nice.  But there are a bunch of problems.  First, GPU stretch looks horrible, so they would need to be hand-drawn at different sizes.  And then we have the problem of clothes.  Those would need to be drawn bigger too.  So it's a content nightmare.  Without different clothing sprites, the big body would "hang out" of the small clothes.  This would look horrible.

Please Jason do it! Even if it takes two months it would be soooooooooooooooo worth it! You coukd potentialy get someone to help you with the sprites (like Mofo). Please this is gonna be so cool, but I understand why you wouldn't want to do it sad

Build bell towers not apocalypse towers


#16 2019-11-07 18:28:31

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

fug wrote:

Or have fat people produce meat when killed thus letting us fatten up babies for food in times of famine! Think of all the good this update could have instead of all the baaad.

A modest proposal, you might say ... For preventing the children of poor people in OHOL from being a burden on their parents or village and for making them beneficial to the public.

I like it!


#17 2019-11-07 18:30:01

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

jasonrohrer wrote:

Obese sprites would be nice.  But there are a bunch of problems.  First, GPU stretch looks horrible, so they would need to be hand-drawn at different sizes.  And then we have the problem of clothes.  Those would need to be drawn bigger too.  So it's a content nightmare.  Without different clothing sprites, the big body would "hang out" of the small clothes.  This would look horrible.

I mean we've all (unfortunately) seen really obese people wear clothes that don't fit. The hanging out would be fitting considering they can't just fit their beer gut into that rabbit fur coat like they could as a child. I'm sure it would be the best kind of ugly you could add to the game.


(credit goes to Jinbaili for this one.)

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#18 2019-11-07 18:31:28

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

So going from "stuff a burrito in the baby" to "stuff 40 burritos in the baby and its set for life"? -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#19 2019-11-07 18:31:39

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

By reducing food drain rate but at the same time food values?

Which means each person can eat much more food units and it stays longer in the stomach.

So let's say every food value is divided by 4, you could eat multiple entire berry bushes, but at the same time filling up this much would make you sustain 4 times longer.

So you are technically consuming the same ammount, but each time you eat it can be much larger portions.

After this point it's possible to play with the different food values to make them interesting (nerf berries, buff stew etc)

And even nerfing naked food drain become possible (which would be impossible with the current drain rate) to make it so shelters become viable and naked outdoors without a house unsustainable in the long run.


#20 2019-11-07 18:32:41

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Goodbye oval, hello triangle!


#21 2019-11-07 18:32:45

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

You could make it so overeating triggers the sick emote with sound.  Maybe add a 10 second cooldown where they can't hold objects after overeating?  That way people could still stockpile food, but they would let everyone know.  The cooldown would give people a little bit of time to respond.

"why are you overeating?"
"getting ready to look for a new tarry spot"


#22 2019-11-07 18:34:31

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Dodge, how is:

reduce food drain rate by 4x, reduce food values by 4x

any different from:

increase stomach capacity by 4x


#23 2019-11-07 18:35:49

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

wondible wrote:

So going from "stuff a burrito in the baby" to "stuff 40 burritos in the baby and its set for life"?

Is it wrong that I'm imagining a fat baby that is perfectly round like a beach ball?


#24 2019-11-07 18:35:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

Yeah, tobias, that's an interesting idea.

So you move slow, hold your stomach, and make a sick face and noise for 10 seconds.


#25 2019-11-07 18:40:39

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Completely bonkers food rework idea

jasonrohrer wrote:

Goodbye oval, hello triangle!

Don't worry Jason we've got the assets ready for you. You can even call this the Livin Large update since its a return to the limitless world now featuring limitless sized people!


(Credit to mofo for these.)

Worlds oldest SID baby.


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