One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2019-11-25 16:52:50

Registered: 2018-09-26
Posts: 150

Re: Not very accessible for new players

The way I learned the most is by watching. I would get a bowl of berries and just go watch someone doing what I wanted to learn. Sometimes they'd figure out I was learning and teach me but observing is best for me to learn.

My last life I noticed my mom watching me and following me, grinding away at a very large milkweed farm. (We had no clothes or buckets). I was just like...ok... When I was done she said "awesome! Now I know how to do that!" Lol. I hadn't realized she was new.

A fire was one of the most daunting things for me to learn, kind of like how I'm currently learning to make newcomen stuff. I'm thinking "I'll never remember all this". But I can EASILY and quickly make a fire and the tools needed from scratch. You'll learn too! I'm one of those that tries to save a town because I see idiots role playing while sheep pens crumble. I can't teach a kid because I have to hurry. I just say "watch".

Most players are cool. But as it's been mentioned before, we have to focus so intently at what we're doing because right before you guys came, everything was made much more tedious and difficult thanks to some dumb ass updates -_- Hang in there! After reading all this I'll try to remember, it's just a game. I'll teach my noob kids all I can. We were all brand new at one point. It's a really fun game and we need more vet players

I am Eve Toadvine. I name my kids Alex, Jason, Jake, Holly and Disney characters. Forager and road builder extraordinaire!


#52 2019-11-25 17:18:00

Registered: 2019-07-27
Posts: 168

Re: Not very accessible for new players

Harmi wrote:
Kaveh wrote:

Omg imagine being a veteran player and not being able to do anything but listen to your mom rehash farming to you. You already have to wait 3 minutes before you get to play now (5% of your playtime in a full life), being unable to do anything after or maybe only if you mom tells you so would be horrendous. There are much much more efficient ways to use that time, both for the kid AND the mother.

And that doesn't even take into account that a baby could know much more than its mother. I've taught my mothers many times.

No, that was not the game mechanical thing I was trying to explain. I was trying to show a way that the game would help you to save your time from doing things that seem to not make sense by making crafting mechanic, simpler to get, and then lead you to use that same time to interact with other players and make deeper relations with them.

It doesn't mean that building an efficiently working town would take any longer than now. The new system, however, would automatically lead you to do things together with other players. That would be the result of more explanating GUI.

And the "teaching" I am speaking about, necessarily doesn't mean that you would need to in chat explain how to use a hammer. The kid would "learn" it by for example these 2 steps

1. Seeing someone to use hammer correctly.
2. That person giving the hammer to the kid. 
- Now the kid would be now fully aware of how to use it.
- Maybe you could even make a "classroom" and teach many kids simultaneously.
- In the best possible scenario, in an organized town, It would lead some player to learn all the possible skills available and then teach them to all of the new babies together.

So, if you teach your kids in that way, the town would flourish even if some players were new. But if you didn't teach -or your kids didn't wanna learn, the town would slowly start going down.

Now, with the current mechanism, the town will flourish if there are senior players and it will go down if someone bought the game from steam and joins your town. I think it's not a good way because of those reasons.

Even the grandmas last few minutes would be important if she could stay home and teach new kids before dying. She could teach some new babies to do some old skill and know that the baby knows it and then grandma would die out by knowing that there in the town still is someone who knows how to use some specific tool.

So you basically want to make it so someone can't get a tool before they see someone else use that tool?

Although it is an idea, I don't think it'll work... I see too many issues with it
First of all:
What happens to the first person in the chain? How does someone learn to bake or smith when nobody has done it before them? What if you find an old abandoned town with a lot of tech your town didnt have, but you're unable to use it cuz you never learned (and anyone who couldve taught you is dead)? Or do you want to make it so only one person in your family can get the tool slot without learning from someone else, but everyone else will have to ask them? What if it's a griefer and they just pick up every tool then leave town to live somewhere else but making sure that no one in the family will be able to do anything? Or what if your family has split up into multiple villages, would you have to go find the other village to even be able to use the tool?

Next to those issues, I see a problem with even finding someone to teach you in the first place. What if you want to learn to bake, but nobody is in the bakery to teach you how to use the oven? Do you have to ask everyone to figure out who can show you to do it, and then they have to stop what they're doing just to help you? If you'd go with teachers: you'd need a constant supply of multiple teachers at the same time cuz nobody can learn all of the tools (not enough tool slots).
Also: this still forces me to spend time doing basically 'nothing' but looking/listening cuz I can't do anything myself. I'd much much rather just be able to leave and do what I want to do, cuz time is super valuable in this game.

Edit: Wanted to add that a town will never flourish without senior players. Yes, new players can bake and farm etc, but they won't be able to make a diesel engine for quite a while- that's super advanced tech you won't just pick up by looking at it. You can look it up on onetech, but if you haven't learned a lot of other things before you won't really know how to apply that knowledge (fast). Even getting a newcomen well is super hard now you need collaboration with other people, for which you need to know how to explore & communicate. Stuff like that isn't easy. If a town would exist of only newer players I think it'd run out of water fast and then die out.

Last edited by Kaveh (2019-11-25 17:22:26)


#53 2019-11-25 18:28:01

Registered: 2019-11-23
Posts: 12

Re: Not very accessible for new players

Kaveh wrote:
Harmi wrote:
Kaveh wrote:

Omg imagine being a veteran player and not being able to do anything but listen to your mom rehash farming to you. You already have to wait 3 minutes before you get to play now (5% of your playtime in a full life), being unable to do anything after or maybe only if you mom tells you so would be horrendous. There are much much more efficient ways to use that time, both for the kid AND the mother.

And that doesn't even take into account that a baby could know much more than its mother. I've taught my mothers many times.

No, that was not the game mechanical thing I was trying to explain. I was trying to show a way that the game would help you to save your time from doing things that seem to not make sense by making crafting mechanic, simpler to get, and then lead you to use that same time to interact with other players and make deeper relations with them.

It doesn't mean that building an efficiently working town would take any longer than now. The new system, however, would automatically lead you to do things together with other players. That would be the result of more explanating GUI.

And the "teaching" I am speaking about, necessarily doesn't mean that you would need to in chat explain how to use a hammer. The kid would "learn" it by for example these 2 steps

1. Seeing someone to use hammer correctly.
2. That person giving the hammer to the kid. 
- Now the kid would be now fully aware of how to use it.
- Maybe you could even make a "classroom" and teach many kids simultaneously.
- In the best possible scenario, in an organized town, It would lead some player to learn all the possible skills available and then teach them to all of the new babies together.

So, if you teach your kids in that way, the town would flourish even if some players were new. But if you didn't teach -or your kids didn't wanna learn, the town would slowly start going down.

Now, with the current mechanism, the town will flourish if there are senior players and it will go down if someone bought the game from steam and joins your town. I think it's not a good way because of those reasons.

Even the grandmas last few minutes would be important if she could stay home and teach new kids before dying. She could teach some new babies to do some old skill and know that the baby knows it and then grandma would die out by knowing that there in the town still is someone who knows how to use some specific tool.

So you basically want to make it so someone can't get a tool before they see someone else use that tool?

Although it is an idea, I don't think it'll work... I see too many issues with it
First of all:
What happens to the first person in the chain? How does someone learn to bake or smith when nobody has done it before them? What if you find an old abandoned town with a lot of tech your town didnt have, but you're unable to use it cuz you never learned (and anyone who couldve taught you is dead)? Or do you want to make it so only one person in your family can get the tool slot without learning from someone else, but everyone else will have to ask them? What if it's a griefer and they just pick up every tool then leave town to live somewhere else but making sure that no one in the family will be able to do anything? Or what if your family has split up into multiple villages, would you have to go find the other village to even be able to use the tool?

Next to those issues, I see a problem with even finding someone to teach you in the first place. What if you want to learn to bake, but nobody is in the bakery to teach you how to use the oven? Do you have to ask everyone to figure out who can show you to do it, and then they have to stop what they're doing just to help you? If you'd go with teachers: you'd need a constant supply of multiple teachers at the same time cuz nobody can learn all of the tools (not enough tool slots).
Also: this still forces me to spend time doing basically 'nothing' but looking/listening cuz I can't do anything myself. I'd much much rather just be able to leave and do what I want to do, cuz time is super valuable in this game.

Edit: Wanted to add that a town will never flourish without senior players. Yes, new players can bake and farm etc, but they won't be able to make a diesel engine for quite a while- that's super advanced tech you won't just pick up by looking at it. You can look it up on onetech, but if you haven't learned a lot of other things before you won't really know how to apply that knowledge (fast). Even getting a newcomen well is super hard now you need collaboration with other people, for which you need to know how to explore & communicate. Stuff like that isn't easy. If a town would exist of only newer players I think it'd run out of water fast and then die out.

Yes, just like in real life, if you don't have a teacher, it's much slower to learn a skill.

So it wouldn't remove your ability to learn the skill, but it would reduce your speed of learning. So by your own as a player who plays Eve, you would maybe learn only a few skills if you learn your whole life, but if you had a teacher, you would learn from the teacher many skills in a very short time.

So how would you play this?

- You will spawn as Eve and you right away start learning some basic survival skills, let's say, for example, 3 different skills.
- You will have a kid and you will teach the skills to your kid right away and the kid will learn, let's say 3 additional skills and teach them to you (Eve).
- Now you both would have 6 skills.
- Then Eve has another kid and the kid will be taught all of those 6 skills and then he would learn additional 3 skills and teach them to Eve and his sister.
- Now everybody would have 9 skills.
- Then Eve dies and her first daughter already has a kid who will learn from the other people.
- If some knowledge will be lost because of bad town management, people will have to learn it back in a hard way.

Where do I think this would lead naturally?

- In a town, they would need to have someone who knows what's happening and they would be leading and organizing it to a better future.
- Everybody would have some profession.

To make it work, there however would need to be some features to allow players to interact with the game. You should, for example, be able to see the skills other people have and what you have.

Last edited by Harmi (2019-11-25 18:37:29)


#54 2019-11-25 20:46:06

From: Wisconsin, USA
Registered: 2019-09-29
Posts: 49

Re: Not very accessible for new players

The new updates ready have so much restrictions on players now.. this would just be yet another layer of hassle to grind through every single life. Esp for those who play 5+ lives in a session...


#55 2019-11-26 01:48:04

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Not very accessible for new players

Seems like the consensus is mostly to watch and learn. If you don't know how to do something, watch someone else do it first. Look out for players that are well dressed or quick at what they're doing. Asking for a job is asking for a teacher and that's very inefficient in a game like this. Most things require multiple items and steps. Explaining a basic job could take ten or twenty years in-game. Skilled players that can teach are usually too busy with important work to spend that much time on you.

Instead I think that figuring it out (mostly) on your own is the best way. Look for things that you want to learn then research the tech tree and figure out how. Usually it's simpler than you think, after one or two tries the recipe becomes intuitive and easy to remember. A new player asking a specific question will get an answer. "How do I make bait" is a lot easier to answer than "how do I hunt?" for example because it implies 1. that you're specifically hunting rabbits and 2. you already know everything involved other than just baiting the snare.

Loco Motion


#56 2019-11-26 07:44:29

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Not very accessible for new players

I ask for JOB? A lot too! Too often I go on a long quest to get something, only to get back and see it was already done
Asking JOB? Does help!

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#57 2019-11-26 07:46:40

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Not very accessible for new players

quick at what they're doing

This part is more important, anyone can get loot when an elder pinata pops


#58 2019-11-27 01:37:19

Registered: 2019-11-23
Posts: 12

Re: Not very accessible for new players

Tbh, learning in-game is not very efficient as far as I know. People are just running around and moving items and you have no deep understanding of what for they are doing what they are doing. Also, you probably didn't see them do all the steps and where they got some items, etc. They also have their own goals and only some minutes to achieve them before they has to leave the game. It's better to watch some youtube tutorial videos such as this: If you wanna learn faster.
I think I've learned from that video at least same amount of knowledge I've learned from playing the game so far. Maybe more.


#59 2019-11-29 00:24:34

Registered: 2019-11-23
Posts: 12

Re: Not very accessible for new players

I think I have to stop playing this game. I like the idea of this game, but the way how you have to play it is not very intuitive. You cannot play it with "common sense" and it sadly feels like that I am forced to waste time when trying to do some very basic tasks.

It doesn't mean that I couldn't learn how you play it if I just made repetition very many times, but the problem is that you are forced to do simple things in a way that is made to be as complex and unforgiving as possible. For example that iron making queue. I watched a video where someone was speedrunning the tutorial. It took him about 8 minutes to make all the tools needed. If 1 minute is one year, why did he had to use 8 years of constant working to make 1 hammer, 1 shovel, and 1 ax? I bet you could in real life make the same in 2 years if you were in some area that has no winter and you had food and clothes and some sort of a home and there was, for example, iron bacteria in water so that you could collect iron just like that. Also, where are bronze axes and copper swords etc? Those were very common in history and even easier to make than iron tools.

The people who are not speedrunners would have to use at least 20 years for that same thing. So not very efficient and the time scale cannot be correct. Also, if you do forging, you understand what you are doing in real life, but here you don't since there is all kind of little special things that are not explained anywhere and the GUI is not helping you much to do your tasks. In real life you just put coal into your kiln, but here you don't, because you need to have first your bellows next to the kiln to make it work. Even if you were an expert smith irl, you couldn't do the thing any faster in this game. That I think is the problem of GUI.

I kind of understand that everything can be multiplied. So for example, if you in-game collect 1 berry, it can be understood that in fact, you collected 1000 berries and so on. But yet still it's a very unintuitive way of playing a game.

If we had, let's say 100 randomly selected people from anywhere around the earth. No matter their profession. They could be anything. Rocket engineers, doctors, normal folks... etc. And they would be put into a jungle without clothes. What do you think would happen? I think they would start a stone age. In fact, I am quite much sure, that the stone age has happened multiple times in the history of humans. Some folks just are forced for some reason to leave and then they have to start from scratch.

It depends on things what will they become, but I also think that with determined and understanding people, it would take only a few generations after they had quite nice homes and working government, their own laws, domestic animals, etc. If the people were not so smart, or not willing to progress or they were too aggressive or their neighbors were aggressive, or they had diseases or something, then they would just stay in the stone age. To the modern technology, it would take hundreds of years from them.

Last edited by Harmi (2019-11-29 00:41:30)


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