One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2019-11-26 18:25:01

Registered: 2019-09-05
Posts: 11

The girl who was called IT

Once upon a time, there was a young girl in the mountain village. This was during the time of the rift.

The girl had been collecting clothing for these dyes she had wanted to do. Black and yellow for Halloween. She was wearing a medic apron.

Suddenly, her little baby sister ran past. There had been a wolf running around town for many years. The baby ran straight into the wolf, and then was bit. She ran up to the girl, and the girl healed her.

The baby and the girl went up to their mother. “It ran into the wolf Ma” the girl said. The baby then made a mad face at her. The girl, looking confused at this, gave her sister a backpack and left.

She proceeded to go and finish the clothes collecting, and dyed them with alum so nobody would take them. Then her little sister ran up to the girl.

“Kill” “you” the baby growled at her.

“Why?” The girl responded.

The baby said to her “you” “call” “me it”.

“Okay.. can you leave me alone?”

“I will” “kill u”

The girl ran off to her mother, “Ma!” She yelled, “sister said she would kill me!”

Their mother frowned, “okay, I will watch her”

The girl went back to making the black dye and the yellow dye. She saw her sister running around making and arrow.
“Kill you” the sister said.”unless you” “apologize”

The girl, who was very stubborn, refused to apologize for something so stupid. Her sister, who was furious at this, stormed off.

The girl then had a daughter and cared for them well. She left her daughter in the berry fields at the age of three, as was customary, and went back to her work.

Then, her sister charged at the girl with a bow and arrow, and shot her. Mother healed her.

The girl pulled her knife and tried to kill her murderous sister. Mother told her to stop. So the girl, who very much loved mother, put her knife away.

Then her sister came and shot her again, this time, nobody healed her. The girl, who never held grudges, she was angry. Very, very angry.

The girl then died, but she knew she would be reborn, and hoped for a better life. But, she was reborn to her sister who had killed her!

The sister -now the mother- asked the baby, “Are you my sister?”

“Y” the girl -now a baby- responded, looking angry.

The sister had an evil grin on her face, “you are Ita” she said.

The sister laughed, smiling, “I’ve done it! I’ve had my Revenge!”

The baby, Ita, sighed. She watched as her grandmother passed to old age. And as soon as she turned three, she went back to finishing her work from her past life.

She dyed the clothes yellow and black, her mother treated her well. Despite being her murderer.

The girl got older, and made fries and chips. She had a couple daughters and sons, she knew she had lived a good life.

The sister died and many years later, the girl also passed after finishing her chips.



#2 2019-11-27 10:48:35

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: The girl who was called IT

"I don't understand English colloquialisms, such as using 'it' for a newborn, so I am going to murder you."

ign: summerstorm, they/them


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