One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-04 04:29:40

Registered: 2018-03-04
Posts: 5

Suggestion : Time Capsule Message

Hi everyone, my first post I hope people will like this idea.

As I was waiting for my last day, as an old woman, I remembered the 1h life long journey I just had.
I was the last of my group, the end of my family tree, no kids nobody !
My base was huge, lot of food, big carrot farm, lot of raw meat ...
So I was thinking about, after i'm gone, maybe some other people will find this base and call it home.
And then I thought, would be so nice to leave a message so when someone finds the base, he can read about how we created it and what happened there...

So my suggestion would be to add some kind of time capsule message that we can leave, but only after a certain age.
like when you turn 50, you can leave a message in the world to let future people know about your life and how it was....

Let me know what you think about that smile


#2 2018-03-04 04:48:38

Doctor Flintrock
Registered: 2018-03-03
Posts: 34

Re: Suggestion : Time Capsule Message

Developer Jason has considered some basic way of communication. But I'm not sure it would work like you described it: every Eve and Adam is a prehistoric human. They cannot read or write, but they may be able to communicate or show something through pictographs.

[How do you avoid players drawing, uh, you know? There are more problems beyond this.]

For now the only thing you can do is pass down your legend orally to your children and kin. But you're right, it would be nice if you could leave something small behind, if only for a while.


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