One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-10-17 00:50:03

Registered: 2019-09-29
Posts: 17

Cool Ideas & Suggestions

'Tis a thread to post suggestions and ideas for the game; Visualize what it could become and how it could improve. I'll start.

~ Family mechanics! I feel like the game isn't very family-oriented and too focused on the girls. Maybe there should be something added where males are vital to stick around too. Perhaps, five or so generations into a family, females have to be within a certain proximity of a male to have babies. At the moment people don't hesitate to throw away males and it might change that. Along with this, maybe some sort of marriage/relationship system would help enhance a player's experience. Here's what I was thinking:

~ Partnerships! If two people of any gender from any family get together and say something such as "Be my spouse" to one another, they'll be considered a couple. Once the game registers them as a couple, they can change their last name if both of them, when near one another, say something like "We are ___". This would change both of their last names and start a new family, or maybe just add the name they said onto both of their current last names and create a sub-family. Their children would also inherit their last name from whichever parent names them, and their kids will inherit the names too, unless the child gets married and gets a new name. If it's a lesbian relationship, both of their kids will have two mothers. Both of the duo will display as both of their kids' mother, or "stepmother"- something of the such. With gay relations, it'd be the same but with nieces and nephews. However, with a hetero relationship, being near each other gives some sort of a 'baby buff' where the woman has more babies, or a higher chance to, than usual when around the man. For the baby, the man will also be displayed as "Your Father" and affect his genetic score. The child would receive a player model of either of the parent's skin color, OR any color in-between. So a really white woman and a hella black man can have a brown, white, or black baby. A black woman and a brown man can't have a white baby. Things such as that.

(Partners can break up and cancel the current buffs, revert both of their names, etc. by saying something like "You are not my spouse.")

~ Arranged partnerships! Same as above, but as babies, parents can hold their children close to each other and say something like "This is your spouse", having the same effects as stated above once they're older. Their last names mix, and they're on both sides if a war starts. The children can't break up, but rather an elder has to break them up. This could help create a whole nother level of inter-family relations and serve as a community-recognized peace treaty.

~ The ability to adopt kids. There's always kids who run up to you after being abandoned. You could grab a straggler, and say "I adopt you". If the child says "Y" as in yes, you've adopted the kid. If it doesn't have a name and you name it, it becomes part of your, last name, affects gene score, the whole bundle.

I'm super into family stuff when it comes to games, it's hard to find one where raising em is meaningful. I love the game and would love it more if you could interact with players in a more meaningful way.

Please let me know what you think.

The peace we're surrounded by is temporary; prepare yourself for the inevitable.


#2 2019-12-01 04:25:13

Registered: 2019-09-29
Posts: 17

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

Something to make animals more intricate/useful.
Pets with different skills, perhaps?
~ Cats could bring rabbits or mice, could be trained using fish, shrimp, rabbit, etc.
~ Dogs could hunt smaller animals, like geese or rabbits.
~ Monkeys could retrieve bananas, but you'd have to snatch it from them before they eat them

Maybe a vet profession, with scales, thermometers, stethoscopes, basic stats for animals which could change based on how well bred they are, etc., etc.. Illnesses that deformed animals can pass on to their keepers, other healthy livestock, etc.. Dogs & cats could have an 'obedience' stat that determines how easily trained their offspring are- things like that. There are different tasks that animals have the option of doing each move that could include an assortment of tricks, moving, eating, attacking, a certain task, etc. When you praise or give a treat to an animal that does a certain task, the percentage of them doing that task on their own, without being prompted, goes up. When given a treat, their bond with the treat-giver goes up, making it so they respond to commands easier, if it's from that player. However, it'll also up the percentage of the task they were doing less than a second ago. Now, with breeding. There are male and female animals, females will have a higher percentage chance of attacking, and males will bond easier. Their stats, genetic defects, etc., pass on to their offspring; with mutation chances of course. Sheep could turn darker or lighter, and when bred purely for black wool, their defects will probably be ignored. Or, without a veterinarian to make sure they're healthy and able to breed viable offspring, their stats decrease over the generations.

This could also help biome specialization and help further the process of trading! If the gingers can train a cat with high fat levels to fish, then trade it for rubber from a brown family, the cat would not do as well as it did in a cold environment as it will somewhere else. its offspring will have an affinity to fish and will be easier to train to do so, but if the browns were to continue breeding the lineage with their jungle cats, which have adapted to the heat and have low body fat levels, the lineage would slowly turn into jungle cats again, making the browns need more fish or shrimp, and thus need more snow cats. They, unfortunately, can't get into the tundra to train the cats for what they need, so they must trade again to get what they need. Blacks could breed faster horses, or show horses with fancy coat patterns. The browns could train monkeys to retrieve bananas. The whites, who wouldn't need to focus on a specific animal, could train dogs who hunt rabbits, or fast racing dogs with slimmer bodies, or large aggressive dogs who bite people with certain traits (based on percentages and such), or just people in general. They could be bred to be small and loud like chihuahuas, and I recommend getting rid of specific breeds altogether and to allow players to mold their own. Earlier dogs and pets (cats, monkeys), would of course need to be bred to fit domestication, and aggression levels would need to decrease generationally. Sheep could be raised to be slimmer and eat less, or be fatter and produce more meat. Or, they could be bred through generations to be slower, produce more wool, things of the such.

Veterinarians would be needed to ensure that the animals are suited for what they're bred for, they could be DNA tested with high-tech items, things of the such. A dog with a higher heartbeat rate would probably have babies with higher heartbeats than them, increasing the likelihood of seizures or panic attacks where they go into a frenzy and attack anything in sight. Things of the such. A vet with all types of equipment available to him/her would need to learn how to use it, and the results of it would have to be calculated by the vet themselves. Say, you put a stethoscope on a dog. They have to stay still, or be put under. The heartbeat plays as a sound for the person using the stethoscope on the dog, rather than it just being displayed. They have to either use experience and determine whether it's relatively close to what they consider to be the healthy heartbeat, or count and calculate the beats per minute. Of course, dogs would need to adapt to their environment, so a dog in a snowy ginger town would need to be fatter, their heart would have to beat slower, and they'd need a better sense of smell, and generally have to be specialized to their targeted environment. Wolves would vary in how they've grown up, but generally be the same, as they've lived in the rocky area their entire lives. Dogs would have set lifespans based on their genetics and such, and would breed with what's around them unless they're so wildly different they'd need to be artificially inseminated. This would cause a need for pens in the breeding process.

Same with the other animals! Don't want your cows breeding with random cows? Pen them up, get them a vet visit, and see which cow their genetics are suited to breeding with. There'd also be general diets that increase different things. Feeding your dogs mutton from a sheep bred to be fat? Your dog's gonna get fatter, and thus their children will generally be slightly fatter (and warmer!) than their ancestors.

I want animals to be flexible. No set breeds, just something mold-able, trainable, with stats and spreadable diseases. This opens up a whole new world of late-game activities that further trade and mold each town's individuality. Bio-warfare can also be an option with wildly diseased and misbred animals. I want something that players have to do themselves that changes every time it's done, and is shaped by personal preference.

The peace we're surrounded by is temporary; prepare yourself for the inevitable.


#3 2019-12-01 09:09:10

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

All I want is
for dogs to follow the owner
For the smaller ones, the ability to be picked up
Ability to leash them with a rope
Make some dogs able to give a warmth bonus to a nearby baby
Why?At the moment, dogs just feel kind of lifeless wgen they have a potential to feel more positive.

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#4 2019-12-01 09:33:16

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

why did this topic die... Awesome and impacting ideas.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#5 2019-12-02 14:05:23

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

More animals - more places where you can't put things down.


#6 2019-12-03 04:49:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

sports, automation, travel to fort fights/castle sieges, territory control, non deadly skill based combats, arenas livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2019-12-03 13:43:03

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

I want towns to grow larger and more majestic. Castles, streets houses just like in medieval times. We might be able to do it if there was an easier way to architecture or if it had more value
If individuals had their own houses and property it would be more individual and family first, tribe second. Evolution at its finest.
Although property fences do exist property itself  hasn’t caught on. All you own is the resources in your bag and your apron.

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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#8 2019-12-03 14:08:59

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

Gogo wrote:

More animals - more places where you can't put things down.

Then I suggest Jason lifts the restrictions on smaller items and make it so that standing upon smaller items such as plates, needles and berries don't protect you from wild animal attacks.


#9 2019-12-03 15:23:08

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

karltown_veteran wrote:

I want towns to grow larger and more majestic. Castles, streets houses just like in medieval times. We might be able to do it if there was an easier way to architecture or if it had more value
If individuals had their own houses and property it would be more individual and family first, tribe second. Evolution at its finest.
Although property fences do exist property itself hasn’t caught on. All you own is the resources in your bag and your apron.

Autolocked doors that function like property fences maybe? I want cities with streets too, with specialists in some homes who do their own craft and sell it on the market for services their family can't perform on their own.

I've only ever seen one example of an actual city and it was several months ago. Several houses on rows connected fences with backyard cropless gardens. Double or triple-layered road network, spread out telegraphs throughout the city. The only thing missing was people to fill it. I believe it was during the family ban system so you couldn't be born in the same family for a good one or two hours.


#10 2019-12-04 04:24:12

Registered: 2019-11-26
Posts: 36

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

voy178 wrote:
karltown_veteran wrote:

I want towns to grow larger and more majestic. Castles, streets houses just like in medieval times. We might be able to do it if there was an easier way to architecture or if it had more value
If individuals had their own houses and property it would be more individual and family first, tribe second. Evolution at its finest.
Although property fences do exist property itself hasn’t caught on. All you own is the resources in your bag and your apron.

Autolocked doors that function like property fences maybe? I want cities with streets too, with specialists in some homes who do their own craft and sell it on the market for services their family can't perform on their own.

I've only ever seen one example of an actual city and it was several months ago. Several houses on rows connected fences with backyard cropless gardens. Double or triple-layered road network, spread out telegraphs throughout the city. The only thing missing was people to fill it. I believe it was during the family ban system so you couldn't be born in the same family for a good one or two hours.

You guys are speaking my language!!! I WANT THIS EXACT THING!
that would be the cutest thing ever. from rich to poor, it would definitely be more realistic.
I would want to have a family restaurant >:3

Im just here to soak up the juicy drama ; )


#11 2019-12-04 05:25:41

Registered: 2019-09-29
Posts: 17

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

Books, leather, & more

Books! Some people like to tell stories on pages of paper, but it's near impossible to make sure they stay in their assorted order. Perhaps leather, which could provide another purpose for cows, just regular paper, or wood could create a cover. This could even give an opportunity for mapping books, where adventurers could mark down prestigious locations on maps within a book. This would be a lucky find for anyone able to happen across a multi-gen nomad family's old family mapbook. Turning the page should allow a new map to be seen, same with pages and their words. Perhaps paperback books could only hold 5 pages of either maps or writing, woodback boos could contain 10, and leatherback could contain 20-30.

The peace we're surrounded by is temporary; prepare yourself for the inevitable.


#12 2019-12-06 04:07:37

Registered: 2019-08-04
Posts: 79

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

Definitely dumpsters. To throw unwanted items in. Like banana peels, broken tools, worthless notes, babies...


#13 2019-12-06 17:25:54

Registered: 2019-05-20
Posts: 65

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

All I want is books, flour sack, water or Oil barrel, and watering can

- "The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life."
Add books, please Jason.


#14 2019-12-06 17:28:15

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

Animals eating other animals, fighting between animals.


#15 2019-12-12 03:08:37

Registered: 2019-09-29
Posts: 17

Re: Cool Ideas & Suggestions

I just played a life where we bred tons of dogs- using our own resources of course. Made a pen, imported beagles & poodles, and went ham on it. We gave out pups to young kids, things like that. We ran what was essentially a free pet shop. It had me wishing we could do more with dogs.

-Leashes would make a wonderful but simple thing. Maybe you wouldn't always need to be holding your dog, and could lead them places, tie them up, things like that. Perhaps two lassos could make it? It'd be costly but make dogs much more fun to have, and cause a sense of belonging with the dog. I'd love to see dogs being traded.

-Naming dogs would also help create a sense of property. They'd have to be named as pups, and could probably have any name. Dogs could maybe come to their name?

-Dogs should be able to kill/scare off/detect dangerous predators. Perhaps barking at bears could be a feature? It'd greatly help unmodded users in avoiding danger. Due to dogs' high cost and demand for upkeep, I think it'd be cool and well deserved.

The peace we're surrounded by is temporary; prepare yourself for the inevitable.


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