One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-12-22 10:43:01

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

Story time: Fled home to hostile bell town

I was born as Frieda Feuer to a small town in the North. My mom was AFK. I was cared for by an aunt for a while until she died. Almost starved, no one would feed me despite my please of 'f'. One person managed to feed me and by that point, I was set and grew a moment later. They had essentials, was kinda new I think, only a deep well. I was working on upgrading it as soon as I could but two related family members came in on horses and started killing people. I was only like 14, didn't have a bow or knife around to grab. While they were killing my family I fled south towards a bell town that went off. I didn't feel too guilty, they almost let me die as a baby. I had been debating traveling off anyways.

I had my first kid dressed him and we took off. Had a girl during the trip, bell town was only 600 away so it wouldn't be too far not to make. My son ended up dying while I was trying to feed him wild food. My daughter, Cleo, was passed his clothes and we continued. She was a trooper and we made it to the bell town. We were not welcomed, however. As soon as we got there a bunch of tan-skinned people started chasing us with knives. During the chaos, I had another kid and scooped her up. We sort of ran around and skirted the town for a while dodging attacks. On our journey, me and Cleo had found knives but had no initial plan to harm these people. I'm not sure what there deal was honestly. There was a tan and ginger family. You'd think they'd be chill with a black family so we could all make rubber easier?

During the chaos of sidestepping knives and somehow outrunning a mob my daughter had a baby but left it trying to run. (They were too clueless to form a posse I guess, which was good for us. Lol) The tan people that were initially starting to chase us were old and died. So we went back and all was fine. There was one last tan lady that was like in her 30's maybe 40's that started up their family tradition of wanting us dead. She was foolish enough to follow us to the North, on the outskirts of the town. I pulled out my knife and killed her. All was well then and we settled in.

Looking at the family tree now, however, I see my daughter Cleo was murdered sometime after I died. Not sure why as we hadn't been bothered and were even able to help contribute to the town at that point. So our journey was in vain I suppose and all the chaos for nothing. There was only one fertile tan when I died, so I was secretly hoping they'd eventually die out as I had two daughters.

I'm curious now though, if any of them are reading, why y'all were so hostile? Like we came from the far North and didn't do anything wrong. There was another black family there when we came. Were you after those people initially for something and confused us? Or were you all just racist or some bs. Lol.

TLDR: Fled from murder in birth town to a hostile bell town that tried to kill me and my kids. The journey was for nothing because looking at my family tree after dying as my eldest daughter was murdered. I thought we dealt with the problem with the tan family and all was peaceful when I died. Ironically I had been in this town in a previous life earlier in the day before they had a diesel pump. … id=5673419


Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


#2 2019-12-22 16:08:15

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Story time: Fled home to hostile bell town

Far as I can tell, they were just griefers targetting blacks.    I came to the same bell town from a village 1.6K to the west.    I had a daughter and two sons.   My youngest son warned me that the brown people were trying to kill us.    I continued to help the town, but kept an eye out for suspicious behavior - like the brown guy with three knives in his backpack.  I wasn't surprised when that guy and another brown lady tried to murder me for no reason and was able to evade the attack.   I managed to stab the woman, but I think someone healed her

After that, I left town.   

I spent my whole life working on making rubber and horses for the belltown, only to be driven away by a pair of racist griefers.   Boy, isn't the Race Specialization update great?


#3 2019-12-22 19:41:49

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Story time: Fled home to hostile bell town

Funny, when I was playing it was the opposite, the blacks were killing browns.

First, I was in that bell town. A guy on horse said someone from Captain family (brown) took our kerosene to their town (south-west from bell). So I ride with him there, we killed one guy and took kerosene back (they didn't even have diesel well, so why they steal it...).

WHICH was dumb, because due to the language barriers they didn't even know why we killed him.

In second life there was massacre in that south-west town from bell town. There were blacks and browns, black girl lured bear to town and browns were massacred. Then two black gals moved to bell town and finished browns there too. One of them said if they're dumb enough not to have any defence, they deserve to be killed.

Last edited by Gogo (2019-12-22 19:43:14)


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