One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-13 18:40:10

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 12

What dose everyone want out of the game?

During the food leak discussion on discord the developer Jason Rohrer said that the payers don't know what they want so i'm interested to know what direction all of you would like the game to go in.


What do you want out of the game?
What do you hope for in the future of it's development?
What is it missing or need to improve?

Things like that.

I will be making a video about it but I wanted to get a feel of the general consensus before hand.
I hope that's ok?


#2 2018-04-13 19:28:35

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 29

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Instead of the current system of all Eves spawning very far from each other, I'd prefer a global decay system (objects fall into disrepair as they're not being used, and eventually break or disappear) combined with the spawning mechanic being probability based - you have a greater chance to spawn far from civilization, but there still exists a smaller chance of you spawning near it. This way, you could discover an old, abandoned village, and try to repair it. Better than going through the same exact steps trying to set up a civ every time you spawn as Eve. I am aware that this would require the way the map is being wiped to change; maybe areas would be wiped after a longer period of time? This also raises questions about server load, I assume; unfortunately, I'm not really qualified to go in depth on those.

Natural disasters. It would be interesting to try to salvage a village after one (maybe this could play off of the global decay system - a disaster lowers the 'repair level' of objects it hits very fast, so to speak).

A wounds system (when you're hit by a weapon, you're injured instead of killed, and you must receive multiple injuries before you die) has been proposed by others before, and I'm completely on board with the idea. Would make for more interesting pvp, maybe even large, epic battles, and I'm all for that in multiplayer games. Would maybe require medicine items to be implemented.

The ability to give yourself a first and/or last name if you don't have one or the other. Family lines matter less if you all are just a bunch of nameless nobodies.

Can't think of anything else right now, but might come up with more later smile

Edit: I did come up with more!

WASD movement

Babies get their family's last name automatically, even if they're not given a first name (was first suggested on reddit by AllAtOnc3).

Armor could be used to make your character more resistant to attacks (like, for example, needing 3 or 4 stabs/arrows to kill instead of 1 or 2 - would work well alongside wounds system), but it would need lots of resources to be forged, and maybe it would slow your character down somewhat, maybe depending on how many pieces they're wearing (this way griefers wearing armor could still be stopped).

Last edited by lostlandofcarrots (2018-04-14 00:56:49)


#3 2018-04-13 20:17:14

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

I would point out, since apocalypse i for some reason spawned as eve in a large settlement, i was actually quite bored and just raised kids and then quite at menopause sine I know other people miss big civs and I figured I'd repopulate it.

i think the main thing people want is for the tech tree to continue to grow.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#4 2018-04-13 20:46:08

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Lots of content, so it takes a really long time to stagnate, if it does at all.
Also role-playing opportunities.deverse social roles to fill.


#5 2018-04-13 21:03:29

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 4

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

I don't think of the game application (the binaries that I download and install and update on my machine) as the "product", as the OP seems to be talking about "the game" as.

OHOL is an experiential "product". You are part of a large piece of art, and that art is not simply the digital "things" that you "make" and are persisted temporarily on a server somewhere. If you think this way, you miss the whole point.

OHOL is a mirror placed in front of you. Within the game application itself, there is very little you can do to discern who else is playing with you. You are anonymous. Some have seen this as a lack, and have used external tools to fill the perceived "gap". But that sort of functionality was left out on purpose.

And being anonymous means that you are free to express yourself within the confines of the games rule. Maybe you'll be helpful, maybe you'll be destructive, maybe you'll be selfish.

Mostly you'll be selfish, because to the game you brought with you the concept of personal property. Outside of what is in your backpack and your hands, you don't own anything. This is part of the mirror, because it is true in real life as well.

You've been given metrics, like number of generations lived, so you perform to them, because topping some number gives your real life meaning somehow.

You've been given monuments and told that everything will go bad if you make them. The monolith was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil from the garden of Eden.

You split rocks even before there was a reason to do so, because you could.

At the time of this post, the stats say: 1,072,451 lives lived for a total of 156,420 hours 64,461 people lived past age fifty-five

If you do the math, that is 8.75 minutes per life.  The average game lasts for less than 9 minutes. Just over 6% of the people make it to 55.

As a group, the players, who are the paintbrushes in the collaborative painting, are selfish. Kill the old, kill the young, don't feed boys, too many babies.

What has the mirror shown you? What did you like about what you saw? What horrified you about yourself and others?  Just because the people are anonymous does not mean that they aren't really those assholes down deep.

I was once murdered for making carrot pie in a town that only made rabbit carrot pie.

I was once taken by my light colored mother out of the village and told I was a Nigger and didn't deserve to live.

What do I want out of the game? I'm getting it... a good, real picture of humanity.

But the game application is no longer the thing itself. How the dev has to navigate player criticism, because somebody with $20 thinks they are entitled to some sort of equity in the game, and how he modifies the rules to attempt to nudge the players towards the ends he is trying to accomplish with his game.... that is the experiential product as well.


Or did you mean something simpler, like "I'd like to see poop"?

I bet you meant something like that.


#6 2018-04-13 21:28:37

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 37

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

I think when I bought the game I was mostly looking forward to the long unending progress. However, I seem to enjoy being an eve the most, and I think it is because I enjoy the struggle that doesn't exist past the beginning. So rather than asking for more change, I ask to make the whole experience as challenging as it is in the beginning. The best way I can think of this is adding disease states.

Of course, you can get real deep like Ernest just did, but I'm honestly just looking for a mindless way to blow some relaxation into my day.

I look forward to seeing the game when social roles potentially develop, but I'm not counting on it. I think the "grass is greener on the other side" phrase is something more likely to come in the end.

I also have a problem that the only real challenge is preventing starvation. Griefers and killers aren't really a challenge in my honest opinion.

So, to answer your three questions directly:
1. I want a challenge that varies in complexity but never lets me take a break without regret.
2. I think Jason needs to revise his update strategy. Take suggestions more seriously and propose his additions before implementing them so he can get feedback before implementing a bunch of shit.
3. Different styles of challenge (e.g. natural disasters, seasonal problems/events, disease states, war invoking things for stuff like land control or resource control).


#7 2018-04-13 22:07:39

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?


One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#8 2018-04-13 22:13:35

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 20

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

What ernest said...
I did not kill one player yet. Not once. Sounds silly but for me it is an important point of this game. Sadly i think i needed to abandon this or that kid. Sry small ones. It hurts everytime a bit.


#9 2018-04-13 22:33:20

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

danger1penguin wrote:

So, to answer your three questions directly:
1. I want a challenge that varies in complexity but never lets me take a break without regret.
2. I think Jason needs to revise his update strategy. Take suggestions more seriously and propose his additions before implementing them so he can get feedback before implementing a bunch of shit.
3. Different styles of challenge (e.g. natural disasters, seasonal problems/events, disease states, war invoking things for stuff like land control or resource control).

I second this!


#10 2018-04-13 22:46:18

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 107

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

In the game's current state, what I want out of this game is to be able to live (have a life until 60) within the best settlement or civilization. I will always reborn until I find the best one, before re-birthing to find the next best one.

The best aspect of the game is how stories are formed when you cooperate with good players or when you chase down evil ones as a town guard.


#11 2018-04-14 00:16:47

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 25

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

danger1penguin wrote:

[...]. However, I seem to enjoy being an eve the most, and I think it is because I enjoy the struggle that doesn't exist past the beginning. So rather than asking for more change, I ask to make the whole experience as challenging as it is in the beginning. [...]

I really like be an Eve me too... this is the *second* best part of the game! (the really best is the second life!!!!)

But somehow, I like also the forgery and the best I can do as an eve is the forge hammer and nothing more. The second life (reborn as an eve at the same place if died at 60) is what I like the most for now. The are more direction for the tech and all are challenging.

But, for all my second life, I had never have a good luck (killed by snakes behind trees all the time!)...

Last edited by Lucky-San (2018-04-14 00:19:32)

sorry for my english, but you know, not everyone is british or american... I'm french by the way (the best country in the world!) wink


#12 2018-04-14 05:41:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

more content, graphical too, more unique characters, visually differential

less baby spawning, people cant control it, game should not let more than 10 people in a  settlement until they build something to allow it, seriously, its too much.

more balanced gameplay. there should be always a solution, just harder to find.

more late game goals with teamplay, creating stuff instead destroying it.

more reasons to have big family. family wars for example. send away excess babies on wars once they got bigger. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#13 2018-04-14 08:56:37

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

i want in general from OHOL a SIMULATION of CIVILIZATIONs

i want as next development in OHOL - CULTURE, incl all sorts of art & design (music, sculpture, painting, literature, religion ...), lore, community customs, community traditions, better in game tools/options to communicate,
without culture this game is not simulating civs


#14 2018-04-14 09:17:03

Registered: 2018-03-20
Posts: 54

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Honestly, I think that Jason understands exactly what kind of a game I want to play - a lot the more controversial changes that have been made recently seem like fantastic ideas to me.

Like the fully developed towns that were everywhere before the apocalypse - I didn't like them.  Yes they were cool monuments to everyone's hard work, but what can I contribute if everything has been done already?  I also didn't like that the best Eve strategy was to wander around until you find a ruin to reinhabit, because you'd probably find one.

In short, I like a challenge.  I like to have problems to solve.  I do like to have my efforts rewarded by things becoming easier... for awhile.  If they stay easy I get bored.  If things are easy for the moment but I know that there is a new problem on the horizon, I have something to do.  And of course I like new content and having a bigger tech tree to play with, but I like not actually being at the top of it because the top is a dream - if I reach my dreams, what do I have left to do?

The only thing I really don't like about the game as it stands is the current situation you get into if there are people in the village, but they're all male or old women.  Because then you get into a situation where you feel like it's all pointless now because the village will not only not continue with the current family, it's so unlikely to be found before it gets wiped that why should you even bother trying to improve the village?  Yes, I didn't like being able to count on finding a ruin as an Eve, but since the recent changes I have NEVER found a ruin.  I don't like that balance - I'd like it to be something you can't count on, but there is more than a remote chance.  Like maybe a 1 in 10 chance.  That would make me happy.

Pretty much everything else that's going on already makes me happy.
(Except Jason definitely needs to clone himself so that he can give us new content faster.)


#15 2018-04-14 09:21:27

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 39

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

What I'm looking for is a cooperative survival game. I've been watching Draegast's youtube videos and really liked some of them - particularly the early stories where he was surviving with his mum, learning to make a hammer, learning to carrot farm from a really good grandpa, and being a wonderful baker who went onto help a collapsed civilisation restart for a new visiting eve. I really enjoyed those and came to look further at the game.

But I've also seen another side on MrMEOLA and HoneyBunnyGames's videos. Both still good creators. But their videos showed a lot more of just, stab stab, got stabbed by my baby, stabbed by a random, stab stab. Which looks boring. So that's why I've come here to the forums smile To try and get more of an idea of the actual balance between game play and griefer punch bag. smile

While I admit to a limited knowledge of the game so far - things that would draw me in would be more social interactions between characters - maybe when low on food characters could huddle for warmth together to survive longer? Or just some cheery ones like hug or play. Some way to educate children that could give them some boost to their skills? Some more emphasis on the interactions we have with eachother that aren't stabbing.


#16 2018-04-14 09:23:39

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 12

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

"That's why they let their village die after 111"... r u fucking kidding me... we can't keep the village populated 24/7 over months... Only chance would be cheating by looking up the coords and even that would require us to spawn close enough cuz of ur spreaded spawn update. So how the fuck can u make statements like that if u dont even give us the chance to keep playing in that village after we go to bed? Do u even know how long we have been playing on other villages or especially server11? GET REAL!


#17 2018-04-14 09:40:20

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

We know what we want, we just dont want the same thing. I really hope villages and town will grow back, this is so repetitive to respawn as an eve and we getpretty bored quickly. Towns with many people showed us how the game could developp and one of the main reason people IK brought this game. We had more roleplay, more building, more people. I really hate restart the game once more as an eve, always the same bullshit and same gameplay over and over. I loved that you could be guard, king or peasant and those roles have acctualy meaning. Making civilizations was an achivement, then we go nerf and now we do only farming with the family all day long.

I have seen only three places with walls since the apocalypse. No roads, two crown that people never cared about. Sometimes I suicide enough until I am in a ''good'' village, but still got griefed.

Now the game is depressing. I cannot kill people that I don't know, so I kill family related. No family will survive on long term to griefers. They hav more credit

We "dont know" what we want because it changed a good gameplay against eve factory and full wiping. All we want is to be able to make civilizations as before instead of hobo camps. Now the game isn't more enjoyable as before.

Avalikia wrote:

Like the fully developed towns that were everywhere before the apocalypse - I didn't like them.  Yes they were cool monuments to everyone's hard work, but what can I contribute if everything has been done already?  I also didn't like that the best Eve strategy was to wander around until you find a ruin to reinhabit, because you'd probably find one.

If you wanted to go in wild you could go by yourself. Towns were a moment in which we could stop working super hard and get a rest to do what the game an offer us :
I could raise warriors to steal girls in others villages, we want to make blue wool hats so everybody is a smurf. Making zoo, making arena for fights between gladiators or bears. Developp temple. Family wars and lots of stuff.

Now you can : farm carrots, farm berries, eventually start griefing as you know regular servers never reach 25 gen. Instead of having ruins we can reused we had to repeat everything until griefers wipe everything for good, griefers have won the game.

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-04-14 10:17:48)


#18 2018-04-14 10:56:04

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 39

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Oh also (again just things I'd like, not an experienced player so apologises if any of this conflicts with ig atm or is present) - weather and an eco-system that very slowly heals more (like over more than one generation).

A rabbit hole is deserted - could be repopulated if another rabbit hole nearby with babies is left long enough to allow a second baby to move out. Trees could drop saplings allowing reforestation and forest creep.

Rain comes that waters your crops for you and refills dried out pools - but too much can kill your carrots.
Drought that keeps you warm so you eat less, but dries up pools and makes fields need more water.
Snow - free fresh water with fires but drops your temperature rating.
Sunny days - makes the crops grow faster. Keeps you warm.
Storms - can damage items etc not in a building.

Or seasons - save up food for winter. Lots of easy fruit in autumn. Lots of baby rabbits in spring.


#19 2018-04-14 11:41:42

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

What I expected from OHOL? Long term progress made possible by hundreds of people coopearating and finding optimal solutions to problems.

I like both:

  • Solving problems and working on better solutions. More optimal layouts. More intuitive designs. Making life easier over time. I'm lazy. I like to work on things that in a long run will allow me to be only more lazy. Thats actually how a lot of humanity (and inventions) works in a nutshell.

  • Monotonous, repeated tasks that give quantifiable results. Doing stuff that I already know how to make very good and can switch off thinking while doing them but later on sill be able to count the ammount of progress I made. Farming carrots for an hour. Spending entire in-game life feeding and killing sheep. Running around for over 50 minutes deforesting marshes and bulding roads using the wood I got. As a teenager IRL taking shovel and digging straight trenches over 100 meters long helped me to relax and relieve stress.

What I hate:

  • Loosing progress. Spending 40 minutes doing something just to see all of it and even more being runed almost in an instant.

  • Starting over and over and over again without seeing any measurable progress...

  • Starting over and over and over again with the awareness it will crumble to dust before I'm back to see how it progressed while I was gone.

  • My life (had to)

I expected to be able to login every day to see more and more progress being made by people. To once find things I started and see them increase in size tenfold or be replaced with something even better. I expected to be able to find a niche job where I could spend a lot of time goind it to help others progress in a long run. I expected ability to design something and see others copy it in other places.

What I didn't expect was ability for single person in a single lifetime to ruin combined effort of 20 generations.


#20 2018-04-14 12:31:09

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 386

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Nukes I want Nukes many many nukes.

Right guys? we need nukes!

Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!

Best Gluck linage so far: … id=4082492


#21 2018-04-14 13:58:26

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 3

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

I'd like to see emergent gameplay that keeps the game fresh. Right now everything is static and repetitive. Each thing is living in its own little world unaffected by its surroundings instead of connected together into a whole. The game doesn't recognize every living being in nature is intelligent. In the game animals and plants are just random backdrops provided for the player's use, but every little creature, plant, and worm crawling about in nature is really living its own life. That's why nature is so beautiful, isn't it? Everything, even a tiny sprouting blade of grass, is striving to be the best it can be, nothing less and nothing more. If the game world begins interacting with itself, even in a small way, it'll make things a lot more unique and keep the storytelling aspect of play fresh.

The game could let go of so many pre-scripted interactions and have a more interactive underlying chemistry that leads to a natural equilibrium with complex imbalances. A simple thing like soil acidity, water content, and nutrient levels could affect what plants could grow there, and this could be determined and changed by the animals, plants, and weather that lives there.

I'd like to see flowers, birds, and bees in the game. One year there was a drought here and I was sitting one day watching a bumblebee desperately looking everywhere for a flower but most of them had dried up and died so I began watering all the flowers. Gradually they surged back to life and all the bees came by to dance around on them. Having bees around is really important for pollinating plants and growing orchards. The game could require them to grow milkweed, berry bushes, and fruit trees. Birds are also important to have around. If their shelter, food, or water sources disappear, then they won't come around to help reseed and pollinate plants or keep the soil fertile.

Crop rotation was another key advancement in humanity's evolution. Having animals graze pastures could also be required to keep soil fertile with the right nutrients for growing crops, but if there's too many then they eat all the pasture and die off without being given food. You'd have to keep the females and males apart to keep them from overproducing. Animals could also search for food, perhaps even get into pantries if they're desperate enough by tracing hidden smell particles that diffuse and blow on the wind. Maybe on calm days nearby animals can't smell it because the scent is too weak, but on a particular day the wind blows the scent toward a bear cave and a bear follows it by tracing its strength delta. Having these simple multiplicative interactions would create all kinds of crazy stories without any need to script them. The world would play with the players' creations.

Trees could grow, die, and spawn new saplings. Abandoned towns could gradually decay into ruins that become overgrown by nature. Simple walls could require repair after 300 years or so and become rubble if they aren't repaired soon enough. Large clear cut areas without any vegetation could turn into deserts where nothing can grow, since the vegetation keeps the wind from blowing away the top soil. Prairies would need to be covered with thick grass. If the soil loses its fertility from killing too many rabbits, then the grass dies off and is susceptible to becoming desert.

Rivers have also been an important aspect to civilization's evolution. They tend to dry up and sink into the land if the trees around them are cut down. Many of India's rivers have dried up because there are no trees left to retain the water in the riverbanks and top soil to keep the river flowing on top. Of course if the game has rivers then it would need oceans too and have separate continents and islands that require boats to visit.

Implementing these things are difficult though because the game world is completely flat. There are no valleys for rivers to flow or mountains you have to walk around. You can build and grow on anything with no consequence. It would be possible though to implement a simple 3D terrain with a height map and retain the 2D sprites.

A weather system would also add another chaotic aspect to the world. Rain could help vegetation and crops grow, as well as spread nutrients in the soil. All the rain would have to do is increase the earth's water content variable, which in turn increases its nutrient diffusion to nearby tiles. Any water getting dumped on that tile could affect it and nearby tiles. Plants also help share nutrients with each other through their roots. And animal behaviour could also change by the weather and affect how the landscape evolves. The possibilities could become endless with just a few simple mechanics.

Scripting each interaction of the game is going to be far too much work and only create a few new possibilities each time that are easily exhausted. If everything could interact and react with each other on a more existential level, like having a flammability attribute, an ignited object could easily spread fire to other nearby flammable objects. Animals could have a digestion attribute that reacts with what they eat and transforms its state. Eating certain plants could change their digestive state to having seeds that cannot be transformed into sustenance and end up seeded elsewhere. Adding these unscripted elements to the game that react and transform each other will create a much more multiplicative gameplay with endless possibilities.

And it doesn't have to model reality. Already player lives are only an hour long and can only walk about 200 meters in a year, but if the game world was intelligent somehow and always changing, it would be continually captivating. Complex issues would arise by themselves and require new solutions. There could be flash floods that tear away the vegetation and the soil could blow away elsewhere turning it into desert. People would have to work together in creative ways within their capabilities to save their villages or migrate. Unseen dangers would also creep up on villages because of their lack of attention to their surroundings, such as storing food openly and attracting bears and raccoons that steal it.

Anyway, I rambled on a lot because I'd like to make my own game with an evolving world. The parenting and survival aspect of OHOL is a lot of fun but becomes a bit dry and boring with the rest of the world dead and never changing. The thing that really drew me into this game is the reality you can't become attached to what you create. You will die in one hour and lose everything. All you can do is make the best of this short experience, perhaps leaving the world behind a little better or little worse. On top of that you get to experience in real-time the collective good and bad decisions of other people. You can do something selfishly then realize the collective impact it has when other people do the same, like people not putting their tools and junk back when they're done with it and the village becoming a huge trash heap.

I think attempting to add art and culture to the game in its current state isn't going to spice things up much because there's already a specific way to sustain everything that never changes or requires any creativity. No one is going to start worshipping the wolves and start throwing them food because someone noticed a correlation with the farm doing better after a wolf ate something. The game world is stiff, static, and unchanging without any room for creative interpretation. Remedying it doesn't have to go extreme as these ideas either. Just add death to things and life will happen naturally.


#22 2018-04-14 19:56:20

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 39

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?


That's it. Lol. A-jason like god... A statue of random things like how people are going on with anti-spider god, penguine god, carrot god, seal god, ect... something for role playing purpose lol

It makes sense if we can build monuments already lol

Last edited by Opedoll (2018-04-14 19:58:02)


#23 2018-04-14 20:32:22

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 65

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

I just wanted what was promised but is no longer so.

A persistent world environment, the apocalypse wipe was pure childish temper tantrum.

I like the eves spawning far away now, that is what I though was supposed to happen originally.

I think he fixed murder just fine, the problem is no one arms themselves to protect versus murder, because they have a mistaken view that having a knife is for one reason, to murder, but it also gives you the ability to stop the murderer. Stay unarmed, die to someone who is armed and cry some more. After you kill you are slowed, cannot eat or put down the weapon and are easy prey for anyone who is armed.

The big problem was how easy it was to destroy berry bushes, I heard that a solution has been implemented this patch.

The apocalypse wipes out every trace and vestige of everything that has been done, it eradicates the notion of persistent. This game is no longer a persistent one. You have one hour to live, and everything you do is to learn skills (the only thing that will survive the wipes). What is the point of monuments like bell tower? It willjust be wiped next apocalypse. If this were so in real life, Pyramids? What pyramids?

He made it take 3 people to take down one wall segment, but one jag-off can wipe all the servers in one life. This smacks of confusion and over compensation, an act of irrationality or sheer petulance. Why was it not the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse at the very least? Still not to my liking but at least follows a literal interpretation of a mistaken translation.

For me this game has no purpose beyond family roleplay. It is still fine for that, except it is not "family" since the definition of a nuclear family is:

nuclear family
Definition of nuclear family for English Language Learners

    : the part of a family that includes only the father, mother, and children

But there is NO FATHER in Jason's game. Only OHOL's male hating and unrealistic asexual reproduction. I do not want a "refund" to those who will try and use that argument. I enjoyed the game for an entire week straight, up until the word apocalypse was added, and the word persistent was removed.

It is Jason's game and if he want's to change it from what he originally promised that is his prerogative. He can't listen to everyone's suggestions, so let us hope he can find a balance that will make the most of his community enjoy the direction he takes it in.

I can only wait and see what will happen, I am still hopeful that what was outlined in the video on his website is still the vision he intends to pursue. I was happy to be part of this game when it was at least possible to log in and change the world "server" and see the changes others made to mine dozens of generations later. I would look around and say "oh yeah, I have been here before, oh how things have changed ..."

He could make civ's die out without wiping everything like a mistake written on a blackboard. The jungles of Cambodia have swallowed ancient civilizations, the sands of the desert have covered long forgotten cites. Volcanoes have covered thriving metropolises in a moment of eruption. Part of the mystery of our world, is archeology, and what we did as a people long ago, this mystery has been "wiped" by the act of a few. The reason for my playing was making changes to what I had started before, maybe building on what someone else added to my changes. I also had a lot of fun role-playing family interactions. I tried not to get revenge for past lives, and live the new life. Although I would sometimes return to building what I had started many lives ago.


#24 2018-04-14 20:54:18

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 88

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

Sakkiyn wrote:

I just wanted what was promised but is no longer so.

A persistent world environment, the apocalypse wipe was pure childish temper tantrum.

I like the eves spawning far away now, that is what I though was supposed to happen originally.

I think he fixed murder just fine, the problem is no one arms themselves to protect versus murder, because they have a mistaken view that having a knife is for one reason, to murder, but it also gives you the ability to stop the murderer. Stay unarmed, die to someone who is armed and cry some more. After you kill you are slowed, cannot eat or put down the weapon and are easy prey for anyone who is armed.

The big problem was how easy it was to destroy berry bushes, I heard that a solution has been implemented this patch.

The apocalypse wipes out every trace and vestige of everything that has been done, it eradicates the notion of persistent. This game is no longer a persistent one. You have one hour to live, and everything you do is to learn skills (the only thing that will survive the wipes). What is the point of monuments like bell tower? It willjust be wiped next apocalypse. If this were so in real life, Pyramids? What pyramids?

He made it take 3 people to take down one wall segment, but one jag-off can wipe all the servers in one life. This smacks of confusion and over compensation, an act of irrationality or sheer petulance. Why was it not the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse at the very least? Still not to my liking but at least follows a literal interpretation of a mistaken translation.

For me this game has no purpose beyond family roleplay. It is still fine for that, except it is not "family" since the definition of a nuclear family is:

nuclear family
Definition of nuclear family for English Language Learners

    : the part of a family that includes only the father, mother, and children

But there is NO FATHER in Jason's game. Only OHOL's male hating and unrealistic asexual reproduction. I do not want a "refund" to those who will try and use that argument. I enjoyed the game for an entire week straight, up until the word apocalypse was added, and the word persistent was removed.

It is Jason's game and if he want's to change it from what he originally promised that is his prerogative. He can't listen to everyone's suggestions, so let us hope he can find a balance that will make the most of his community enjoy the direction he takes it in.

I can only wait and see what will happen, I am still hopeful that what was outlined in the video on his website is still the vision he intends to pursue. I was happy to be part of this game when it was at least possible to log in and change the world "server" and see the changes others made to mine dozens of generations later. I would look around and say "oh yeah, I have been here before, oh how things have changed ..."

He could make civ's die out without wiping everything like a mistake written on a blackboard. The jungles of Cambodia have swallowed ancient civilizations, the sands of the desert have covered long forgotten cites. Volcanoes have covered thriving metropolises in a moment of eruption. Part of the mystery of our world, is archeology, and what we did as a people long ago, this mystery has been "wiped" by the act of a few. The reason for my playing was making changes to what I had started before, maybe building on what someone else added to my changes. I also had a lot of fun role-playing family interactions. I tried not to get revenge for past lives, and live the new life. Although I would sometimes return to building what I had started many lives ago.

Dude. The Apocalypse was disabled the day after it came out. The wipes that happen now are when a lineage dies out.


#25 2018-04-14 21:19:20

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 65

Re: What dose everyone want out of the game?

"Dude. The Apocalypse was disabled the day after it came out. The wipes that happen now are when a lineage dies out."

"DUDE" Jason said it is disabled "for now".

It WILL be back, he said so, but maybe in another form and eventually as a nuclear holocaust.

Do you even read the forums or Jason's comments before you respond?

The damage of destroying all the civilizations on all servers is done. The damage is irreparable. The "persistent" has been removed from this game.

To quote Jason's website statement ....

"You only live an hour, but time and space in this game is infinite."

No longer true, time is no longer infinite since the past is eradicated.

" Building something to use in your lifetime, but inevitably realizing that, in the end, what you build is not for YOU, but for your children and all the countless others that will come after you. Proudly using your grandfather's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears."

What you build is only for use until the next eventual "wipe/apocalypse" So it is not "countless" others, merely many others, until the next eventual "wipe/apocalypse".

    New post

Ah, it seems that everyone suddenly woke up!

Apocalypse is off again, for now.

The idea is that there will be an apocalypse trigger in the upper reaches of the tech tree.  But it will move and change each week, going further up as the tech moves further up.

And, when people get really bored of high-level tech, they can trigger it and start over again.  But every week, it gets harder and harder to trigger as it moves further up the tech tree.

Eventually, when I'm done adding tech to the game in 2 years, the apocalypse trigger would be a nuclear bomb or something like that.  And it will hopefully take people a full week or more to get to that point in tech.

Those are Jason's words not mine, all on this same forum. Stuff you should have read and known as I did and was commenting on. I was asked "What dose (does) everyone want out of this game?" I gave my response as should you. What I want may not be what you want. It is my opinion, and in case nobody ever told you, an opinion is not right or wrong, merely a personal response to a situation or proposition.


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