One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-01-13 09:09:32

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

What we mean by "need content"

This game's tech tree has been stagnant for a while. The highest tier tech has been Engine(Pumps,Cars,Planes), Oil, and Radios for a very long time. Engines came out December 14, 2018
and The morse code radio came out January 12, 2019.

You have slowed tech WAY down with all the nerfs and restrictions but at the end of the day it's still the top of the tree. The new clothes and bottles are really fun and cool, but the tech tree is the meat of the game and we're dying for something to make end game more interesting. I understand it's necessary to balance things to be fair, and have a stable foundation for future tech but we're bored. All our current tech was made in the span of three weeks, and then not touched since. We're dying for something here. We just want something game changing in a good way that doesn't handcuff us.

I don't know. Electricity? Plumbing? Higher tech ovens or furnaces?

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#2 2020-01-13 10:43:54

Registered: 2018-03-19
Posts: 104

Re: What we mean by "need content"

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

I don't know. Electricity? Plumbing? Higher tech ovens or furnaces?

We need a plough and dogs with a purpose before we move forward with anything else.


#4 2020-01-13 13:27:18

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 200

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Is your point that people should just be satisfied with the tech bar that was set over a year ago...? Gets boring when you start making things multiple times.

Insert OHOL-related signature here


#5 2020-01-13 14:15:25

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: What we mean by "need content"

I don't know how to word what I want to say here.  I'm not elegant with the english language but let me try. 

Of this list, only the top 2 are worth making.  Humans in real life made cars and planes and radios out of necessity, and they continue to be a critical part of life today.  In this game they are made purely to combat boredom.  I don't know how to fix this, or how to make them important enough to warrant the time investment.  How can we translate necessity of real life into necessity in game? Honest answer:  I don't think we can.  I don't think we should even try.. because imagine how annoying this game would be if we actually DID need these things?  I mean... we are already complaining about how unforgiving the NEED for newcomen well is...

Might be unpopular opinion here, but I think clamoring for spaceships and alien invaders a la original trailer is not what we should be doing.  We should be asking for more accessible content that serves feasible purpose.  More mid-tier tech that can be incorporated into every day play.  We don't need more fancy new toys that are simply not worth the resource/time investment to make after the inital curiosity. 

I would second the idea someone put forward earlier... better ovens, better kilns... upgrades to our existing equipment that will keep us occupied for entire lifetimes at a time making them, without the feeling of guilt that we just doomed our entire town by doing so.


#6 2020-01-13 14:19:31

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Mekkie wrote:

  I mean... we are already complaining about how unforgiving the NEED for newcomen well is...

The only reason that people say it's unforgiving is solely due to the race specialization update. Without that restriction (You NEED at least one brown and black person to make rubber tires) a Newcomen engine's a cakewalk.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#7 2020-01-13 14:29:29

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Honestly, I don't see much point to adding new content to the top of the tech tree right now.   I can't even make a rubber tire in the current game state.   I've never made a radio, car, or plane.   The top of the tree is inaccessible and largely useless due to tool and race restrictions.   

The most advanced thing I've made was an oil rig, but I haven't bothered with oil tech in months because it is too much work to meet the prereqs under the current system.  I would be interested in learning wine making but between juggling a limited number of tool slots and the biome restrictions, my interest in tackling the challenge quickly hits zero.

If Jason added a new tech that required building a plane first, I would just laugh really hard and go back to scooping water out of duck ponds with a clay bowl like a fucking caveman.   At least "clay bowl" and "bucket" don't cost me any slots.


#8 2020-01-13 14:40:35

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What we mean by "need content"

schmloo wrote:

Is your point that people should just be satisfied with the tech bar that was set over a year ago...?

One of Slinky's statements threw me off:

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

All our current tech was made in the span of three weeks, and then not touched since.

It didn't feel right to shout 'it's not three weeks', so I made the above response.

This assumes that I understood what Slinky meant by technology correctly, and a bucket, fire, tongs, a fire bow drill, a stone hatchet, bellows, and more, don't qualify as technology also.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2020-01-13 14:40:59

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: What we mean by "need content"

DestinyCall wrote:

  At least "clay bowl" and "bucket" don't cost me any slots.

Don't give him any ideas now... xD


#10 2020-01-13 14:53:46

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: What we mean by "need content"

YES, a new oven sounds AmAzInG, but it should use kerosene otherwise what's the point amiright.

And plumbing sounds FaNtAsTiC, but it should use copious amounts of steel pipes so we can hear non stop rants on the forum.

Jokes aside i think every update should have at least one meaningful object added to it even if it's a bug fix or gameplay update.

Even better it would be fun if everyone on the forum could discuss and agree on what will be in the next content update it would make the forum more interesting in a cool way.


#11 2020-01-13 16:27:09

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Jason can create 1,000,000 new objects and the game will remain the same ... the problem is not the lack of content, the problem is the lack of challenges, the lack of new mechanics and new features in the OHOL engine ...

If Jason doesn't improve this, it's absurd to create more objects or recipes ...


#12 2020-01-13 17:15:29

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: What we mean by "need content"

JonySky wrote:

Jason can create 1,000,000 new objects and the game will remain the same ... the problem is not the lack of content, the problem is the lack of challenges, the lack of new mechanics and new features in the OHOL engine ...

If Jason doesn't improve this, it's absurd to create more objects or recipes ...

This. The game sold ~80,000 copies, but there's only ~80 players online right now. Most of those 80,000 stopped playing within a few hours, before even seeing 90% of the items the game has to offer. Adding new tech is amazing for us experienced players that are already hooked, but it does nothing for the average player and that's not good for the overall health of the game. Adding new stuff high level tech would be the easiest thing, but the game would keep its high churn rate due to other factors and that is bad for everyone.

If you look at SteamCharts you can see that the average player count was consistently going down until November. The player count has been going up since then, despite there being basically nothing in means of advanced content. Yes, a lot of that is because of the Steam sale, but that was back in November. The player count has been going up since then despite there being no sale, and despite most other games being on sale in December.


#13 2020-01-13 18:06:33

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: What we mean by "need content"

I know my suggestions aren’t likely to be implemented, but there are a few things I would like to see:

- Berries not being the same food base for every civilization, the same for sheep. I would like to see different civilizations having different foods. I have banana trees for years in my backyard, the trees only give banana once, but then other trees grow near the old one without no one planting, then we cut the old tree in various pieces and put near the new ones so they have some extra nutrients and water. I would like to see a town where the base food is banana instead of berry, or something else. And what about eating cow's meat and making compost with cow's dung? And buffaloes? We shouldn't have a meta animal/crop, but each town would choose one (or more than one)

- Upgraded tools. nowadays tools seem to break very quickly. It would be cool if we could mix some metals and make reinforced steel and whatnot to create better tools (better forges would be needed).

- Animals to hunt and tend. I would like to be a hunter, kill deer, moose, jaguars, crocodiles, etc and bring their meat/pelt home. Being able to tend camels, chickens, bees...

- Sitting and sleeping. If we sit on chair near a table to eat some kinds of food like the feast plate, turkey, pies, omelets (foods on a plate), we would receive some kind of bonus (may be comfort bonus, making the hungry bar decreases slower, like the indoor bonus, for a certain amount of time or giving more pipes per food) . For beds, they have to be put inside a building and the amount of beds we can put inside it is related to the building's size or something like that. Only the owner of the bed can sleep there, if the bed doesn't have a owner, the first person to sleep there will be the new owner and when a owner of a bed sleeps in another bed, the old one becomes available again. Sleeping could give a bonus such as more pipes, comfort bonus or walking slightly faster for a certain amount of time or something like that, and there would be a cooldown to sleep again. It might would encourages more buildings and houses, we could mess with property fences saying the house has to be inside property fences and whatnot, I don't know. Someone suggested energy bars (what makes sense), even in real life we have an energy bar separated from our hungry bar, if I eat dozen of pies I can't chop several trees (tbh I can't chop a single tree irl), so if we had that energy bar, they could be added to that sitting and sleeping bonus.

- Family specialization being family specialization, not race specialization. I really liked the idea of family specialization, but in my humble opinion there is something iffy there. I would like to have a system where no one has specializations at the beginning, but if for example a mother go through a desert, her kids (kids that born near her might be included) learns a little bit about deserts (like the language system), after several generations going to the desert (going there might teach a little bit, then they need to do some kind of activity there to go deeper in the specialization like eating cactus fruit or craft stuff with desert's materials, killing desert's animals...) that family would be more and more specialized. They may even learn how to make special recipes (inside or outside deserts) like desert clothes that allows people live in deserts, easily hunt/tame wild animals from that biome (camels, yay!), maybe being able to build sand buildings or stuff like that. The same applies to all restricted biomes. So a very specialized family would have no problem at getting oil at frozen lands, making repellents for jungles or farming bananas, while a foreign that just moved there couldn't. Although after some generations, the foreign's kids, grandchildren... would learn more and more just for living and being born near that specialized people (the more specialized people around, the more the teaching bonus), independent of their colors. We could use that same system for crops, the more one family farms a crop, the more specialized they become, so that crop grows faster and gives more fruits, more nutritive. So we may could change berry for corn, banana, rice and whatnot, we wouldn't have a meta crop, since each of them, once mastered would give different benefits, like better milk when feeding a good corn to a cow (besides being nutritive, giving more pipes when eaten, making better pies). Also having monoculture (at least much more of a single crop in comparison to the others), we could go further in the specialization and make much better crops. The same stands for animals.   

- Rivers. Ohhh my rivers, I know I will never see them. But imagine if some towns could rely on rivers instead of wells. Of course we would need increase the technology to make pipes to take the water to town, even pumps to get more water. The area near the river could be "unlivable", with a sort of dense forest, mire or dangerous respawnable animals such as crocodiles and snakes, so early camps would make the village not too close, so they have to walk a little bit to get water (while having a well is better since it's near from crops), but with the passage of time they create large containers (buckets, gallons, cisterns...), so they can't carry more water at once and late towns would have pumps and pipes, even sprinkles. Also, it would add fishing, bridges, boats (more family specialization).

- Different tech trees, not a single one. With that family specialization I suggested, we would have different or even mixed tech trees. Some towns would have rivers, others well or even well and river. Different ores, alloys, so according to the specialization towns would have different tools (better at some things, worse at others and vice-versa). Different buildings (built with different materials). Different meats, towns specialized at tending cows would have extremely nutritive meats, pies, milk (cheese?) and more efficient dung, high quality leather while towns specialized at tending sheep would have high quality wool (more thread, better clothes), more meat, good dung. No meta animal, just different benefits. Of course we can still tend all animals, but if the amount of animals of each type are similar, we can't go deeper in that animal specialization, although we still have middle benefits of all of them.

It ought make every life different. Different challenges, different drawbacks and benefits.

There are much more content that I would like to see, and those suggestions are for comunist-ishs civilizations, since if we were capitalists that specialization would be much more concentrated on people's offspring rather than the whole town, so individuals could trade goods with people of his own town, since everyone would be good at doing something different. But I know that it might not be implemented ever, they would make the game more complex and less intuitive for new players and there would need to be a way to balance that, they could make the game much easier or harder, and we also would need to balance that which requires a lot of thinking and working. I'm not asking Jason to do that (at least not now with the current state of the game, it might be more viable in the future), just saying the content I would like to see. I know Jason works alone and has a lot of work to do, things to fix, to think and the content I mentioned requires a lot of codding (and more bugs), unwanted side effects (more fixings) and might even be impossible, like rivers (I heard the game's engine doesn't support such a thing, I'm not sure though). Also, I don't think he will keep updating the game forever, so it might stop being updated before we can see similar stuff (unless some big company or community work very hard with lots of people or some kind of hype happens and Jason has to hire a big staff due to the millions of downloads the game is getting, I really wish that).

Lemme dream...


#14 2020-01-13 22:43:03

Registered: 2019-06-05
Posts: 122

Re: What we mean by "need content"

JonySky wrote:

Jason can create 1,000,000 new objects and the game will remain the same ... the problem is not the lack of content, the problem is the lack of challenges

I agree with you on this part. If i may add though, it's the lack of challenges that can be overcome through crafting as opposed to challenges that can be overcome through 40 mins march around the map ('cause, tecnically, the need to find other families right now is also a challenge... Making or stopping an apocalypse is a challenge aswell, but they're both boring to overcome)

He could add 1000 new foods, 100 new clothes, 40 new walls and floors. The game would become better, no doubt, but it would still feel the same.
Or he could add marriages and dads, plague from corpses, hungry wolf pack attacks, famine periods caused by weather or soil exhaustion... and the game would feel different. (Not sure if it would be better though lel)

Or a way to overcome the need for kerosene...

Youtube guide to Oil and Kerosene:
Youtube guide to Diesel Engine:

World is not black and white


#15 2020-01-14 01:26:55

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: What we mean by "need content"

I agree that robots and aliens should be a very late game thing if anything and that small upgrades to existing tools and machinery should be a thing. I found a couple examples! A better kiln and a chainsaw! If you haven't already check them out! - Better kiln - Chainsaw

I love cosmetic upgrades too but racial specialization has made it so gingers have most of the fun with roses, if the biomes stay race locked I really believe the special biomes should have MORE unique items of clothing, food, building materials or SOMETHING to make it worthwhile. Right now it's used just to lock us out of getting oil "too early" so it should be updated to include new items so each special race can craft something cool.

Removing everyone's ability to do everything has already been a big hit to some players, to the point where a bunch feel alienated or decided to stop playing so I'm just saying some Eskimo/jungle/desert swag would soften the blow a little.

Idk what to do with white people maybe give them foxes to hunt or something if you wanna be accurate lol.(Don't)

Last edited by Cantface (2020-01-14 01:27:19)



#16 2020-01-14 13:40:54

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Cantface wrote:

I agree that robots and aliens should be a very late game thing if anything and that small upgrades to existing tools and machinery should be a thing. I found a couple examples! A better kiln and a chainsaw! If you haven't already check them out! - Better kiln - Chainsaw

Those are amazing... i need those in my life D:


#17 2020-01-14 15:41:45

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Mekkie wrote:

Those are amazing... i need those in my life D:

For real these are great, they did a sawmill too! - sawmill

I believe we need to kick up the industrial age a bit.



#18 2020-01-15 14:28:15

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Cantface wrote:
Mekkie wrote:

Those are amazing... i need those in my life D:

For real these are great, they did a sawmill too! - sawmill

I believe we need to kick up the industrial age a bit.

Does he run a private server or share his source?  I love it all... well.. i might turn down the sound effects.. but i love the outfit, the model, the everything else xD


#19 2020-01-15 17:41:08

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: What we mean by "need content"

Mekkie wrote:

Does he run a private server or share his source?  I love it all... well.. i might turn down the sound effects.. but i love the outfit, the model, the everything else xD

I just stumbled on the YouTube channel but tbh I have no idea if they share their stuff, I'm guessing not unless someone asks to find out but I'm taking another OHOL break and only watching it atm lol.



#20 2020-01-15 17:55:29

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 224

Re: What we mean by "need content"

It is chinese mod for the game. That is all I know.


#21 2020-01-15 21:02:43

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What we mean by "need content"

70VoqAU.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#22 2020-01-15 21:56:43

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: What we mean by "need content"

♡ The female clothing in that video! ♡

Last edited by Jojigirl (2020-01-15 21:57:19)


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