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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2020-01-13 08:53:11

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

People who do not communicate at all certain tick a box with me.

People who don't know how to create good buildings that want to make them 10x10 or something absurd like that.

It really grinds my gears when I have to make sure the fire won't go out, make sure we got water, keep compost going, creating boxes and organise, all on my own because no one is doing anything.


#27 2020-01-13 09:57:10

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

voy178 wrote:

It really grinds my gears when I have to make sure the fire won't go out

i know the feeling. For some reason it's difficult for the people that constantly stand around the fire to maintain it. Like if you're gonna just stand around the fire, the least you can do is put firewood on it every once in a while. I've seen the fire go to hot coals when there were people by the fire (not afk) and plenty of firewood right next to it.

Last edited by sigmen4020 (2020-01-13 09:57:28)

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#28 2020-01-13 14:33:21

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

sigmen4020 wrote:
voy178 wrote:

It really grinds my gears when I have to make sure the fire won't go out

i know the feeling. For some reason it's difficult for the people that constantly stand around the fire to maintain it. Like if you're gonna just stand around the fire, the least you can do is put firewood on it every once in a while. I've seen the fire go to hot coals when there were people by the fire (not afk) and plenty of firewood right next to it.

Just let it go out.   They don't deserve a fire.


#29 2020-01-13 14:39:48

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

DestinyCall wrote:
sigmen4020 wrote:
voy178 wrote:

It really grinds my gears when I have to make sure the fire won't go out

i know the feeling. For some reason it's difficult for the people that constantly stand around the fire to maintain it. Like if you're gonna just stand around the fire, the least you can do is put firewood on it every once in a while. I've seen the fire go to hot coals when there were people by the fire (not afk) and plenty of firewood right next to it.

Just let it go out.   They don't deserve a fire.

Don't punish babies for their parent's mistakes sad


#30 2020-01-13 17:00:49

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Mekkie wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:
sigmen4020 wrote:

i know the feeling. For some reason it's difficult for the people that constantly stand around the fire to maintain it. Like if you're gonna just stand around the fire, the least you can do is put firewood on it every once in a while. I've seen the fire go to hot coals when there were people by the fire (not afk) and plenty of firewood right next to it.

Just let it go out.   They don't deserve a fire.

Don't punish babies for their parent's mistakes sad

Fires are a luxury, not a requirement.    They make raising multiple babies easier for the parent and allow a smart baby to reduce his feedings to a bare minimum by maintaining a perfect temperature.   But if nobody values the fire, then why waste the wood?

It's also worth mentioning that, a clothed baby inside a pine house with closed doors should be plenty warm enough, fire or no fire.   Of course, many players still ignore or fail to understand building bonuses, so properly enclosed indoor nurseries are pretty rare.    In theory, a constantly burning fire isn't actually necessary in a well designed village.   But of course, in practice, there are many reasons why keeping the fire lit is better than allowing it to go out completely.    Tool slots being a big one.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2020-01-13 18:54:40)


#31 2020-01-13 19:03:23

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

sigmen4020 wrote:

I've seen the fire go to hot coals when there were people by the fire (not afk) and plenty of firewood right next to it.

There's many people who don't do anything, are they on smartphone or what? yikes Preparing or eating food? I don't like them also.

wasters - they put pads on ground etc.

Last edited by Gogo (2020-01-13 19:03:40)


#32 2020-01-13 19:36:28

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

JackTreehorn wrote:

People who hide our most time intensive stuff somewhere in the wilderness i.e engines, radios, batteries, bottled liquids, horses and rubber seals.

Ooh that’s true. Rude boss people are annoying but at least they have a reason, but people who hide things or steal from alive towns are buttholes. Yesterday I was born in a early-ish camp with only white people, but there were a brown woman bringing a lot of stuff in a rubber cart, she brought tons of rubber, kerosene, bottles, full buckets of water, tons of steel, backpacks even those copper fence kits to farm grapes, she made like six or more trips with a full cart, I was like “wtf?”. My aunt shot that girl and said it was because she brought bears (what was a lie, but I didn’t care too much since she was stealing from somewhere and I’ve been pissed of dozens of time with people stealing my town in past lives, principally in the rift, she was not trustworthy), I knew the village was near because she was going back and forth very quickly, so I decided to head south. About 300 tiles straight south there was a big town with kerosene well and brown people (she was stealing from her own family, taking even the kerosene which was scarce since I didn’t see any ginger there, only brown people), when I came back home there were four bears in our town (I think it was my aunt, who was dead), I told my mother about the town south and me, my mother, cousin and great aunt (who died in the middle of the way) moved to the big town, we took all the stuff back to their town and lived there.

So yes, I agree, the most annoying people are those who hide hard-to-make things in the wild or steal from their own family (looting dead towns is ok, but stealing a bunch of essential stuff from any living town is frustrating, imagine spend your life making bottles, kerosene, rubber, engine and someone just steals it or hide behind a tree far from town).
Also, if you are moving, take one pie or two, take two steel bars if your town is very rich, if it’s not at least make your own pies and steel before leaving, the clothing you’re taking away from town is derogatory enough, but please don’t take that rubber cart/horse full of pies, bottles, steel, bp, kerosene... moving is fair, but if you won’t help your town, don’t take the stuff they are working hard to make and that they will need. Besides being annoying, it frustrates people.


#33 2020-01-13 19:54:39

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

DestinyCall wrote:

  They make raising multiple babies easier for the parent and allow a smart baby to reduce his feedings to a bare minimum by maintaining a perfect temperature.

Last I recalled, when I tried to do that I would often get picked up before I reached 1 or 2 pips (waiting until 0 pips isn't wise, and waiting until 1 pip wasn't wise before the change from 0 pip death to -1 pip death).  A while back I even remember watching how I fed my children on screen, and I didn't see my child getting to 1 or 2 pips.  Here's a recent video of a newer player, who doesn't get to 1 or 2 pips also:  Also, I recall that once, probably a year ago, I had a child who I picked up and was about to run into the swamp as an Eve.  I didn't move right away for some reason that I don't recall.  She said 'wait for F'.  I tried to explain that I was about to run away into the swamp, but I just didn't explain that well and I don't think I could have communicated that well or if I could have it would have been worth it.  If the mom puts the child done on the fire, tried to do something close, then come back to the child and feed them, I think there will exist times where the child doesn't have the opportunity for minimal feeding.  I don't feel this is a problem at all, I'm just clarify how I think things work.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#34 2020-01-13 20:25:23

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Yes, from a practical standpoint it is rarely wise (or necessary) to minimize baby feedings to the true bare minimum.    And trying to stretch it out too far can lead to dead babies.   As long as you are breastfeeding your kids, over-feeding isn't the end of the world.    I mostly mention it, because it CAN make a noticeable difference in an early camp when the baby to food ratio is skewed.   Or if your mother is absent or dead, so you are relying on hand-feeding, or if you are a hard-core baby who likes to live on the knife's edge even as a lil potato.

If you utilize perfect temp, you can reduce your food drain down to the point where you only need to be picked up two or three times before you grow hair.   This can be achieved by standing directly on top of a low burning fire (the one that goes down to coals) OR by standing on the tile in between two slow burning fires - if you stand directly on the fire it is too hot and standing next to a single fire is too cold OR by doing the "hot baby dance", moving on and off the fire repeatedly OR (if you are in a room) by searching for the sweet spot in the room, if there is one.   

For a while, I tried to encourage villages to adopt a new nursery design that utilized two slow burning fires to create a perfect baby "sweet spot" on the central tile.   But I eventually abandoned the idea because nobody understood what they needed to do to properly utilize the setup.  I had to explain why I was maintaining both fires and ask the mothers to stop over-cooking their babies and tell the babies to please stop running around the cold parts of the nursery or standing directly on top of the open flames.  Even if the babies were in the correct spot to achieve perfect temperature, the mothers would inevitably pick them up too early, not realizing how much slower hunger drains while at perfect temperature.   And, of course, I had twice as much trouble with keeping both fires running, because people are relatively well-trained to keep one fire alive, but they are much more reluctant to keep two slow fires going, especially if they are right next to each other, even if I have supplied the nursery with ample firewood.    Any potential food benefits were lost due to the general lack of understanding of what was happening and overly attentive mothers, so it just ended up being a waste of firewood.

It is still worth keeping in mind, if you ever find yourself in a village with ample firewood, low food stocks, and too many naked babies.   Perfect temp is VERY powerful at reducing food requirements.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2020-01-13 20:43:51)


#35 2020-01-13 20:52:19

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

DestinyCall wrote:

Any potential food benefits were lost due to the general lack of understanding of what was happening and overly attentive mothers, so it just ended up being a waste of firewood.

Where did that firewood come Destiny?  Might it have come from grown trees, each of which require 2 bowls of water to grow?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#36 2020-01-13 22:36:31

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Spoonwood wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:

Any potential food benefits were lost due to the general lack of understanding of what was happening and overly attentive mothers, so it just ended up being a waste of firewood.

Where did that firewood come Destiny?  Might it have come from grown trees, each of which require 2 bowls of water to grow?

Don't be silly, Spoon.   Nobody plants trees.


#37 2020-01-13 22:43:05

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:

Any potential food benefits were lost due to the general lack of understanding of what was happening and overly attentive mothers, so it just ended up being a waste of firewood.

Where did that firewood come Destiny?  Might it have come from grown trees, each of which require 2 bowls of water to grow?

Don't be silly, Spoon.   Nobody plants trees.

Don't be silly, he plants trees by himself in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the server list for the sole sake of saying he can be the only person to ever do so. That way whenever anyone makes a reasonable generalization he can interject and state that in fact exactly one person plays in this so and so way out of the 80,000 different (potential) people who have played the game.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#38 2020-01-13 23:43:54

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

fug wrote:

Don't be silly, he plants trees by himself in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the server list for the sole sake of saying he can be the only person to ever do so.

No.  There have been plenty of other people that planted trees on low population servers.  Sophie and Nikki were two people who made tree and box pens.  Quirky is another.  Beau and Julie did so recently also.  LowImpact, who has what I think is the oldest video of OHOL on Twitch:, planted trees as I recall, or maybe had Stoop do so.  RedBear had massive amounts of planted trees, including a large cow pen with many planted trees and a giant bear pen with a few dozen pines, and a nice park.  Willow has had planted trees.  Ross had planted trees.  Che had planted trees. 

I feel confident that Eve Death, who has reported issues on the Github under another name, has planted trees.  I would guess that Sigmen has done so.  And I feel confident Toxolotl has done so also.  I think I saw in one of WolvenScar's streams him talking to someone saying something about GrowCarrots growing trees.  Pein has plenty of pictures where he seems to have grown trees also.  And of course, there are many more.

Destiny made a light-hearted joke.  You did something else fug.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#39 2020-01-14 13:44:29

Registered: 2019-12-17
Posts: 122

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Latest string of twisted videos can add another category of person to this list:  shopkeepers.  A new species of berry munchers who hoard village resources and roleplay their entire lives contributing nothing the whole time.

I get the need for roleplay here and there, but seriously.. can you do it without hoarding supplies?  Just sell flowers or something.  Thanks.


#40 2020-01-14 15:48:18

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

I liked the shop idea at first but seeing ppl steal the resources instead of making them grinds my gears too!   Seeing people getting stabbed over trying to get their stolen items back irritates me big time. If I'm ever a baker and you try to steal most of the pies I will bloody chase you down for them I don't care if others call it overkill.



#41 2020-01-15 00:14:43

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Mekkie wrote:

Latest string of twisted videos can add another category of person to this list:  shopkeepers.  A new species of berry munchers who hoard village resources and roleplay their entire lives contributing nothing the whole time.

I get the need for roleplay here and there, but seriously.. can you do it without hoarding supplies?  Just sell flowers or something.  Thanks.

That’s sad. They should sell omeletes, rabbit meat, even glasshworth and sand, things that are easy to get, useful, but almost no one does. It would help a lot, at least when the shop owners die, the town would get some easy yum or useful raw material. But keeping carts, tools, clothes, pies and whatnot (unless you made them) is derogatory to the town.


#42 2020-01-15 00:44:15

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

I'm reminded of a guy I encountered in an OHOL town long ago.  His son was the baker and he was a pie salesman.  He went around town with a basket of pies, offering to sell them to people for the price of one gooseberry.   Quite a deal.   Just one catch ... he expected the payment to be hand-delivered directly into his mouth.

Needless to say, I bought a pie and married him a shortwhile later.


#43 2020-01-15 01:21:24

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

A love story for the ages, beautiful. I have a tale of caution.

A crazy lady(the blonde one ofc) I grew up with wanted silly dating and marriage and because I almost never rp that kind of stuff I decided what the hell and played along! So this lead to the infamous tree dance and she actually had a baby right afterwards, for a second I thought that shit actually worked and she was like 'yeah I knew that would happen' wtf lmao. She was all kinds of rp crazy talking about babies out of wedlock, she was a dick to the kids, ordered me around and wanted another bby after awhile so we did the same thing, all clothes off lol. This time some kid stole her wooly sweater and my crazy wife popped out with her shank and started threatening them. I thought it was funny but ohhhh boy...

So we have another baby soon after (wtf voodoo magic I'm sure) and all is well. After I raise the bby to three, another kid from a different race fam I think comes running up to me and to the berries needing food ofc I fed them and clothed them and named them too after they said their ma ran away/didn't notice them. Kid is three and thanks me, then my wife runs over with /anger all over her face.
"I saw everything on zoom, how dare you!"
Oh shit! Wife accuses me of cheating with another woman, gets her knife out. I pretty much plead my case the first couple of minutes, still roleplaying along with it ...but then she curses me.
Holy crap.
Then she stabs me!

At this point I just start cry laughing hysterically irl and can barely hold my shit together but I curse her back, saying that I regretted ever getting involved with her crazy married life roleplay shenanigans in the first place but my god I will always remember it.

Should have seen that coming lmfao.

Last edited by Cantface (2020-01-15 01:22:18)



#44 2020-01-15 02:28:33

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Cantface wrote:

A love story for the ages, beautiful. I have a tale of caution.

A crazy lady(the blonde one ofc) I grew up with wanted silly dating and marriage and because I almost never rp that kind of stuff I decided what the hell and played along! So this lead to the infamous tree dance and she actually had a baby right afterwards, for a second I thought that shit actually worked and she was like 'yeah I knew that would happen' wtf lmao. She was all kinds of rp crazy talking about babies out of wedlock, she was a dick to the kids, ordered me around and wanted another bby after awhile so we did the same thing, all clothes off lol. This time some kid stole her wooly sweater and my crazy wife popped out with her shank and started threatening them. I thought it was funny but ohhhh boy...

So we have another baby soon after (wtf voodoo magic I'm sure) and all is well. After I raise the bby to three, another kid from a different race fam I think comes running up to me and to the berries needing food ofc I fed them and clothed them and named them too after they said their ma ran away/didn't notice them. Kid is three and thanks me, then my wife runs over with /anger all over her face.
"I saw everything on zoom, how dare you!"
Oh shit! Wife accuses me of cheating with another woman, gets her knife out. I pretty much plead my case the first couple of minutes, still roleplaying along with it ...but then she curses me.
Holy crap.
Then she stabs me!

At this point I just start cry laughing hysterically irl and can barely hold my shit together but I curse her back, saying that I regretted ever getting involved with her crazy married life roleplay shenanigans in the first place but my god I will always remember it.

Should have seen that coming lmfao.

Similar thing happened to me. Mum was roleplaying and trying to make me "marry" some other random girl. I never went with it but eventually, I was stabbed for "cheating" because I was helping somebody else process iron into steel.

Had Mum, the lady and her kids all saying I was a bad man. Nobody but working lady believed me, she healed me but I was shot again. The working lady was hunted and killed after my death.

Last edited by JasonY (2020-01-15 02:32:06)

Need Content


#45 2020-01-15 20:54:56

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 168

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

JasonY wrote:

There a lot of annoying and weird people you can come across in-game.

Personally, beggers annoy me the most. Almost every baby expects to be clothed and it can get really annoying, especially if they jump out and run off to hump a BP they saw. A strange and also sometimes annoying thing people do is asking to be killed, Usually, they are baiting you to get cursed and killed. Today I had someone so sad that they threatened to grief if I didn't kill her.

So tell me, What's the most annoying or strange person you've found in-game?

I agree. Babies or kids who say things like "I'm cold, give me your hat" and for sure to not get clothed by me and I'll go out of my way to give clothes to all other babies first. Now if a kid a short distance and bounces on clothes, that's fine. But if he runs for thirty seconds far off screen and he expects me to follow then no, he's not getting those clothes.

People asking to be killed, I hate this one. Stabbing in town tends to result in more killings or cursing so I never do it. So I usually just volunteer to do it, take their knife then walk away.

The others that annoy me are mothers who do nothing but stand around and name babies rude things.

Or when I'm tending to the stew garden. I have three perfect beautiful rows of corn, beans, and squash then some random person comes and picks everything, dumps it on the ground but doesn't use them.


#46 2020-01-16 03:22:45

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Punkypal wrote:
pein wrote:

if you want to prevent lambs from cluttering, put a box on the wall, they decay in there

I'm not sure you are aware, but a sheep with wool on will start cranking out dead continuously. One sheep with wool on will leave about 6 dead lambs in the pen at all times. I'm really not sure what sticking a few in a box does about it, the sheep keeps on making more lambs no matter where you stick them.

If you feed all the sheep and you aren't shearing them, then I really don't know how to help you, but I for one wish you would stop if you don't plan to harvest the wool.

the sheep walks 10 times before has a lamb then 3 times 6 sec to have a lamb that's 78 sec
the lamb moves 10 times 3 sec before gets hungry then 10 times 3 sec until dies, so you got 59 sec to feed it
meanwhile, the parent has no lambs since it's on cooldown
the dead lamb is there for 5 min, under 5 min you can only get 3 lambs from the same sheep so no barely half of what you imagine
basically you can calculate each sheep with 4 tiles, if you clean up dead lambs they won't come back for 90 sec

and that's perfectly normal, and if you don't work with it, shouldn't disturb you
if the dead lambs are put in a box on the wall or slot box or taken out you get a small timeframe of no dead lambs, doesn't really worth it most of the times, but if you clear it before you plan massive actions then is okay to do it, if the box is on the wall and don't have to go out then is good

you need lambs, annoys me to no end when there are no lambs, also you really slow others down if you shear everything
that's extra 90 sec if you got no sheep with wool on it, for a single fleece
with 1 sheep you get 1 lamb, if they keep shearing it you might miss out
with 2 sheep you get 2 lambs, with 3 you get 3. essentially each clothing costs 4 or 6 or 12 fleece so yeah, you can't expect that people will do it one by one cause takes way longer
I dont say half of your life but you can wait a few minutes or ask it, or just fucking feed other lambs, cause it's annoying that you do the job and others reap the benefits of it

also feeding lambs is free food, and since water is more expensive now, you need to feed lambs only, I guess the change wasn't good with the non-sheared sheep pooping, cause that's a waste of food
and we don't use most of the poop anyway cause that's too much soil to water, so you want to have a full pen to discard some poop, like half of it

if it annoys you that you can't put things down, then extend the pen, make new or attach boxes on the walls or even the centre of it
you are not supposed to do it one by one, you can shear 6, use spindle 6x, it's faster

if you keep shearing the last one, gonna take 2 min to get a new lamb, and not waste the meat, if you repeat that, you force others to spend 12 minutes with a single shirt, if you even take the fleece then even more, for a dress that's 24 minutes, I don't spend half of my life to get clothing
if you keep 3 lambs running around, sure it gonna be 3 sheep and 9 lambs but at least they can make a shirt right away
and yes, can't ever be more dead lambs than 3 per sheep, worst-case scenario one just died and the sheep has a new lamb, that takes 80 sec to leave and 1 min to die, then again. they are not in sync so you get an average on all of them. if you feed them with a cart of 4, then they spawn the same time, die the same time, and taking out lambs saves 5 min on each dead lamb decay.
you can keep the tools in a basket or use a cart, so even with a 4x4 pen you can do that, and you can always swap tools on the ground so you only need 1-2 free tiles or slots inbox or basket or pack

shear after it has a lamb, cause it would be on cooldown anyway, not before cause then you might ruin others plans
and if others pay attention to feed lambs as fast as possible, you shouldn't complain about dead lambs cause their aint one

also the best way to stop others from feeding naked sheep, is to kill the naked sheep
and since pie is best food, people should take the meat, make pies and clean the pen

if the pen is too big, people just dump stupid shit inside it, clothes, bones and garbage and it's even harder to clean than a 5x5 or 7x7

and if you got 2 different biomes in a pen, sheared sheep won't move out of the biome, so you can restrict them like bottom side, closer to oven, kill them and it's easier to see where others can move livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#47 2020-01-16 19:50:25

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Most annoying/strange people in-game?

Most annoying to me:

- people- sheep- they don't think, they carry out orders-  mother told them to kill, so kill. Hmmm ..... You know that this is not your real mom?

- mr. toxic - is a person who tries to spoil the game as many people as possible. It is he who gives children disgusting names,offends others , tries to persuade other players to nasty behavior. Example - my mother built a "property" and announced that those who live outside this fence are inferior (it was the same family). It ended up hunting for outside people by people- sheep.

- mother - psychopath - there are many types, for me the worst was the individual who pretended to have sex with a baby. This psycho mother was killed by my older sister, which caused the entire chain of killings.

- megatroll - actually just playing, but you never know when it will start to kill. These innocent games are- taking children from their mothers and running away with them, telling them imaginary stories, e.g. that their mother is a murderer. In general, the troll does nothing useful but only tells strange stories or causing the trouble.

- griefer team - they kill for killing and they don't play honestly, because they use mods and, for example, after the victim makes "gasp" they don't get slowed down, they just speed up.


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