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#1 2020-01-15 22:01:34

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Road Helpers Wanted!

Message posted Wednesday Jan 15th

I'm currently moving east along the super long road that connects three bell towns plus a few others (3k tiles long) and I'm dropping flat stones using a horse and cart to fill in all open spaces.

If someone could come along and set the stones that would be awesome. Should be fast and easy because I'm dropping off all the materials.

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#2 2020-01-16 19:23:54

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

UPDATE: Jan 16th

Looks like all the stones I brought have been set. There is still a little area west of the current double bell town that needs stones delivered. If someone could grab a horsecart with tires and deliver that would be great.

Today I will be pushing more road westward and clearing trees and etc.

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#3 2020-01-16 19:39:32

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

I hate to sound pessimistic but you might want to wait until the new eve system comes in place before doing roads. I myself have been specifically asking Jason for a wipe when the update comes out as a means to test the new system fully.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#4 2020-01-16 23:37:56

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

yeah the reset would be fine

otherwise, there is a camp around 1200 from double bell town, then at -2900 -40 I was setting a bell tower for Farina original camp (ginger town before) candies  also been there, the original candy is south of it, has way stone to it, alex fam was there (whites) the other Farinas are south 550 and was a griefer camp which I don't think survives, NW of all this, the new black family spawned somewhere SW of all this livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2020-01-17 00:47:53

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

I'm now 2000 tiles West of the Double Bell town. Most everything East of double bell is solid road. West of Double Bell is some solid, but mostly broken path.

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#6 2020-01-17 23:21:51

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

i may play more ohol thsis weekend 19.1. and 20.1. and have a strong tendency to build roads. but that starts 13 hors from now or later (see post date)


#7 2020-01-17 23:51:29

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

ollj wrote:

i may play more ohol thsis weekend 19.1. and 20.1. and have a strong tendency to build roads. but that starts 13 hors from now or later (see post date)

Jason just pushed thru an update in the baby placement code, and hopefully that slows down Eve's, so roads might actually be able to keep up. The main East/West road is now over 6k long and it's mostly very, very straight. The (mostly) current state can be seen here: … 1579301954

Mostly unbroken. Still a few spots that need fill in, which are mostly in the West. Olij, it seems you prefer to lay continuous road. I really like to forge ahead and clear path and remove obsticles/bridge biomes. Working together I think we could be a power team!

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#8 2020-01-18 04:13:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

no wipe, we just got 4000 away from the bell

one black family was in old Kilar? town
I recognized the other town they had note to so I found my way back to the city I was building a while ago
it's -2900 -40, I memorized the surroundings
most old towns were -600 -300
-300 -600
-250 -1100
-900 and -1200

the newest active town, who I got the rubber for, was at -825 -120, something like that livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2020-01-18 14:16:51

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

aw this is great, i saw a lot of roadside moms with carts and horses in just 2 lifes, building many messy road segments, its hillariously wild with mixed road families on yet to be build roads (with way too many parallel double rouds)


#10 2020-01-18 20:54:20

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

ollj wrote:

aw this is great, i saw a lot of roadside moms with carts and horses in just 2 lifes, building many messy road segments, its hillariously wild with mixed road families on yet to be build roads (with way too many parallel double rouds)

I really don't care much if they want to build little local winding paths to help get to a swamp for water or a tarry spot or whatever. I just want to main east/west road to be well done and run straight and direct. If someone is going a long way it's a pain to zig up and down and around. Honestly, it makes me dizzy running on such roads for long distance. It's also nice to be clear you are on the "Main Road" because it's straight like a highway.


UPDATE Jan 18th

The path connects to what I suspect will become the new Bell Town for a while. I've crossed all biomes up to it from the West except there is some desert I think I need to get. It's broken path most of the way back to Double Bell town. I really could use help with someone either delivering flat stones with a horse and cart or setting said stones to complete the unbroken road.

With the changes in how Eves spawn I hope the road will actually be able to connect to the "frontier" and keep up. We are close to getting the road complete to that point with just a few folks pitching in a little time. Than you all.

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#11 2020-01-19 07:43:29

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

there exists now a 3500 k long east-west segment with completely neglible amounts of gaps (less than 20 tiles missing) (hard-to-place-areas) , not counting !traffic restricted areas" near and within cities (barely any need to build city-detour highways)

i build roads for roughly 5.5 hours last saturday, some lifes are partially spend growing a city or sorting cloth/food within a city, so theres like 20 minutes of not building a road (and not preparing any road building) (and not moving to a place to build a road) for many of 7 lifes, and also some deadly accidents.

continuing this road to tzhe west seems to make less sense, i keep making it longer to the east, where it hasd one kink to the south at one point (huge fblocking biome and city 150ish south of it anyways)


#12 2020-01-19 19:34:18

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

The western bell town is connected by road to a central bell town around 3.5km away. This twobell town in turn is connected to the ancient eastern bell with another 2.2km away. The far eastern bell still rings as explorers visit the dead city. In total, the ancient eastern bell is connected by 5.7km worth of near-continuous road to the modern far-west bell town with twobells in the center. Traveling on the road with a horse the distance is surprisingly navigable. As a man I traveled from one end to the other and back while still having time to live an actual life. Wouldn't recommend touring like that on foot or as a woman though.

Loco Motion


#13 2020-01-19 22:08:28

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

9 bells list (that have been rang within 40 minutes by a server population of 100ish ), from west to east

-5761 +0091 (west end, theres apparently 2 bells here)
(2500 tile road from above to below, with many connected bell-less abandoned cities along the road)
-3280 +0043
(0500 tiles more road)
-2861 +0089
-2848 +0102 (older large double bell town)
(2000 tile road between above and below)
-0924 +0091
(below 4 bells are east end and close together (within 0200 tiles), they all are +0600ish more north)
-0752 +0623
-0739 +0638
-0724 +0625
-0715 +0614   (i was born there)

-000 +000 (4-8 alive villages semi road connected exist far EAST (road end), all within 300 tiles apart. they are often populated but have no bells, but a LOT of horses and cloth and horsecarts and tools from people who venture EAST, build roads along thbe way, and then die there of old age, often with very few kids, but these kids often are rich in cloth and iron and that causes baby explosions.)

Last edited by ollj (2020-01-19 22:30:46)


#14 2020-01-19 23:39:53

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

wow, i just traveled the whole 5700 tiles west to east in one life, with rubber cart (no horse) as female, birthed 2 kids (one watched me build a road, one starving happily at age 5, one just waddling back to nearest populated town i that told him to exist, dumb to eat), and then arrived at the east-end village, that had a lot of cloth and kids and rubberred stuff.

theres a road, with a lot of life all alongside it, and you can walk it all (with a cart and wooden shoes, no horse needed where roads exist), and transport and collect useful items, chop trees, raise kids, and spend your whole 60 minute life live slowly moving west (with versshort breaks).

the last 3 minutes of my life i had stories to tell about what lies west of them, they had absolutely no clue about their relative position (not many bells rang at the moment, they missed them for being too young)

the cities ON the road also are more populated than yesterday. more sustainable gameplay, as i cut more trees along the road and i see many players gather cloth so less stuff is wasted.

Last edited by ollj (2020-01-19 23:44:11)


#15 2020-01-20 00:18:14

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

Ollj, I'm curious, Why cut trees along the road? I take great care to drop road tiles behind trees so it's easy for other to come along and fill in. Nobody picks up that wood, and it's much more ugly with no scenery.

It just seems a waste of ax steel. Perhaps you can tell me the upside to doing it.

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#16 2020-01-20 00:53:23

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

initially its for wooden shoes for kids on the road. faster kids find dropped cloth on the road faster, they also do not slow dorn a traveling mom as much. shoes and closh usually end up in nearby towns.
occasionally, many cut trees near dense-berry areas do spawn a city along the road, it needs no high tech, if theres enough wild berries.
later its to turn abandoned cities into cart-factories.

and drees used to be dangerous for archer ambushes, but thats no more an issue.

Last edited by ollj (2020-01-20 00:56:51)


#17 2020-01-21 04:09:30

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

east end cities got more road connected and more prosperous, to a point where new bells are now almost done near the east end of the road.
mostly the udenberg family thrives near the east.

Last edited by ollj (2020-01-21 12:22:31)


#18 2020-01-21 04:21:36

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

UPDATE: Jan 20th

I've been doing a lot of work last few days on general quality of road, mosquito walls, and and laying some side roads to towns bigger than outposts. However Eve's are about 2k west of the last big city the road reaches in the west now (this town keeps dying for some reason and then popping back). I'm going to focus on moving the path westward more. The road is pretty much 98% connected now. Only one spot about 1300 west of double bell town needs some stones set, and then in the far west where I'm working. If someone can help fill in there that would be awesome.

Also, please try hard to keep the main east/west road flat. Again, I don't care about side roads, but the main long road has really been my baby, and I really care about keeping it level. Way west it hits some more difficult biomes (jungle being worst because bugs can't be killed), so it's been hard to keep super flat. I don't remove berry bushes or goose ponds as those are useful and finite resources. All efforts to maintain a level road are much appreciated. Thanks all!

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#19 2020-01-21 14:25:22

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

Punkypal wrote:

UPDATE: Jan 20th

Also, please try hard to keep the main east/west road flat. Again, I don't care about side roads, but the main long road has really been my baby, and I really care about keeping it level. Way west it hits some more difficult biomes (jungle being worst because bugs can't be killed), so it's been hard to keep super flat. I don't remove berry bushes or goose ponds as those are useful and finite resources. All efforts to maintain a level road are much appreciated. Thanks all!

all this you typed is way too dumb to even argue with


#20 2020-01-23 03:13:28

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

Quick reply to Ollj: Nada to aregue about. I'm doing the most work on road building and if you get ahead of me on a MAIN ROAD and you don't keep it flat and straight, I will just rip it up. You decide the level of your own time you feel like wasting.



So apocalypse came down. I knew one was coming soom because since I'm all over the countryside, I've seen the nosaj relics being used lately (I still haven't noticed any warnings as to the stages underway. You get so many "dings" over stuff that doesn't matter, I guess I've tuned it out).

I have a question for WONDIBLE: In regards to your world map, after the apoc, does that show the correct world data or are we still seeing the old world, just now blank and NOT the new world? I can't find any settlements appearing.


I know the following:
#1) The Whites (Meagle) are about 500 East and 100 North of the Gingers (Connell)
#2) The Browns (Sauler) are about 250 East and 100 North of the Blacks (Wolf)

At least those are some of their main towns. Where each of #1) and #2) are in relation to each other, IDK. I've started road out of Connell town east and west.

Last edited by Punkypal (2020-01-23 06:35:00)

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#21 2020-01-23 08:35:54

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

it was time... spawning in the same cities all over and over again got really tiresome since they're all pretty much an afront to good city planning and taste.

But hey now you get to build roads from the beginning.


#22 2020-01-23 10:48:33

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

I connected Meagles and Connells.


#23 2020-01-23 15:07:06

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

Punkypal wrote:

I have a question for WONDIBLE: In regards to your world map, after the apoc, does that show the correct world data or are we still seeing the old world, just now blank and NOT the new world? I can't find any settlements appearing.

Objects are now in their final state from the previous world. The system I currently have doesn't register the end of the seed until the next log appears, so it's not yet blank. Another hitch is that I'm currently dependant on knowing the exact start of the seed, which won't be known until the first log ships. I may be able to catch it before the map updates, but if I miss, there may be a brief period with new stuff mashed up on the old map.

Map data always updates once a day, time is dependant on the last apoc/restart time. Life data updates once a day, but always at 8:30 UTC, and gets processed a little later. If you filter to lives since about 17:18 UTC on the 22nd, you may be able to get an idea of where the settlements are (or were). Notably the families were spread out by about 6000m; the Wolf/Sauler pair can at least make rubber, while the Connell/Megale pair may need to be nomadic until they meet up with the others. -- --
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#24 2020-01-23 19:58:40

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!


I was able to use family data to get a rough idea what the distance is between the two groups. It seems like around 6000 I agree, with about a 300 tile north/south distance too. Basically, not that close. sad

Also, just to be certain, is the 0 latitude coord on the graticule actually Jason's 0? Does it line up with what the monument positions say on the monument history page?

Last edited by Punkypal (2020-01-23 20:27:33)

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#25 2020-01-23 20:51:10

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Road Helpers Wanted!

Punkypal wrote:

Also, just to be certain, is the 0 latitude coord on the graticule actually Jason's 0? Does it line up with what the monument positions say on the monument history page?

On the map 0 is actual server 0, the same as used for monuments. You should find monument markers on exactly the coordinates listed there. I do want to have them only showing current monuments by default though. When I first put them in, it was ambiguous whether that spot had been forgotten or not, but we've got lots of documented resets now. -- --
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