One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-01-18 06:38:31

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 16

To my twin daughters, Limmie and Lemonica (and anyone who will listen:

You girls were awesome! You learned how to compost so easily. I hope you will keep playing.

I ran away from home as a ginger man my next life and magically found our town of black people again once I was middle aged. When I got there Lemonica was in the middle of being murdered. Limmie died shortly after and had no idea the weird ginger man following her around speaking jibberish used to be her mom lol.

After that I helped Tony finish an engine. We couldn't talk and he couldn't use the lathe because he was out of tool slots, but I was able to use the lathe to help him finish the job. I hope someone gets oil! I was only able to even find the black people town again (lets call it town of law stones) because I ran into my distant cousin on the way there and she was following a map to get there. Hopefully she will succeed in mixing the two towns.

Another fun fact: I was a a ginger man yesterday in a brown ginger mixed town to the southwest of the town of law stones! We needed sulfur so my brother and I made maps and went exploring to find black people. We eventually found the black town, but when we found it yesterday it was completely abandoned. My brother took the sulfur home and another map; he planned to bring women back to seed the town. I'm not sure if it ever happened. I kept wandering to find black people but I never did either.

Whew. Those were some crazy, interrelated lives. I hope this town lives on: it is the town with a bunch of waystones that state laws and a ton of maps everywhere.

My name was Jolan: … id=5814691

Check out my blacksmith/crafting tutorial :


#2 2020-01-18 06:42:12

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 16

Re: To my twin daughters, Limmie and Lemonica (and anyone who will listen:

Freakin plot twist! It seems like "Tony" was actually named "Tom" and HE WAS THE ONE who killed my daughter! It's ok guys I'm not taking sides 'cause I had fun with all of you.

Check out my blacksmith/crafting tutorial :


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