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#26 2020-01-26 20:05:48

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Update: Family Specialty

I don't think negotiation and diplomacy was ever common, honestly.   

But I do agree that family specialization failed to achieve its goal.  In fact, it went down exactly as it was predicted by the forum when the idea was originally proposed.     The core concept was flawed from the start.   I don't see how any other outcome could have been expected.    Long distance trade between villages was never going to be the best way to solve the problem created by family specialization.   Coordinating trade between two isolated villages is a logistical nightmare, especially with the language barrier and lack of transport tech.


#27 2020-01-26 22:12:57

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Update: Family Specialty

Necro reported

News is news not olds

Baby dance!!


#28 2020-01-26 22:28:53

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Update: Family Specialty

StrongForce wrote:

Necro reported

News is news not olds

Calm your jets there Bucky. First of all, the original thread is only a couple months old, that's not really far back. Issues with family specialty are still one of the most highly discussed topics, so it's hardly a "dead topic" and it was Spoonwood who revived the thread anyway, and he's already serving a temp ban, so you reporting is pretty much like calling up the police to let them know about Jeffrey Dahmer. Makes it kind of ironic when you say "News is news not olds" however, which is amusing at least.

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#29 2020-01-26 22:34:36

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Update: Family Specialty

Old news or not still relevant, if I was around the forums when this was posted I would have had a lot to say. Mostly echoing other ppls opinions about how racial specialization is not enjoyable at its current stage and it should be improved on or taken out like the rift.
I would have also said "please NO" not that it would have made a difference but still.



#30 2020-01-26 23:38:07

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Update: Family Specialty

How is this even a necro?
Racial lock was doomed from the start because it wasn´t designed to give each race something special to work with, it was designed as a restriction. The same happens with tool slots, the don´t incentive work specialization: they just block other jobs, which is frustrating and enraging, not rewarding and fullfilling.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#31 2020-01-27 07:52:50

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Update: Family Specialty

testo wrote:

Racial lock was doomed from the start because it wasn´t designed to give each race something special to work with, it was designed as a restriction. The same happens with tool slots, the don´t incentive work specialization: they just block other jobs, which is frustrating and enraging, not rewarding and fullfilling.

Yes it would have been much better if it was designed to give advantages instead of restrictions. For example if you use one tool often you get better with it and can use it more efficient, maybe the tool has a lower chance to break and you can produce more stuff. (but you should not be forced to use one tool often to do something)
The same with races, advantages instead of restrictions and you should not be forced to be a certain race to do something.


#32 2020-01-27 09:30:28

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Update: Family Specialty

Whatever wrote:
testo wrote:

Racial lock was doomed from the start because it wasn´t designed to give each race something special to work with, it was designed as a restriction. The same happens with tool slots, the don´t incentive work specialization: they just block other jobs, which is frustrating and enraging, not rewarding and fullfilling.

Yes it would have been much better if it was designed to give advantages instead of restrictions. For example if you use one tool often you get better with it and can use it more efficient, maybe the tool has a lower chance to break and you can produce more stuff. (but you should not be forced to use one tool often to do something)
The same with races, advantages instead of restrictions and you should not be forced to be a certain race to do something.

Funny how many people can see some ideas as "common sense" and yet it still it is not enough...

I had almost the same idea in mind when tools where implemented, but I was focused on the idea of jobs more than tools. In my mind the idea is the same that everyone ends up with when facing tools: what is the skillset I need for what I want to do in this life? So basically instead of thinking of "blocked tools" I had in mind different small bonuses depending on the tools learnt that would construct a character skillset based on 3/4 tools. Example: using the firebow, oven, coals and knife and completing a target food crafting (idk different types of food? amount of pipes crafted? number of pies made?) enables you as a Baker Expert which makes the Oven last 30% more if you light it and killing sheep not hungry work after 40. Or maybe the food you craft gives 10% more pipes. Or maybe you get a bonus on the amount of dough per bowl of grain. Idk even just earning the title of "Baker Expert" seems fun.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#33 2020-01-27 17:49:04

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Update: Family Specialty

I like to play doctor because it's great in a pinch and few people know how to do it. With only six tool slots however it's difficult. You need to learn shears to get balls of thread and learn hot coals to make them into pads. You need to learn sewing for stitches and knife for surgery. That's four tool slots already. What happens if there's no kindling prepared when you go to make pads? You have to learn axe or hatchet. Five of your six tool slots. What happens if there are no steel tools available and you have to make shears or a knife? To smith a blade you need a MINIMUM of four tool slots. Tongs, firing kiln, hammer and file. Even if you have a high enough gene score to get eight slots you're stuck with that specific kind of work. Smithing and doctoring. You can't build or bake or hunt or farm. It's a system that puts the survival of the family and town on the back burner, because you're hard locked. You literally can't help them. You can do one or two things and that's it. To me it defeats the purpose of the game.

Loco Motion


#34 2020-01-27 20:27:12

From: New Orleans
Registered: 2019-11-24
Posts: 245

Re: Update: Family Specialty

I have found that most people still don't use all their slots. Especially many new players that just focus on something easy like farming. If I need something I know I'm only going to need one time, like shearing a bunch of sheep, I will ask someone to do it for me. If you have the shears and the sheep all ready to go and make it easy for someone to help, they will 90% of the time.

This is what Jason wants us to do. I do this and I find I hardly ever have a tool slot shortage. Of course, it helps knowing what uses a slot and what does not. It is hard to plan out what you want to use slots on when there isn't a way to check what will use a slot and what will not until after it's too late (for a new player that doesn't know all this that is). That's what I'd like to see implemented. Some spot on your info bar that you could click and a pop up would appear showing you what you know and don't know, and how many slots still unassigned. Then when you pickup or mouse over an object, it should say (learned) or (unlearned) next to the object name, if it's something that takes a slot.

Easy right? So easy Jason probably won't ever do it.

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#35 2020-01-30 15:14:07

Registered: 2019-09-02
Posts: 40

Re: Update: Family Specialty

The main purpose of the tool update was make it so players didn't run around doing everything themselves and would end up asking other players to use their slots for you when you ran out or wanted to save some.

It does tend to work pretty well in that regard, and I don't really run into too many problems with it. If I need something smithed and I'm working on clothing this life I just ask who's ever at the forge to make it. It also makes your job feel more valuable. If I'm cutting up kindling I know that there are at least some people who aren't able to do it.

My main gripe with it though is that instead of making players feel like they have "jobs" and giving some sort of role identity it simply relies on a system of finding someone who hasn't used up all their tool slots yet. If I want to have the produce I gathered cooked for example, it'd be more interesting to seek out a chef than someone young who still has slots to burn.

Creating advantages instead of penalties might work, but it runs the risk of players still doing everything themselves instead of handing things to the more experienced person. Many players REALLY don't like talking to people, and I can kind of understand. Typing things out to people and waiting for a response with the risk of them ignoring you slows down the pace of play in a game where you have so limited time and a limited amount of characters to type.

I sort of think it might be beneficial to add some sort of job postings board where players can easily without hassle post what they need created or gathered or maybe some type of quest creation system to negate this in a way. Basically anything that can deliver players requests to others through game mechanics if they so desire.

Last edited by Chestburster (2020-01-30 15:21:47)


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