One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-02-10 20:04:33

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Respect the Badge

It was never too common for leadership to arise pre-follow update.

Crowns were almost never respected, and were more aesthetic.

Now, people seem to care a hell of a lot more about badges. As a clever leader, you can do a whole lot and get away with it that may otherwise not be possible.

Depending on my mood, sometimes I care about crowns. Sometimes I only care about being a good leader.

When I don't care about the crown, being a good leader is pretty simple. I just keep an eye out for griefing, I help people locate certain materials or workers, I start multi-generational tasks, etc...

However, sometimes I'm just really feeling into gold... and I see a crown on a baby... and I just gotta have it. … id=5909113

Dick Gary, as I was, was very into crowns. Pooja Gary happened to make crown blank as a child that I, well... took.

But who gives a shit? If it's just a crown, then it's just a crown. I swap pieces of clothing and packs with infants all the time. It's not a big deal. children are not entitled to anything more than anyone else. Others may have chosen to let the child have the special hat, but I decided that the special hat would look better on me. So when she placed the blank, I snagged it and made my own crown.

Obviously, she got angry. Pooja began doing that thing that losers do - whining about not having what they want, while I go about doing legitimately important business. Organizing the leaders, and figuring out next steps in the city.

Then, she wouldn't let up. I was constantly annoyed by this little idiot. … id=5909118

Finally, I have had enough. Pooja has officially become a neusance. So I make official ection as Baron to exile her and order her death. She os posseed and hit, but is mysteriusly healed back in our city by someone I couldn't see, as I had run out in the posse.

Nonetheless, she stayed away after that, and I was able to successfully conclude my political carreer.
Finally, towards the end of my life, I was called out by an old woman who ended up being the one who savd the girl and had seen the crown issue. She told me I was a coward.

I exiled her and ordered her death. She trolled about but ultimately died. I think it was lady gary. … id=5909118

My major associate, June Gary, bought every word of it all. She genuinely believed we were acting for reasons beyond my personal gain - not really the case.

I did what needed to be done for us to maintain the faction and grow together. While those two may have been honest and not incorrect, they stil got in the way of the city by getting in my way. I made sure that they were punished for that. Don't mess with the baron.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#2 2020-02-10 20:16:18

Registered: 2020-01-20
Posts: 95

Re: Respect the Badge

Funny that only the smug selfish assholes care about being leader. Wonder why that is.


#3 2020-02-10 20:34:03

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: Respect the Badge

Jamie wrote:

Funny that only the smug selfish assholes care about being leader. Wonder why that is.

Not all lives. But that one, for sure. Still get 2 extra tool slots!

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#4 2020-02-10 20:38:36

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 168

Re: Respect the Badge

Jamie wrote:

Funny that only the smug selfish assholes care about being leader. Wonder why that is.

I've seen a few lives where random children ask me to follow them or ask for the crown. I always tell them no but I will if they earn it by working hard. You know what they all have in common? They never go on to do any work, they just run around asking for follows and doing nothing useful for the town even into adulthood. So I'm always suspicious of kids asking for power.


#5 2020-02-10 20:56:22

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: Respect the Badge

It can be helpful to have someone in charge. When something serious happens, an infrastructure for that information to spread quickly is valuable.

If there is succession and a life of campaigning can lead to long standing organization, it can be worth it.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#6 2020-02-11 04:11:37

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Respect the Badge

the time you spend begging, already means that you aren't worthy

if there would be some votes, apm based points or something I would understand, but life is too short to beg for ranks livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2020-02-11 06:08:29

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: Respect the Badge

pein wrote:

the time you spend begging, already means that you aren't worthy

if there would be some votes, apm based points or something I would understand, but life is too short to beg for ranks

While you may be great at the game, it seems like you're bad at complex social situations. With food buffs and organization buffs, it is viable to 'spend all life begging for rank' because it actually does something meaningful.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#8 2020-02-11 16:33:53

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Respect the Badge

I had one interesting life where my mother named me "King" and the current elderly king gave me his crown. He followed me and asked everyone else to follow me as well. For the most part, people cooperated or followed voluntarily without me asking. I never asked anyone for anything personally, no clothes or items or follows. Spent my childhood working hard to make a set of nice clothes. Mediated a dispute that could have led to murder. Saved someone's life with pads in the nursery. Basically just playing normally and living right.

When I got older and could form longer sentences I actually started ruling. I'd taken a good look at our town and what it needed in the big picture. Order, if you know how to doctor please come to nursery. They put on a medic vest, loaded up on pads and thread and promised to make more medicine. Order, if you know how to tame horses please report to sheep pen. I gave them a lasso I made from farming milkweed and asked them to get horses for our town. We were a mostly black village and needed rubber for newcomen, not to mention that horses are just great in general. Order, please chop kindling and drop it in the smithy. I knew the smith was a good player from seeing him around and I'd asked him to work on building an engine and oil pumpjack. We had gingers in town that could put the infrastructure in place for oil.

Most big picture stuff deals with long-term goals and survival so I never really got to see how it turned out in the end, but at the very least I was able to coordinate a few key players in advancing our survival. When I finally died we had a handful of new horses, a few buckets of latex and the smithy was furiously firing his newcomen. All of my family members survived to old age that life.

Loco Motion


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