One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-02-11 19:27:21

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

Is this working well?

Have you ever seen an outsider wander into your village with a pre-marked status from a curse you gave that player in a previous life?

Have you noticed that babies born near you are NEVER pre-marked (b/c cursed players can't be born near you, ever)?

Is this all working correctly?

Is it helping?


#2 2020-02-11 19:30:37

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

I was seeing talk on the discord about people mutually cursing eachother, so they can identify eachother in next lives. It might have backfired.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#3 2020-02-11 19:43:47

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

I haven't noticed any marked players. That being said I did not leave my home towns very much, and all players that I interacted with were very nice to be around. I haven't even thought about cursing anyone since the update.


#4 2020-02-11 19:50:17

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 168

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

I've seen two older relatives with black text. An older sister and an uncle. One turned out to still be a griefer and the other ended up just being a troll that later went afk. So yes the system is working. The black text really help to notify me to keep an eye on those people. I've also started keeping notes on who I curse, why and those two words so I can judge how dangerous they are if I see them again.

Last edited by AmberA (2020-02-11 19:52:20)


#5 2020-02-11 19:50:26

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

I was seeing talk on the discord about people mutually cursing eachother, so they can identify eachother in next lives. It might have backfired.

Whoever did that on the discord is incredibly dumb and deserves a reprimand for being that dumb.

Looking who said it was a new person to the discord who clearly doesn't understand curse mechanics (aka they just blocked someone they could spawn with.)

I know I heard someone say they had bad uncles before, but I haven't run into this issue because I play very late at night when all the trolls are asleep so I'm much less likely to run into asshats.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#6 2020-02-11 20:40:36

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

In most towns there is at least one person marked as cursed when I'm born. Sometimes there are two. Often, someone will wander into town with black text. About half the time they're griefing. A quarter of the time they're just stupid and probably got manipulated into killing the good guy so I cursed the idiot to get away from them. The remaining quarter are acting normal in the current life but I know they did something worth cursing in the past.

It's not really helping, just highlighting how many griefers there are in this game. There's at least one in every town. Before you just noticed it less.

Combined with the current combat mechanics it creates a really frustrating experience. They're evil, you know they're evil, you've seen them doing evil in this current life. There's nothing you can do about it. Unless they're a complete dope it's 100% impossible to stop them alone, and there are so many clueless idiots that gathering support is impossible.

Some man is lingering in the nursery snatching up babies. I watch him kidnap three children. You are Gay, you are Stuthi, you are Dumas. Giving them rude names and trying to starve them of their two pips before they can jump from his arms. I curse him then flash a knife and make murder mouth so he'll leave. A crowd gathers and I explain what's happening. Most of them even speak the language so they can understand me. He keeps coming back and trying to kidnap. I grab a bow and start hunting- it's easy because he keeps going back to the nursery over. And over. And over.

Eventually I get him and some idiot stabs me. Next life I'm born there again and I curse the woman that stabbed me. It doesn't help. Nothing helps. There are griefers in every town and gullible idiots that go along with them. Some guy is kidnapping babies in the middle of a crowded nursery and nobody cares. I tell them and they see it happening. Nobody cares. It's so stupid. Do I have to lie to get support like they do, is that the only way? It's wrong but it's just SO much more effective when gathering a posse is the only option. Gullible idiots will always believe a good lie over the honest truth.

Loco Motion


#7 2020-02-11 23:12:14

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

Yep and it works. Ginger woman with black text was being shifty, killed a little boy. The black text made it easier for us to decide to kill her.

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#8 2020-02-12 00:00:08

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

I've seen them, they often on horse, scouting what's there to steal, or keeps running and griefs here and there. I'm giving them 'gasp', to keep them on distance, however it looks suspicious for other people.

Last edited by Gogo (2020-02-12 00:00:33)


#9 2020-02-12 01:45:41

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

Yes, but it didn't end well. People did not believe me and ended up with curses myself. It's understandable really because any griefer could kill and claim they had black text.

What if getting enough personal curses eventually leads to having black text for everyone. Think it should be a pretty large number like 20 or higher, The ultimate punishment for notorious griefers. Also what if every person got a specific curse name instead of random. Elder Note: "Be wary of Spicy Cock Muffin. Posse killer, and door blocker".

Last edited by JasonY (2020-02-12 01:58:12)

Need Content


#10 2020-02-12 07:41:50

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

Some griefers would love that kind of notoriety.   They want everyone to know they are bad.


#11 2020-02-12 10:41:53

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: Has anyone run into a marked griefer in a later life?

yes, it works fine. no balck text bbs only travelers or older people.

JasonY wrote:


just talk to your leader and relatives and say them that this Guy is a black text for you.
Tell them to be cautious and make pads. That's all what you need.
If this guy attacks all the guys you told them about would know who to blame and curse.

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
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