One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-04-17 13:11:55

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

My cousin Eliot, I put you in a basket just north of the farm, put some stones around you to mark your grave. Thank you for helping me stay alive.
We had a decent population but no one was looking after the farm, I ran off to get seeds and came back to find everyone dead. I had two sons and a daughter, one son suicided but the other two children worked hard and we got things back on track.

I forgot my own name, but my daughter, Hope, you did me proud. We got that farm going again and I was glad to see a few grandchildren before I died.
Also, you named a bunch of your kids after the Ghostbusters and I couldn't have been happier, gave me a good laugh.


#27 2018-04-17 16:42:04

From: Sweden
Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 183

Re: Missed Connections

To my first cousin Elina; I have no idea why you kept kidnapping me, it was to no use since I kept running back to my mom. When I died (young) in that village I later respawned there again and you were still there. I was the son of the queen but you still tried to kill me, I asked my mother to kill you and I hope she did. I died young again.

Noobs are fine, but noobs that don't listen and refuse to learn, get on my nerves. Your ignorance will lead you to Donkey Town one day.

"Hugs from grandma"
-Rose Winter


#28 2018-04-17 17:17:08

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Missed Connections

To my family with no last name.
I was born as a girl, just as you guys were ready to leave to find a new place to camp. I was named savior (naturally). My mom carried me and three other adults carried carts of stuff, traveling West. It was a fun journey, at first.
The oldest guy died first. I carried his bones for a little while, but then another guy died suddenly. There seemed to be nothing but snow and rocky biomes, and now we were running low on food. We seemed pretty screwed.j
You all died. But I went on, with the few things I could carry (still too small to carry a cart).
Just a few squares further, I found a cart full of food!
I headed north, and met another older man with a cart. He took  me to his village, I had a baby girl on the way there. The place had been abandoned, due to murders. But there was still lots of food and big farm. I had another girl just before I became too old.
There were a few girls/women when I died.
I was reborn there a couple times later on, and the place was doing well!


#29 2018-04-17 19:10:58

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 12

Re: Missed Connections

To the Mary clan (especially my kids Robin, Marian, Ariel, Eric, Hercules and Belle, and my grandchildren), I hope some of you see this. I was Hope, and I had a great time running around all over the place with you lot and all convening back at the original farm eventually. I'm surprised we didn't all get lost. Mother, I'm glad I got to see you again and say goodbye before you died. I hope you weren't too mad at me for taking the kids you told me not to keep and running off with them. They all turned out very helpful, and we left the farm in a good way when I left. Sorry for dying so suddenly, kids, I had to go, and when I saw my hunger bar at one, I just left it. Glad I got to see my granddaughter just before I went. Hope you all make it through multiple generations.

Last edited by AmyJ96 (2018-04-17 19:24:10)


#30 2018-04-17 19:29:55

Registered: 2018-03-19
Posts: 18

Re: Missed Connections

AmyJ96 wrote:

To the Mary clan (especially my kids Robin, Marian, Ariel, Eric, Hercules and Belle, and my grandchildren), I hope some of you see this. I was Hope, and I had a great time running around all over the place with you lot and all convening back at the original farm eventually. I'm surprised we didn't all get lost. Mother, I'm glad I got to see you again and say goodbye before you died. I hope you weren't too mad at me for taking the kids you told me not to keep and running off with them. They all turned out very helpful, and we left the farm in a good way when I left. Sorry for dying so suddenly, kids, I had to go, and when I saw my hunger bar at one, I just left it. Glad I got to see my granddaughter just before I went. Hope you all make it through multiple generations.

Hi mom, it's Robin. Everyone either left or died because I died at the age of 60, alone.

P.S. I finished making the saw and carts, not that they are going to be any use.

Last edited by Atticus (2018-04-17 19:30:59)


#31 2018-04-17 19:32:13

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 12

Re: Missed Connections

Atticus wrote:
AmyJ96 wrote:

To the Mary clan (especially my kids Robin, Marian, Ariel, Eric, Hercules and Belle, and my grandchildren), I hope some of you see this. I was Hope, and I had a great time running around all over the place with you lot and all convening back at the original farm eventually. I'm surprised we didn't all get lost. Mother, I'm glad I got to see you again and say goodbye before you died. I hope you weren't too mad at me for taking the kids you told me not to keep and running off with them. They all turned out very helpful, and we left the farm in a good way when I left. Sorry for dying so suddenly, kids, I had to go, and when I saw my hunger bar at one, I just left it. Glad I got to see my granddaughter just before I went. Hope you all make it through multiple generations.

Hi mom, it's Robin. Everyone either left or died because I died at the age of 60, alone.

P.S. I finished making the saw and carts, not that they are going to be of any use.

Hi Robin! Darnit, we were doing so well as well. Maybe some of them moved someplace else, we did start a bunch of different farms in the area between us =P. Glad you made it to 60 at least.


#32 2018-04-17 19:41:28

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 39

Re: Missed Connections

To my lovely family. It was me mum and sis for so long, but we grew to a big happy family. We got lots of rope and were even bringing in the rabbits. The last thing I did was show one of my great nieces were the far away seeds were before I died of hunger age 57. Hope you made it back ok and avoided the bear! Hopefully sometime we might find some new seeds.


#33 2018-04-17 20:56:36

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

Re: Missed Connections

To my mother Leia, later reborn as Rachel -- It's me Joey, reborn as Betul. It was so fun setting up the sheep pen with you, we were rockstars! Things got dramatic there in the middle, what with all the murders, but I'm glad we were able to make our knives and stay safe. I starved while out looking for berries to feed our sheep... foolish! Thanks for all the help.

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#34 2018-04-17 22:33:12

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 39

Re: Missed Connections

My name was Griffin. My mother set up a beautiful civilization - but alas all the baby girls ran off and died, so I was her only son. We set up a great farm. When she died I continued to farm and made my first ever set of clothes. We left baskets of food, my set of clothes, seeds, pots, string and meat. I hope one day someone finds our beautiful farm. It was the very first time I died of old age.

Last edited by Lavea (2018-04-17 23:01:59)


#35 2018-04-18 02:29:20

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 482

Re: Missed Connections

To my mom. I don't remember your name, but you were so sweet. Thank you for the kindness. I was will smith, your favorite. I didn't want to be the milkweed man, I wanted to forge, but I did as I was told and went to search for milkweed. Sorry I never came back, I stepped on a snake behind a tree. To the crazy uncle who yelled at me and called me names, kiss my butt old man (but I did learn not to touch a man's tongs)

Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.


#36 2018-04-18 03:50:20

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

Re: Missed Connections

FeignedSanity wrote:

To my mom. I don't remember your name, but you were so sweet. Thank you for the kindness. I was will smith, your favorite. I didn't want to be the milkweed man, I wanted to forge, but I did as I was told and went to search for milkweed. Sorry I never came back, I stepped on a snake behind a tree. To the crazy uncle who yelled at me and called me names, kiss my butt old man (but I did learn not to touch a man's tongs)

Will!!! I'm so sorry you died!! Here is our family story:

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#37 2018-04-18 11:00:38

Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 102

Re: Missed Connections

Dear daughter Lily,

We were great farmers, and then your brother Lucky turned out to be a a rotten child who picked seed rows.

You took it upon yourself to become a guard with a bow and arrow, and you defended the farm. Lucky never came back thanks to you.

You accidentally killed a baby because there were so many of them running around the farm. I vouched for you and even helped you make another arrow for you to continue doing your job.

Forgive yourself and know that I died a proud old woman with an awesome daughter doing a hard job. Hope you lived a happy life.

Your loving mom.

Last edited by Roolstar (2018-04-18 11:01:35)

God is still learning to use His powers; and just like with any other mortal, it's gonna require both mistakes and time.

Only to eventually discover He did not create the world he always wanted, but the world he was forced to create.


#38 2018-04-18 13:07:45

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: Missed Connections

to my dumb son

i told you to stop picking the top row. there were no wild seeds left. i was too old to go further to get more. i asked you to hunt instead of farming since you obviously lacked the skill for it. your mistake starved my 5 other children (and grandchild).

when we were the last two left you asked me "where did everyone else go?" "they died" i answered. i watched you run away from the village. i wish you went hunting when i asked you to.


#39 2018-04-18 16:45:45

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

Re: Missed Connections

To my red-sweater'd brother -

It's me, Papa Smurf, aka Leo! I just want to let you know that the new Eve that came to town just before you died stuck around, and she had babies. I buried you west of the berry patch, and I made you a little shrine. Eve's first baby died too, dc'd we think, and she buried her next to you in the new shrine. I asked her to bury me with you when my time came.

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#40 2018-04-19 02:46:54

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: Missed Connections

To my grandmother.
You were an Eve. Your last name was something like Ugarna, I don't remember. I was George, the kid who wanted to learn to smith.
I'm sorry I kept forgetting the bellows, it was my first time. My stupidness meant you never got to see the tool I made with the iron, you were old and you couldn't hang in forever.
Well, I finally made it-- a pickaxe, upon request of Forest. (Who later brought home two gold crowns, what a miner!) I was destined to die young, due to lag of the most horrendous kind.
Thank you for teaching me. You gave me knowledge I will always remember. I love you so much, gramma.
Also thanks to my ma. You were a great farmer, and your clothes were helpful.
I'm sure the rest of you were great too. I hope the farm's still going strong.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#41 2018-04-19 02:53:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

Anabell Stone you griefer nab, i killed that woman cause tossing random babies on me
you hide the knife and shoot me when old, you are the reason of the famine and that we never got a saddle, thanks noob. also cant keep up a normal farm, i was born as your kid, wanted to kill you but you made the village unliveable mess, no food at all, no berries anywhere livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#42 2018-04-21 17:21:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

This is Sam Peters, with a message for my amazing sis.  I spent my life diligently farming, and you were like some kind of incredible farmer's angel, swooping in with whatever I needed -- baskets, pies, skewers -- exactly when I needed it.  You even showed me how to aerate the soil, which I'd never had to do before.  ("I'll fix your farm," you said.)  You were the best.

Unfortunately, you had no kids, and eventually it was just the two of us.  You suggested that if we found some gold, you could make the bell to put the finishing touch on the bell tower our ancestors built.  It sounded like a good way for a single male and a childless woman to leave a legacy, so I went out to search for gold.  You gave me pies and good advice for the trip.  You told me to be extra careful, and I tried.  I really did.  But one moment's lapse of attention, and a wolf got me.  I'm sorry I never made it back.  I would have liked to hear that bell ringing.

Thanks for everything, sis.


#43 2018-04-21 17:31:39

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 34

Re: Missed Connections

Aurora Aurora wrote:
Siolfor the Jackal wrote:

To the dumb horse-riding queen and her dumb son, Oliver.
All you did was ride around calling us peasants and occasionally murder us for no good reason. I'm glad some killed you. You sucked.
Oliver killed my mother, Joy. Said she murdered someone but I know she didn't so I'm glad I killed you to avenge her.

That’s not a very nice thing to say, peasant!

Long live the revolution! Down with the queen!


#44 2018-04-22 01:08:50

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 5

Re: Missed Connections

To my son, Girl. I hope you lived long enough to understand. You were born in the woods, out of sight of the settlement, and I died before I got you all the way home. You may have seen the bone yard. Some would assume the mass graves to mean we lived for generations. They would be wrong. Oh so very wrong. My mother was an Eve, and I believe I was her first daughter. Not her first child though. Nor her last, by far. The bones, so many bones, were my brothers, and yours. Let the boys die, she told me. Another Eve came, with her daughter. She told them if they kept any boys she would kill their entire family. I believed her. I showed them the bones. But I was scared, I left many boys of my own there, to die among their uncles and brothers, lest she kill me herself. But then, I was out in the woods, gathering some resource or other. I was beginning to starve, and I knew I wouldn't make it home, just as you were born. For a moment, I planned to leave you like the rest, but I changed my mind, defied my mother. I named you Girl, told you to pretend. And then I died with you in my arms just outside the farm. I hope they found you, that you survived. But I doubt it, and for that I am sorry.


To my son, Deaton Deatherage the Destroyer of Worlds.

Did you ever find the city?

Last edited by D-Tos (2018-04-22 01:30:57)


#45 2018-04-22 02:05:01

Registered: 2018-03-20
Posts: 54

Re: Missed Connections

A haiku:

Sorry mom and sis
I went to hunt rabbits but
Camo death noodle


#46 2018-04-22 05:03:38

From: Detroit
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 5

Re: Missed Connections

To my beautiful mother Eve:

You named me Rose, and I believe I was your first girl. You allowed me to grow up and we built a beautiful farm from nothing. We had more children but they either left or died, so in the end it was just the two of us, working on the farm and catching rabbits. I know that you almost didn't keep me when I was first born, but I am glad you did because we went on to build something beautiful together that our children and grandchildren may not be able to use, but someone will come across it and thank the stars that we did. We both died of old age, leaving the world better than we had found it.


#47 2018-04-23 03:20:50

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Missed Connections

To the one offspring who was digging the whole "bear summoning" thing: you were my best offspring ever.  Your pretending to be a bear was adorable.  "GRR!" indeed.  smile

Sorry I starved (right next to the wild onion) and wasn't able to keep the fun up for longer.

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#48 2018-04-23 05:05:35

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 49

Re: Missed Connections

Go! Bwah! wrote:

To the one offspring who was digging the whole "bear summoning" thing: you were my best offspring ever.  Your pretending to be a bear was adorable.  "GRR!" indeed.  smile

Sorry I starved (right next to the wild onion) and wasn't able to keep the fun up for longer.

Haha, hey mom!

I ended up summoning a ton more bears. I found this one spot with 5 bear caves and had all of them chasing me.


#49 2018-04-23 05:08:01

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: Missed Connections

mulgara wrote:
Go! Bwah! wrote:

To the one offspring who was digging the whole "bear summoning" thing: you were my best offspring ever.  Your pretending to be a bear was adorable.  "GRR!" indeed.  smile

Sorry I starved (right next to the wild onion) and wasn't able to keep the fun up for longer.

Haha, hey mom!

I ended up summoning a ton more bears. I found this one spot with 5 bear caves and had all of them chasing me.


I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#50 2018-04-25 04:51:19

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

my mom who spawned me on abandoned camp, and to my sister
i dont remember the names

you found a camp with 4 empty wells
my first bro or sister died soon after
you asked if im good, i told "Y"

sis died, last words, we run out of water, no shit i seen before my mom did
dont forget to eat
mom same, "no water around", and you died, eat first talk after

i found water to west, didnt need do, i was alone

i geared up
brought home some pouches from a small camp
farmed a little
picked a lot of wood, i kept the fire alive all my life

made a shovel then a knife then a saw, we had everything else i think
i chopped trees, made a cart, a well
gathered stone from north, and found a seal skin north west
we had plenty of berries for 3-4 persons

i made the well and the stanchion kit pretty late, but if you would of helped, we would have survived. anyway i practiced forging a bit more livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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