One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-04-05 17:20:23

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 224

Managing Chaos - Fighting Boredom

Like some people have stated before, living in develloped town is boring.
Heavy work like mining iron and building water pumps, was just done by ancestors and those will not run out in near future.

Sure, there is plenty food and resources so anybody can start work on some novelty.
But if those things are not esential for town, they can feel meaningless.

If there is no immidiet pressure, no clear goal to focus on, people just start causing trouble to break boredom.
And even if peace and order is restored, having to fight your closest relatives is not realy satisfying.

Winning in Man vs Nature fight feels much better but there is to little such things in game.
Bear that comes to village was just lured there by your nephew and not by raw meat in kitchen nor livestock.

Game could benefit from random small disasters that are to rare to ocure in small camp but in big long lasting town they are just bound to happen.
Things like bear rug catching fire or berry bush pest could give folks some action without having to stab and curse fellow villagers.

What are your feelings on that matter, is this a good idea for late town gameplay?


#2 2020-04-05 17:54:27

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Managing Chaos - Fighting Boredom

I'm in for natural disasters or diseases.
Local, global, or pinpoint situations that can trigger if two things happen to occur on the same, or, adjacent tiles.
Give animals more autonomy, sure thing.

We don't need monoliths or end stones, just make it so the world boils after so much oil has been consumed. All temps rise, people have to consume food faster than anyone can produce it, and boom, server reset is triggered when x % people die within y time.

Saying this shit isn't possible from a programming perspective is just lazy.

I love that I can run this game on a 12 year old machine, and we don't need massive changes to the engine or any of that, for the server to say, increase the temperature everywhere by, 1% of the temp meter, per hour, if the rate that oil is used is not decreased.

Of course, we're still in what, the equivalent of 1910, by American or, European standards, at peak tech? Not like every single person is wasting gasoline on a car, yet.
But there is already enough voodoo in this game to make it NOT any sort of realistic model, of, anything. So fuck it, let's give her all she's got, Captain!


#3 2020-04-05 17:58:15

Registered: 2018-11-04
Posts: 262

Re: Managing Chaos - Fighting Boredom


When temp reach perfect point, just stab any ginger you meet or anyone attempting to build an engine.

"I go"


#4 2020-04-05 18:29:28

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Managing Chaos - Fighting Boredom

Elsayal wrote:


When temp reach perfect point, just stab any ginger you meet or anyone attempting to build an engine.

I couldn't justify murder with 1/8,000,000,000 % responsibility, for global warming.
But I would frown, as we all died, for another of Jason's sick lessons.

Also, I'd get physically ill, as people tried to justify 'a little more temp, for a little more oil' as we lurched over the big hill, at the start of the roller coaster.

It's already hard enough to watch moms making engines, ignoring their starving children, and find the nerve to argue with them.

Probably just find my way away from everything, and share my deep thoughts with wild rabbits.
They always welcome strangers like me to, unseen, new lands.

Now I imagine them popping out of their holes, and their fur, bursting into flames.
Running, from grassland to grassland, through seas of fire, and waves, of flaming rabbits.

I should be asleep. These thoughts are too much like dreams, or refreshingly disturbing nightmares, to waste, between any foci punching keys.


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