One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-04-17 17:21:10

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

I am pissed off.

I played several lives today.
I actually tried to play.
One daughter Eve, the other, granddaughter Eve.
All were flooded with children born and dying in a world without food.

Do you know how you should advertise your game Jason?
"Reach the summit. The summit of the mountain of bones of those who were less fortunate than you. Feel the satisfaction that you survived in the sea of the dead of your family."

I don't know if you are just malicious, or detached from reality Jason.
But I'll tell you one thing - you ruined it.
You made this good and amazing game just unplayable.


#2 2020-04-17 17:28:29

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: I am pissed off.

Someone griefed the server and made it nearly unplayable for Eve towns.  Since Eve towns can't get set up, none of the towns are getting enough rubber to progress and dying off leading to more Eve towns that can't get set up.  I emailed Jason about it with more details.  Hopefully he takes a look.


#3 2020-04-17 17:45:37

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: I am pissed off.

Tobias, I just read your email.

Do you have any ideas for solutions to this problem?

The problem is not the wells themselves (because Eves can actually take over those wells and make towns there).

The problem is that these "secondary" wells do not unlock any iron, so an Eve that settles there later will not have any.

Seems like primary homelands should unlock iron no matter what, even if they are formed by taking over an existing well... hmmm...


#4 2020-04-17 17:56:10

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: I am pissed off.

Allowing the wells to generate Iron if they become a primary homeland would solve some of the problem, but a griefer could try to set most of the wells up in bad locations without nearby iron spawns.  Finding these abandoned wells as an Eve is pretty difficult, especially if you have to scout each one to check if it has nearby iron veins, whereas the griefer is presumably on a horse cart and check it much faster.  If that's an easy fix it could slow the problem down.  Another quick fix would be to reduce the tapout radius.  Because tapout radius is squared, dropping it down to 80 would make it require 6 times as many wells to cover the same area.

A long term fix if you want to keep it similar to current tapout radius would be to remove tapout radius and make it so you can't build wells in current homelands.  An hour after the griefer builds the well, no bb is born in that wells homeland and the land becomes fertile again for eves.  You could get into situations where a town has more than one well, but you won't be able to build a second well to stave off a water shortage.


#5 2020-04-17 18:34:40

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: I am pissed off.

jasonrohrer wrote:

Tobias, I just read your email.

Do you have any ideas for solutions to this problem?

The problem is not the wells themselves (because Eves can actually take over those wells and make towns there).

The problem is that these "secondary" wells do not unlock any iron, so an Eve that settles there later will not have any.

Seems like primary homelands should unlock iron no matter what, even if they are formed by taking over an existing well... hmmm...

The problem is that iron is stored in a small few accessible spots.  Thus, removing access to those spots makes getting iron unworkable.

Removing access to those spots can happen in multiple ways, including by blocking them with things like property fences, or probably most likely to work, stone walls.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#6 2020-04-17 18:47:57

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: I am pissed off.

It's an effort/reward thing.  Instead of blocking off the mines, you could just block off the well spots directly.  But to cover the same amount of ground as the well tapout exploit you would need to block off 25x as many wells.  The community has tried to block off nosaj's in the past and it didn't work.  I've seen walled off tarry spots so people have tried it, but it didn't really seem to do anything.


#7 2020-04-17 19:00:53

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: I am pissed off.

Clearly the answer is for the Eve to be able to fill in the well with dirt and move on. /s



#8 2020-04-17 19:05:39

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I am pissed off.

I don't agree that is unplayable, but it certainly has become less of a beautiful thing.
The forums have become an ugly thing.
Jason, has become an ugly person.
And the people that, play the game, are becoming uglier and uglier.

The infection of a vast swath of the rest of the gaming world, is corrupting this place and everyone involved.
Still, some of you have changed your tunes, over time. You have considered what was good and you work to keep the world good, in game, while defending those actions, here on the forum. I do not doubt there is still good in all of you, Jason included. The game has always been in flux, between good and selfless acts and the self-satisfying acts of murder, that plague a large portion of all games.

Game designers that do not have hope in the future of humanity, who think that we will always be trapped, killing each other over resources, over space and over the political power humans have over each other, are not making it harder to justify succumbing to these traps, they are making it easier; easier for people to look the other way, easier to fall into other traps.

Yesterday I was playing Dawn of Man and when the raiders came, I was hoping they would see the error of their ways. I imagined a version of the game where they could be persuaded to see the light, like in Rimworld, either they could be persuaded to join my tribe or they could choose to run, when the numbers were clearly no longer in their favor. Neither of those outcomes are possible in Dawn of Man, because that's not part of the game. The raiders are just like mindless zombies. They are told one thing; attack, and there is nothing more. No chance to plant a seed in their mind, no code for negotiations, no way for peace, but through the security of power. More walls, more towers, better bows, sharper swords; those are the only ways to peace, and only for your settlement's peace, not the raiders.

There is no sending gifts, to the raiders, no negotiations, no pacts, no sharing; no symbiosis, to emerge, from their existence, elsewhere in the world.

When people make games, or tell stories, with elements like these, they are saying to the present day world; this is an option. A mental option, for you to have, in future scenarios. One of only a few options, that a person can ever be presented with, in life. And people have a lot of mental free time, they consider only, ideas they have been presented with, and combinations of those ideas. Never ideas completely alien to them, until they are presented, as possibilities. Games have the ability to connect people, to make ideas, go from unknown and unconsidered, to possible and even, potentially, logical.

Where do we put that, investment, in our time, to make outcomes seem logical? Into inconsiderate acts that lead to violence, aggression and suffering, or, into the consideration of others as extensions of ourselves? Better the whole at the cost of a few, or, better a few, at the expense of the whole? When the limited number of options learned, absorbed in the past, are flooded with acts of selfishness, cowardice, aggression or any other, undesirable traits we, as a whole, do not want to carry with us into the future, it becomes difficult to find better options. It becomes easier, to justify certain evils, over other.

Games bleed into reality. The same way stories do. Religious stories, are some of the worst examples. When the source of the justification, is imaginary, how can you argue with it? How, can you be expected to reason, with it? The answer, you cannot. You can only ever reason with people. Only life, reacts to life, with contemplation in mind. Justification, at it's highest level, is in us. It is in the power that we have, as a group, to present each other with conceivable outcomes, and it is in the power of every individual, to limit, or expand, the number of perceived potential outcomes, to those who engage with us.

In this game's past, the future was full of possibility. A wide array of possible futures, existed. Now, we see which one of those, of all, possible futures, has manifested itself as reality. It is certainly not the worst future, that anyone in the past could have imagined, but it is a far cry from the best, that I am willing to guess, anyone, imagined. Drawing an arrow, from the past to the present, and looking to where it points, for the future, may seem like a sensible thing to do, until you consider the sources of this line's deviation, away from the best imaginable outcomes, stems from the interaction of human minds; our minds, as the players, Jason's mind with ours, and our minds with Jason's.

It is not too late, to bend the arrow of this world's past-present, towards a better future.

It is, however, too late, for there to be any other present than this one.

I am sorry, if the angle seems too far a foul, to get it back on course with a, time arrow, that you would prefer to see traverse in the near future.
If anything, Jason's tendency, towards radical changes, may just bring it back on to a more preferred course, more rapidly than if this game were in the hands of a more, gradual, designer. Though I can certainly see the radical changes, as if they were determined by rolls of dice, to be tiresome themselves. Please try to keep in your minds, the existence of Jason's. He is not rolling dice here. He is taking in cues and considerations, from potentially any conversation, as well as from his own interactions with other parts of the world, seemingly unrelated, to this game. But, you will only ever see a change to this world, that has passed through his mind.

Just as you will only ever see acts, performed by other players, based on ideas that have worked their way into their minds. Concepts, values, justifications... good has never been in more demand than the present. This is as close to the past; the tail of the future's arrow, that we will ever come. From now on.


#9 2020-04-17 19:23:56

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: I am pissed off.

Morti wrote:

But, you will only ever see a change to this world, that has passed through his mind.

No Morti.  MoeLife, You are Hope, and 2HOL exist.  There exist plenty of changes that have existed and continue to exist which didn't pass through Jason's mind.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#10 2020-04-17 19:52:39

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I am pissed off.

Spoonwood wrote:
Morti wrote:

But, you will only ever see a change to this world, that has passed through his mind.

No Morti.  MoeLife, You are Hope, and 2HOL exist.  There exist plenty of changes that have existed and continue to exist which didn't pass through Jason's mind.

Spoon, I assumed everyone was smart enough to understand what I meant by "this world".
Versions of this world, are not, this world.

People across this forum, are not talking about changes taking place, in any of those versions you mentioned, when they talk about The Game.

For now, this world that we play in by default, is Jason's and Jason's alone. People can influence the world, via him, he may even hand over the reigns from time to time, to other people, and, I'm just completely unaware of it, but as far as I know, he determines all rules of the game itself, and we, determine our rules, for engaging with each other, within, the rules of his game.

I don't give a shit about any of those other versions, they aren't what I was talking about and you know it.

I'm only here for the real deal. Sorry to anyone with any stock in any, versions, of this original, product in the making. I'm sure there are lovely reasons people bother with those knock offs, but they all started here. And all future spinoffs will spiral off the hurricane; the Great Red Spot, that is this original work, and all the ups and downs, it goes through, as it develops.


#11 2020-04-17 20:03:27

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: I am pissed off.

This thread was about a specific issue caused by a clever grief.  Jason has submitted the fix so it won't happen again.  When the server resets for the update, the world will be fixed.  Jason did a great job fixing this quickly.

People act towards you as you act towards them.  If you keep antagonizing Jason, he'll antagonize you back.  You become the cause of the problem you are complaining about.  He created a very original game that we all love.  Stop throwing shade at him.


#12 2020-04-17 20:12:52

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: I am pissed off.

tobiasisahawk wrote:

Someone griefed the server and made it nearly unplayable for Eve towns.  Since Eve towns can't get set up, none of the towns are getting enough rubber to progress and dying off leading to more Eve towns that can't get set up.  I emailed Jason about it with more details.  Hopefully he takes a look.

The families I was in did not even come close to iron.
The problem was the unbelievable number of children and the weakening (actually liquidation) of wild food.
Receiving eggs - the only valuable food in camps Eve, dry gooseberry bushes.
There are entire areas that are difficult to cross even on horseback.
There is nothing to eat on them.
I would like to see statistics on how much the average age at which players die has decreased.
If one out of 30 lives up to adulthood then something is probably wrong?

The problem with Jason is that he has his own vision of the game and if players do not want to go where he lead, he starts to push them with a crowbar.


#13 2020-04-17 20:34:48

Registered: 2019-06-19
Posts: 33

Re: I am pissed off.

The Eve towns all get flooded with bbs because the towns are dying off since they can't get any iron and can't upgrade the shallow well to a deep well.  Some Eves travel really far to find a natural spring and set up shop.  Those towns can get iron and upgrade to deep well, but need multiple races to get to newcomen stage, so those towns are dying off when they can't sustain the rubber requirements because too many towns are dying off. Also, since there are so many Eve towns with dry shallow wells all of the natural food is getting eaten. Its a cascading failure caused by the well grief.


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