a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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A father should be able to lead a family. Or in other words, patriarchy should be possible.
Now, before you say, "Gasp! Jason, you evil fellow, why would you want to make a game where slavery is possible?" *Slavery still exists in the world today. Forced labor is still widespread. I want to make a game where anything is possible, in terms of social structure, and it's totally up to the players* [/emphasis added]. This makes for a huge variety of dramatic stories. Imagine being born as the child of a slave, and then escaping from your master when you grow up.... This is a work of fiction. "Slavery" in the game isn't the same as real slavery. Injustice and murder in the game are not real injustice or real murder. Corrupt police in the game are not actually corrupt police.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
And war needs a better system as well as more burrito types
Im Mr.Gold I /hmph
Also, could we get more frozen foods? I like ice cream, but more options would be fun.
An expansion to the hierarachy system would be sweet so it's more than just a meme
Build bell towers not apocalypse towers
Jason: so you need patriarchy I see...
*Property fences noises in the background*