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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2020-05-05 18:12:15

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

jasonrohrer wrote:

Also, I'm getting the feeling that most of the people participating in this discussion have never played Rust.
That's really the starting point for any discussion about property in a multiplayer game.
It's also probably the greatest game created in the past 10 years.... maybe the greatest game ever.

well, the positive side of all this ...
now we have a game more similar to Rust ...


#52 2020-05-05 18:13:19

Blue tinker
Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 53

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

It's a very difficult design choice:

On one hand, with killing mechanics existing, griefers WILL kill other people and murders WILL happen, sometimes without any clear warning nor a chance for victims to protect themselves.

On the other hand the game is supposed to be a simulation of human civilizations rising and falling. It is not possible to make such a simulation good without having a proper killing system. War swords are good on paper because they bring drama and build relations between towns (in practice those realtions were always 'don't trust anyone'). A war sword itself is not a problem - the problem is what the players can (and will) do with it.

Murphy's laws dictate that if there is a knife in the game, the knife WILL be used. Whether it's for the good or bad, it all depends on the one using it. Posse system is supposed to solve the problem of evil people using the knives (and it did as now only organised groups of griefers can use them) but it also made it harder for the good guys to use them (and you rarely see organised groups of good-spreading players).

So yeah, while I really don't think this game has become clearly as bad as some threads on this forum might suggest, I think posse system is not good - it's unintuitive and unnecessarily complex. While I haven't experienced raids or other severe griefs myself (maybe because I usually get born into low-tech fams or because I play during european day hours), the video is a proof that the problem exists.

New to the forum but not the game. Property fence enthusiast.


#53 2020-05-05 18:23:11

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Lightning wrote:
Twisted wrote:

The only thing he can do is change the rules of the game and empower good actors so that griefing is less likely.

Isn’t this the reason why we are here? With the posse system, the waiting time before landing a kill and the 20 minute minimum time lived to join a pose? He couldn’t manage to address the issue to his core because he cant, it’s an issue that goes beyond the games limits currently, unless Jason decides to changes his game vision, but that won’t happen.

The fact is that Jason can’t empower the good guys without also empowering the griefers in some other way

Yes, I am saying that that's exactly what he did. He made a ton of changes that DRASTICALLY reduced griefing by putting more power into the players' hands. I'm saying he already empowered the good guys and that reverting the posse changes would make griefing a lot easier.


#54 2020-05-05 18:25:43

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

At the root of the problem is the design choice that encourages griefing. Many mechanics exist only to empower griefers. The mean pitbull for example. Stealing and scrapping engines for example. Before, engine griefing was never a problem. The game was deliberately changed to enable this kind of griefing.

Jason likes griefers, and he likes giving them the tools they need to hurt you.

So shouldn't we be discussing why grief is good and what role it should play in an ideal society. What can we do to balance grief so that it's real and present, but not overpowering?

Loco Motion


#55 2020-05-05 18:46:01

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Legs wrote:

At the root of the problem is the design choice that encourages griefing. Many mechanics exist only to empower griefers. The mean pitbull for example. Stealing and scrapping engines for example. Before, engine griefing was never a problem. The game was deliberately changed to enable this kind of griefing.

Jason likes griefers, and he likes giving them the tools they need to hurt you.

So shouldn't we be discussing why grief is good and what role it should play in an ideal society. What can we do to balance grief so that it's real and present, but not overpowering?

Drama gud.

Killing bad.

Need more in between.. a contest.. or some kind of personal score settler.

"Hey I disagree with you and hate you"

"Well I disagree and hate you more hombre"

"Well we're gonna have to get the whole town who doesn't have the time to get into our personal squabble."

"We could just go outside of town and settle it there.."

"But why not just have an item we can both use in town to duel? So nobody else has to be involved, and we dont have to arrange a far spot to meet?"

"Idk man.. hold on I need to grab a pie"

Last edited by Grim_Arbiter (2020-05-05 18:47:56)

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#56 2020-05-05 18:46:21

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Blue tinker wrote:

War swords are good on paper because they bring drama and build relations between towns (in practice those realtions were always 'don't trust anyone'). A war sword itself is not a problem - the problem is what the players can (and will) do with it.

It was indeed a good concept on paper... but the playerbase kept complaining about how most of their
played lifes, at that time, were tormented by some random dudes trying to kill everyone in the area with war swords.
And if you look at the concept of the game, this didnt fit at all(constant killing), but the problem were the players that abused this, not the content itself.

The same goes with engine scrapping, biome locked tiles and how they can be abused to leave important stuff in them(at least temporarily), and probably lots of more examples that i can't think of them right now.

Thats why we got restrictions for the war sword, to the point it became useless. And now the overall killing  system, that is a similar problem to the one already mentioned, where Jason had to intervene and put some restrictions to solve the issue, but now we can see that in reality it is a players problem(abusing mechanics), that can maybe be solved by some concept changes in the game,but i've already talked about that in my last message.


#57 2020-05-05 19:11:17

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Twisted wrote:
Lightning wrote:
Twisted wrote:

The only thing he can do is change the rules of the game and empower good actors so that griefing is less likely.

Isn’t this the reason why we are here? With the posse system, the waiting time before landing a kill and the 20 minute minimum time lived to join a pose? He couldn’t manage to address the issue to his core because he cant, it’s an issue that goes beyond the games limits currently, unless Jason decides to changes his game vision, but that won’t happen.

The fact is that Jason can’t empower the good guys without also empowering the griefers in some other way

Yes, I am saying that that's exactly what he did. He made a ton of changes that DRASTICALLY reduced griefing by putting more power into the players' hands. I'm saying he already empowered the good guys and that reverting the posse changes would make griefing a lot easier.

I can agree with you point Twisted, but as i've said, in this quoted post, giving power to the good guys can result (but is not limited to) aswell in giving power to the griefers, such as with bobo's group.

Right now the balance is shifted towards the griefers since (like in bobo's case)they can communicate directly with eachother by other media(better coordination), rather than just chatting in game.

This balance can be changed although, if the average playerbase could know more about the pose system, and how to mitigate griefers in the long term overall(curses). But this will still not solve the
underlying core problem off all of this.

Last edited by Lightning (2020-05-05 19:14:45)


#58 2020-05-05 19:36:44

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Lightning wrote:

Right now the balance is shifted towards the griefers since (like in bobo's case)they can communicate directly with eachother by other media(better coordination), rather than just chatting in game.

This balance can be changed although, if the average playerbase could know more about the pose system, and how to mitigate griefers in the long term overall(curses). But this will still not solve the
underlying core problem off all of this.

The balance is not shifted towards the griefers, they are a tiny (albeit annoying) minority. They only affect a small percetage of total lives lived.

The game is the best it's ever been, griefing-wise. Sure, it's still possible (and I would love to see it be impossible), but the amount of griefing pales in comparison to what we had before.


#59 2020-05-05 20:32:03

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

I don't understand your thought process.
If the posse system worked and murders reduced to a very low level, why would you increase posse size again so you have to get half the town involved in a personal dispute.
You added in a serious and super simple griefing method (engine dismantling), then nerfed the towns capability to defend itself against it. (posse system)
You saw the results (videos of people destroying engines, abusing the posse system & killing towns and overall murders reduced.)
Then you decided to increase the posse system to needing half the town involved.

Things were better when we could 1v1 and the murderer had a slow got a chance to explain and often got retribution killed.
- The griefer got dealt with.
- The murderer felt good dealing with the griefer and accepted their death (sacrifice) for the greater good.
- The town had the issue dealt with in minutes.
-People were vigilant of griefers because they could stop it instantly
I just ignore it now because it's too much hassle to stop everyone working and convince them someone is guilty and to join me in a posse to kill them.
The last time I tried to do that they turned on me for targeting a young boy. (I just ran away & died)

Now a griefer can destroy an engine in seconds.
Someone sees and has to tell half the town to join their posse before the griefer gets wise and griefs again and runs away.

Last edited by JackTreehorn (2020-05-05 20:36:19)

Eve Audette


#60 2020-05-05 21:30:17

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Twisted wrote:

The balance is not shifted towards the griefers, they are a tiny (albeit annoying) minority. They only affect a small percetage of total lives lived.

You are right about it, although, you have to take into consideration that, RIGHT NOW, your average "Joe" player either doesnt know about posses, and you have to practically teach it to them, or just that they dont mind about it till the problem is big enough. the solution to this can only come with time(eventually most players will know about the mechanic),as it has always happend.

Twisted wrote:

The game is the best it's ever been, griefing-wise. Sure, it's still possible (and I would love to see it be impossible), but the amount of griefing pales in comparison to what we had before.

Well i know that you are a much older OHOL player than i am, and im curious to ask,(not that im doubting your knowllege) what you do mean by "griefing what we had before" timewise speaking.,before we had curses? or before we had changes to the kill system? because curses, (an effective way of dealing with griefers) is the only example that really changed the game in comparison to what you had before, and it even needed to get polished quite some times before it could actually become viable.

Last edited by Lightning (2020-05-05 21:31:58)


#61 2020-05-05 21:51:42

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Well anyways the game is with no doubt better to what we had before, in many aspects, including ways to punish griefing/griefers, and hopefully it continues to get better with time and with the corresponding effort of the game developper: Jason. Because if we didnt have him, we would have never gotten an experience as such as this game is.

Last edited by Lightning (2020-05-05 21:54:15)


#62 2020-05-05 22:33:05

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

I wasn't sure about the posse change;

"I appreciate the changes but I'm worried about group killers teaming up more often. I really hope this doesn't have that side effect because forming a posse against griefer players is hella more difficult for ppl that aren't on discord. Even with hierarchies getting people to form a posse doesn't always work out so...what do we do then? I don't want to have to beg people to help stop murderers and waste precious time, I liked being able to take out solo-killers tbh. Now I don't know if the griefer will run to the outskirts (unlikely) or just run around camp until someone does something to stop them?"

So yeah it had that side effect. Griefing just got more efficient than ever. Making killing require teamwork was a good idea on paper but like everything else it got abused. Just because murders by weapons decreased it isn't a cause for celebration. either the posse groups should be reworked somehow (maybe kill tokens like cordy suggested) or solo killing should come back.

You could try to make a posse tutorial, or even just some pop up text in game to explain how posse mechanics work, but even after arming ppl with that knowledge there's no guarantee they will use it.

It's a conundrum for sure, honestly though with all the additional buffs like black box curses, red ! bubbles and reduced speed for murderers solo killing felt more balanced so when posse's came out I was a little surprised. I had gotten used to the murders and defending against them felt achievable. I can't say the same about the group killing change.

Also I agree with Jacktreehorn, put it into better words.

Last edited by Cantface (2020-05-05 22:41:19)



#63 2020-05-06 05:03:36

Registered: 2019-07-21
Posts: 64

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

I mean I'm not here 100% to provide suction but I was one of the players who frustration quit over the high murder rate and I'm back now. Granted, when I finally ragequit I was trying a medication that was supposed to help with a problem I had and it was giving me ***wild*** psych symptoms, but ragequit over murder I did. I kept watching the devlogs to see if Jason started listening about how experience-ruining the murder was. Based on the life I just lived, it's a lot more like when i first started playing and loved the game, much more about helping your family, forming oddly deep bonds with strangers, instead of the serial killer simulator it was right after murder and war swords rolled out, with everybody killing everybody while trying not to get caught and every goddamn life I lived was either one of a murder victim, murder witness or a genocide victim. Posses seem to have actually restored what I missed about OHOL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There could absolutely be ways to fix griefing though, and I think better in game communication that's a little less dependent on age could help.

Last edited by Laskara (2020-05-06 05:05:50)


#64 2020-05-06 09:20:20

Registered: 2020-02-16
Posts: 3

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

One of the big problems related to people just sitting around waiting to be killed in griefing raids, is because they have nowhere to go to:

Females won't have babies outside of home zone, if u stay in home zone the griefers are just gonna use HETUW to find you. Which has been demonstrated in one of Bobo's videos. There is almost no way for a family to survive a raid, especially if the raiders get the upper hand(like they always do). There is no escape, no survival. Only death.

Before if the raiders got the upper hand, females could still escape and start a new village somewhere else. Now that is not possible anymore since there is only allowed one well and mine per family, also the fact that females can not have babies outside of home zone. IIRC there is no way to create new home zone if you are not an eve, please correct me if i'm wrong.

Last edited by Dapper (2020-05-06 09:23:18)

Bean Burritos are better than Bean Tacos, never make Bean Taco!


#65 2020-05-06 11:04:21

Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 51

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Dapper wrote:

Before if the raiders got the upper hand, females could still escape and start a new village somewhere else. Now that is not possible anymore since there is only allowed one well and mine per family, also the fact that females can not have babies outside of home zone. IIRC there is no way to create new home zone if you are not an eve, please correct me if i'm wrong.

You can have a second well, and it will count as another homeland but it won't unlock any iron, escape is still possible.

Sorry, nothing


#66 2020-05-06 11:24:34

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

ahead wrote:
Dapper wrote:

Before if the raiders got the upper hand, females could still escape and start a new village somewhere else. Now that is not possible anymore since there is only allowed one well and mine per family, also the fact that females can not have babies outside of home zone. IIRC there is no way to create new home zone if you are not an eve, please correct me if i'm wrong.

You can have a second well, and it will count as another homeland but it won't unlock any iron, escape is still possible.

if you don't have iron how do you want to make a second well? it is a bit absurd don't you think ??


#67 2020-05-06 11:32:50

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Lightning wrote:

Well anyways the game is with no doubt better to what we had before, in many aspects, including ways to punish griefing/griefers, and hopefully it continues to get better with time and with the corresponding effort of the game developper: Jason. Because if we didnt have him, we would have never gotten an experience as such as this game is.

Before we could create other secondary cities and escape our family - now you can't
Before you could have children everywhere - Now you can't
Before we could create all the objects in the game - now you can't
Before we could cross all biomes without restrictions - now you can't
Before the races had no restrictions - now they have restrictions
Before you could kill a griefer by yourself, without help - now you can't

I still don't see where the better game you're talking about is ...


#68 2020-05-06 12:37:38

Registered: 2019-04-28
Posts: 213

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Lightning wrote:

Well anyways the game is with no doubt better to what we had before, in many aspects, including ways to punish griefing/griefers, and hopefully it continues to get better with time and with the corresponding effort of the game developper: Jason. Because if we didnt have him, we would have never gotten an experience as such as this game is.

It is better in *some* aspects, mainly some mechanics that finally got some love (mostly storage) but all these good changes are getting overwhelmed by the amount of bad choises that have plagued the game before with not only wasting time (Poll update, sword update, rift update, radio, plane, etc..) but also changing drastricly the way we play for the worse with all these restrictions. These nice changes like tables are not erally worth it if you consider what we lost in the process.

I genuinly think that the game is worse than it was before. Now it has a bigger learning curve for mew players than ever before, there is almost no room to take a breather from the constant making-food cycle. Tech tree hasnt progressed in almost a year, we are forced to have these alliances if we want to survive and griefing has become more organized meanwhile the standart playerbase is not (Guess which one gets benefited more with the new posse system!)

make bread, no war


#69 2020-05-06 14:38:19

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

JonySky wrote:
Lightning wrote:

Well anyways the game is with no doubt better to what we had before, in many aspects, including ways to punish griefing/griefers, and hopefully it continues to get better with time and with the corresponding effort of the game developper: Jason. Because if we didnt have him, we would have never gotten an experience as such as this game is.

Before we could create other secondary cities and escape our family - now you can't
Before you could have children everywhere - Now you can't
Before we could create all the objects in the game - now you can't
Before we could cross all biomes without restrictions - now you can't
Before the races had no restrictions - now they have restrictions
Before you could kill a griefer by yourself, without help - now you can't

I still don't see where the better game you're talking about is ...

Yea, I played a few times on bs2 after race restrictions got introduced and that was it for me.  The game never needed any of the above.  People don't play games to feel dependent, they play games to feel empowered.

Also, it used to be that people could live in temperate climates.  It wasn't like so-called neutral temperate biomes (grasslands, savannahs, swamps, and badlands) didn't exist before also.

The lack of being able to till 2 soil is another stupid change.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-05-06 14:43:06)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#70 2020-05-06 19:05:27

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

I really dont feel like talking about those issues in this topic, i know that some of what you guys say is most definitely true, but havent you guys (forum community) already discussed the issues (you have mentioned) with Jason at some point in time before? Do you remember what Jason had to say about it? well, something bothered him enough for him to make these changes anyways... what could it be though?

I believe that, at that time, it had to do with the game's difficulty, before we got the mayor nerf changes to races and such, and how it was getting way too easy for families to climb up the tech tree and getting to an advanced state and to stay in such state, to the point were players were only able to live in developped, mega towns, where all the important and interesting stuff was already made. I thinks thats why we got introduced with these changes to the gameplay mechanics, such as (all those mentioned before) the restrictions to familys and players.

I do not necesarily support these changes but they are there to satisfy a purpose, not because the developper was bored one day and decided to change the game out of nowhere, but because the game was getting too easy at that time, at least for the so called "veterans".

Afterall, Jason never had in mind that so many players would stick around his game for such long time... ¡Of course that this was gonna make the game easy! because if people kept sticking to the game, at some point, players would eventually know everything about OHOL, but the game was never meant to be even played this way or to even be easy to begin with... apparently.

This created a huge problem by itself(too many vets) and its the fact that villages were mainly controlled by a fistfull of experienced players that pushed their villages to success, leaving the un-experienced players to just enjoy the rewards off the hard working players, but heres the catch, by there being too much success in a village that emerged so quickly, it opened the doors for misunderstanding to arrive (Jason thinking most of his players were too good at his game so he made it harded for everyone).

Now i do not how much of his playerbase actually left for good after the mayor changes, but i believe that the newers players were the ones that got most affected by all of this overall, and the ones that did leave the game... probably left with a terrible taste in their mouth...

After all, the changes were made for the "vets" so they could be slowed down but ¿at what cost did this came with? for the average players at least (not a very pleasing experience at all i imagine).

Last edited by Lightning (2020-05-06 19:08:56)


#71 2020-05-06 21:19:23

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Lightning wrote:

I really dont feel like talking about those issues in this topic, i know that some of what you guys say is most definitely true, but havent you guys (forum community) already discussed the issues (you have mentioned) with Jason at some point in time before? Do you remember what Jason had to say about it? well, something bothered him enough for him to make these changes anyways... what could it be though?

Before which change?  There exist several mentioned.

Lightning wrote:

I believe that, at that time, it had to do with the game's difficulty, before we got the mayor nerf changes to races and such, and how it was getting way too easy for families to climb up the tech tree and getting to an advanced state and to stay in such state, to the point were players were only able to live in developped, mega towns, where all the important and interesting stuff was already made. I thinks thats why we got introduced with these changes to the gameplay mechanics, such as (all those mentioned before) the restrictions to familys and players.

None of that was ever a problem.  The trailer advertises that the designer would stay one step *ahead* of the players on the tech tree by adding new stuff to the tech tree every week.  It doesn't say anything at all about difficulty.

Lightning wrote:

I do not necesarily support these changes but they are there to satisfy a purpose, not because the developper was bored one day and decided to change the game out of nowhere, but because the game was getting too easy at that time, at least for the so called "veterans".

No, it was not too easy.

Lightning wrote:

Afterall, Jason never had in mind that so many players would stick around his game for such long time...

On the contrary, him saying that he'd stay ahead of the players by adding new stuff to the game suggests that he did expect people to stay around.

Lightning wrote:

¡Of course that this was gonna make the game easy! because if people kept sticking to the game, at some point, players would eventually know everything about OHOL, but the game was never meant to be even played this way or to even be easy to begin with... apparently.

Well, if that holds, it's a big design problem, because difficulty isn't what drives interest in sandbox games.  And make no mistake, this is a sandbox game with no game goal in sight.

Lightning wrote:

This created a huge problem by itself(too many vets)

Too many vets isn't a problem.  A game that won't try to keep veteran players is a piece of trash.

Lightning wrote:

After all, the changes were made for the "vets" so they could be slowed down but ¿at what cost did this came with? for the average players at least (not a very pleasing experience at all i imagine).

Most of the changes talked about above were not called for by vets.  And even when the ones that had *some* vet calling for such, it was a clear minority of vets.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#72 2020-05-06 23:00:16

Registered: 2019-07-21
Posts: 64

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Ok i take it back this is the second time today I've encountered bobo and I've played three lives. the first time him and his gang were just sneaking around ruining engines and the second time they did the murder posse gambit. they trick players who haven't learned the posse system into following them and then murder them far away from town so they can't get help.

this is not fun drama interactions, this is not intriguing gameplay, there is literally nothing at all we can do about bobo and his squad. Literally nothing. They're operating in such a way that it's nearly impossible to curse them for greifing and the playerbase absolutely cannot do anything about them.

Something that I'd imagine could help would be an automatic, non-player generate curse token that gets applied to each member of a posse when they commit a murder. it won't have much effect on legitimate posses since one curse doesn't send you to dtown, but murderposses will get sent straight to dtown as they continue to rack up murders.

Last edited by Laskara (2020-05-06 23:10:24)


#73 2020-05-06 23:37:37

Caiaphus Tarwater
Registered: 2020-04-03
Posts: 21

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Laskara wrote:

Something that I'd imagine could help would be an automatic, non-player generate curse token that gets applied to each member of a posse when they commit a murder. it won't have much effect on legitimate posses since one curse doesn't send you to dtown, but murder posses will get sent straight to dtown as they continue to rack up murders.

This seems like a very good idea. It's simple and fair, and it will at least provide some sorely needed relief for the defense.   This idea also reflects 1.) the reality that killing somebody, even somebody that needs and deserves to be killed, is a traumatic experience (a curse) for most people, and 2.) the common folk belief that murder, even when there is no judgment or consequence, takes a secret toll on the murderer's soul.

Of course, this will not save engines or kill domestic boar, but it will limit (not end) genocide, which seems likely to be the primary psychopathological thrill for griefers.


#74 2020-05-07 00:21:19

Alontae Balasa
Registered: 2020-03-22
Posts: 33

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Laskara wrote:

Ok i take it back this is the second time today I've encountered bobo and I've played three lives. the first time him and his gang were just sneaking around ruining engines and the second time they did the murder posse gambit. they trick players who haven't learned the posse system into following them and then murder them far away from town so they can't get help.

this is not fun drama interactions, this is not intriguing gameplay, there is literally nothing at all we can do about bobo and his squad. Literally nothing. They're operating in such a way that it's nearly impossible to curse them for greifing and the playerbase absolutely cannot do anything about them.

He seems to be more active. I've decided to take a break from OHOL for a bit because of this, and I'm playing 2HOL (where there is no murder and griefers/trolls can get banned). Save your curses for Bobo and his gang. He will go to Donkey Town eventually, and if he gets multiple accounts, keep cursing.

I ask a lot of questions. Thanks for answering them!

.-.. . .- .-. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - --- / ... .--. . .- -.- / .-- .. - .... / --- - .... . .-. / ..-. .- -- .. .-.. .. . ...


#75 2020-05-07 04:23:32

Registered: 2020-01-13
Posts: 34

Re: Wow, posse system really worked

Spoonwood wrote:

Before which change? There exist several mentioned.

Yes theres quite a bunch of mentioned changes, i was mainly replying to Jony Skys and Dantox. To Jony Skys, that brought to the table some of the main restriction changes made to the game, and Dantox , since along of what he said about "game is worse now than ever" he mentioned the restrictions, along with some other factors, as the main causes of the games decline.

So i mainly explained my viewpoint about, the possible reason on why we got these restrictions : the family biome specialization(races), the tool system implementation(cant make any items at will), the homesick update(cant have one city to rule over all the races) and the overall changes to food and water values.

Spoonwood wrote:

None of that was ever a problem. The trailer advertises that the designer would stay one step *ahead* of the players on the tech tree by adding new stuff to the tech tree every week. It doesn't say anything at all about difficulty.

Well the trailer is one thing, and the CURRENT developpers words are another thing. You can't just hang on the trailer's advertisement as "the promised lands", the game has changed, different scenarios paint different results, sometimes what we are promised with can change and turn into a whole different result, depending of a variety of factors that we cant always control.

We can only hope that, eventually, he will add some new and fresh content that will make us forget about the bad days, such as the rift, for good.

Spoonwood wrote:

No, it was not too easy.

I believe it was, after what i explained in the corresponding post.

Spoonwood wrote:

On the contrary, him saying that he'd stay ahead of the players by adding new stuff to the game suggests that he did expect people to stay around.

Notice how i said in my post "such long time" and not "forever", yes he expected people to stay around but not for for that much time, not for time some people have today as playtime, with players having probably more than 800+ and even more... whos knows. Thats what i meant by that.

Spoonwood wrote:

Well, if that holds, it's a big design problem, because difficulty isn't what drives interest in sandbox games. And make no mistake, this is a sandbox game with no game goal in sight.

A multiplayer SURVIVAL game of PARENTING and Building CIVILIZATION from scratch, i think those are the main goals of this "sandbox game" as you call it Spoonwood, since it cant even fall on that category with the current restrictions to gameplay mechanics, sandbox games are supposed to be a "do whatever you may please" but OHOL falls short on  total freedom.

Difficulty may not be the what drives interest in "sandbox game", but it can be an important factor in the gameplay aspect, its for example, one of the factors that separates  the audience of the game “Rust”, a hardcore survival, skill based sandbox game, from an audience of a game like Minecraft, mostly a pve survival game of block building : it’s the way that the difficulty is oriented in the gameplay fashion. where the main focus of rust is to be in a hard environment to play at(everything is against you), compared to Minecraft that looks for other ways to entertain the customer, rather than just being difficult(mobs are the main hassle but it’s not limited to mobs only).

Of course, Minecraft has stuff to offer that rust doesnt ... but thats the whole dynamic of "different games" having "different stuff" and mechanics to offer that makes their gameplay unique, pretty simple. Just pointing out on how difficulty can attract different audiences.

Spoonwood wrote:

Too many vets isn't a problem. A game that won't try to keep veteran players is a piece of trash.

Well for Jason it was a problem at the time being, if not , ¿why would he even have bothered at all to make his game less enjoyable, for most of the players, if that could potentially have shattered  the community ?

Last edited by Lightning (2020-05-07 04:28:27)


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