One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-05-10 14:17:45

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Controversial replacement for race restrictions

Clearly Jason wants us to be limited in our actions as a way to encourage trade. Race works very well for the simple fact that it telegraphs to others what you could potentially produce that they could not, but it's awfully arbitrary.

- What if it instead was the homeland that was the limit to what we could utilise?

Throughout history towns and villages have specialised on crafts and resources available to them in their immediate surroundings. What they couldn't make out of their local area they had to trade for. Would it not make sense for OHOL to follow this principle?

- More resources and items become viable trade goods
- No race is limited to their arbitrary "racial abilities" (No more outdated racial biological propaganda)
- Families can build more organic villages suited for their homeland instead of the same town structure we always see nowadays.
- Conquest, expansion, trade and diplomacy will be slightly more interesting and necessary

- Potential tech halt if no family owns the right area to include the necessary resources like oil or otherwise (same as not being close to all races)
- Owning and maintaining enough territory to have all resources available could be possible. (Could be made harder if expansion required a high population, maybe in tiers so X amount of villages to expand per new well)

Leadership and state could be integrated into this. Maybe actual vassal states could exist if say the king in the main homeland had the higher tier vassals control the other wells, etc.

What do you think? Constructive criticism only, pls.

Last edited by voy178 (2020-05-10 14:18:40)


#2 2020-05-10 15:04:49

Blue tinker
Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 53

Re: Controversial replacement for race restrictions

This sounds... really, really interesting.

Not only would this give more variety throughout many lifes but also would make space management more important, which would give town leaders a thing to do. I love the idea, as it is a better-sounding version of the family specialty update.

However, I'm afraid that it is almost impossible for a server to naturlly form various cities without having some pice of tech tree missing. For now, because biomes are locked to races, the game algorythm forces new eve spawns to ensure that no race is missing. With the system above not only looking for a town with rubber would take too much time (especially if waystones became useless) but also it wouldn't be guaranteed that you would find any towns with rubber.

The idea with town specializations would work better if no crucial resources like oil, iron, rubber etc. were locked behind the mechanic. Maybe special super-efficient foods, better-than-usual tools or some other things which weaker but still valid vrsions are available to anyone would work better? I think that any forced trade wouldn't work for the fanbase.

Anyway, the concept is definitely worth exploring, although maybe not in such a drastical way - like starting with smaller things that would be region-locked

New to the forum but not the game. Property fence enthusiast.


#3 2020-05-10 18:32:26

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Controversial replacement for race restrictions

voy178 wrote:

- Owning and maintaining enough territory to have all resources available could be possible. (Could be made harder if expansion required a high population, maybe in tiers so X amount of villages to expand per new well)

Leadership and state could be integrated into this. Maybe actual vassal states could exist if say the king in the main homeland had the higher tier vassals control the other wells, etc.

What do you think? Constructive criticism only, pls.

i fully agree with lifting artificial race / biome restrictions. some races may be better in certain biomes like more heat resistance, but a total block feels strange.

i would not bind the ressources to homeland, i would bind them to biomes, if they are fare enough away trade is needed. The algorithm can be changed to make them close enough that trade is possible, but far enough that trade is needed.

To have expansion villages the magical family iron system must also be undone.


#4 2020-05-10 21:54:01

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Controversial replacement for race restrictions

the game lacks skill-based activities and high-level logistics
the recent changes with iron and homelands are weird

first off, limits outposts and denies the value of exploration and gathering

what you suggest would work with zones better, homelands are square and quite big, and outposts extend it, so it's a bit too much
at least in the current state of the game

it's almost like you should never leave the 50x50, and newbies wonder about the huge world but we all know how boring is when we actually explore

zones could be parcels of the map, like biomes, with a central renewable resource, we could unlock them by upgrading that
it should have some sort of positive bonuses within it, also it could be some negative effects until countered, extending zones would cost something then it would make sense

races are kinda bad because it cut content in 3 parts and some items are quite hard to make without access to biomes, like saltwater limits black dye, mango leaf limits killing cows for piss, the camera is quite hard to make, etc.

so some temporary or expensive access would be nice
and rather than race restrictions, we could have race advantages or family-based advantages

this would need some sort of value system for the non-food items, their sole purpose would be profit-making and currency generation to extend and upgrade, access limited content. this could improve towns specializing livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2020-05-11 00:54:00

Registered: 2019-07-21
Posts: 64

Re: Controversial replacement for race restrictions

I think this would do more to keep up trade and cooperation, since it's not over once you get the seeds, salt and rubber anymore

Last edited by Laskara (2020-05-11 00:54:15)


#6 2020-05-11 09:33:24

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: Controversial replacement for race restrictions

I think the idea is that well tech don't have to be so expensive if this is implemented. Maybe the rubber tire won't break every time you exhaust the well this time because now we've got more interesting things to trade for.

Maybe deposits will be deeper and resources densely packed in nature to make up for this. Or not. IDK.


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