One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-05-25 04:58:08

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

We don't have enough valuable things

Imagine the situation: you go out to explore and you find something interesting on the map. You tell others and the family moves there, makes an outpost, you get the business going, you make a profit and you build a huge town. other families envy you and try to take it from you.

Why does this not happen?
There aren't valuable things, I remember before the temp update we had some interesting places, like a very fragmented thin desert with a lot of cacti on it, I even got a picture of a town we made on s11? where 2 deserts on the side made it very easy to survive and I choose the right one cause more space and fewer animals but both were nice enough.

When we could enter the jungle and force mosquitoes out, remember the many bells in Sancal? we did the bases I a life

Maybe a group of rabbits across the desert? I made my meme flat rock roads to protect people from snakes before it became a feature.

I made fortresses and the next day it had an engine on the well.

Remember the corner towns in the rift? some of them looked nice for a while.

Remember s3 had maps of cities?

I don't cry back the rift, but there is something about the loyalty, the dedication, people returning to old places to make it nice.
I like random things, but also like a continuity, a world-building.

We can't have loyalty without a bit of continuity between lives. Not family locked but more like team locked. North vs south? east vs west? red vs blue?
if we would have a week-long team setup with 3-4 of each race both sides, so 6-8 families (whites only in case of 48+players) we could have some competition between the teams.
If you can ever help your team and hurt the other, then you would do it probably. There is no time to set up alliances and borders when you don't know your world.

The map right now is boring, there is no goal, no way to find your back in lot of cases, but no reason to do so when everything gets stolen.

The way I imagine it:
a pre-registration of players for the teams. Invite friends and when both sides roughly equal the server map gets generated. Others can still join when the teams are roughly the same size, the underdog would get the new players to stabilize, maybe more rewards for underdogs like meme score bonus or choosing the gender and soft punishments to join the already winning side.
It could be limited, not rift size but like 3000x3000.
Players stay in the same team for a week, they can switch families tho, that's why 3 races are up all the time.
Some sort of forts can be built on predefined positions or anywhere. Some sort of industries set up that can mine out special materials like rubies or whatever. making a Castle would take a lot of resources. Some sort of team fights with skill-based combat and some random (move near the castle but shoot automatically for the closest opponent, dodge and shoot close to 50-50 maybe 10% bonus from clothes toward one skill. enter the castle and kill all enemies or steal a flag and hold it.
Maybe these fights could go turn-based outside the game and you could use any character you played the last x hours period. These fights would have a timer before so more people can join both sides. There would be some rewards to both teams, like controlling more land.

Some sort of end goal like taking all the territories, reach x amount of gold (some way to sell stuff), make a monument and hold for a time or reach x amount of kills, defend against AI attackers, sacrifice your own people for a chance to earn godly miracles etc.
It would also allow some biomes and techs that are unique in some way and can be traded with others, to make like giant machines to help win the wars. Teach would matter and the start of the week would be more Eve camps but later more civilization, or we could take turns at Eve runs.

What do you think? What would make the world more interesting and provide a goal for you? livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2020-05-25 06:07:36

Blue tinker
Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 53

Re: We don't have enough valuable things

I agree that now all towns feel pretty much the same as there is a certain meta and food changes don't give much freedom to make towns unique. I remember corner towns and vividly remember a magnificent center of the map where there were four bell towers and chests packed with clothes. It was slightly before the menace of the eve hunters and people from different races could meet in peace, even though they didn't know each other's languages. Then eve hunters started camping there with war swords, it was so toxic.

As for the valuable things, I think that first and foremost they have to be useful. Take a look at gold - bell towers are not essential, hey, even not needed since there are maps and waystones. Also they usually lead you to dead towns (I think it has been changed but still). And crowns are completely useless as now leadership is a real mechanic and noone fights for the crown. So gold has little to no value. But what is the real currency these days? Water. Water is used to power up newcomen towers, it is absolutely required to get food when you run out of animals to hunt.

Some suggestions for the valuable stuff you could find:
bronze - you can use it to make less durable but just as efficient tools. Could be used by eves when the camp needs many tools at once but doesn't have much iron.
a material that could make tools more durable (smithys would be more important then as now their job is to simply make hoe heads)
rare kinds of trees - oxytrees could grow much faster than most trees and could look prettier than most trees we have
                             some more fruit-giving trees like bananas but maybe regrowing their fruits once in a while.

New to the forum but not the game. Property fence enthusiast.


#3 2020-05-25 06:27:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: We don't have enough valuable things

I mean rift wasn't that bad, but the sizing was poor, 250 then 760 radii was too small, you can cut all trees and poke all bears in that, it's not really he size is the problem cause we still occupy an 1000x3000 stripe for the most part and invisible borders to the family are worse than visible limitations, especially if you could cross them somehow using the techs, like rivers and mountains but with passages and bridges

bells are okay if you use hetuw, you can track coordinates.
expert way stones are way too easy, it eliminates exploration
maybe a minimap could hold towns as a dot on a big map then they would be close but still separated, I'm not a fan of travelling with no reason, might as well have one map per family if we got all these limitations

it can be a different category than fulfils a goal even if its not useful, it's easier to balance a different system that unlocks some content than to incorporate a price for every item we got.

but just having more main resources that are needed for tech and tech that is needed to advance so you convert them all the time into higher and higher value items would be fine.

I never enjoyed stealing or get stolen from me, not in a way that takes no skill or challenge. jason seems to enjoy assholes running around choosing the easy way to piss off others.

more metals would be nice

and I guess some sort of turf/zone system that has a central resource that allows you to go in a tech pah different than others

water as the main resource is bad, it was better as a low-value resource, work had meaning, it can not function both on a low and high end since it affects low end where people want to be useful but they cannot be since their activity is not optimal enough so their value is less than nothing while all they want is to help

multiple resources would make converting viable and upgrades would make tech more varied livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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