One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-21 17:11:24

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

What is your favorite thing about this game?

I know everyone is all stressed about aspects of the game that they aren't wild about right now, but I think it's a good idea to also focus on the aspects of the game that we love! Like rather than ragging super hard on the negative, we could focus on the positive and make suggestions for how to improve that way.

Personally, I looove making clothes, specifically clothes that you can customize in some way. If you have ever been in a village with someone dyeing all the wool and yelling about how dope everyone's outfits are, that was probably me. One of the most delightful recent additions IMO was fruit boots... the snakeskin boots are already so cool, and being able to add cactus fruit makes them stylish *and* practical. And its a funny nod to the original bug where you could just stick fruit on your feet. I also love making crowns. Basically, my favorite thing is making my character (and my offspring, and any family members or really just anyone nearby that is willing) look super cool.

So, for fun, I think it would be neat if there were more plant dyes added... more colors, or the ability to mix colors. I also desperately want a cactus fruit crown. Or a SNAKE CROWN oh my god!!!!!!!!! More clothing uses for snake skins, please let me make an entire outfit from snakeskin like I can from rabbits. Please. I would look so cool.

So, what is your favorite aspect of the game, and what is a fun element you'd like to see added?

(The idea isn't to discuss how hard the game is or problems or anything like that, there are lots of other threads for that, let's keep this one more positive!)

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#2 2018-04-21 17:16:15

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 50

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

Oh man I've seen the thread/spinning/knitting/dye tech and since I do some of that IRL I was pretty excited. Haven't ever lived long enough in the right place to learn the trade though.

I love how you learn new things based on where you're born. Watching carefully to see how pies are made. Wild Eves who have different techniques for setting up sustainability. Different messages you communicate to your babes (and oh the frustration when you want to tell Mom something and can't!)


#3 2018-04-21 17:16:34

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I love seeing an item I've never seen before, and wondering, "hey, what does that do?"

I'd like to see more of that.

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#4 2018-04-21 20:41:27

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 29

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

Tripping on shrooms amuses the hell out of me. Having funny names. Being reincarnated as your own grandchild/greatgrandchild after a snake or something kills you then trying to explain to your mom that you were her mom one letter at a time is a hoot.

Killing the bear that ate your only daughter and dancing on it's grave. Suck it bear!

Getting old and handing out your clothes and gear so you can run around naked yelling "woooooot" until you die.

I like hunting bunnies. They make the saddest cutest little strangling noises (does that make me horrible? it sounds horrible). Plus they're food, and clothes, and bone needles. It feels so much more useful than carrrot farming.

Asking your babies if they know how to do something you haven't learned yet then getting them to teach you. Hassling Penguins, Geese and bunnies when you're an abandoned baby.

I love wondering wtf people are thinking sometimes. I've starved in a tiny farm where someone wasted all the milkweed strings putting together a lasso. Meanwhile like 6 of us where running around naked. It was kind of hilarious.

More snake skin clothes would be awesome. Cotton, spinning and weaving fabric, and art will all be fun additions.


#5 2018-04-22 00:40:15

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I find I really love all the surprising little emotional moments.  The poignancy of finding myself one of the last few people in a village with no fertile females and having to contemplate the existential question of what to do with the rest of our lives.  The moment of triumph when I manage to find or do something to save my family from the brink of starvation.  How strangely touched I feel when I save a kid whose mom died  by feeding him carrots, and he tells me I'm his mom now, or, years later, he casually calls me "father."  The chuckle I get when my mom accidentally gives me a stupidly hilarious name and decides to just go with it.

To me, the crafting and the challenge of setting up a viable civilization and everything like that aren't so terribly interesting as ends in themselves, but the way it can generate unexpected, emergent little stories like that is just neat.

Also, I love the art style.  A lot.


#6 2018-04-22 01:00:20

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 19

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I loved when i became a carpinter and made many hand carts to all "city".

Was so proud about it, many people using my carts everywhere.


#7 2018-04-22 01:28:16

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 5

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I've only been playing a week, but so far my favorite thing has got to be the funny little moments situations in the game provide. I was born once to an Eve who already had a kid, she told me "Sorry, I'm only keeping one.". The other kid starved to death a second later and I spent the next minute spelling out "I live!". I was tending a carrot farm the other day that had accidentally been left too long and half the crop went to seed. For the next ten to twenty minutes I was in a nonstop rush just trying to use up all the extra seed and pulling up carrots as fast as I could before it went to seed as well, just searching for places to dump them because I ran out of baskets. A woman ran by, gave birth, and was gone, leaving the child behind. So of course I just started stuffing carrots in the kid's face every thirty seconds. Every time he said TY. When he grew up, I gave him one more carrot and he told me "TY Dad". It was hilarious and awesome. Course we both got a laugh when I told him I was just trying to get rid of the things.

I've only played for a week but I've already got several awesome and hilarious moments that I'll remember for a long time, from convincing Eves not to abandon me to dying of starvation at 58 while dragging a cart of carrots across the city buck naked cause I'd already passed on my clothes. Honestly I'm not one that gets into multiplayer games alot, but this one has found a perfect system that makes even being shot by your own mother five seconds after birth an amazing experience, and I hope I get to experience a lot more of those moments.


#8 2018-04-22 01:55:24

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 19

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

Man, this game is fun, like D-Tos said it's the funny little moments.

Once i was born from an Eve, she was running in the florest looking for some place, I grew a little and started to feed myself. Then my mom give birth to other, but this time was a girl. So I heard the bell, said lets mom. I think she didn't understood what happened, and than I was alone but not in danger...

I found a desert small village, and started to water the crops and do stuff. Suddenly my syster found this place too. She didn't saw that we were siblings and told her mom died by a bear attack. We started made a good place, many carrots. After some time, she saw we were siblings (LOL), I told the story and she asked what happened there, I had no clue.

She then started to give birth and ask if we should start repopulate. "Yes" I said, but focus on girls, she joke about I'm being male.

I started to do carts like I loved to do and put some boxes next to crops to fill with carrots.

When I got old, there was many nephews and nieces, and I know we did our job. Our mom would be proud sister.

Last edited by rodrigo (2018-04-22 01:56:48)


#9 2018-04-22 02:23:06

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

@teanah Yessss! When I'm an abandoned young child I narrate. First I'm like, "And so the two go their separate ways" when my mom leaves me. Then I get as many geese into the ponds (or penguins to slide, or rabbits into their holes) as I can before I starve, all the while chanting "Gotta leave my mark on the world, so they know I have been!" Finally I go behind a tree to die so my body will be undiscovered until some poor kid gets a shock.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#10 2018-04-22 03:11:33

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

rodrigo wrote:

Man, this game is fun, like D-Tos said it's the funny little moments.

Once i was born from an Eve, she was running in the florest looking for some place, I grew a little and started to feed myself. Then my mom give birth to other, but this time was a girl. So I heard the bell, said lets mom. I think she didn't understood what happened, and than I was alone but not in danger...

I found a desert small village, and started to water the crops and do stuff. Suddenly my syster found this place too. She didn't saw that we were siblings and told her mom died by a bear attack. We started made a good place, many carrots. After some time, she saw we were siblings (LOL), I told the story and she asked what happened there, I had no clue.

She then started to give birth and ask if we should start repopulate. "Yes" I said, but focus on girls, she joke about I'm being male.

I started to do carts like I loved to do and put some boxes next to crops to fill with carrots.

When I got old, there was many nephews and nieces, and I know we did our job. Our mom would be proud sister.

And just as you took your last breath, you saw your carts falling to pieces from decay.

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#11 2018-04-22 03:31:22

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 14

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

In one game, I was a male hunter that lived on the edge of society. I had a hand cart, a bow and arrow, and a dream. I would take a basket or two of carrots from the village with my handcart and head out to the swamp. There was TONS of geese, and I'd fill my cart with geese and head back to town, and the cycle would continue.

"Life sucks, and then you die."
-Vinesauce Joel


#12 2018-04-22 05:36:36

Registered: 2018-03-22
Posts: 9

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

working hard and keeping my kids alive and them genuinely appreciating it always blew me away.
i busted my ass multiple times keeping my children alive, clothed and fed, and it was always worth it.

i like being able to give them a strong start, and letting them find their own way in the world. they usually stayed close, even when they didn't have to.

i remember teaching a new player, my child, something so simple as making pies, and them being so proud of their work that they run across the entire village to show me all the pies they'd made. i was proud of them too!

i also loved spending my older years knitting enough clothes for my whole clan, dying them in mass and being able to pass them all down, leaving a mark and a history in the game. seeing people so grateful and excited because they'd never had their own dyed clothes before. theres a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with it that really drew me in.


#13 2018-04-22 05:48:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 136

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I liked to build ways between villages, i also liked to make compost and big berry farms (before worms)
I like if i can build something that is good for future generations.
I want to build things that stay forever.


#14 2018-04-22 06:14:52

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I really enjoyed teaching noobs. Naming them potato and asking them what they want to do when they grow up. Bringing them to the station and showing them the ropes. Sadly not a thing anymore

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#15 2018-04-22 07:30:50

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 19

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

Alleria wrote:
rodrigo wrote:

Man, this game is fun, like D-Tos said it's the funny little moments.

Once i was born from an Eve, she was running in the florest looking for some place, I grew a little and started to feed myself. Then my mom give birth to other, but this time was a girl. So I heard the bell, said lets mom. I think she didn't understood what happened, and than I was alone but not in danger...

I found a desert small village, and started to water the crops and do stuff. Suddenly my syster found this place too. She didn't saw that we were siblings and told her mom died by a bear attack. We started made a good place, many carrots. After some time, she saw we were siblings (LOL), I told the story and she asked what happened there, I had no clue.

She then started to give birth and ask if we should start repopulate. "Yes" I said, but focus on girls, she joke about I'm being male.

I started to do carts like I loved to do and put some boxes next to crops to fill with carrots.

When I got old, there was many nephews and nieces, and I know we did our job. Our mom would be proud sister.

And just as you took your last breath, you saw your carts falling to pieces from decay.

Hahaha, this was before decay


#16 2018-04-22 08:53:09

From: NZ
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 90

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

I was checking out all the crafting with basic tools. I was just about to start smithing when the update came out, now I haven't spawned anywhere stable enough to even build a kiln in days. I really wanted to learn how to build villages, and I actually thought Jason would release other ways to build smaller villages to support the cities. Like 9 or 12 tiled  straw or reed thatched huts. If these decay and farming updates get rolled back I think I will just concentrate on villages for awhile.
I hope the wild food gets kept, and starts to respawn


#17 2018-04-22 10:47:52

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 8

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

My GF saw me play and had a go and she is not a gamer at all. She loves it and I think has more hours than me now. lol. Jason, you made a game so good a non gamer stayed up will 3 in the morning playing. Had to drag her to bed. wink

I think she likes building an attachment to her children and giving them something to help them survive in the future. The most recent update destroys a lot of the legacy element as things don't last and she has very little to pass on before it all get destroyed. That and the increased difficulty curve has tempered both our enthusiasm.


#18 2018-04-23 01:10:02

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What is your favorite thing about this game?

i like when i am reborn to same place, sadly doesnt happen often enough

continue my sheep pen

getting carloads of stuff from somewhere
once i had 11 seals in a single life

roleplaying a bit, and joking around. i was running with a cart of seal skins yelling "they seal me rollin, they hatin" my sis enjoyed it so i made bad jokes every time i returned. like " i bearly made it alive" returning with a bear skin

the babies so cute, especially when they are clothed

would like more options in food production, like it could be hard complicating end game, not making every resource more scarce

i enjoy smart, small families and medium cities livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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