One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-21 20:32:55

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

A move to ranching?

With all the focus on the decay stuff, it seems two things slipped in without as much notice. The one with composting changes, that require sheep dung instead of worms, and the fact that worms tills the soil for you which doesn't require any tools(albeit after an hour which is a pretty long wait). Knives also don't seem to decay from what I could see.

It makes me wonder how effective it is if people stopped eating carrots and berries altogether. Instead farm carrots and berries solely to feed sheep(and compost), then kill the sheep for it's meat and make meat pies. It would take a while to start up, but should be pretty efficient once you are going.

Since you are not eating carrots, and bushes don't use up soil, the majority of composting can be done for wheat. Which you also need for composting and pies so it works out. Also you would constantly be putting out wool, which you can make clothing with. Enough for everyone, even with decaying clothing.

Of course this is just theoretical since I have not been able to try any of that yet. It does seem like ranching can be a valid approach though. What do people think?


#2 2018-04-21 20:45:51

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: A move to ranching?

If we can make soil with things we can make again... Then we are finally free of the yolk of the evil worm.
Fuck I hated worms, composting is cool and fun. Now I can do it again as my job.

Water was a better limiting factor than worms, finally glory shall be ours again.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#3 2018-04-21 20:53:30

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 65

Re: A move to ranching?

YAHG wrote:

If we can make soil with things we can make again... Then we are finally free of the yolk of the evil worm.
Fuck I hated worms, composting is cool and fun. Now I can do it again as my job.

Water was a better limiting factor than worms, finally glory shall be ours again.

I haven't composted since the worm update, it destroyed my will to compost, and I used to make a dozen or more stacks of compost before that, almost every life.

But to be fair I have played very little since the apocalypse and a change from your life is about building up things for future generations, to now I want everyone to quit farming and be nomads ....I will destroy your cities so you must roam and destroy your soil so you must ...what? Run free and eat wild berries?

The true history of civilization is one of hunter/gatherers to start. Then we adopted husbandry and agrarian pursuits that made life easier and less nomadic, not more nomadic. I though with horses would come plows and easier farming, I guess the joke is on me, not to mention on civilizations being impelled forward through technology, not backwards.


#4 2018-04-21 20:55:00

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 34

Re: A move to ranching?

Lily wrote:

It does seem like ranching can be a valid approach though. What do people think?

I still haven't work much with sheep, but your logic seems correct.


#5 2018-04-21 22:29:34

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 45

Re: A move to ranching?

Sakkiyn wrote:
YAHG wrote:

If we can make soil with things we can make again... Then we are finally free of the yolk of the evil worm.
Fuck I hated worms, composting is cool and fun. Now I can do it again as my job.

Water was a better limiting factor than worms, finally glory shall be ours again.

I haven't composted since the worm update, it destroyed my will to compost, and I used to make a dozen or more stacks of compost before that, almost every life.

But to be fair I have played very little since the apocalypse and a change from your life is about building up things for future generations, to now I want everyone to quit farming and be nomads ....I will destroy your cities so you must roam and destroy your soil so you must ...what? Run free and eat wild berries?

The true history of civilization is one of hunter/gatherers to start. Then we adopted husbandry and agrarian pursuits that made life easier and less nomadic, not more nomadic. I though with horses would come plows and easier farming, I guess the joke is on me, not to mention on civilizations being impelled forward through technology, not backwards.

I feel the same way about this. I feel like the gameplay style of "Feral Eve -> Camp -> Village -> move on to new area " didn't/doesn't make sense. If anything, starting Eve's should have to play the role of Nomad, and once agriculture is established, you  should technically be able to grow into a self sustaining village. One change to make this Nomad stage more viable is to increase the yields from hunting. Our ancestors ate predator meat, and the ability to collect animal bones to make basic, low durability tools would make sense. People used sharpened bones as knives and sharpened sticks as spears long before steel was around.

It would be cool to see a Nomad update, where feral eve's would hunt different wildlife for their meat, bones and hides instead of surviving off gooseberries and onions until they get a farm going.


#6 2018-04-21 23:31:54

Go! Bwah!
Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 204

Re: A move to ranching?

Artarda wrote:

It would be cool to see a Nomad update, where feral eve's would hunt different wildlife for their meat, bones and hides instead of surviving off gooseberries and onions until they get a farm going.

I tried being a nomad and found these (hopefully) small changes would make it much more viable:

1. allow a flint chip to be applied to a skinned rabbit to get rabbit bones and raw rabbit meat (which you could eat if Jason implemented potentially getting sick)
2. allow babies to fit in a backpack (at least up to a certain age)
3. spawn at least some cactus with fruit
4. spawn at least some rabbits with families (this one is not essential for nomads who are willing to go "scorched earth" but it would be nice)

Nomads have a lot of potential - for example, stealing carts (which could also hold kids) and pies from villages to sustain bigger families - but right now that playstyle is completely hobbled by having to harvest twelve milkweed (not counting the snare or thread) just to start making backpacks.

Last edited by Go! Bwah! (2018-04-21 23:33:34)

I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications smile


#7 2018-04-22 06:44:45

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A move to ranching?

i always tought sheep is the next big thing

started in karltown, gained experience with it, in a few lifes i made pretty big fences and even got a sheep inside it same life.
in theory i know about forging but i dont have much practice, if i get a knife, i feed sheeps and kill some, teach kids how to, its a good food for adults, but wont feed too many of them, if they dont help. sometimes cant even make them understand the importance of making a fence somewhere else out of the city, to park the horse

this update feels so bad, in my experience , somebody can make skever gathering full time, with bells messing up home markers

you cannot eat just sheep meat, you still need berry and carrot for kids, and for sheep livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-04-22 07:41:16

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: A move to ranching?

Go! Bwah! wrote:
Artarda wrote:

It would be cool to see a Nomad update, where feral eve's would hunt different wildlife for their meat, bones and hides instead of surviving off gooseberries and onions until they get a farm going.

I tried being a nomad and found these (hopefully) small changes would make it much more viable:

1. allow a flint chip to be applied to a skinned rabbit to get rabbit bones and raw rabbit meat (which you could eat if Jason implemented potentially getting sick)
2. allow babies to fit in a backpack (at least up to a certain age)
3. spawn at least some cactus with fruit
4. spawn at least some rabbits with families (this one is not essential for nomads who are willing to go "scorched earth" but it would be nice)

Nomads have a lot of potential - for example, stealing carts (which could also hold kids) and pies from villages to sustain bigger families - but right now that playstyle is completely hobbled by having to harvest twelve milkweed (not counting the snare or thread) just to start making backpacks.

eating raw meat doesn't make one sick, it's just not as nutricious, it costs more energy to digest it, if minced before eating it should be nearly as nutricious as cooked meet

would be great if one day we had in OHOL the option to live before the invention of fire

i want to play the whole spectrum of human civilization, not just to take the steps of development as given
i want to experience what actually has driven people to advance & that's why we urgently need culture as an addition in OHOL & not just bare functionality with some fancy useless monuments

i also would like to have all necessary tools to be made mainly out of stone & wood, with a seldom usage of milkweed & therelike,
i would like to be able to live stone age like, without the necessity to rush towards smithing
there should be other advantages to smithing than the plain necessity to survive
a small family with a steady sustainable lineage should survive on stone & wood alone, with little binding materials, while farming, gathering & hunting parallel for food & clothes

i do not like the rush we are having now in OHOL, it's boring & producing every town to look the same, the life to lead is painting by numbers, if one wants to survive for a longer period of time, then are oven, pottery & smithing unavoidable, which is a shame

there should be a difference between progress with growth of the populace number & sustainable life with a steady number of participants
imo, civilization has to contain both options, progress & sustainability, to be able to react to the unpredictable io not only to barely survive but also to thrive, to live a fulfilling life
civilization is about thriving & not surviving, surviving is demotivating if practiced for a long period of time

stone age was not all just bare survival, it was a culture
same as nomads are not just about survival, it's a culture, a way to lead a life

& yes, the amount of milkweed needed now combined with its slow growth & its rareness on the map is a pain in the butt tongue

what i also would like is a rainforest biome, with plenty of options to eat & craft
i would like to live more wild, to have the option to live on a low level of civilization for as long as it doesn't bore me
i would like to have different ways to lead a life & not just that one way we have now
i would like to have boredom driving me towards advancement in civilization & not the necessity


#9 2018-04-22 07:50:07

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: A move to ranching?

This game needs more people working on it...


#10 2018-04-22 08:35:24

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: A move to ranching?

stickyflypaper wrote:

This game needs more people working on it...

then it would be a different game

cause nobody is forcing bigger teams NOT to make MP games about civilizations, isn't it ?

i understand Jason completely wanting to stay independent, there are pros & cons to it
for not so streamlined ideas there are more pros than cons, OHOL is made definitely along a not streamlined idea


#11 2018-04-22 09:34:30

From: NZ
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 90

Re: A move to ranching?

It would be cool if later domesticated birds and other animals came about. Maybe replace some bear dens with boar caves, mouflon to deer and replicate snakes with wild fowl. Also if you could properly domesticate horses so they don't run away without a fence. Maybe they can generate a properly domesticated pony or something. Otherwise, I don't think there would enough water to support that kind of multi level farming now


#12 2018-04-22 11:18:08

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 85

Re: A move to ranching?

Tane wrote:

It would be cool if later domesticated birds and other animals came about. Maybe replace some bear dens with boar caves, mouflon to deer and replicate snakes with wild fowl. Also if you could properly domesticate horses so they don't run away without a fence. Maybe they can generate a properly domesticated pony or something. Otherwise, I don't think there would enough water to support that kind of multi level farming now

I got super annoyed with escaped horses, so I made them stop doing that. Life is better.

Two Hours, One Life - a curated OHOL server with heavy modifications.



#13 2018-04-23 01:42:35

Registered: 2018-01-01
Posts: 137

Re: A move to ranching?

I think wool clothing will become the new norm. No need for milkweed really makes a whole industry possible there.


#14 2018-04-23 08:41:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A move to ranching?

yvanhooe wrote:

I think wool clothing will become the new norm. No need for milkweed really makes a whole industry possible there.

doors, tools, ropes and lasso needs a lot, its already a thing, people just cant cooperate on that level
some still pooping babies and make carrots when others made the necesarry tools for fences livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-04-23 14:32:36

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: A move to ranching?

re: nomads,

As I said in my post about soil depletion etc,

If you make it so you can cut burdock in 3rds, replant with sharp stone, and it is ready in one epoch you can create a situation where a nomadic lifestyle is much more viable.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


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