One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What's the funniest thing you've named your baby? » 2018-09-19 20:09:27

I named my kids 'Vaporwave' and they both suicided

#2 Main Forum » To My Loaf, » 2018-09-17 23:58:52

Replies: 3


I told you I'd contact you from beyond the grave.

To my wife (who only wifed me in the first place because I was the baby daddy to 5 sons), Fidencio Pharo,
Good news, I made you a grave.
Bad news, the note I left you fizzled in a fucking glitch when I picked up the headstone.  Sorry 'bout that.




Your husband, Jackson Mary … id=1101743

#3 Main Forum » A Tale of Three Brothers » 2018-08-06 01:50:28

Replies: 2

When I was born, I thought my town was bustling with activity; so when my elderly mother told me we were the last ones in the village, I was pretty shook.  It was down to the four of us: my mother; I; my little brother, Smith; and Ole, our second cousin.  We all bonded over the fact that we were doomed to live childless lives and be the very last of our family.  A bit grim, but it was something we all had in common.

Smith and Ole traveled east and west in search of viable women; I stayed by my berries, tending to them as I constantly prayed an Eve would spawn nearby.  My brothers did not have any luck, unfortunately. 

I passed away in the midst of a nice conversation between three brothers.  Was definitely the most poetic life I've ever lived in this game.  Hey brothers, where you at? … &id=798981

#5 Main Forum » Is there a way to report spam topics? » 2018-06-30 13:05:35

Replies: 8

I see so many irrelevant spam comments and I wanted to know if there was a way to report the users/threads.

#6 Main Forum » Let's make a OHOL drinking game! » 2018-06-13 20:08:26

Replies: 8

Take a drink every time:

1. You see a West under "recent elder deaths"
2. Your mom abandons you the moment you're born
3. 1 other person killed by griever = 1 drink
4. Your baby runs away the second they're born
5. Your mom forgets to name you
6. Your mom forgets to feed you and you die
7. A mom asks her newborn "are you new?" Take two if your mother asks you this.
8. Eat something when you're moments away from starving and you're 100% sure you're gonna die
9. You see your sibling/mother die

Finish your drink and/or take a shot if:

1. You're killed by a griever (this definitely makes me want to drink)
2. You die from starvation in a village with plenty of food (and you're old enough to feed yourself)
3. You forget to feed your baby and they die as a result
4. You murder someone.  Finish a drink for every single person you murder!
5. You murder someone and someone else murders you in self-defense

Feel free to add your ideas!

#7 Re: Main Forum » To my relatives in the sheep pen » 2018-06-12 04:30:29

Stankysteve wrote:
renzikins wrote:

I just wanted to help.  When I asked what I did wrong, you said "whatever".  How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes if you just shut me down?

Sorry for messing up, I guess.

Were you a little girl named lisa?

What happened very recently was, we had no compost in our old dying town. Everyone was eating berries, and we had few carrots around so getting the food to feed sheep (and regrow that food as well!) was getting very difficult.

-A sheep that has been sheared will regrow its wool when fed. Once it has wool it will make lamb babies, but they will die if not fed.

-A lamb that is fed will grow up big, pooping, which is needed for compost, which is needed for all crops. It also produces shearable wool when it grows to adult size. Therefore it is far more efficient to only feed lambs. Period.

-When you shear the only adult sheep while we are in a food crisis,  you are delaying how long it takes to get poop, therefore compost, therefore food crops, while also wasting more food to get that poop! You're slapping that society in the face*. My wife earlier was very tired and stabbed a little girl who did that on us. She wasn't the first one who did it either in our lifetimes. We were working really hard to get the sheep population and compost farm back up.

Just because you can do something does NOT mean you should! Watch closely first! Ask for tips or help. You might get ignored, but you wont be despised for jumping in and messing something up! There's often so much to do its hard for more experienced players to stop and explain every single step. That does not mean we don't try to! but when its food crisis famine time, I want to work, not talk! We talk when we have carts full of pies. Talking is a luxury in this game of pain in the ass communication. Just like carts of pies.

*If you have lots of poop but no compost, maybe you should be using those carrots and berries for compost instead. That could get some people upset. The more you play the more you will see how much resources are needed where, for things to go smoothly.

ah! thanks for the tips smile I really want to try working with sheep but I was never really taught what to do.

#8 Re: Main Forum » To my relatives in the sheep pen » 2018-06-12 04:29:01

Lotus wrote:

I think I know you. I was Harry, and the blonde woman kept insulting you until she pushed you too far and you shot her.

I don’t think you did anything wrong. You fed a lamb, you didn’t know what was wrong with that in our situation. I feel she was out of line as well.

Is this right?

No, I wasn't shot, I was just yelled at.  But damn, that lady was incredibly out of line!

#9 Re: Main Forum » To my relatives in the sheep pen » 2018-06-11 23:57:57

ZneoC wrote:

if you provide your link to your lineage, someone may be able to respond to you!

do you know your last name?

ah!  No, I'm nameless and my mom's still living as I post this.

#10 Main Forum » To my relatives in the sheep pen » 2018-06-11 23:43:33

Replies: 11

I just wanted to help.  When I asked what I did wrong, you said "whatever".  How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes if you just shut me down?

Sorry for messing up, I guess.

#11 Re: Main Forum » The Cray Family » 2018-06-11 22:12:29

Hi, I was your great great grandson Goliath, Lovell's grandson.  I remember really looking up to my sister Bobby! … &id=289085

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