One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Thank you kids for this amazing life » 2018-05-19 15:17:11

Replies: 0

(I originally wanted to write a nice story about our lives, but neither do I have the time nor creativity to do so lmao)
This goes out to my children: Mary, Louis, Toby and Jamie. I'm sorry I left you.

First of all, this is how my life started. I was born to a fully clothed woman in the wilderness. Her Name was Tara. My mom told me she was new, and that she had no idea what she was doing. She picked me up and randomly ran around.

Since she had a first name and clothes, I assumed she came from a City and could have gotten lost. I asked her "HO...ME?" in my limited vocabulary, to which she started running in a direction. Unfortunately, when died shortly after, probably of hunger.
Luckily I aged up quickly enough to pick up her remaining clothes, running to find some berries and leaving her dead corpse behind.

My hunger was getting stronger and I started to fear for my life when my hunger bar decreased to a dangerously low number. Shortly before starving though, I found a berry bush! I ate and ate till I was full, and only then I started considering the two choices I had:

Should I try to build up my own village? Since I was still young, I had plenty of time to find a nice spot and get some resources on the way before having kids.

Or should I suicide? Whenever my soul lived as Eve in their previous lifes, it would never end well. Either my children weren't working/griefing, or all the girls would die while my sons would try to build up our village.

It took me some time, but I decided to not end it just yet. I wanted a challenge. So I made a basket, filled it with a stone hatchet I've made and some food and started searching for a good spot. I ended up finding a nice place with lots of different biomes around, which had plenty of resources to offer.

Anyways, fast forward, I had 4 children.

My first one was Mary, she was my only daughter. Mom is so proud of you! After continuously seeing my daughters from previous lifes die, it was a pleasure to see you grow up into a strong woman. I'm hoping you were able to make something great out of our small place.

To my three sons, Louis, Jamie and Toby. Thank you for working so hard, I'm also so proud of you! Right when Louis was old enough to do things on his own, he said "I'll work". What a great boy. I didn't talk much with you two, Jamie and Toby, but I just wanted you to know that I also loved you.

All of you were amazing children, and I wish we could have spent more time together. Sadly, my real-life dumb ass forgot to plug in my Laptop and I died at 33... So yeah, sorry about leaving you behind.

Your nameless mother. … e&id=78371

#2 Re: Main Forum » Kiwiville » 2018-05-05 19:21:54

Lol I lived there at the same time as you. I don't remember my name but I was a dark-skinned woman with the surname Connor.

Since I never crafted a bow and went out hunting for something bigger than rabbits, I made it my life duty to do just that. I left the civ and went up north where I found a big milkweed-farm, crafted a bow and arrows there and left to kill some wolves.

Whenever I made my way to hunt, however, I gave birth to a kid. Every. Single. Time. I kinda wanted to ignore them to finish my mission, but I just couldn't - I feel horrible to not give players a chance. So I kept them all, naming them after The Walking Dead characters lol.

Anyways... I spent most of my time nursing my kids by the fire, eating some pies and nursing some more. At some point a murder happened, I dunno if it was an accident or not but I know for sure this guy was named Thomas. Since I still had my bow and arrow, I decided to kill him if I ever saw him again, but I didn't.

Once my last child had grown up I tried once again to go on my mission to hunt down a wolf. However, this didn't last long 'cause I didn't know how to shoot the arrow and - oh the irony - got killed by a wolf. I was 34.

So yeah, since I died quite young I have no idea how our village is doing rn, but it was nice to read from a former member of the same village I lived in!

#3 Main Forum » I'm sorry, mom and daughter (unnamed mother and Sunny) » 2018-04-29 15:35:56

Replies: 0

I hope you both see this, just so you know what happened to me.

I was born to an Eve without a name. She just spawned, so we didn't have a proper home.

My whole childhood we ran around with baskets in both our hands, looking for a good spot to call home for us - and our future generations. My mom has given birth to quite a few babies at this time, however none of them survived long, even though my mother tried her best to feed them. At one point we found a great place: It had lots of soil, milkweed scattered around the place and plenty of carrots surrounding us.

We decided to stay there and immediately started working, each on their own thing. I don't know what exactly my mother did, but I prepared some adobe to build a kiln in order to make bowls for water. While working I gave birth to my first - and sadly only - daughter. I picked her up and when my mom came back to our place, I asked her if we should keep my baby (simply because our only food resource has gotten very tiny). She said yes, and my daughter replied with "P"..."L"..."Z". I was glad to have such a determined little girl and called her "Sunny".

I got some clay while she followed my every step. At some point my mother had made a fire, so I placed her there until she grew up to get even stronger. She immediately grabbed the basket and told me she'd get clay - I was so happy and proud that my daughter had such a strong will to work and survive. Unfortunately my hunger has gotten really bad at this point, so I ran around, panicking because I couldn't find any food.
Then, finally, I found a berry bush. Right when I was about to eat it, I got disconnected. I could actually feel my heart ache.

I've never had such a nice story. A nice Eve-mother who was willing to let me live right from the beginning, us both searching for a nice place, and then even having a great daughter who didn't suicide after seeing that we didn't have much.

I hope you both read this. I just wanted to let you both know that, even though this game didn't last long, it was one of the best I've had lately... thanks!


#4 Main Forum » the Landon family - told by Eve » 2018-04-21 08:11:45

Replies: 1

In my most recent life I spawned as an Eve in a rather bad area. There was lots of soil, however, I barely found any berry bushes or other food resources. I decided to leave this place behind, knowing it wouldn't be able to support me or my future children a lot.

I wandered around for years while carrying a basket filled with one berry, a sharp stone and a piece of threat. I passed a dozen of different biomes, hoping to find a good place to start my life at. While searching, I had two, maybe even three kids. I'm sorry I had to let them die, but at this point I knew that even IF I saved them, they wouldn't have survived long - it was for their best.

Then, after around 10 years have passed, I finally found a nice spot. I wouldn't consider it the perfect place, but it was good enough. We had a lot of berry bushes around, a big amount of milkweed and some rabbits, as well as water, scattered around our spot. Soon after I had my "first" son. I asked him if he wanted to live, considering our circumstances. He replied with a simple "Y", and so I gave him the name Jacob.

Jacob was such a good boy, always listening to me and following when it was necessary. Once he was old enough to feed himself, he just shouted "gooo" and went straight ahead to work. While doing so, I gathered supplies in order to build an oven. At this point we already had a small farm with unwatered seeds, so my goal was to make clay bowls to water our carrots. When I came back though, I only found a fresh grave next to our farm. I felt my heart ache a little, knowing that my son had lots of potential and would have been able to make something great out of this place.

However, there wasn't a lot of time to grieve. Soon after I found out about my sons' death, he got a little sister. I called her Jennie. She was such a sweet girl and I could tell she would be of great help.
At this point, it was quite impossible for me to work on anything anymore, since three more children followed. After Jennie, Jessie was born. Once she was old enough to feed herself, I went back to the swamp to get more adobe. There, I birthed Jamie. I brought him back to our place and started a fire to warm my offspring up. While doing so, my last child came into the world. Unfortunately, I cannot remember her name, but I'm sure it started off with a "J".

There I was, standing by the fire with my two babies to feed them whenever they needed it. As Jamie got older, I aged up as well, making it impossible for me to breastfeed my last child. I went around looking for berries to feed my daughter with. It was hard though, as most berries have been eaten already. I gathered the remaining berries and fed myself, as well as my daughter, with them, until she also aged up.

Now that I wasn't able to give birth anymore, I decided it would be the best time to start working on the farm again, as food resources have gotten dangerously small. I went around gathering all the stuff we could need - threads, rabbits, baskets, and so on.

While working, I already noticed two more fresh graves. Sadly, I don't know whose they were, but nontheless - I was disappointed to see my children like that. They deserved better.

Anyways, I went on on my mission to get the farm going. At this point I've gotten older again, and I knew my time would come in a few years. I knew that, if I stayed around longer, I would just be a burden and waste of food, so I decided to leave this world. I grabbed my basket filled with resources for the last time to run back to my family and say my final good-bye.

Once I arrived there though, I couldn't believe what I saw. There were two more graves right next to the farm. One was normal looking, the other one was covered in blood with an arrow sticking out. I was devastated. How could one of my precious children kill their sibling like that? After all we have worked on?

I starved right next to their graves, knowing all my hard work was for nothing. All that time I have spent on nursing my children and trying to provide them the best life I could was totally unnecassary in the end - all thanks to one of my own offspring.

I loved all my children dearly, and it breaks my heart knowing what happened to our family.
You did well, and I'm proud of you.

In love, Eve Landon.

#5 Main Forum » This bothers me » 2018-04-17 13:44:28

Replies: 5

Before I start talking about my feelings regarding the current state of the game I just want to say I'm in LOVE with it! The idea and thoughts behind it, the style and pretty much everything else about this game is simply awesome. As soon as I bought it I started playing... hours and hours long lol.

Anyways, as of now, I haven't really played much lately. The reason is that right now, it feels as if I'm playing "for nothing". Before the new update, you knew that when you built something, it would always be of help for anyone who stumbles upon it. When I build something now it just doesn't make me feel happy/proud of the work I've done, simply because sooner or later it will just disappear if no one finds it quick enough.

I know there's a good reasoning behind this update, but it still makes me feel sad - simply because it seems like one of the main goals of this game (aka providing objects for future generations, or whoever may stumble upon it some time) is gone.

I'd love to hear what others think about this update tho smile

#6 Main Forum » the Urie family (to Elisabeth Urie) » 2018-04-03 12:20:12

Replies: 1

Hi, it's Eve, your mother.

I was in the middle of creating a small farm. I found a nice little spot surrounded by lots of seeds, berry bushes and rabbit holes - it was perfect. Then you came. You were my first born, and I actually wanted to let you die since I couldn't offer you much. Yet.
However, I decided to keep you, in hope you would be able to help our little family grow.

I nursed you into childhood, gave you clothes I have found and told you to stay by the farm so I wouldn't lose you. I planted seeds and, in order to let them grow, had to find supplies to get water. When I came back with my basket filled with adobe, however, you were gone. I was certain you would have died and simply moved on.

During your absence, you had two more siblings. One of them died as a baby, and the other one disappeared into the woods forever. I was getting older, unsure if I would ever get a child again to make our family live on.

I took my basket and, unknowingly, went on my very last journey to get supplies for fire.
Then...I ran into a snake and, well, I died. (I was so pissed lol, that was the best I ever did as an Eve)

Anyways, around ten minutes later I decided to play another round. Then something unbelieveable happened.
I spawned into a small village and when I looked at the name of my mother, I gasped. It was you - Elisabeth Urie. I was shook, as this has never happened to me before.

Then you gave me a name. Julia. At this point I was freaking out internally 'cause that's my actual name. Oh, what a funny, yet kinda scary??, coincidence.

But yeah, I'm glad you survived and found yourself a little home to keep our family grow. Unfortunately, I didn't see a lot of progress as my lifespan has been really short (damn you, wolves!)
If you, or any member of the Urie family reads this, feel free to tell me about your lifes, how the village looks now, etc. For others who aren't from that family, feel free to tell your weirdest stories, would be glad to hear them! ^^

Eve (/Julia) Urie.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Keep all the children alive » 2018-04-01 21:23:08

I totally agree with you.
First of all, you never know who you just gave birth to. Yeah, sometimes it's pretty new players who can't do much alone, but we can still help each other and teach them how to do specific jobs. On the other hand, you could have given birth to a child who knows what's up - maybe they are great at hunting and sewing, or maybe at farming. Whatever it is they are good at, as long as they ACTUALLY take the game seriously and try to help their village, every extra mouth to feed is totally worth it.
Whenever I give birth I keep them alive, no matter if I'm in the middle of doing something. For me, giving other people the oppurtunity to live in our village and help it grow is a priority. When I see mothers abonden their kids, I will nurse them into childhood - after all, you never know what could happen. Some children get lost and die, some may starve, and some even die on purpose because they aren't happy with their gender and/or civ.
Every person is important and plays a huge role in the game, so it's upon us to allow them to take part in it through making them grow into children and teaching them the rules on the way.

#8 Main Forum » To Maggie Turnipseed » 2018-03-31 00:55:14

Replies: 0

So... I spawned into the same area for the fourth time already and it was really nice to see how much it had grown over these few days.
Today, however, I witnessed my first murder - and the murderer was one of my seven children. I have no idea why she did it, she just ran around claiming she'd kill "bad" people, when in reality, she was the only person here hurting others.
I was about to sew some clothes for my granddaughter when she suddenly shot me with an arrow. I don't know what happened after. I'd just love to know if the village survived or if my crazy a** daughter shot everyone.
If anyone reading this was in the same village as Maggie Turnipseed, feel free to tell me what happened to our village lol.

Edit: Just spawned into it again, didn't even recognize it at first because it was so empty. I still found some members of my old family tho, so I'm happy to know that we survived. It's still really sad to see what happened to it... oh well

#9 Main Forum » Can't download the game - Please help! » 2018-03-26 19:55:47

Replies: 2


I just bought the game today and, of course, immediately wanted to try it out since I've been wanting it for days now. I have Windows, so I downloaded the windows.exe and then extracted the game. However, I don't know what to do next?
I expected it to do something or make me install the game, but nothing happens. Whenever I open the file it makes me extract the game again. Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with my game?

And something else: When ordering the game, I accidentally made a typo when putting up my email - is that a big problem? Because I should have gotten some information over email, however I don't know if these informations are necessary for the game itself...

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