One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The Rebirth tales! Volume 1 » 2018-12-09 06:37:50

If there is none, make one! It's all fun!

#2 Main Forum » The Rebirth tales! Volume 1 » 2018-12-09 06:18:08

Replies: 7

A topic to share your lives.

post a reply with a well written biography of one of your lives in-game.
Please read the all the stories if you can

#4 Main Forum » My mom got reincarnated during my lifetime. My life as Tyler Pain. » 2018-12-01 20:59:23

Replies: 2

I was born to an unknown mother but was adopted by Lotta Pain. I lived a normal childhood. that dude name Josiah got murdered sad . It was this giant city rivaling the likes of Casino Town. I got some clothes and a pack. My grandma seven meant a lot to me but she passed away. I buried her. The middle of my life was trying to clean pads. I also met my niece that was so nice I gave her a half-finished die. And I said it was a good-luck charm, it meant a lot to me since I had kept it for a long time.

        My family line started to die and then right as I know it i'm the last pain. My mother also died. I buried her too. Some new girls came to town and started to have kids and gave me hope. Then, the unthinkable happened. I was strolling along and I found an eve had stumbled into town. Her full name was Eve True. And she walked up to me and said. "Tyler" "It's me" "Lotta." This made me confused at first until I remembered she was my mom! I was excited. I headed over to the over side of town to find I had a brother! I told this to him and he exclaimed "by Gods!" It was a miracle. I lived the rest of my life until old age.

        When I was about to die I asked my mother to bury me. And I showed her where I buried mom long ago. I told her to bury me there. I had also written a note earlier so when I did die. I would be remembered. If you find it. It reads ":Take care - Love Tyler Pain."

If you lived here then tell me about it!

#5 Main Forum » Game Acquired Quitting syndrome. (GAQS) » 2018-11-17 18:00:10

Replies: 2

This is the term to say when you are gonna quit.
I have GAQS. Srry dude

#6 Main Forum » The lulls of one hour one life. » 2018-11-17 03:55:02

Replies: 2

Songs are often not conveyed in text. But voice. But one hour one life. We need songs that define us.

Here's my lullaby
[Written by Luka]

The goodbye song

Oh sweet baby, how you have died.
Many times in fact, but I still love you.
I have work to do now so you better stay.
Keep warm too little baby.
Or might you die again.
I will see you soon or never.

So goodbye.

Do you think you can make a song. Post it in a reply

#9 Main Forum » BeriCo! A company in OHOL » 2018-11-04 20:04:41

Replies: 2

Great i know right!

I now own the rights to all of the berries in casino town. Written down on paper!
Updates on this


#11 Re: Main Forum » The 1st annual OHOL awards 2018! » 2018-11-02 23:39:40

Anshin wrote:

Best OHOL content creator : JasonRohrer, Runner up: Joriom for his Zoom mod

I meant by like someone who post's on other social medias like. YouTube etc,

#12 Main Forum » The 1st annual OHOL awards 2018! » 2018-11-02 22:04:24

Replies: 17


There are many well know users, characters etc in OHOL
so I am letting you vote for the who are really the best OHOL users of 2018!
I have already decided one.

Rules : You can't vote for yourself.
You can't vote one person in every category.

Most known in-game author : Lucian
Best Family :
Best Town :
Best artist in the forums :
Best OHOL blog writer (forums) :
Most popular god/goddess :
Most known royal family :
Best OHOL content creator (YouTube or other media sites) :
Best Moderator :

and lastly...

also lol
Voting for yourself award goes to Aurora

The best OHOL user of the year :

Please vote in the comments with this format
"My vote for [category] is [vote]"

The votes will be tallied at the end of november!
Good luck

#13 Re: Main Forum » The Library » 2018-11-02 20:47:12

hmrka wrote:
Willow09 wrote:

I was a librarian in that town twice wrote four books, three were categorized as 'romance' and the other was 'shit people write'.lmao

I wrote two yaoi books, one yuri, and another about me and my love. It was a fun life being the librarian. I helped others make books too, I enjoyed myself quite a bit.

Lmao I was that dude who told you to write more fanfictions. Eric and Luka is my fav ship from your books lol


#14 Re: Main Forum » I want to thank whoever made this » 2018-11-01 04:14:30

Me too. I Also praised it during my lifetime. I was Hilton

#15 Re: Main Forum » New thoughts on baby suicide » 2018-10-29 06:19:10

Though the suiciders i hate are the bots.

#16 Main Forum » Lukan Code system for One Hour One Life » 2018-10-22 23:49:58

Replies: 0

If you're young or are in a rush. These codes could save the town.
These are town emergency situations. They have 3 letters

code SBB - suicide bot's are currently in the session. Try to be wary of having kids.
code GOL [name if you know] - Griefer on the loose. Get prepared to curse
code NUB - A new player has done something very wrong. Please inform them of their mistakes.
code NRS - Out of sticks
code NRW - Out of water.
code LGB - Feed the plants
code NRT - We have barely any tools.
code INF - We are running low on food.
code SID - Somebody is dying. Get your medical equipment.

Wartime codes
code IWT - War is opon us. FIGHT
code RET - retreat
code PSH - Push

These are self emergency situations. They have 2 letters.
code LF - I need food
code MC - A murderer is chasing me!

Give me feedback on what emergency situations need codes

#17 Main Forum » Im back » 2018-10-20 19:20:40

Replies: 2

My computer started working again I can play ohol now so expect me to be posting!

#19 Re: Main Forum » Society Survey » 2018-09-14 03:34:07

Wool cap society (formerly white hat society) I make lot's of changes. Somebody pointed out the name is kinda racist.
So yeah.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Wool Hat society. (WHS) How to join. How To save OHOL » 2018-09-09 03:04:36

pein wrote:

well, you can add a few things:

wool hat and apron, make your own apron each game if there is none
this is generally a good way to improve on compost situation

yeah the name sounds bit off, could be wool hat society, racism is main point in the update

keep it simple: WHS means you agree with the goals, and even a 3 year old can say it
if you meet a kid saying WHS, and its working on city, you give you your hat and work on making new one, also other wool clothes over anything else (might be not so warm but its more effective), cause sometimes can be confusing, try to swap or paint it for them
shouldnt be a problem most cases
it can be a form of greeting too, and you stop to talk the village needs or to tell the current goals, ask for help on a task
telling the code just to get easy gear might get you killed

scold them: notice them about mistakes ,remind them important steps and keep an eye on them

kid raising is very different for people, lot of us has own rules
i think is fair to say that hard workers drop off kids to others when possible, and wont stand 20 minutes just to feed kids
if the kid behaves, take it to safety between other people
feed kids who manage their temperature and ask for it(is a waste of resources if not, so if even as a baby you cannot watch a bar and sit still will be worse later), dont ignore them. do jobs nearby in meantime
raise girls when last female, no problem with boys, they can produce enough for themselves, if a kid behaves, knows temperature, doesnt move, doesnt demand things than its worthy of raising him until 3.5 min
its because of getting tasks done, nobody can have a problem with that somebody works for you at least feed a yelling kid, if the city can allow teaching and the kid pays attention that can be good too, a solid state of having all tools and compost before teaching
if they ask for teaching, tell them that the city needs work, might not be a life for their skills, and to read forum guides
you wont teach anything in game anyway, you cant jump to composting when they dont know how to eat and go 20 tiles away
just dont go around tossing gear on a random baby cause the ingame relation, every kid is your kid and they are not entitled to anything, gear workers not babies

you own what you made with your own hand
no begging, no crying over gear, you can ask nicely for gear for yourself, not for kids, dont cry if someone doesnt trust you with a knife or pack as a baby, hand packs over if someone needs it for a task, getting it from somebody doesnt mean they made it or you own it

i would really like some duel honor
ask killers why they did it and dont stab immediately
ask the accused person if somebody tries to frame it or genuinely true, keeping safe distance
stealing clothes- i hear this often. this is not griefing, generally people even cry because they were slower picking it up
its not stealing if you are a baby and he is already working, you didnt prove anything you dont own anything
its annoying to them if your mother thinks their relation is worth more than others work for the city
on a personal level i get it, if someone takes your clothing as a slightly bigger kid or a loin cloth you just got made, you might be entitled to duel him but not to tell others to kill him for it

'keep kids if you can afford the food cost, and make up for it, let others decide if they want to keep them if you dont feel like you can afford time on them
in emergency situations(less than 3 fertile females), take care of girls regardless of relation or remind others to do so'
'summarize the situation of the town and remind new players this might not be a life for their skill level and keeping them may cause issues in production'
'tell kids to read forum guides or talk on discord'

I have taken note. And generally any criticism I will think about. If the feedback isn't just pure hate.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Wool Hat society. (WHS) How to join. How To save OHOL » 2018-09-09 01:11:57

TheRedBug wrote:

I hate then way your society treat new babies.
Teach them. Love them.
Because of this, i will never be part of your white anti-new people hat cult

I said unless you can teach them. I didn't say entirely.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Wool Hat society. (WHS) How to join. How To save OHOL » 2018-09-08 21:16:39

pein wrote:

in my experience monarchist wear a crown say things like 'they are our slaves' 'she is the village idiot' 'feed me peasant' and think they are above you and deserve all gear
thats a stab, and i took that ssitty crown far away
they gear kids and keep knife and packs in family line totally disregarding to make sheep, bread and they just command to kill you
even gearing kids should receive a warning and keep an eye on them for mistakes, generally if those people are anal about packs and aprons but store nothing or dont explore at all, might as well stab them

i also dont like gender based discrimination and depending on situation i keep kids, keeping all girls just makes it worse after 3 same age fertile girls or grannys having 0 age aunts
a strong work morale usually means i throw kids into baby pile
i dont have problem with new players who listen to what i ask, dont move dont jump dont point on things
i got problems with not so new people who think they are more important than me working in meantime, or i should follow them to feed, and generally gives a fuck about staying mid temp, waiting food bar to go down to 2-3 even if i tell them

this is what I i'm talking about BlueRock
anyway. I gave a short version in the edited post.
Feedback is always nice

#23 Re: Main Forum » Advancing Beyond Farming Villages » 2018-09-08 19:42:03

Yes there is. You are just playing at the wrong time. Playing around 6-11 pm pacific time is usually when societies are advanced.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Wool Hat society. (WHS) How to join. How To save OHOL » 2018-09-08 19:25:15

VioletLily wrote:
Luka wrote:

Ask babies if they are new. If they say yes. Throw them away.

Let's not do this please...

Fixed thanks for the feedback

#25 Main Forum » Wool Hat society. (WHS) How to join. How To save OHOL » 2018-09-08 18:49:26

Replies: 33


Join the WHS in any life. You need is consent from either the Wool hat representatives or the town you reside in if there is none. 5 votes are needed to get you in for one life. And you also have to wear a wool cap.

The Code of the society.
1. Detest Royal Families
2. Royal Families are a family line who doesn't care for others. Does nothing and feeds off the society and usually passes down a heirloom. IGE - a crown
3. Scold villages with neglected farms. And help fix it if you could

4. Stop Griefers.

5. Manage kids in a resourceful manner. If kids know only certain things assign them jobs. Never have more than 5-8 BBS in a town at once. If their are a lack of fertile females. You should strive for females.

6. This is a government. So you should talk as a figure of this society. You may call your self a representative of the Wool hat society.

7. If you catch another member breaking the code tell them politely to stop. If they don't they are not one of us.

8. Protect cities under our control.

8. People who don't get consent are not members in their respective lives.

9. Make sure that villages are productive.

10. No sacrifices
How to introduce yourself. Talk to other members of your residence. If they are not members Tell them about the WHS and how you and your members can help them.
Get consent. From other members or the towns people.

Our job at the wool cap society is to help towns and stop bottom feeders. If you are young refer to our cause as the WHS. It is easier to communicate and is universal across all helpful ages.
Ideals. (These are the more complex ideas that had to be put in a different section)
If you see someone kill another. Assess the situation. Ask them about it. Talk with others. Pacify the threat.
If a rebellion starts. Pacify the threat.
A dispute should be handled in a way that is honorable. We should try to settle it. Or when all else fails. Two people will duel and see who stabs first.
Resources are great and we should assign roles of gatherers and crafters. The new players can be gatherers. And The more experienced ones can craft
If they are up to the task. The hard working players who deserve the most can enforce. You must be an adult. -full hunger bar- And should be a representative.
It is the utmost important for enforcers to talk about WHS code and manage resources by talking about the future plans for the residence.
State rules.
You can make this up. Maybe you don't like something. Or think a village needs a specific rule for itself
You can talk with other members about state rules and agree on them.

Have fun and keep OHOL safe.

You can also be a follower which means you follow the code and spread the word but don't get privileges. You don't need specific clothing. Just make sure Towns are safe and help society.

Feedback is always appreciated. This will change over time with feedback of other forum members or representatives.
A lot of ideas come from feedback. Thanks to all who help me flesh out this project of mine.

thanks for feedback.

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