One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: News » Update: Legacy Chain » 2020-12-15 00:50:46

Great idea, but why not having a bit of both: Why tie it to reaching old age? New players reach old age fairly quickly, experienced players die to some bad luck, too.

It would make more sense to me that when you bury someone of any kind of family, to be reborn in said family: Same emotion for first timers, clear objective for veterans. I mean, over the span of a lifetime, there's no shortage on bones, right? Why yes, I am a fan of graveyards.

It would make for a fun eve challenge, too! Or maybe it's a good thing that Eves cannot be reborn again.

#3 Re: Main Forum » RIP spoonwood » 2020-12-07 12:08:36

GreatShawn wrote:

*Spoon is spitting fire again*

In other news, gooseberries are edible.

#4 Re: Main Forum » MBTI personality test - does it shows correctly your OHOL behaviour? » 2020-08-30 16:04:14

DestinyCall wrote:

Anyone else think these personality types read like horoscopes?    You see what you want to see and ignore the inconsistencies.

INTJ spotted

#5 Re: Main Forum » MBTI personality test - does it shows correctly your OHOL behaviour? » 2020-08-17 21:49:05

I always thought this would be an INTP cesspool.

Let me assure you that Carl Jung hit a jackpot there. His understanding of human behaviour was phenomenal.

There are greater implications hidden in these typings. Just don't confuse it with the enneagram - the underlying theory tries not to categorize your reactions or the way you deal with this world, but your core perception of it.

You'd be surprised just how many (especially young or naive) people fit in these categories.

It makes them very predictable. Stay away from being typed easily.

You can guess my type just by the stuff I'm writing.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Some paved roads tweak suggestions » 2020-07-15 15:37:29

wondible wrote:

Bad news: roads are created by an automatic movement, but only player actions are recorded in the maplogs. There was one paver started before the crash this morning, but no roads. … 1594476159

Technically, you could deduce the road by the time paving started, how arrow markers were put and the time and location it stopped.

It's not 100% case safe but veeery accurate (trace back the paving path after it stopped, if there exists a branching point during traceback, calculate both and take the first path that leads to the starting point).

#7 Re: Main Forum » Some paved roads tweak suggestions » 2020-07-11 21:41:09

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

Gotta yeet it halfway out of the village for it to keep running haha. Clear a path, and then make and use it. If it's not 100 to 200 tiles away expect prying hands on anything and everything.

Someone will find the "new road". And when they find it, they also find the running thingy at the end of it, and they also touch it. You cant hide a road, no matter how far away.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Some paved roads tweak suggestions » 2020-07-11 21:32:45

fug wrote:

Welcome to every plane makers life. You will either eventually learn to hide/lock them up or quit making pavers altogether.

It's not the same. I cant build my territory around a long road that is trying to connect two towns. I would lock it up if I could.
Considering how easy it is to get rid of the road (nobody would do that anyway, maybe for aesthetic reasons), I don't see the point in making this machine stop, especially when it's actually designed to run forever.

It's like your plane had a self destruct mode by touching its wings instead of its tires.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Some paved roads tweak suggestions » 2020-07-11 21:17:33

And now it happened again, I couldn't let this thing slide for 3 Minutes, it got stopped again. People are just curious and touch it when they have the chance, not knowing they're wasting gravel, yellow paint and a whole tank of crude oil in the process.

#10 Main Forum » Some paved roads tweak suggestions » 2020-07-11 17:29:28

Replies: 12

My first impressions from the new machine were awesome. Following the paver is a really fun alternative to road building, a game in itself where multiple players are clearing the road ahead, packed with different tools.

Some problems occurred though:

- Does the paver run indefinitely? Because it did so in the first iteration. After about two lives' length the server crashed, I'm not sure if that's correlated.
- Second time I used the paver (after the crash) it only ran for about a minute. Since I wasn't watching the paver at that time, someone could have turned it off by touching it. I don't really mind it running endlessly (or maybe cap it at about 300-500 tiles, rather than the time wasted?).
- If you can really turn this machine off just by touching it (and therefore wasting any materials put into it), players should not be able to stop the paver, its way too much of a grief. If tiles are capped, the item itself should have a lifetime counter relative to the number of tiles left that it can pave.
- Curves are not being recognized as such when auto-walking over them, so the player stops at those (but they appear as correct curves).
- There are still some obstacles that can't be removed, like bear caves. If the paver happens to run against those, there's no way to make it turn (inb4 "you could turn it off").
- If the paver runs into foreign territory, all you can do is find someone willing to help you out (kinda bad feeling after you already gathered all the necessary materials to even make it run).
- It's kind of weird how we need a full tank of crude oil to run this thing. I understand the paint and the gravel, but not the tank of crude oil (well, it's not a problem if this machine runs indefinetly).
- Also it's kind of weird and unintuitive how it starts going west in the beginning (I first wanted to go east - see the results for yourself)

- Honestly it's much more fun to clear the road while the paver is running, rather than clearing it ahead of time.
- It should be placeable *on* a direction marker to set up its initial direction ("west" would not have an advantage, then)
- I was imagining for it to use much more gravel and paint, and much less crude oil (but then again, I'm not sure about it's lifecycle)
- Stopping something that was promised to run indefinitely simply by touch is a big nono for me. It basically makes me want hide the road construction and booby trap the machine from others, it's frustrating.

(EDIT) I also wouldn't mind for the paver to NOT run automatically. Once the direction would be set using the marker it's placed on, every touch would move the paver by one tile (considering you need to clear the road ahead first, this is enough automation in itself, no need to overdo it - we don't have self-running pavers IRL for a reason, correct me if I'm wrong).

(EDIT) OR at least make it stop one tile ahead of foreign terrain, waiting for a touch signal to go ahead. So you could always set a marker in front of it beforehand.

(EDIT) Scrap that idea about making it semi-automatic. I am just seeing the perks of building roads on terrain that you cannot enter normally.

#11 Re: Main Forum » We got roads....paved roads. » 2020-07-11 17:03:36

mrbah wrote:

Does anyone know if you can stand on the asphalt and instruct the machine to go around ( while the machine is on non-hospitable terrain)?

It did not halt when I was standing in front of it, nor will it change its directions without the markers set on the ground.
Before letting it loose on foreign terrain, the track needs to be set in order to plow through.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Have a guess of what the new content might be. » 2020-06-05 06:59:45

What I want:
- Sea, Rivers, Bridges, Islands, Boats, Coconuts
- Ladybugs and critters
- Butterflies, rare collectibles
- Instruments (NO FLUTES, NO RECORDER)

What might happen:
- Cocoa Milk

#13 Re: Main Forum » Animal Breeding Contest » 2020-06-05 06:45:17

The_Anabaptist wrote:

Let's see how many moving animals the game engine can handle!

Huh I just realized that there's no real way of crashing the server through littering. Cool beans.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Different Seasons - not always the sun is shining lovely » 2020-05-11 10:17:59

Tbh I wouldn't mind having weather just for aesthetic reasons. No need to 'spice it up'.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Bottles should have more space in them » 2020-05-08 15:24:01

OK but only if you can make bottles break.

#16 Re: Main Forum » I want to apologize » 2020-05-01 07:52:48

FishRfriendsnotfood wrote:

Spoon's latest forum post got me thinking about things a little bit.


#17 Re: Main Forum » In this video... » 2020-04-17 11:43:52

They succeed because they work as a team. There's a difference in identifying as a team rather than a loose coupled group of people.

As you have guessed, it seems like the griefers win because it just happens so rarely. The fight to survive with food outweights the risk of being griefed. Do you financially prepare yourself for war IRL? Nobody does, those are rare events that you do not prepare yourself for, because believing in your fellow players is way too important, you take it for granted, because distrust in everyone is a heavy burden.

Also, I hate the knife, as it is a tool and a weapon at once.

Then there's the fact that killing happens so fast, and communication is so slow.

No validation that griefers actually 'go to hell' is also unsatisfying. It feels like there is no judge. It should feel like a banhammer, casting the killer out of the village, exiling them into the wild (cannot enter family grounds for example).

Also, killing always has 100% success. Of course, stabbing someone almost always leads to certain death. But at least you can run for your life! Carrying different items should apply everso slight movement slows. Almost always, fast movement is not required when using tools. Killer mobs would have to hunt others down strategically (like wolves).

Pulling out a knife in public should also be fear inducing, because, why would anyone need a knife in public? Likewise, finding someone with a machete in the dense jungle is no big deal, as its purpose is pretty clear. How can we utilize this? Simply by sheathing the knife in a special place, other than the bagpack. So that there's no mistaking in drawing your knife or pulling out other stuff out of your pockets. Drawing weapons can also make characteristic sounds. Carrying knives in your hand should feel unnatural.

Give people time to react to the stabbing. There's no way i can shear a sheep, boil water and peepare needle and thread in time. Being able to put water over a small fire directly, rather than having to wait for hot coals, would make a huge difference.

All these little factors play a role in making it seem realistic.

Edit: Why is killing players not hungry work? I would think that stabbing someone requires at least some energy. It's a workaround for cooldowns.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Some QoL improvements i thought it would be great to have » 2020-04-14 09:33:23

Is this the right thread to enforce the implementation of cocoa milk?

#19 Re: Main Forum » how about instead of nerfing food pips, nerf the availability of food » 2020-04-13 10:19:57

I like the food nerf. It shows how much a berry should actually fill you up. But I don't like the fact that death is certain once you leave town without food in your bag (cmon let there at least be one berry left).

Also, the only real bottleneck right now is water. I find it to be outrageous to be able to create four pies (16 pieces of food, transportable in one bag!) out of two bowls of water. Nothing comes even close to that.

#20 Re: Main Forum » adding more to diseases » 2020-03-18 22:11:26

jasonrohrer wrote:

Communicable diseases are obviously interesting from a sim point of view.... almost an "in the name of science" kind of thing.

They also might be the source of an interesting social gameplay challenge.  Eradication might be possible, in the hands of the players, for example.

However, I suspect that it would swamp all other aspects of the game, so it's probably out of scope.

I wouldn't mind a disease lingering around that would kill me in, say, 30 years. It could require the decision of one guy to actually invest some of his time to fix it for the whole family by creating medicine.

It would always be a thrill since you constantly feel like running out of time to save the next beloved guy on death row. I find that motivating, actually (same thrill when trying to fix someones wound, but with more time for drama and also more complexity).

Also, this could be one way to reduce population density in big cities. The last update took all my motivation for connecting people as every abandoned well is practically useless - making me wish to never have connected with it in the first place.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Spoonwood » 2020-03-15 12:06:34

x_Raiema_x wrote:

Why y'all still replying to him fr? he posts the same three complaints every few days, if y'all stop giving him attention he'll quit lmao

I actually enjoy his clickbait punchline thread titles.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Trading » 2020-03-08 13:25:23

"Ree my trading won't happen because there is no sense of property, so everyone should act this way instead."

This game does not operate on a family level. Instead, I connect loosely to every player in the game in order to build a town that's barely working.

And what exactly should one own? Tools that degrade? Immovable shelters that serve no purpose?

Simulating ownership in an environment with no time and people will never succeed. Real life can show you how hard it is to actually create something like that. In reality, ownership and trading are very high level concepts that just won't happen anytime soon.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Jason's misunderstanding » 2020-02-23 13:41:12

Whatever wrote:

Follow the flow of the river, dont try to redirect it forcefully.


I'd also add to follow this flow in a graceful way. Make it intricate.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Illness and Health » 2020-01-16 21:47:19

Dantox wrote:

... otherwise it would be a little clunky or rushed.

There are many things that feel clunky or rushed in this game, it gets reworked every week.
While everyone else cries out for more content, I feel that the old content is not difficult enough. Content is a matter of perspective, it doesn't just get bigger by adding more stuff.
Example: Enable cheats and you get bored really quick.
By being able to 'just exist' using heaps of pies, you get to do everything you want. Tool slots have not changed this, it's just a very small inconvenience (also, it's not 'treatable' during play - so whatever you wanted to do: it's game over, or get help from others, which basically also means game over).

That's what I'm trying to achieve. To add a degree of difficulty to all those 'borders' that have been defined previously.

Illness comes in handy because we could alter the tool slot table dynamically during play. It may aswell be the most clunky thing.

Cantface wrote:

I don't think it would be fair or fun.

I don't believe that this game is supposed to be neither fair nor fun. Also, this unfairness exists right now, too. I want to slow down the high achievers while also speeding up the low ones. This way, wasabi just can't do the majority of good work in town. I know, it sounds like a nerf, but the inbalance between players is so high, it's frustrating. It's like this game is focused on wasabis target audience, so to speak.

#25 Main Forum » Suggestion: Illness and Health » 2020-01-15 23:28:44

Replies: 9

I really like the idea of random things that keep you on your toes during the game.
Recently, food intake has become pretty easy since you can overfill the bar. Caring for food is no problem anymore.

Why not care for your health, then? Eating the same kind of food could render you 'unhealthy', which in turn gives you a chance to become sick.
There are many kinds of illnesses that I could think of:
- Slowdown
- Inabilities (by disabling some tool slots?)
- Weakness (inability to carry heavy stuff or fight™)
- THE BLACK DEATH (only in combination with beak masks)
- Infertility

All of this would raise the incentive to make clothes and create different kinds of food.

'But what if it's too hard?' - Flatten it out with more content, like medicine.

Feel free to build on this marvellous idea.

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