One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » How to unlock the game on Steam » 2018-10-24 01:22:27

My download took reasonable amount of time. It was done before I left for work. I played the tutorial and a life this evening. Didn't experience any issues. Steam did a few things at I started the game, informing me it would try to register me, and then confirming it was successful. Gameplay was normal. Timer was actuate.

#2 Re: Main Forum » How to unlock the game on Steam » 2018-10-23 11:13:20

I didn't get up early enough to play a game before work but the 400 bad request didn't appear this time and I'm currently downloading through Steam. Thanks for fixing overnight, Jason.

#3 Re: Main Forum » How to unlock the game on Steam » 2018-10-22 22:00:37

I'm getting the 400 bad request on my first try: clicked my link, logged into Steam, greeted with it.
FWIW, my Steam and OHOL license email are different addresses (but using a similar Steam integration system, in the past worked fine despite different email addresses there, too so I doubt that's the problem).

#4 Re: Main Forum » Enjoy my egg son » 2018-09-24 15:04:24

The_Llamacorn wrote:

Omg I thought you meant "Enjoy my egg, son" And I was expecting some super long story about your family and then THIS is what I get xD Amazing

Exactly. Lol I think this is better than expected.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Installed the game, but cannot log in. » 2018-09-24 03:58:28

Have you tried logging in with all caps? I used to periodically get Login Failed messages, although it "usually" worked fine. A few weeks ago I changed my email address to all caps. (Previously I'd just had the key in caps.) Could be a coincidence... But in any event, I haven't received a Login Failed message for awhile, so maybe try it and see if it helps.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The scariest thing in an Eve run. » 2018-09-16 21:12:44

tana wrote:

unless something has changed,  you wont, i've often switched between main and my private place on empty server

Thanks, Tana! That's good to hear.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Fertile years » 2018-09-16 21:11:30

pein wrote:

yess you are fertile at 14
also you can pick up kids for 1 minute but it wont feed them
i wouldnt wonder if its 13 and half

Interesting. I'll have to time even closer.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Fertile years » 2018-09-16 21:09:46

tana wrote:

and with writing that i just understood why we're fertile at 14, so we have exactly 25 min of fertility.

Ah, ok that makes sense. When I first started playing, I got bombarded with babies instantly whenever I got Eve. Hasn't happened quite as immediately recently so I thought fertility had bumped out a minute, and yeah, 26 minutes is just odd.

#9 Re: Main Forum » The scariest thing in an Eve run. » 2018-09-16 19:02:32

boggers wrote:

Does anyone know... what is the rule with chaining eves between servers?

My solo Eve run is 6 deep now, died of old age ready for the next... if I play on the main server now, will I lose the Eve spawn location on the quiet server?

I don't know, have wondered the same but wasn't brave enough to test it. :-(

#11 Main Forum » Fertile years » 2018-09-16 13:09:00

Replies: 9

Women in ohol are fertile starting at 15, and 40 is the magical moment of menopause? Eves spawn at 14 and the game now provides a minute of grace before blasting them with babies for the next 25 minutes?
Can anyone confirm or correct those ages? Just trying to confirm my estimates now that some of the characters don't noticably age and I'm accidentally killing babies by being too old to feed.

#12 Re: Main Forum » The scariest thing in an Eve run. » 2018-09-16 12:26:37

Glad it turned out ok. I lost one of my best runs due to disconnect at 59 and getting that message at 60 would probably break my heart.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Communication » 2018-09-08 02:53:25

VioletLily wrote:

There is definitely a problem with how new players are expected to learn the game. I was a new player myself a couple months ago, and believe me, I understand.

In my opinion, players should never be required to extensively research a game to learn it. Not to mention that the majority of people in the world don't learn well by simply reading something. This is common knowledge to anyone in a teaching position in real life. This makes online guides one of the most ineffecitive methods to teach new players.

I am guessing that, like you said, it is expected for others to teach new players themselves, but a few game mechanics actually contradict this (like the limited speech and short lifespan)

The learning curve is only going to get steeper as the game moves forward. This means that with things the way they are right now, new players will be less and less likely to continue playing the game as time moves on.

This really needs a solution. It should not be up to us players to find a solution in-game, because it is the game itself that is flawed in this regard, not us. I'm sorry Jason, but if you want this game to succeed in the future, this issue should be taking precedence.


#15 Re: Main Forum » In Regard to New Players » 2018-08-31 13:05:30

I think we may have joined about the same time. It took me hours of play to live to adulthood because 9/10 births, my mother would either not feed me or intentionally kill me (snakes and wolves). I also experienced serious lag when I first started, so in the rare cases they kept me alive until I could eat, it was still tough to live past childhood. I came to the form to find a fix for lag and saw the hostility, and quickly lost interest in playing with the community. I switched from looking for a solution to lag and looked up how to change servers (this is back before there was a settings option for server) and now check the server list for an empty or low population server before I enter the game most of the time. I've encountered some awesome and kind players (shout out to The Red Bug, who taught me most of the skills required) and enjoy teaching others when I can but I actively avoid large settlements. (If I'm born into a big city, I immediately suicide and check the server status before being reborn.) The game is great, some of the players are incredible, but some are toxic. I occasionally try to play with medium populated servers but if someone calls me names or yells at me as soon as I am born, I won't stay because I already know I won't enjoy playing with them. On the plus side, my low tolerance for toxic players means I have rarely encountered murderers.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Language based segregation. » 2018-08-27 17:18:45

I personally think the official servers should be for 18+ players but Jason releases the code, so it seems like groups that want to be segregated could build their own server and make their own rules. However, easier solution would be to take your friends/relatives to an abandoned server and start your own civ (and only allowing players you know to join you).

#17 Re: Main Forum » What has been the most annoying moment that ever happened to you? » 2018-08-26 04:10:38

Was attempting to get an Eve spawn. Good location, making good progress in the camp. Died of connection loss at age 59. :-/

#18 Main Forum » Talking Ax » 2018-08-26 03:46:28

Replies: 0

My friend and I were alone in an Eve camp. We made an ax and then she got bit by a snek and died. I picked up the ax and it started talking to me. I posted a video. The ax broke shortly after and I made a new one, which didn't talk. It made it so my last words were different than my real last words.

I was Eve Lazarus and actually commiserated with my friend about the snek bite. Those were my *real* last words: … &id=952502
Video of the glitch:

#19 Re: Main Forum » Awful Players - The Curse System is NOT Working » 2018-08-20 14:33:57

MultiLife wrote:
lucythewanderer wrote:

I want to domesticate wolves (to get dogs, obviously). I would like my devoted canine companion to be able chase/scare predators, including griefers. I've only met a couple of griefers, but in real life, I would have a dog for protection. I know you don't want to solve it for us, Jason, but is there any chance you'll let us tame wolves so we can train them to chase and bite people that attack us?

Please remember that goes both ways. If you can use dogs to chase and attack griefers, they can use dogs to chase and attack you. I'd vote for dogs to be like snares, and not weapons.
And if dogs would automatically attack a player who stabs first, many guards/protectors would die. I know some think that all who stab are bad and deserve to die, but I don't.

All the anti griefing mechanics go both ways. I believe (but don't have the reference handy) that Jason has stated as much. He has also referenced what you would do in real life. In real life, I'd get a dog. The biggest, scariest, wolfiest-looking one I could find. It takes time, energy, and resources to tame a wolf and train a dog, so I doubt he would let us magically pick up wolf puppies and they'd be tame. I'd fully expect it to be a process, but I think if we could train a dog to defend against predators so it could be used to drive off snakes and boars, and possibly use your last bloody words to command the dog to chase your killer (similar to the curse system) rather than just arbitrarily attacking people. Would it be perfect? No. Could griefers still find a way to exploit the mechanics, like they do existing ones? Yes. It's still what I'd do in real life.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Awful Players - The Curse System is NOT Working » 2018-08-19 21:22:14

I want to domesticate wolves (to get dogs, obviously). I would like my devoted canine companion to be able chase/scare predators, including griefers. I've only met a couple of griefers, but in real life, I would have a dog for protection. I know you don't want to solve it for us, Jason, but is there any chance you'll let us tame wolves so we can train them to chase and bite people that attack us?

#21 Main Forum » Eve Celeste » 2018-08-18 03:14:09

Replies: 0

I was Eve Victoria and you joined me a few minutes before I quit for the day. If you see this and want to coordinate games sometime, please respond. I should have given you a tour, or at least more information, but I hope you had enough to do ok despite my lack of foresight.

#22 Re: Main Forum » OHOL for Android and iOS has released today » 2018-08-16 22:10:51

Lucy at lunch - attempts mobile tutorial
Coworker: what are you doing?
Lucy: I can't figure out how to take off my clothes. Er...

#23 Re: Main Forum » OHOL for Android and iOS has released today » 2018-08-16 14:11:23

Lucy's productivity will now be absolutely zero.... Thanks for the hard work though! I'm excited.

#24 Main Forum » that moment when » 2018-08-12 15:13:53

Replies: 0

I lost my Eve camp the other day - it was disappointing because I'd died of old age and checked the server before I logged in, but despite it saying 0, I spawned as an Eve in the wilderness. It was my best camp to date but I continued on without it. (And spent some time learning from The Red Bug, because The Red Bug is the best bug!) This morning I logged on and landed as an Eve in the wilderness with decent resources, so I decided to make due where I was and named myself Eden.

I quickly discovered there were a few too many snakes in Eden (one of which liked to hang out on the green, behind some trees) so I tread carefully and managed to pull together the basics without dying. There were also boar near the clay and was that a wolf I saw out of the corner of my eye? I set out for more milkweed so I could start a fire and get down to business. There's a bear cave too close for comfort, but look at all the milkweed. Then I noticed piles of bones. The positioning looked familiar.

Hello, a dead rabbit, and I remember setting that snare. I knew where my Eve camp was! So I set off in the appropriate direction, and sure enough, I was home. Beautiful day, this run really is Eden.

Look at my plates and plates of omelettes, I emptied out my basket and went back to collect the milkweed at the other camp, removed my home marker and returned to drop off all my threads. I set a new home marker--oh, the joy to see "home" pointing at my found camp. I decided to tidy up the camp a bit while my meter ran down enough to merit an omelette, planning back to collect a bunch of bunnies. While over there, I'd throw the clay and adobe I'd collected for the new camp behind trees to prevent myself from stepping on a snake hiding behind it in a few minutes when I forget the dangers of that abandoned camp. My meter dinged once and I reached for a plate of eggs.

Screen went black.

I stared in disbelief: Connection Lost

#25 Main Forum » update chaos! » 2018-08-11 04:33:15

Replies: 0

I was just starting as an Eve when babies started popping out...pretty sure 11 is my all-time high as a breeder...someone started near me, but most of that family perished. (Well, most of my family perished pretty quickly too, but I stayed alive to 44.) Neighbor kid came along and asked to be adopted. I was too busy trying to count noses to have a real conversation but he already had a name and was very helpful setting up a camp while I tried to save babies--I think the girls all suicided despite my efforts though. sad I think the neighbor's name was similar to Pete Ptolemy but I can't find him in the family tree. Thanks Pete! Wish we could have played together when there was less chaos. Nice to have an update though, it certainly invigorated things. … &id=835323

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