One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [Story] Jim Terranova, the Gu siblings and the she-devil! » 2019-09-14 13:14:43

Ay I was James!

So first thing I did after...all that was bury you in a marked grave. I loved you more than anyone else that life because if you hadn't saved me I would have died before the first minute.

Anyway after that I started looking around for some sort of purpose, and after watering some berry bushes I saw a plate of french fries next to some tomatoes and thought "Y'know what? I'm gonna try to make some ketchup". I had no idea how to make ketchup by the way.

I meditated for enlightenment from lord Jason (alt-tabbed out and looked it up) and found out it takes quite a lot to make ketchup, so I tried not to for a while but I couldn't find anything else to do and there was always those fries sitting there urging me to make the ketchup.

So I decide to try to make it. I grabbed some sugarcane, beat it up, drowned it, boiled it, boiled it again, and then bam, sugar. I meditate again and find out I need to let it sit there for five minutes for it to become vinegar, so I make another one and wait, constantly checking it. After a while I started to get a little confused, I meditated once more and asked Jason for answers and I have a revelation!

It was cane juice that was supposed to sit there! But before I even get started on making that, an old man shows up and tells me there is no oil, and that he searched for a tarry spot but couldn't find any, and lastly told me there was a town nearby directly south that had a lot of oil. I told him I would check it out, after a short walk I was at the gate of the Hazelwoods.

Someone just so happened to be going through when I showed up so I got in. I was nervous and sweating because I hadn't played this game in a couple of months and had never been in a town full of people who speak a different language and would probably stab me the second I touch anything. I walked in and tried to say hello, and as soon as I say that several people all gather around me. someone says "Hello?" and I reply with "Hello", so yay that's one word figured out. After that this one guy comes up to me, and I have no idea what he was saying but it ended in a question mark, so I just say yes to whatever he said and hoped for the best.

Eventually we figured out the word yes and just started saying yes and hello over and over, and then I pick up a nearby tank of kerosene and say "oil". They eventually figure out that word and I start saying "Oil yes?" repeatedly trying to get them to understand that I was here for the oil. After a while of them not figuring it out I decided to do something that would probably get me killed but I was gonna do it anyway. I got a nearby cart, filled it up with three tanks of kerosene and headed for the exit.

Nobody was at the gate except one lady on a horse. I say "Open" and she says a full sentence that I can understand! She was a cousin of mine! I was happy to see another Gu, and tell her that I'm sort of stuck in here. She looks at my cart and asks "Are you...stealing their oil?...", before I could reply someone came by and opened the gate and I bolted it for my hometown.

When I got back I told everyone that I just stole a bunch of oil and jokingly asked if I was cool yet, and they said yes. I was about to go back to wasting my life trying to make ketchup but then I hear someone get stabbed. I run over there and see like two more stabbings by one person for what seemed to be no reason. People were asking her why she did it and she didn't respond so I decide to kill her.

She tells everyone I was a greifer, I tell everyone why I killed her but they don't listen and try to stab me. Luckily I found a horse, got on, and got out of that town and headed to the Hazelwood town. When I got there there was nobody at the gate, I waited and waited but nobody opened it or talked to me or even saw me. I was getting old by now, and after a while I decide to head back to my hometown, hoping they had forgotten me, or wold think I was too old for them to be bothered to kill me, or something, and I would be able to say my goodbyes or at least be around people I knew.

I got back to town on my horse, and nobody seems to be trying to kill me, so I get off my horse and as soon of my foot hits the ground everyone yells things like "There he is!" "That's the one!". I ran back to my horse but some girl got on before I did and rode away, I bolt it for the exit, and make it. I escaped and this time I was never going back there, and it was here, as I was running out of the town, where I said what would be my last words, "My god this family is not gonna last much longer".  I was very old at this point, so I do the only thing I could and head back to Hazelwood once more.

Again, nobody was at the gate. I waited by the gate and hoped somebody would open it, but nobody did. I died of old age right outside of the town.

Thank you, Jim. Thank you so much for saving me when I was born. If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened. Thank you.

#2 Main Forum » When the last lady's hair goes grey » 2019-05-08 07:24:32

Replies: 6



#3 Main Forum » Why are monoliths still in the game? » 2019-05-02 02:32:14

Replies: 3

I can still put gold in them and all that, but they literally do nothing...why are they still here?

#4 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for Radio Communication (Spoilers) » 2019-01-12 10:48:44

lionon wrote:

This way they can deliver supplies, weapons, or females to repopulate.

Why should they, and how should they know where it comes from?

That's my main problem with this whole thing, how is anyone supposed to tell where anyone is?

#5 Main Forum » How far will we go? » 2019-01-09 13:55:18

Replies: 0

As in technology, will we stop at nukes? I'm pretty sure Jason plans on going to futuristic stuff eventually, but how far into the future will we go?

#6 Main Forum » Does picking up a block and putting it back reset the timer? » 2018-12-30 02:33:29

Replies: 4

Example: So you have an endstone pillar thing whatever it's called, and that takes SIX hours to start seeping, however you can pick up the block from the one beneath it and place it back, question is: does doing so reset the six hour timer? Same goes for bell towers.

#7 Main Forum » Are penguins ever going to get a use? » 2018-12-05 22:02:05

Replies: 6

I have been playing the game for a long time now and it seems that since the beginning penguins just sorta...stand there and don't really do anything, is that ever going to change?

#8 Re: Main Forum » (potential) Megathread: Recap Your Last Life » 2018-12-03 23:39:18 … id=2217539

I was born in a jungle, and my mother had me sit there because the temp was good, she then birthed out my sister and told me that we really need an axe, so as I grew hair I set off to do that.

Luckily they already had two steel ingots, one for the hammer, one for the axe head. So I got to work, as I was doing this I sealed the kiln as someone by the name of Zachary was making plates and bowls, and he yelled at me and took the hammer.

Once I finally got the other steel ingot (after accidentally interupting Zacharys things multiple times) he took out his hammer and bashed it until it became a shovel head, we both yelled at eachother for a while and eventually I went back to making the axe.

I found a crucible, forged it, and told Zach that if he messes it up again, we are all dead, thankfully he made it an axe but he was still angry at me.

After a lot of deforestation I saw Zach yelling at my sister because she screwed up something he was doing, I decided that was the last straw, and out of fear he would go on some murder rampage I set off to make a bow and arrow, after hiding from Zach and hoping he doesn't see me, it was complete.

So I went back into town with it and looked for Zach, I found him, I tried to kill him but he got away and ran off, and I quickly made another arrow, and looked for him.

Me and my mom and sister all agreed that he probably went off to make a weapon, but we all also agreed to kill him, so my mom made me another arrow but it wasn't necessary as I had hid behind a tree and alt tabbed out, checked the site and saw that Zach had died, I told everyone the news and we got back to work as usual.

My mother at this point was very, very old to the point where she was about to die, after she died it was just me and my sister. And my sister told me she wanted to get boxes (for some unknown reason) and for that she needed a froe, she didn't know how to smith so I set off to find iron, after finding some I went back and made a froe, but I forgot the mallet, and that needed an adze, and that meant one more iron, as I left I saw she gave birth to a girl.

So I set off but the Problem was there was no iron for miles! I couldn't find any, and by the time I got back my sister was too old to have kids, and she said all hope was lost and that the kid died because she tried to eat raw pies, I asked her if we should just die but she wanted to live till sixty.

because all hope was lost I decided to do one last thing before I died, I got my bow and arrow and told her I was going to kill geese, and as she was talking I shot her and she said "Have fun in real life, satanic piece of shit."

As my life was coming to a close, I spent my last few years burying my mother, and marking it, and I died shortly after.

#9 Main Forum » Idea for family trees » 2018-12-01 22:41:19

Replies: 2

First of all when I say "family trees" I mean the thing where you can see your ancestors and they're last words and cause of death and such.

So I thought of an idea, what if you could click something when you select someone that would take you to a thing where you could read every action they did, for example.

"John Smith planted a carrot seed" or "John Smith watered a languishing gooseberry bush" or "John Smith said: Bear in the east!" things like that.

I think this is an interesting idea, maybe there could be a filter system, so you could see more important things John Smith did, like stabbing someone or cursing someone or shooting an animal, and maybe it could pick out what that person did the most and say they were that job.

For example, let's say that John Smith spent most of his life taking care of the berry farm, so it would say he was a berry farmer, or if he spent most of his life making tools it would say he was a blacksmith.

#10 Main Forum » I haven't been able to play for a long while, what's new? » 2018-11-27 23:34:25

Replies: 5

So basically, things went very wrong for my computer and I had no choice but to format it, twice actually, anyway the point is I haven't been able to play OHOL since just before the update with the paint, I have been keeping up with the news so I have a basic idea of what has been added but I don't know the details of how they all work, and how to do things in them right, I am very close to being able to play this game again so can anyone explain, in detail, what has been added?

Specifically, I need to know what new things there are to craft, how to craft them and what they do, I need to know about any new dangers there are (if any) and generally how the new things work so that I don't go back in looking like a noob.

#11 Re: Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 02:28:58

Tea wrote:

Have the same problem ^^

Where you Eve Echard ?

Update : It only shows you a hatchet but it stays a berry bush. You can continue to pick berries and after you picked two or three, it will go back into a berry bush with only one berry missing.

All the berries will disappear once you've picked two berries out of the magic berry bush.

Yeah, I was Eve Echard, I guess the bushes have become sentient and are ending us all, and somehow they learned how to change form into a hatchet.

#12 Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 02:00:42

Replies: 19

I keep spawning as an eve or kid of an eve, and all the berry bushes turn into hatchets when I pick a berry, can anyone explain?

#15 Main Forum » Is the OHOL planet earth? » 2018-08-25 01:33:56

Replies: 10

It doesn't seem like earth, mainly because there are no oceans, not even rivers or lakes and also it is hundreds of times bigger than heckin jupiter, and all the random biomes everywhere. What would it even look like from space?

#16 Main Forum » The cult of lil pump » 2018-08-21 01:52:16

Replies: 0

Around a month ago,

I was born in a village in a big swamp, it was owned by the flower family, and my mother named me Barbara, my full name was Barbara Flower III.

I had one goal, be the memiest, most cringy being alive. So as soon as I could live on my own I said: "Yeet gucci gang gucci gang yeet boiiiiii" my mother responded by saying "Oh god, where's the knife?"

It started simple, I was simply farming with some yeets and bois every now and then, and as my grandmother, alexander, was dying I roasted her about her being old and someone else actually called her old too and I said: "Roasted!"

As I grew older things seemed to get worse, everyone was finding all the yeets and such funny, so I did it more and eventually I started saying "HAIL LIL PUMP YEET YEET" and then everyone else would be saying the same thing, then the wards arrived. At this point it was just an eve and I yelled "OUTSIDER OUTSIDER!" I tried to convince everyone to kill her so that she wouldn't disrupt anything but luckily she died on her own.

But her kids didn't

But that's important for later, what's important for now is that I came across a baby girl being held by her mother and I told the mother that I will raise, kill, and cook a goose for her to eat and that it MUST be done, the mother agreed that it had to be done so I got that goose and cooked it as fast as I could and gave it to the child, who could eat on her own at this point. As she ate it me and the mother kept saying "Yeet" over and over and when she finished we both said: "Goooooood yeet yeet" and probably over half the town joined in and said yeet with us

After that I was questioning if I was proud if this or not, or if I should be, but shortly after I had a kid,  now I had kids before but none of them were as important as this one, I tried to name him boi but the game named him Bohen. I picked him up and said to everyone that this kid would be important and that he must be protected at all costs.

But then I noticed that there weren't that many people left around, no flowers anyway...there were only wards, one daughter from the eve lived to have three or so kids, her name was Abby. We talked about her and her family worshiping lil pump but she wouldn't listen, she hated me and my families religion, and she had a knife. At one point she called lil pump gay and I yelled "BLASPHEMY!" And ran off to make a bow and arrow, I managed to make it without her finding out and I shot her while yelling "REVELATIONS!" and then we cursed each other.

But there were still her kids to take care of so I took the knife and gave it to Bohen and told him to kill every Ward he could find as they ran off to hide, and I stayed at the town with the bow and arrow. About five or ten minutes later Bohen came back and said all of them were dead, so now me and Bohen were the last two people left in the entire place and I was getting very, very old to the point where I was about to die, so I was going to give the bow and arrow to Bohen and tell him that this place was his now and that he shall live his life in peace.

But in my rush to tell him before I died, I shot him while trying to give him the bow and arrow, and then I died.

So moral of the story is: don't worship lil pump or everyone dies.

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