One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [DISCUSS] Zoomed Out FOV mod - discontinuation? » 2018-11-27 10:22:49

Studies have shown that its not violent video game that make people violent.

Its games with bad controls, bad feedback, and responsiveness, that drive player frustration up radically. There is nothing rewarding about barely letting players see three rows of verticality. Especially in a world where seeds dont stack and consume an entire tile.

Holding spacebar for freezing the camera was a wonderful step in the right direction, but -
Jason, If you truly hate the idea of the zoom mod, can we at least squint in a direction for some increased visibility? Hold control or space and mouse to the edge of the screen to see a couple extra rows in one direction? I hate the mentality of hamstringing players ability to act and react to the world for a more "accurate simulation". It feels like we are only taken from, and what we get in exchange is always more work, more  (horizontal, not vertical) recipes, more things to learn, more clutter to destroy the base, more resources to mismanage between the many. Throw us a bone, enough is enough.

Edit: I dont want to come off with pure negativity, so besides squinting in a direction for partially increased visibility (at the cost of mobility?) I have another idea to offer: Let the small children and babies see the world in that claustrophobic 3x6 view. They're small. They don't see much from their angle. As people grow to adult size, they should be able to see more of what is happening around them. An infant, and a man in the prime of his life, should not look at the horizon and see the same thing.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Make seeds stack » 2018-11-27 07:14:33

+1 for every clutter elimination suggestion. There is nothing fun about cleaning up a virtual room of 10 pixel by 10 pixel garbage, especially when its because of an arbitrary game limitation.

Jason, please.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Eating dry bean pod for one food pip, tile cleaning » 2018-11-27 07:13:01

+1 for any and every clutter eliminating solution. These are game breakers in my book.

Jason, please.

#4 Re: Main Forum » From Donkey Town to the Village » 2018-11-27 07:08:11

Criken, tomato, and that crew of content makers opened up some floodgates for us. Teaching can be a fun intimate experience between a couple or a few people.

But we're talking triplets and twins being a regular occurence. Towns of 20+ in rapid boom-bust cycles. And in the chaos no one wants to learn. They want to survive.

It is my most hated role to play, but after a couple villages, I was tired of seeing people picking every last berry bush and carrot row clean, with no fed sheep or compost in sight. As the sheep butcher I stood watch over the precious few berries left. And some kid started feeding everyone in sight with them. So I stabbed him. I explained what I was doing and why, that the field needed guarding...and I got stabbed...and even a point of curse or two in response to it.

The next life, I was helping in an eve settlement. While trapping I had children far from town and just decided to talk to some potential day 1 new players. One boy I spoke with for quite awhile. Said he had been trapping before, but no one had taught him. So I explained family rabbit holes to him...Then he asked me how to make a knife

"For tra-ppin-g"

...There is no need for a knife in rabbit trapping. Maybe he didn't know skinning was done with flint, or maybe it was a new player who thinks this is a kill or be killed world. (If you are truly in need of self defense, a bow can be made long before a knife). The whole experience left me unsettled, and I was not sad at all when he didn't survive the trip back to town. Knowing someone is trying to figure out how to get their hands on a weapon just for the sake of having a weapon... WITH LITTLE BASE GAME KNOWLEDGE is the fastest way to lose all trust. I don't want to teach you, you will only use the knowledge to survive on your own and murder from afar for all I know.

I have not had a truly rewarding teaching experience in awhile. The only time it ever happens now is in a camp or village where everyone else has died and amongst the remaining couple of players, there is time, freedom, and resources to sufficiently teach someone something and have them do it. But in the towns of 20+ players, many of which new, its a chaos shitstorm.

I hate going violent in this game, truly, but even I'm driven to freaking out and stabbing people when the resources are desecrated so carelessly. And if that ends up landing me in Donkey Town, then I think I've lost touch with this "new playerbase" completely. This isn't the game I bought in early 2018.

#5 Re: Main Forum » White Roses » 2018-06-14 18:25:55

Special roses > crown. Something everyone actually gets to enjoy. I wish they could be more then grave markers.

Make clay pots a thing for seed storage, and allow them to serve as vases for roses.

#6 Re: Main Forum » How to grief effectively - a strategy guide » 2018-06-14 18:24:27

Are you trying to be joirom and prove something here?

I hold a grudge in both cases.

Maybe changes will get implemented eventually, but not before souring the game for countless people and making this community smaller. Good job.

#7 Re: Main Forum » The Log Thief » 2018-06-13 10:59:25

Firewood and stumps are for fires. Log are for boards. Sure logs burn in the fire, but they are a limited resource so burning them for fuel is a poor choice. Best bet is to grab a cart and load it with firewood. Stumps can also be dug up and chopped into kindling. Unlike branches, they have no other usage, so don't be afraid to burn stumps!

Rose wrote:

There was plaenty of roots around.  YOU should be stabbed...

How about you try teaching the uninformed before threatening death first? Clearly there was a gap in his knowledge. People like you are ruining this game. Killing your problems because its easier then teaching them. Shame on you.

Edit: Triple post?  Just edit your posts!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Is food too plentiful now? » 2018-06-13 10:52:41

Food is ok now, I guess. Potatoes and cabbage never get touched though.

Clutter however, is worse then ever. With all these different seeds, different vegetables requiring several bowls (that cannot be emptied once inserted), items like corn and rose requiring time on the ground to change, graveyards are ALL hampering a towns ability to expand.

Too few people can have an effect on far too many. In addition to more storage options, we need to be able to reverse more things a griefer or unaware person can do. Too many early camps have starved because someone put corn kernels or something into bowls. Carrots can be removed from bowls, why not other food stuffs?

Core systems of communication and storage need addressed ASAP ore OHOL will continue to bleed players.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Venus Epifanio - From Billy Epifanio » 2018-06-12 11:27:45

My beloved! They all survived for another 20 generations. Our efforts weren't for naught. In fact we probably saved the new few generations. I only wish I could have done more for you sooner.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Bye all - griefers won » 2018-06-12 00:44:28

sc0rp wrote:

- one less player.

dont leave me bby.

u were my bby that one time remember? wasnt that fun?

#11 Re: Main Forum » To my relatives in the sheep pen » 2018-06-12 00:41:10

renzikins wrote:

I just wanted to help.  When I asked what I did wrong, you said "whatever".  How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes if you just shut me down?

Sorry for messing up, I guess.

Were you a little girl named lisa?

What happened very recently was, we had no compost in our old dying town. Everyone was eating berries, and we had few carrots around so getting the food to feed sheep (and regrow that food as well!) was getting very difficult.

-A sheep that has been sheared will regrow its wool when fed. Once it has wool it will make lamb babies, but they will die if not fed.

-A lamb that is fed will grow up big, pooping, which is needed for compost, which is needed for all crops. It also produces shearable wool when it grows to adult size. Therefore it is far more efficient to only feed lambs. Period.

-When you shear the only adult sheep while we are in a food crisis,  you are delaying how long it takes to get poop, therefore compost, therefore food crops, while also wasting more food to get that poop! You're slapping that society in the face*. My wife earlier was very tired and stabbed a little girl who did that on us. She wasn't the first one who did it either in our lifetimes. We were working really hard to get the sheep population and compost farm back up.

Just because you can do something does NOT mean you should! Watch closely first! Ask for tips or help. You might get ignored, but you wont be despised for jumping in and messing something up! There's often so much to do its hard for more experienced players to stop and explain every single step. That does not mean we don't try to! but when its food crisis famine time, I want to work, not talk! We talk when we have carts full of pies. Talking is a luxury in this game of pain in the ass communication. Just like carts of pies.

*If you have lots of poop but no compost, maybe you should be using those carrots and berries for compost instead. That could get some people upset. The more you play the more you will see how much resources are needed where, for things to go smoothly.

#12 Main Forum » Venus Epifanio - From Billy Epifanio » 2018-06-12 00:17:55

Replies: 2
Billy Epifanios wrote:

...So is this like a blood pact or something?...

Hello Epifanios. This is Billy. Not Bill. Billy, gen 13. … &id=309838

My dearly beloved wife. It was a village of chaos, decay, rapidly diminishing resources, and poorly managed soil causing a nasty downhill plunge for what looked to once be a pretty nice developing town. Skeletons and clothes everywhere. No milkweed farm.

    You were fierce. You were tired. You were sick of it all. I was pretty tired myself, but not like you, yet seeing you persevere was admirable. Watching everyone squander our resources and not help replenish them, or worse hinder our efforts by messing something up...our only sheep sheared - THREE TIMES! We did our very best trying to restore the wheat fields which some chump wiped out on us. To get those sheep fed. To get precious compost we needed. As we grew, I did my best to relieve your stresses. You asked for berries, I brought you bowls, and fixed a neglected berry branch farm in the southwest section of town. For you! When carrots were no where to be found we grew them back.

   Mother noticed my efforts working hard, and stopped me one day "Billy!" She took out an arrow of her pack to show me, then put it back and dropped the bag at my feet, with a couple extra arrows.
"Uhhh- Thanks!" Oh nooo. Here we go again.
"I warn you mom, I only use these in defense and to hunt" Jynxed myself bad there.
"It's ok you earned it"

Time passed, we struggled with some success in our composting efforts, but waiting for wheat to grow was tedious. But alas, I sensed something click in both of us when that little girl (Lisa) sheared our last sheep we were waiting for a lamb on, and you lost it. Your sheparding knife went straight into her chest. I wasn't sure who I should try and calm in that situation. Explain to the kid their error before they bleed out?? No, she was running away... I tried to calm beautiful Venus down, nostrils still flaring.

"That was...a little harsh...""...maybe she actually didn't know?" I say to Venus. Who really knows?

But I understood your frustration all too well! Even wailing children were beginning to wear on you, snapping at them. Yet, as I passed by you while working at one point, I saw "Marry me." over your head. I was quite surprised, as angry as you were earlier, you didn't seem the marriage type. The man next to you was humbled, and honored, as he should be! "If you'd have me!" he cheerfully replied.

But you wouldn't have him! "Wrong person" "Me!?!" "Alright!!"

  And it was official. Two tired, grizzled hard workers trying to fix up a dying town! Together! I took an arrow out of my bag as she held her knife. "So is this like a blood pact or something?" Mother (I think?) ran by and was concerned. I had to jest I was just joking with my new wife! You had already proven yourself incredibly competent, if maybe a little tempered. But I liked that. I needed that. I'm bad at making those harsh decisions, you were a great offset.

At some point a griever had come up. I forget his story. Someone killed someone and I killed them. In plain sight of people. Damnit, why do I always become a guard? Oh well, it usually goes well. Thanks Mom. I just hate having the need for one. But then a cruel twist of fate struck you, my beloved wife, the only thing I couldn't protect in the end.

...You had a son, and you named him Bill! As your husband, Billy, I thought it a touching sentiment. Until the little creep punk started running around with a bow and arrow in town. People didn't directly address it, but were clearly uncomfortable and on edge. He tried to cover his ass by saying "we need goose?" "file"

"No" came from three separate gathering mouths on screen at once. We had bow-saws, carts, and mutton. We had a couple of knives in a couple players' hands, my beautiful wife Venus the shepard, naturally had one for culling the lambs... and the deficient children who shear our last sheep while in a food crisis... And Venus approached us while were telling this creeper he had no reason for a goose or bow.

He shot you the instant you walked on screen. Either bad luck, or more likely, he spotted your knife. I had to rummage my pack for an arrow but quickly picked up another bow on screen and shot him dead. I failed to protect the only thing I wanted to. The only lotus flower in the shit town who was trying to make the place bloom again. Her idiot son, named after me, killed my beloved wife. And I told him to never come back as he bled. He laughed as he died. I laughed on his skeleton. I know Venus would not want to be buried, nor would I -  The graveyards were already ridiculous. (I noticed three busted up shovels in three big graveyards. None by compost/pen when I was a baby) Cremation/bonemeal when Jason?

   Sorry, I'm rambling... just like I did as a widow in that town, weeping about the loss of our fierce precious jewel Venus. I took your knife, Venus - and along with Mother's arrows, I was alone. We clicked so well, and that's a rare lovely experience, especially as two tired old players. There were maybe five of us left at that point, and a single fertile female remained - also named Lisa, like the girl you stabbed that ruined our sheep pen again- as I wept your loss, and told the tale of my dead wife to any of us few left who would hear, Lisa approached me and said "I will be your new one" … _id=309838
"Its too soon Lisa"

   I was getting to my balding stages. I was sad and tired, much like my dead ex-wife was. I worked with the carrots, berries, and wheat for a bit, dejected, before Lisa came running by with a baby girl in her arms "Murderer"! She didn't even stop, and for good reason. Chasing right behind her was Bart Epifiano, wielding a knife. They ran right by me. If I had not moved at that instant I would've been stabbed. Not wanting to do the awful knife dance with Bart, I removed mine from my pack, and quickly knocked an arrow into a nearby bow. You ran by again, and it took him awhile to catch up, but he turned around the instant he saw I had a bow. I caught him as he tried to pass through the sheep pen. The revelation after still eludes me. You were shocked to see it was your brother Bart. You thought I was the killer. Bart confessed he "jus wanted..." "to die". What? Go starve you jerk. You were going to kill your sister and/or her only baby girl alive. … _id=309838

   Lisa turned to me, daughter in arms. I knew I'd have to be strong now. "I thought you were killer." she said. Cant blame her. Bill the bloody Kid was named after me.
"No, I've stopped three of them already." before adding "-one killed my wife, this is her knife"
I knew what you were going to say, and overlapped my speech bubble deliberately on top of yours for the daughter's sake.
"I'm your w-"
"Your my wife now..." and then to the sweet babe in her arms "...and you my daughter"

  Sky, my daughter, I am so sorry you didn't get the time and love you deserved. As you began walking I checked up on you to see you had completely fixed the northern berry farm! I cooked you the baskets of pie I made and promised - from me and Venus' efforts in the wheat field and sheep pen. But in the end, the sheep pen had holes that didn't get fixed properly. The last sheep wandered out. Lisa was doing her best to fill in Venus' role at the wheat field and pen. What she lacked in Venus' fierceness and experience she made up for in kindness. She had the murderer's knife now. We put carrot fields inside the sheep pen to try and get straggling sheep to wander back in. We managed to get a little extra compost after getting the berry/carrot/wheat production stabilized.

My end was my regret. I told Lisa I was going to give our beautiful daughter my knife. She seemed competent and nice enough. I'd rather my only daughter could defend herself. But alas, I bumped an item on a desert tile as I ran to her and lost my temp too late, and died of starvation at 57 years of age. I died hoping she or Lisa would find it, and not that other guy running around, or some creepy kid like Bill who would go on to commit parricide/matricide. As I look on the family tree now I see she lived to old age. That makes me proud. But I worry for her grandkids. Unless a few of them fix sheep and compost fast, the doom is near. I'm crossing my fingers for you little Epifanios!!!

Damn you Bill the kid

#13 Re: Main Forum » Duncy » 2018-06-11 16:41:11

BlackPaladin wrote:

Moving uses energy, so you have to eat more.


Usually it's fine to move as a baby is if your mom places you on a tile that's cold, and the tile next to it has a heat index more towards the center, but more experienced players tend to know which tile in their town is best for heat when they do place you.


Temp run. Stand on tile with temperature perfectly in middle. Like a campfire in a green biome, or a tile on edge of desert. TEmp does not update until your character rests on a new tile, at which point the updated info on temperature and calorie consumption will then be applied after. So what do you do? Never stop moving, your temp (and with it, calorie consumption) will not update. You can travel relatively far without needing to stop and eat. It's often better to keep running then to stop and eat. Sure you might get 6 hunger from that berry you stopped to eat, but now your hunger bars only last a few seconds now since you lost your warm temp, as opposed to the twenty seconds they lasted prior while warm. You will lose most of that hunger you gained by stopping to eat a berry by the time you would've lost ONE point of hunger if you had not stopped moving.

So how do we use this? As a baby? Explore home! Good moms are often busy and can't give every child a full tour. You can walk around camp for 30-50 seconds safely as a newborn fed baby with perfect temp. And that goes up rapidly with each bar of hunger. Not only will moms not be overfeeding you by picking you up every ten seconds  at the fire(Often with multiple moms repeatedly picking up other kids, including the ones the other moms just fed) you'll also be getting a huge leg up on productivity for your lifetime. By the time you hit working age you can know where most important location are in a settlement.

How many times have you just been raised at a campfire, with no tour, only to be told to farm and get dropped off there by mom, with no idea where water, compost, or any of the supplies to make compost are. I can't understate how much doing this saves food and increases your own productivity, and often with that, a town's food supply, down the road!!

And use it always when doing chores. Running for reeds, iron, wood? Leave from a campfire or desert edge tile, you'll go through dramatically less food on the trip. Use it to survive famine waves. Use it to flee from murderers and start your family anew.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Duncy » 2018-06-11 16:29:32

Lotus wrote:

What’s wrong with moving?

Every time a breastfeeder picks you up, they lose a bar of hunger. If you maintain perfect temperature, you've got over a minute, even as a freshly fed newborn, before you need to feed again. Following mom around saying F and making her pick you up more is a gargantuan waste of food. Either stay in her arms or  on a warm tile while she (hopefully) stays busy and productive.

Never jump out of mom's (or nurse's) arms. She will waste more hunger picking you back up. A common sentiment of expierienced players is to leave the wrigglers.
If your mom says stay, stay. But don't be afraid to go to spot ON SCREEN AND IN SIGHT OF MOTHER that offers perfect temp.

I always put my kids down on such a tile. If they leave and follow me I yell at them and explain why I did what I did. Maybe they didn't know? Maybe they'll never know unless someone tells em. Just letting them starve and learn nothing is a bit cruel. As least give them the nugget of knowledge they desperately need to make thing a little easier for them (and you) next time.

BlackPaldin is incorrect. Movement does not use calories. But staying on a tile thats too hot or cold, or forcing your mother to pick you up too much is a BIG calorie waster.

Conversely, don't be a dumb mom, either hold your children or put them on a perfect temp tile. Seeing moms who pick up children every ten seconds at a campfire makes me cry inside.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Possible way to deal with the murders? » 2018-06-11 16:03:18

sc0rp wrote:
Stankysteve wrote:

P.S. Murder is the least extreme form of griefing. It's obvious, it cripples you to do (slow movement no eating), and vengance often comes. There are so many far more evil devious long-term harmful ways to harm a society then picking a couple people off a generation.

It eradicates whole lineages (it's doesn't matter that 10 gens defended against greifer, 11h did not and everything built by all gens is lost). Griefers can fail dozens of time.  It's enough that they succeed once, to wipe out everything.

eradicated lineages => no nice towns
no nice towns => no place for new player to learn stuff (It's too hectict to teach in first few gens. And as Eve you can learn only so much.)

You know how murder deaths make up like 3% of deaths? Murderers who kill an entire lineage are even rarer. It so easy to escape a murderer. As soon as you see a weapon come out in a crowded place in town, just run. Its not hard to forage for a few years, or live in a branch camp from a larger settlement.

You know what's far worse? Putting wheat or squash in every tilled row. Murdering every sheep. Destroying sheep pens. Picking all the berries to burn through a towns dirt and water. Let beans and carrots all seed. Hell if it a big town you can cripple pie production by stealing one of precious few branches left for wheat threshing. Hide the waterskins. Bury every bone you see. Fill an entire town with milkweed or corn seeds. Run carts full of baskets to hidden places. It's really not hard to ruin a society (which I hate, even the innocent mess up a ton of stuff through ignorance!)

Killing someone is the least form of grieving. Even if you snuff out a lineage, "salting the earth", squandering resources leftover, and making it uninhabitable for anyone who comes after is a far deadlier form of griefing. Why aim for a couple females when you can cripple an entire civ and anyone and everyone who comes to it after, family or not?

EDIT: I'm begging to think this society "simulator" is failing its simulation.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Possible way to deal with the murders? » 2018-06-11 13:10:33

Because the game has a steeply growing learning curve.
-It getting harder and harder for new players to figure out what to do in a world of increasingly complex recipes.
-Its getting harder to teach because the expanding, growing, recipes are giving other experienced players little free time to talk and teach
-Most pro players don't talk socially much anyways, they're just dedicated worker bees. And they get tired of working for newer players who do not know how to return the effort because they have not been taught properly.
-New players who live in a developed camp who do not know how to contribute, yet find themselves surrounded by foods in excess (pie and stew for days) they are far more likely to pick up a weapon out of boredom.

You're right jason, without a struggle for survival, people turn on eachother. The problem is the "struggle" is not a struggle for pro players. Its a herculean effort for new players though, to the point that it's becomming a wall. 14,000 people have become a couple hundred because 13,800 don't like wiki-diving and wasting time scrolling through a 31 option menu with tab ingame to see their crafting options. This game is becoming more and more niche. The murderers who love to murder will get bored and move on to another game. The new players who want to learn will get frustrated and move on to another game. And then just the fifty of us who spent many hours and many lifetimes teaching ourselves how to play will be lonely and bored and move on to another game.

P.S. Murder is the least extreme form of griefing. It's obvious, it cripples you to do (slow movement no eating), and vengance often comes. There are so many far more evil devious long-term harmful ways to harm a society then picking a couple people off a generation.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Spoiled Kids » 2018-06-09 21:30:25

Oooooo people asking for clothes in a desert home when there is no milkweed farm is THE WORST.

Wait no, actually making wearing those clothes, especially from material you gathered, in the desert home, while there is no milkweed farm, while tools are needed, and then going on to eat all the food of your labors because they ****ed up their the worst, you're right.

EDIT: For typos and to make the situation worse.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Bug or Chance for an Easter Egg » 2018-06-09 21:22:12

YAHG wrote:

Here I was... thinking I was subtle about the beating the dead Horse joke big_smile

I saw it as you setting it up for me to knock 'em down. Cowboy.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Spoiled Kids » 2018-06-09 20:41:22

I was born to an Eve earlier who clearly wasn't very experienced. Her ignorance and entitlement expressed ingame were incredibly frustrating to deal with. She was raising every kid, and a farm was barely even set up at my birth as a middle child. Ten kids she had. Two suicided. Only myself - a female, and two brothers made it past childhood, the other half of her kids died, but not before growing to childhood and eating a lot of the food first. She also wasn't good with temp, and kept picking up kids wayyy too fast,  wasting a lot of her own food.

As soon as I could, I ran far and foraged away from home to wait out the starvation. It worked. I returned as a tween to see her still pumping out and feeding  the last of her starving kids, for a brief time before the last one grows, wanders off, and dies looking for food. I quickly went to help with the farm, learned how beans work from bro, prepared food and went to gathering wood for metal tools and pottery. Mind you now at this point I've already asked Mom several times to gather iron and wood, and she has flat out refused, saying she is old and her work days are behind her. She is not that old, she just hit meno, and she's just standing around. I was working on pottery when my first kid popped out, a boy. I would keep him on a warm desert tile while I worked. I had just fired up the kiln and got a couple bowls done when Momma Eve comes over to ruin everything.

"Omg a grandson!!!!!"
"Name him!"
"Feed him!"

At this point she's standing in the way of the kiln, on top/in front of wet pottery I'm trying to get to. I knew the kid had a minute before he needed feeding. Brother comes over and asks me to wait so he can gather more clay first. We already have enough to efficiently cook at once. Mom won't shutup.

"OMG!!! FEED HIM!!!!!!!!!" She feeds him one of our few grown carrots she did nothing to grow. He was not saying F.
"Name him!" I was going to, but my work is being interrupted.

She's not moving off the pottery. I name him the first quick thing I can think of "You are bee". Turns out it became "Becky". Now she starts ranting about what a terrible mother I am, to name a boy Becky, and how I should've named him after big brother.
Another kid pops out. She still wont move, help, or shut up. I still cant cook the pottery. I'm getting anxious now, I freak out. I feed the first kid, I put him down on a perfect temp tile, I pick up the new one and run away fast, kiln still fired up. I loop around a tangential biome and vent my frustration to the kid before running back to see Momma Eve still going on a tirade.

"OMG My poor grandson! Would've died if it weren't for me..."
No, he was fine. You're only dooming him, by feeding food I could eat to breastfeed him later efficiently if you would just shut up and stay out of the way. Clearly asking you to contribute anything is too much. I don't want to hear her ramblings go on, and she has already wasted too much time and resources. Starvation is imminent yet again. I run away with the second son, after feeding the first son a final time, he can move now.

I go back to where I foraged as a child and start to explain to the second son what's up, as a daughter pops out. At this point my mom has doomed me to repeat her own tragic history. Straddling bushes and burdocks in the wild with a pile of children. She prevented me from working at home, and while I try to keep all the children I can, I'm not an idiot who can't see food income and longevity accordingly. Doom was imminent. I was so frustrated at this point I no longer cared. I had second son follow me back after a couple minutes with food in hand while I carried daughter, hoping Mom was dead.

She was not quite yet. Brother was still working hard, bless him. Thank you for teaching me beans, bro. Praise the heavens I hit menopause after having another daughter, and resumed my pottery and forge work as I had before. I had only gotten a hammer made and the last of a couple irons out of the near biome, when the inevitable starvation hit me too, too far from food, too busy with work, with not enough food scattered around - Not enough food in general. I didn't see her get old in those final years. I outlasted her and can only hope she starved miserably. I'm happy yet very surprised the family even made it to 6 generations before starving out. Must've been someone resourceful in there who escaped the craziness like I did as a kid, only without an insane idiot harpy of a mother.

I love people in this game and I love fostering relationships, be it social gameplay or roleplay. I hate being exclusive. But this individual was incredibly rude, entitled, lazy, and moody. I should've suicided as a baby once I saw what kind of mother she was - you would think a momma Eve would want to do everything she can for her daughter, for the future, not directly antagonize her, - the only daughter who was smart enough to escape her vacuum of a gaping maw, sucking up all the food in a 3 biome diameter. We made it 6 generations, Momma Eve, despite your efforts to stop us completely from doing so.

#20 Re: Main Forum » I KILLED SUNSHINE, DELPHIA. (Butt Family) » 2018-06-09 04:00:58

Looks like the Butts are dead. RIP. I will bring them back.


#22 Re: Main Forum » I KILLED SUNSHINE, DELPHIA. (Butt Family) » 2018-06-09 02:51:41

Let me get my post from missed connections in here

stankysteve wrote:

Glad to see the Woloszyk family is going strong! I was Bobby Wolosyzk, the only surviving female of gen 2. A pseudo eve, I got the camp started from the beginning. Momma Eve starved at middle age … &id=279039

Once food income was sufficient I spent my elderly days telling the kids where stuff was in the area and making runs for wood to get our tools forged, which a child of mine was handling well. I've not been back in the family yet, not being an Eve, the lineage ban has barred me out. Are you all eating well? Are there sheep and composting yet? Don't catch a cold or have a heat stroke!

Love you Wolosyzks! You're all my beloved children. Grow, thrive, expand!

Edit: Looks like hungry bears (likely lured) into town and a couple of murderers killed the family tree after 12 generations. Yippee hmm

Edit: The Wolosyzks crossed paths with the Butt family - late in the wolosyzk tree, early in the butt tree (lol). I think the Butts may've taken over the camp after the Wolosyzks died out. I became Queeny Butt.

If the Wolosyzk settlement became the Butt's, I couldn't be any happier. I've never been able to confirm a camp of mine turned into a big fat town before. If this is truly the case, I'm proud, slightly of myself, but luck, and more importantly wonderful family, is the much bigger factor.

#23 Re: Main Forum » I KILLED SUNSHINE, DELPHIA. (Butt Family) » 2018-06-09 02:28:45

Oooo Tell me everything you know about Baby Butts! I just threw an edit on my last post, but I think I actually founded this town as a different family, the Wolosyzks. Baby Butt's name shows up in that tree, and I was the mother of all Wolosyzks. Not the Eve, but the only living female of Gen 2 -Bobby Wolosyzk. If we go way down the tree Baby Butt appears. … _id=279039

If we go way up the Butt tree (lol) we see Soccorro Wolosyzk, looks like he ended Baby Butt's killing spree, who killed several Wolosyzk and Butt alike. … _id=279039

#24 Re: Main Forum » I KILLED SUNSHINE, DELPHIA. (Butt Family) » 2018-06-09 02:17:05

karltown_veteran wrote:

I feel bad it caused so much trouble. I didn’t think anyone would care, but no. People bugged me about it from the start. I didn’t make it for status or anything like that, just that I had never made a crown, and I felt that since I’d farmed for the larger portion of my life I deserved a break.

Aww, that's the real tragedy here, especially since it was your first time making one for yourself.  I guess crowns aren't meant to go on big_smile

-ily gma

EDIT: Upon further inspection of the family tree, some Wolosyzks killed some Butts early on, and vice versa! I was the only surviving female of gen 2, the pseudo eve. I wonder if the butts inherited the Wolosyzks town?! They ended up dying out 4-5 hours ago. Butts in the second generation were being killed by Wolosyzks. I think either an eve wandered into our dying settlement and inherited it, after the early murder and grizzly bears got sorted out, and took over. The other possibility is that one of my Wolosyzk descendants wandered off and found a Butt camp just getting started, and had some family mingling as the Wolo tree died out. Very exciting either way to see continuity between my two family lines!

#25 Re: Main Forum » I KILLED SUNSHINE, DELPHIA. (Butt Family) » 2018-06-09 02:07:16

dana wrote:

Ah! So it was a succession crisis! I was a child assassin, raised to kill Sunshine, a former rival for the crown that Delphia felt bitter towards! Easily my most exciting life. May Delphia's line live on!

I uhh...didn't have any kids ^^;; It was a relief honestly, since there were plenty of 'em around at times. I could baby sit at points when needed, and could give neglected children of others tours and directions better without having a million popping out of me to neglect at the same time. I had more motherly experiences with cousins twice removed then I normally do with my own children/parents big_smile Much like you did with Delphi, Christine wink It's funny - Delphia's last words as a 58 year old are "Were you successful?"

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